English Building

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Gracious (a) (of people or behavior) kind, polite and generous, especially to sb of a lower

social position

Greenery (n) attractive green leaves and plants The room was decorated with flowers and greenery Dare (v) to be brave enough to do sth He didnt dare to say what he thought Aside (adv) to one side, out of the way Surf (n) large waves in the sea or ocean, and the white foam that they produce as they fall on
the beach, on rocks, etc

The sound of surf breaking on the beach Tempt (v) to attract sb, or make sb to do sth or have sth, even if they know it is wrong He was never tempted to look out at the ocean or the private white-sand beach that stretched to three hundred feet or more along the shore Shore (n) the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, a lake or another large area of water Dazzle (v) if a strong light dazzles you, it is so bright that you cannot see for a short time Adversely (a) negative and unpleasant 25000 people and 11000 buildings could be adversely affected. Thaw (n) a period of warmer weather after following one of cold weather, causing snow and ice to melt The river doubles in size during the spring thaw Upstream (adv) along a river, in the opposite direction to the way in which the water flows Tributary (n) a river or stream that flows into a larger river or a lake The river and its tributaries have caused massive flooding upstream Folk (n) people in general Procedure (n) a way of doing sth, especially the usual and correct way Making a complaint is quite a simple procedure Contentment (n) a feeling of happiness or satisfaction Vase (n) a container made of glass, etc, used for holding cut flowers or as a decorative object A vase of flower Justify (v) to show that sth/sb is right or reasonable Rape (v) to force sb to have sex with you when they do not want to do by threatening them or using

Contender (n) a person who takes part in a competition or tries to win sth Assault (n) the crime of attacking sb physically Decay (n) the process or result of being destroyed by natural causes or by not being cared for

Tooth decay Chew (v) to bite food into small pieces in your mouth with your teeth to make it easier to swallow Plaque (n) a soft substance that forms on teeth and encourages the growth of harmful bacteria Remove plaque by brushing your teeth regularly Accuse (v) to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth She accused him of lying Competence (n) the ability to do sth well Incompetence (n) The government was accused of incompetence Call on (v) to order or request to undertake a particular activity Called on our friends to help/ Austrian finance minister called on him to consider his position Meanwhile (adv) while sth else is happening Remand (v) to send sb away from a court to wait for their trial which will take place at later date Custody (n) the legal right or duty to take care of or keep sb/sth Notorious (a) well known for being bad Jail = prison Bail (n) Outcome (n) We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiation Detention (n)the state of being kept in a place, especially in a prison, and prevented from leaving Police powers of arrest and detention Appliance (n) a machine that is designed to do a particular thing in the home, such as preparing food,
heating or cleaning

They sell a wide range of domestic appliances washing machines, dishwashers and so on Prostate (n) a small organ in men, near the bladder, that produce a liquid in which sperm is carried Aggressive (a) Intake (n) the amount of food, drink that you take into your body To reduce your daily intake of salt Fatal (a) causing or ending in death During this 20-year period, 5,035 of the men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, including 642 fatal cases

Peel (n) the thick skin of some fruits and vegetables Sundae (n) Dressing (n) What kind of dressing would you like to have with your salad? Caffeinated (a) containing caffeine Compound (n) a thing consisting of two or more separate things combined together Lethal (a) deadly, fatal/ causing or able to cause death A lethal dose of poison/ a lethal weapon Validate (v) to prove that sth is true To validate a theory Habitual (a) usual or typical of sb/sth His habitual place at the table Consumption (n) the act of using energy, food or materials Gas and oil consumption always increase in the cold weather Hesitant (a) slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain, embarrassed or unwilling Attendant (n) a person whose job is to serve or help people in public place Patron (n) a person who uses a particular shop/store, restaurant, etc. Patrons are requested not to smoke Stool (n) a seat with legs but with nothing to support your back or arms Rinse (v) to remove soap or dirt from sth with clean water after washing it Soak (v) to put sth in liquid for a time so that it becomes completely wet If you soak tablecloth before you wash it, the stains should come out Televise (v) to broadcast sth on TV The speech will be televised live Trick (v)a way of doing sth that works well; a good method The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck Attendance (n) the number of people present at an organized event Rash (n) an area of red spot on persons skin, caused by an illness or a reaction to sth Passion (n) a very strong feeling of love, anger, enthusiasm, etc. Circumvent (v) to find the way of avoiding difficulty or a rule They found the way of circumventing the law Refinance (v) to borrow money in order to pay a debt Destruction (n) the act of destroying sth; the process of being destroyed

Destruction of property Surplus (n) an amount that is extra or more than you need Leaky (a) having holes or cracks that allow liquid or gas to escape A leaky roof Hailstone (n) the small ball of ice that falls like rain Soothe (v) to make sb who is anxious, upset, etc. to feel calmer The music soothed her for a while/ you should try listening to classical music to soothe your nerves. It works for me Tune (n) usually, a song or musical number Partial (a) not complete or whole It was only a partial solution to the problem/ a partial eclipse of the sun Furnish (v) to supply or provide sb/sth with sth Deposit (n) a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment They normally ask you to pay $100 deposit Steep (a) too much, unreasonable ~ expensive $2 for a cup of coffee seems a little steep to me Split (v) to divide sth into two or more parts and share it between different people, activities, etc. She split the money she won with her brother/ the rent for housing near campus was a little steep, so we decided to find a roommate to split the costs. Lease (n) a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a
period of time, usually in return for rent

Be sure to read carefully the terms of the lease before you sign it because you will be bound to the agreement Tenant (n) a person who pays rent for a use of a room, building, land, etc. to the person who owns it. The decorating was done by the previous tenant Trade-off (n) the act of balancing two things that are opposed to each other There is a trade-off between the benefits of the drug and the risk of side effects Desperate (a) Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save a little girls life Stove (n)a piece of equipment that can burn various fuels and is used for heating room Sturdy (a) Emission (n) the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc. The emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere/ the global carbon emissions reach record

Curb (n,v) sth that controls and puts limits on sth Curbs on government spending Attain (v) to succeed in getting sth especially after a lot of effort Edge (v) to put sth around of the edge of sth Cucumber (n) a long vegetable with dark green skin and light green flesh, that is usually eaten raw Worsen (v) We hope the number will go down, but we fear it will worsen Contaminate (v) to make a substance or place dirty or no longer pure by adding a substance that is
dangerous or carries disease

A river contaminated by pollution Urge (v)to recommend sth strongly Grocery (n) supermarket Receipt (n) a piece of paper that shows that goods or services have been paid for Essential (n) sth that is needed in a particular situation or in order to do a particular thing Having your own computer is an essential for this kind of work Speechless (a) Radical (a) concerning the most basic and important parts of sth The need for radical changes in education Crop (n) a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food Sugar is an important crop on the island Acceleration (n) It is the acceleration of a trend which has already seen food prices double in the last 20 years Overhaul (n,v) an examination of a machine or system, including doing repair on it or making
changes to it

A radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary Pressing (a) needing to be dealt with immediately; urgent The food system must be overhauled if we are to overcome the increasingly pressing changes of climate change, spiraling food prices and the scarcity of land, water and energy/ the government seems to think that international problems are pressing more than domestic ones Spiral (v) to increase rapidly The spiralling cost of health care Scarcity (n) if there is a scarcity of sth, there is not enough of it and it is difficult to obtain it

Poverty (n) the state of being poor Many elderly people live in poverty/ rising food prices are pushing millions of people into extreme poverty Sniff (v) smell Sniffing the fresh morning air Mull over (v) to spend time thinking carefully about a plan or proposal I need some time to mull it over before making a decision Tile (n) a flat, usually square, piece of baked clay, carpet or other material that is used in rows for
covering walls and floors

Clog (v) to block sth or to become blocked The narrow street was clogged with traffic/ the sink is clogged Renovate (v) to repair and paint an old building, a piece of furniture, so that it is in good condition

Renovation (n) Buildings in need of renovation Amenity (n) a feature that makes a place pleasant, comfortable or easy to live in Many of the houses lacked even basic amenities Illusion (n) a false idea or belief, especially about sb or about a situation Shes under illusion that shell get a job Betray (v) betrayal (n) Scar (n) a permanent feeling of great sadness or mental pain that a person is left with after unpleasant

His years in prison have left deep scars/ my husband died 4 years ago and the scar hasnt healed yet Former (a) that used to exist in earlier times In former time Kitchenette (n) a small room or part of a room used as kitchen Sauna (n) Manicure (n) the care and treatment of a persons hands and nails Trim (v) to make sth neater, smaller, better, etc. by cutting parts from it Hair trimmer (n) Drum up (v) to try hard to get support or business Nomination (n) the act of suggesting or choosing sb as a candidate in an election, or for a job or an

Nominate (v) Leading candidates to become international monetary fund (IMF) are trying to drum up support ahead of the deadline for nomination later Sweat shirt (n) Malicious (a) having or showing hatred and a desire to harm sb or hurt their feelings Confidential (a) meant to be kept secret and not told to or shared with other people Your medical records are strictly confidential Involvement (n) the act of taking part in sth Back (v) support Her parents backed her in her choice of career Shortage (n) a situation when there is not enough of the people or things that are needed The challenge to food security presented by water shortages and climate change Impending (a) (usually of an unpleasant event) that is going to happen very soon Warning of impending disaster/ doubling supply is one option to the impending food shortage Absurd (a) completely ridiculous; not logical and sensible That uniform makes the guards look absurd Doze (v) to sleep lightly for a short time Doze off (v) Bizarre (a) very strange or unusual Snore (v) to breathe nosily through your nose and mouth while you are asleep I could hear Paul snoring in the next room Recital (n) a public performance of music or poetry, usually given by one person or a small group To give a piano recital Rewarding (a) Footage (n) part of a film showing a particular event Rob (v) to steal money or property from a person or place The gang had robbed and killed the drugstore owner Beard (n) hair that grows on the chin and cheeks of a mans face; similar hair that grows on animal Bearded (a) Wavy (a) having curves; not straight Catchup (n)

Diabetes (n) Purify (v) to make sth pure by removing substances that are dirty, harmful or not wanted Ordinary (a) not unusual or different in any way But with ordinary sand, filtering techniques can be tricky Pathogen (n) a thing that causes disease The spread of pathogens by insect Insect (n) Retention (n) the action of keeping liquid, heat inside sth rather than letting it escape Bacon (n) meat from the back or sides of a pig Sausage (n) Pepperoni (n) a type of spicy sausage Pineapple (n) Flesh (n) Shrimp (n) Promptly (a) exactly at the correct time or at the time mentioned Negotiator (n) a person who is involved in formal political or financial discussions, especially
because it is their job

Crumb (n) a very small piece of food, especially of bread or cake, that has fallen off a larger piece Throw in (v)add, provide, include If you buy the sofa, well throw in this coffee table Vacuum (n,v) Scrub (v) to clean sth by rubbing it hard, perhaps with a brush and usually with soap and water Rake (n) a garden tool with a long handle and a row metal points at the end, used for gathering fallen
leaves and making soil smooth

Milk shake (n) Weed (n) a wild plant growing where it is not wanted, especially among crops or garden plants The yard was overgrown with weeds Considerate (a) always thinking of other peoples wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or upset

She is always polite and considerate towards her employees Butter sbup (v) to say nice things to sb so that they will help you or give you sth Hes always trying to butter up the boss Encounter (v) to experience sth, especially sth unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do sth

We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week Plaster cast (n)stookie Surgeon (n) Surgical (a) Ligament (n)a strong band of tissue in the body that connects bones and supports organs and keep
them in position

Brace (n) Immobile (a)not moving; unable to move His illness has left him completely immobile Immobilize (v) to prevent sth/sb from moving or from working normally Some snakes inject their prey with poison in order to immobilize it Rigid (a)very strict and difficult to change Rehabilitation (n) Picky (a) (of a person) liking only particular things and difficult to please Shes very picky about her cloths Choosy (a) careful in choosing; difficult to please Appeal (v)a quality that makes sb/sth attractive or interesting The Beatles have never really lost their appeal Promote (v) to help sell a product, service or make it more popular by advertising it or offering it at the
special price

The band has gone on tour to promote their new album Parental (a) connected with parent or parents PG (abbreviation) parental guidance. Run time (n) a length of time a movie plays Lay bare (v) Mounting (a) increasing, often in a manner that causes or expresses anxiety There is mounting evidence of serious effects on peoples health/ in the face of mounting pressure, the president decided to act Unease (n) the feeling of being worried or unhappy about sthx` Deficit (n) Deadlock (v,n)a complete failure to reach an agreement or settle an agreement They had been deadlocked over finding a way to cut spending and raise the debt limit as the Tuesday deadline approached Amount (v) to add up to sth

Bummer (n) a disappointing or unpleasant situation Its a real bummer that she cant come Dumb (a) unable to speak She was born deaf and dumb Cop (n) (informal) a police officer Ceiling (n) the highest limit or amount of sth Avert (v) to prevent sth bad or dangerous from happening A disaster was narrowly averted Expiry (n) an ending of the period of time when an official document can be used, or when an
agreement is valid

Treasury (n) the government department that controls public money Decisive (a) very important for the final result of a particular situation Climate was a decisive factor in establishing where the tournament should be held Boost (v) to make sth increase or become better or more successful He urged congress to now look to boost economy through measures to create jobs and increase consumer confidence Prescribe (v) to tell sb to take a particular medicine or have a particular treatment He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough Herbal (a) Stuffy (a) warm in an unpleasant way and without enough fresh air It gets very hot and stuffy in here in summer Undergo (v) to experience sth, especially a change or sth unpleasant My mother underwent major surgery last year/All patients undergoing cancer treatment should be told to do 150 minutes of physical exercise every week Intervene (v) to become involved in a situation in order to improve or help it She might have been killed if the neighbors hadnt intervened Wobble (n,v) a slight unsteady movement from side to side Obligation (n) the state of being forced to do sth because it is your duty, or because of a law Blame (v) to think or to say that sb/sth is responsible for sth bad She doesnt blame anyone for her fathers death Inhale (v) to take air, smoke, gas, etc. into your lungs as you breathe She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply

Refrain (v) to stop yourself from doing sth, especially sth that you want to do Please refrain from smoking Refund (n) a sum of money that is paid back to you, especially because you paid too much or because
you returned goods to a shop/store

If there is a delay of 12 hours or more, you will receive a full refund of the price of your trip Shrink (v) That sweater will shrink if you put it in the dryer Stitch (v) to use needle and thread to repair, join or decorate piece of cloth The pocket was stitched to the front of the jacket Bargain (n) a thing that bought less than the usual price I picked up a few good bargains in the sale Fine print (n) the an important detail of an agreement or a legal document that are usually printed in
small type and are therefore easy to miss

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