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1. Discuss how classification systems have undergone several changes over a period of time ?
2. State two economically important use of : (i) Heterotrophic bacteria (ii) Archaebacteria.
3. What is the nature of cell wall in diatoms ?
4. Find out what do the terms 'algal bloom' and 'red tides' signify ?
5. How are viroids are different from viruses ?
6. Describe briefly the four major groups of protozoa.
7. Plants are autotrophic. Can you think of some plants that are partially heterotrophic ?
8. What do the terms 'phycobiont' and 'mycobiont' signify ?
9. Give a comparative account of the classes of kingdom Fungi under the following :Mode of
nutrition. Mode of reproduction.
10. What are the characteristic features of Euglenoids ?
11. Give a brief account of viruses with respect to their structure and nature of genetic material.
Also name four common viral diseases.
12. Organise a discussion in your class on the topic. Are viruses living or non-living ?

Very Short Answer Type Questions

1. What is phenetics ?
2. Who introduced the term 'New Systematics' ?
3. What is cladistics ?
4. Name the two kingdoms of the living world proposed by Linnaeus.
5. Who introduced five kingdoms classification ?
6. Give names of five kingdoms proposed by Whittaker.
7. What are protists ?
8. What are eukaryotes ?
9. What are prokaryotes ?
10. In which kingdom are bacteria included ?
11. Who discovered bacteria ?
12. Expand PPLO. What is its other name ?
13. Name the three major groups of Archaebacteria.
14. Name the three major groups of protists.
15. Name the organism causing amoebic dysentry.
16. Which protozoan causes malaria ?
17. Which organism is responsible for transmission of malarial parasite ?
18. Name the group of fungi commonly called sac fungi.
19. Which group of fungi is called algal fungi ?
20. Who obtained viruses in crystallised form for the first time ?
21. What is mixotrophic nutrition ? Give one example.
22. Which kingdoms have cells with cell wall around them ?
23. Name the group of bacteria commonly called 'sac fungi'.
24. Why some fungi grouped under 'fungi imperfecti' ?
25. Name the protists which share the characters of both animals and fungi.
26. Expand TMV.
27. What type genetic material is present in Tobacco Mosaic Virus ?
28. What are bacteriophages ?
29. Name the RNA particles causing symptoms like that of a virus.
Short Answer Type Questions

1. Write notes on (a) Numerical taxonomy (b) Chemotaxonomy.

2. Compare the salient features of Monera and Protista.
3. Write the distinct characters of fungi.
4. How Ascomycetes are different from Basidiomycetes ?
5. Draw well labelled diagrams of (a) Bacterial cell (b) Euglena.
6. Write salient features of viruses.
7. Compare the different types of fruiting bodies in fungi.
8. Differentiate briefly the characteristics of kingdom Plantae and Animalia.
9. Draw well labelled diagram of (a) Bacteriophage (b) Nostoc (c) TMV.
10. Distinguish between cytotaxonomy and chemotaxonomy.
11. Give the brief differences between natural and phylogenetic systems of classification.
12. What are (a) Methanogens (b) Halophiles (c) Thermoacidophiles ?
13. Write notes on (a) Mycoplasma (b) Archaebacteria (c) Viroids.
14. Differentiate between bacteria and blue green algae.
15. Name the causal organisms of the following. (a) Malaria (b) Amoebiasis (c) African sleeping
16. List the characteristic features of slime moulds.
17. Differentiate between plasmodium and Plasmodium.
18. Describe the structure of a bacterial cell.
19. Give the name of the fungus which (a) produces a plant diseases (b) is edible (c) is a source
of antibiotic (d) is used in the manufacture of ethanol.
20. Name the groups of fungi to which following belong. Yeast, Morels, Puff balls, Bracket fungi.
21. Describe different forms of lichens.
22. Write the economic importance of lichens.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Discuss different systems of classification briefly.

2. Discuss reproduction in fungi.
3. Highlight the criteria used for five kingdom system of classification.
4. Explain the distinguishing features of kingdom Animalia.
5. With the help of labelled diagram, describe the structure of a cell of blue green algae.
6. Describe the structure and mode of reproduction in slime moulds.
7. Give an account of structure and life cycle of bacteriophages.

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