Manejo Cancer in Pregnancy Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes

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Volume 54, Number 4, 574–590

r 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Cancer in Pregnancy:
Fetal and Neonatal
Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University Medical
Center, Center for Perinatal Research, Nationwide Children’s
Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

Abstract: Cancer during pregnancy represents a associated cancer are diagnosed annually
potential conflict between optimal maternal treatment in the United States, accounting for 19%
and fetal development. Traditionally, clinicians oper-
ated under the assumption that cancer treatment of mortality in women between the ages of
during pregnancy is incompatible with normal fetal 15 and 34 years.1 Although recent data
development. However, recent evidence suggests that suggest that the incidence of cancer in preg-
many diagnostic and treatment modalities cause little nancy is 1 per 1000 pregnant women, this
or no harm to the developing fetus. As such, both number is expected to rise with a growing
maternal and neonatal interests should be considered
when developing management strategies for pregnant number of women choosing to delay child-
cancer patients. In this review, we will discuss issues bearing until more advanced ages.2
related to fetal and neonatal health associated with Fetal development is characterized by
conventional diagnostic and treatment approaches in rapid cellular division and early differen-
the care of pregnant women with cancer. In addition, tiation, making this period vulnerable to
we offer recommendations on strategies to maximize
fetal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by cancer. various cancer treatments. Historically,
Key Words: Pregnancy, cancer, neonate, fetus this led some investigators to conclude
that treatment of cancer was incompatible
with normal fetal development and
should be avoided during pregnancy.
Contemporary management strategies
Introduction have attempted to address both maternal
Cancer is the leading cause of nonacci- and fetal interests. In fact, there is emer-
dental death among women during the ging evidence that many diagnostic stu-
reproductive years. It is estimated that dies and treatments are safe for the
over 3500 new cases of pregnancy- developing fetus. However, clinicians
Correspondence: Carl H. Backes, MD, The Ohio State continue to misinterpret the fetal risks
University Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, associated with the treatment of cancer
N118 Doan Hall, 410W. 10th Avenue, Columbus, OH during pregnancy, often resulting in de-
43210-1228. E-mail: carl.backes@nationwidechildrens.
com lays in maternal diagnosis, iatrogenic pre-
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose. term delivery, or pregnancy termination.


574 |
Cancer in Pregnancy 575

In this review, we will address issues teratogens. Exposure to chemotherapy

related to fetal and neonatal health after or radiation during this period significantly
the treatment of cancer during pregnancy, increases the risk for malformations above
including an assessment of the fetal risks the 1% to 6% background risk inherent to
associated with conventional diagnostic all pregnancies.5 For instance, previous
and management strategies. Specifically, investigators have estimated that use of
we will investigate the fetal and neonatal multiagent chemotherapy during this stage
effects of the 3 primary modalities in carries as much as a 25% risk of fetal
cancer treatment (chemotherapy, radia- malformations.6
tion, and surgery) and discuss potential
strategies to optimize outcomes in the at- ‘‘Late’’ First Trimester
risk mother-infant dyad.
(Weeks 8–15)
Whereas most of the organs are already
Development formed by 8 weeks, many organ systems
Fetal development is a highly regulated continue to develop throughout gesta-
biological process vulnerable to outside tion, including the central nervous system
influences. Although genetic susceptibil- (CNS). Weeks 8 to 15 in fetal CNS devel-
ities likely modify the teratogenic poten- opment are characterized by neuronal
tial of chemotherapy or radiation, it is proliferation and migration from prolif-
clear the developing fetus is particularly erative zones to the cerebral cortex, after
sensitive during critical periods of devel- which neurons become perennial cells and
opment.3 Thus, an accurate assessment of lose their capacity divide. Exposure to
the gestational age of the fetus at the time ionizing radiation or chemotherapy dur-
of exposure is important in determining ing this period can produce a number of
the nature of the insult. CNS abnormalities, including mental
Conceptual Period
(Week 0–2) Second and Third Trimester
The conceptual period encompasses the Exposure (>15 Weeks)
time from fertilization to the establish- Weeks 16 to 25 are marked by in situ
ment of pregnancy. This period is marked cellular differentiation and synaptogen-
by a lack of cell differentiation or orga- esis. Exposure to cancer treatment during
nogenesis. Exposure of the conceptus to this period produces more functional
chemotherapy or radiation during this CNS deficits, including a loss of intelli-
time period results in either spontaneous gence (IQ). Beyond 25 weeks of gestation,
abortion or no adverse effects, referred to most of the cryoarchitectural develop-
as the ‘‘all or nothing’’ phenomenon.4 ment and cellular differentiation of the
Therefore, although extraneous influ- brain is complete, so the adverse effects of
ences can result in termination of the fetal radiation or chemotherapy on the
pregnancy at this stage (ie, blastocyst fails CNS are greatly diminished. However,
to implant), there is likely no increased exposure after 25 weeks of gestation can
teratogenic risk if the embryo survives. cause adverse effects on fetal growth,
most notably intrauterine growth restric-
‘‘Early’’ First Trimester tion (IUGR).4
(Weeks 3–8)
This period is one of rapid cell division Background Risk to the Fetus
and differentiation, and represents the Clinicians must be aware of the back-
period of greatest vulnerability to ground incidence of adverse birth
576 Backes et al

outcomes associated with all pregnancies. Chemotherapy in First

In other words, there is an inherent risk of Trimester of Pregnancy
malformations, developmental delay, and The first trimester of pregnancy is a per-
IUGR associated with all pregnancies, iod of significant fetal growth and orga-
even in the absence of maternal cancer. nogenesis. To that end, it is not surprising
For instance, IUGR is a well-described that chemotherapy-induced malforma-
fetal effect after in utero exposure to tions are primarily seen after exposure
chemotherapy or radiation. However, during this time period. A study by Ebert
the background incidence of IUGR et al10 reviewed fetal outcomes in 217
among uncomplicated pregnancies is 4% cases where chemotherapy was given dur-
to 8%.7 Thus, risk for adverse fetal out- ing pregnancy for a variety of malignant
comes in pregnancies complicated by can- diseases. Over the 12-year period in re-
cer must always be placed in the context of view, the authors identified 18 infants
background risks. with congenital malformation. Of those
infants, 15 (83.3%) were exposed to che-
motherapy in the first trimester. In addi-
tion, Randall et al11 reported on 210
Chemotherapy children who were exposed to chemother-
Historically, the use of chemotherapy apy during gestation. Of the 29 children
during pregnancy was considered to be with malformations, 27 (93%) were ex-
incompatible with normal fetal develop- posed to chemotherapy during the first
ment. This led clinicians to recommend trimester.
either termination of the pregnancy or It is important to recognize that the
suboptimal cancer treatment for the teratogenic potential of chemotherapeu-
mother. In contrast to previous assump- tic agents is influenced by the type of drug,
tions, short-term outcomes after prenatal amount, and use of single or combination
exposure to chemotherapy seem to be chemotherapy regimens. For instance, a
positive.8 landmark study by Doll et al6 reported on
139 cases of first trimester exposure to
chemotherapy. Although malformations
were observed in 17% of infants exposed
Biological Properties to single-agent regimens, the authors
The majority of chemotherapeutic agents noted a 25% incidence after multiple
have the biological characteristics neces- agent regimens.
sary to cross the placenta, including a
molecular weight less than 600 kd. The
Food and Drug Administration classifies
most chemotherapy drugs as class C,
Chemotherapy Later in
meaning there is animal evidence to sug- Gestation: Effects on Fetal
gest a teratogenic effect from drug expo- Growth
sure.9 However, although there is These is a growing body of evidence
evidence in animal models that che- showing that chemotherapy use in the
motherapy causes genetic damage in so- second and third trimester of pregnancy
matic cells (such as chromosomal does not increase the risk of fetal malfor-
breakage, cell-cycle alterations, muta- mations. For instance, one study found
tions, deletions) these mutagenic changes that the incidence of fetal malformations
have not translated into fetal abnormal- after in utero chemotherapy is 14% to
ities, as most fetuses exposed to che- 19% in the first trimester compared with
motherapy develop normally.8 1.3% in the second and third trimesters.6
Cancer in Pregnancy 577

Of note, the background risk of major rate in excess of 6 times that of their
malformations in uncomplicated preg- normally grown peers.16 Although the
nancies is 1% to 6%.2 In addition, a more background incidence of IUGR is 4% to
recent study by Ring et al12 evaluated the 8% of uncomplicated pregnancies, it is
fetal effects of a contemporary che- believed to occur 2 to 3 times as often in
motherapeutic regimen in the treatment pregnancies exposed to chemotherapy in
of 28 women with breast cancer. Sixteen the second and third trimester.17
women received anthracycline-based che- A study by Calsteren et al18 showed
motherapy and 12 were treated with cy- that infants exposed to chemotherapy
clophosphamide, methotrexate, and after the first trimester are also at risk
fluorouracil (CMF). None of the 27 chil- for being small for gestational age (SGA),
dren exposed to chemotherapy in the defined as birth weight less than 10th
second or third trimester had congenital percentile for given gestational age. The
malformation. The only fetus that was incidence of SGA was 32% (9/28 cases)
exposed to chemotherapy (CMF) in the among women treated for hematological
first trimester resulted in a spontaneous cancers compared with 12% (17/147)
abortion. among women treated for all other types
Although exposure to chemotherapy cancers. This finding is consistent with
after the first trimester of pregnancy does previous studies showing that hematolo-
not seem to increase the risk for malfor- gical cancers, most notably acute leuke-
mations, there is an increased risk for mia, are at the greatest risk for poor fetal
reduced fetal growth. A study by Zemlickis growth.19 The above findings underscore
et al13 evaluated the effects of chemo- the need for close monitoring of fetal
therapy during pregnancy on fetal out- growth patterns during pregnancies com-
comes in 21 pregnancies over a 30-year plicated by malignancies requiring
period. Although the authors found no chemotherapy.
increased risk of malformations after the
use of chemotherapy in the second or
third trimester of pregnancy, they noted
a significantly lower birth weight than Timing of Delivery: Emergence
age-matched controls (2227 ± 558 g vs. of the ‘‘Late Preterm’’ Infant
3519 ± 272 g, P<0.001) even after con- In pregnancies requiring chemotherapy,
trolling for the higher rate of prematurity there is no consensus on the optimal time
in the exposed cohort. Specifically, the to deliver the infant. After the final cycle
number of infants born at less than the of chemotherapy, delivery is typically de-
50th percentile of weight for gestational layed for 3 weeks to avoid peak fetal or
age was higher in the chemotherapy-ex- maternal neutropenia and possible subse-
posed cohort than controls (78% vs. 18%, quent infection. In settings where che-
P<0.01). Considering that there is strong motherapy is being continued after
evidence that lower birth weight is asso- delivery, or in the setting of a planned
ciated with the increased risk of mortality, delay in treatment during pregnancy,
the finding that chemotherapy in the sec- some clinicians advocate inducing deliv-
ond and third trimester is associated with ery as early as 32 weeks.4 However, this
reduced birth weight has important clin- practice has led to an increased number of
ical implications on fetal health.14 premature births among pregnancies
IUGR is a pathological process where complicated by cancer. For instance, a
the infants fail to achieve their in utero recent study of pregnant mothers with
growth potential.15 Pregnancies compli- invasive cancer found that children are
cated by IUGR have a perinatal mortality born preterm (less than 37 wk) in over half
578 Backes et al

of cases (54.2%), with most requiring 35, and 36 weeks of gestation were 10.5,
admission to the neonatal intensive care 7.2, and 5.3 times higher, respectively,
unit (NICU). Importantly, 89.7% of the compared with term controls.24
preterm deliveries were iatrogenically in- We recognize that clinicians must also
duced.18 Preterm birth accounts for 70% take into account a number of important
of neonatal death and up to 75% of maternal factors when deciding on the
neonatal morbidity, with surviving in- timing of delivery, most notably the need
fants at significant risk for a number of to avoid chemotherapy after 34 weeks of
short and long complications, including gestation to minimize the risk of sponta-
neurodevelopmental delays.20 To that neous delivery during the nadir period.
end, some investigators have recently sug- However, in the absence of clear maternal
gested that neonatal morbidity is less a or fetal indications for delivery, efforts to
function of exposure to various cancer deliver the infant at term (>37 wk gesta-
treatments and more related to premature tion) have clear benefits to the health of
delivery.21 the neonate.
Recent evidence also suggests that in
pregnancies complicated by cancer, there
are a growing number of ‘‘late preterm’’ Chemotherapy Regimens
births, defined as delivery between 34 0/7 The teratogenic effects of chemotherapy
and 36 6/7 weeks of gestation. In fact, a on the developing fetus not only depend
recent study of pregnancies complicated on the time of administration but also on
by cancer found that 85% of preterm the biological properties of the drug ad-
infants were ‘‘late preterm.’’18 Histori- ministered. Available information on the
cally, 34 weeks of gestation was a surro- teratogenic potential of various che-
gate marker for lung maturity. However, motherapy drugs is largely based on case
recent evidence suggests that ‘‘late pre- reports and small cohort studies. In addi-
term’’ infants are physiologically imma- tion, most studies involve exposure to
ture compared with infants born at term, multiple chemotherapeutic agents or con-
placing them at greater risk for a wide comitant radiation, limiting the ability to
range of complications, including tem- estimate the effect of individualized drugs
perature instability, respiratory distress, on fetal health. However, a review of the
seizures, jaundice, feeding difficulties, literature suggests that certain drugs have
periventricular leukomalacia, re-hospita- a higher teratogenic potential and should
lization, and death.22 A 10-year (1992 to be avoided during the first trimester
2002) population-based study compared (Table 1).
the mortality rates between ‘‘late pre-
term’’ infants (n = 6391) and term infants
(n = 88, 867). The authors found that
neonatal mortality (deaths among infants
0 to 27 d chronological age) and infant (Methotrexate, Aminopterin,
mortality (death among infants 0 to 364 d 5-Fluorouracil)
chronological age) were 5.5 and 3.5 times Methotrexate (MTX) is one of the leading
greater in the ‘‘late preterm’’ group, re- causes of chemotherapy-related birth de-
spectively.23 Similarly, a study by Young fects.2 Historically, MTX was used as an
and colleagues showed that mortality and abortifacient, and continues to be used in
the relative risk of death decreases with the medical treatment of ectopic preg-
each increasing week in gestational age. nancy. Although low-dose MTX in the
Specifically, the relative risks of infant treatment of various rheumatological dis-
mortality in pregnancies delivered at 34, eases has been reported to be safe during
Cancer in Pregnancy 579

TABLE 1. Risk of Congenital Malforma- was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, and
tion to Fetus After Exposure to subsequently found to have a neuroblas-
Chemotherapeutic Drugs During toma at age 14. In 15 reported cases of
the First Trimester of Pregnancy busulfan use during pregnancy, there
Births With Congenital were 2 reported cases of malformations,
Drug Name Malformations (%) including pyloric stenosis and unilateral
Chlorambucil 50.0
renal agenesis. Importantly, both cases
Aminopterin 33.3 were seen after second trimester exposure.
5-flourouracil 33.3 Given that chlorambucil is considered one
Methotrexate 25.0 of the most teratogenic chemotherapeutic
Cyclophosphamide 12.5 agents, its use should be limited to life-
Busulfan 11.1
threatening maternal conditions in the
Modified from Pavlidis NA. Coexistence of pregnancy and third trimester of pregnancy.28
malignancy. Oncologist. 2002;7(4):279–287.

pregnancy, higher doses, particularly dur-

ing the first trimester of pregnancy, have Vinca Alkaloids (Vincristine,
been associated with severe skeletal and Vinblastine)
CNS defects.25 Aminopterin, also used as This class of chemotherapy agents are
an abortifacient, results in fetal malfor- highly protein bound thereby limiting
mation in half of pregnancies that fail the potential for transplacental move-
abortion. In a recent study, 5-flurouracil ment into the fetal circulation.6 A review
did not result in any adverse fetal or of 111 infants exposed in utero to vincris-
neonatal effects and appears to be well tine or vinblastine had rates of IUGR
tolerated during pregnancy.26 (8%) similar to background rates seen in
the general population.26 Thus, this class
of chemotherapy is considered to be rela-
Alkylating Agents tively safe for the developing fetus.
(Cyclophosphamide, Busulfan,
Cyclophosphamide remains an important Platinum Agents (Cisplatin)
part of chemotherapy regimens for breast Cisplatin has consistently been associated
cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The with growth restriction and hearing loss.
use of cyclophosphamide in the first tri- However, the incidence of hearing ab-
mester has been associated with a number normalities after exposure to platinum-
of teratogenic effects, including renal based therapy remains similar to the
agenesis, ocular abnormalities, and cleft background rates in uncomplicated preg-
palate.26 Interestingly, cyclophospha- nancies. A recent systematic review of the
mide is the only agent to be associated literature by Mir et al29 included 43 preg-
with chemotherapy-induced childhood nancies treated with platinum derivates
cancer. Zemlickis et al27 described a case for a variety of maternal malignancies,
of first trimester cyclophosphamide expo- including melanoma, cervical, and ovar-
sure in a twin pregnancy. Although one of ian cancers. Of the 43 pregnancies, the
the twins was healthy, the other was born authors identified 2 cases (4%) of fetal
with multiple congenital anomalies, in- malformations after in utero exposure to
cluding esophageal atresia, an abnormal cisplatin; 1 case involved use of multia-
inferior vena cava, and limb deforma- gent chemotherapy during the first
tions. At 11 years of age, the affected twin trimester.
580 Backes et al

Anthracyclines (Doxorubicin, agents, they are unable to account for a

Daunorubicin, Idarubicin, wide range of important variables that
likely influence fetal toxicity, including
Epirubicin) dose, regimen, type of maternal cancer,
Doxorubicin and daunorubicin are
or maternal health status. In addition, the
widely used in the treatment of acute
lack of data on the pharmacokinetic and
lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloid
pharmacodynamic properties of che-
leukemia, breast cancer, non-Hodgkin
motherapeutic agents during pregnancy
lymphoma, and sarcoma. The primary
makes it difficult to predict the fetal ef-
concern with anthracycline use is the
fects of any single agent.
development of cardiotoxicity, with
pediatric studies showing that higher
cumulative dosages of anthracyclines in- Targeted Therapies
crease the risk of cardiac damage.30 The Traztuzumab, a humanized IgG mono-
largest study evaluating the potential clonal antibody, has been shown to im-
long-term effects of in utero exposure to prove survival of breast cancer patients
anthracyclines was conducted by Aviles with tumors overexpressing HER2.34
et al.31 The authors evaluated 81 children However, the safety of trastuzumab’s
whose mothers were treated with anthra- use in pregnancy has not been established.
cycline-based chemotherapeutic regimens A review of the literature by Azim et al35
during pregnancy. Clinical examinations identified 15 cases of trastuzumab expo-
and echocardiograms evaluated for the sure during pregnancy. The primary ad-
presence of cardiotoxicity at an average verse effect of trastuzumab was a marked
age of 17.1 years (9.3 to 29.5). No children reduction in amniotic fluid volume (anhy-
showed any evidence of cardiac dramnios or oligohydramnios) seen in
dysfunction. over half of exposures (8/15, 53%). In
There is limited data on the safety of addition, in the 8 pregnancies with a
more recent anthracycline agents, includ- decreased amniotic fluid volume, 4
ing idarubicin and epirubicin. Both drugs (50%) resulted in neonatal death second-
are more lipophilic than other anthracy- ary to respiratory or renal failure. Con-
cline agents, theoretically increasing their sidering that HER-2 is important in renal
risk for placental transfer.26 A study of development and is highly expressed on
idarubicin use among 5 pregnancies re- fetal kidneys, there may be a causative
ported fetal complications in all cases, link between the use of trastuzumab and
including fetal cardiomyopathy, IUGR, the development of oligohydramnios.36
and intrauterine demise.32 In contrast, in To that end, available data do not support
a recent study by Peccatori et al33 exam- trastuzumab’s use during pregnancy.
ining women given weekly epirubicin
(35 mg/m2) for locally advanced or meta- Taxanes
static breast cancer, the authors reported A systematic review of the literature by
that only 1 of 20 infants had fetal mal- Mir et al37 identified 23 publications de-
formation (polycystic kidney disease). scribing 40 women treated with taxanes
Importantly, at a median age of 2 years, (paclitaxel and/or docetaxal) during preg-
all children were developing normally, nancy primarily for breast or ovarian
with no reported cases of neurological or cancer. The only malformation poten-
immunological deficits. tially related to taxane exposure among
Although these reviews provide clini- the 42 neonates reviewed was 1 case of
cians with valuable information on the pyloric stenosis, seen after the use of a
potential risks of various chemotherapeutic multiagent chemotherapy regimen in the
Cancer in Pregnancy 581

first trimester (cyclophosphamide, doxo- ‘‘normally’’ compared with siblings or

rubicin, paclitaxel, and docetaxal). Thus, children of a similar age. Among the 18
it appears that taxanes have a favorable children of school age at the time of the
safety profile for use during the second survey, only 2 were noted to have learning
and third trimester of pregnancy. or behavioral problems (1 child with
Down syndrome, 1 child with attention
deficit disorder). Although this effort to
Antiangiogenic Agents provide longitudinal follow-up on these
(Bevacizumab, Bunitinib, at-risk children is commendable, the sub-
Sorafenib) jective nature of the developmental as-
There is ongoing interest in the use of sessment may have limited their ability
antiangiogenic agents in the treatment of to detect more subtle consequences of in
cancer. Evidence from late stage human utero chemotherapy exposure on neuro-
trials suggest that antiangiogenic agents, development and behavior.
including bevacizumab, may play an im- The largest study evaluating the long-
portant role in inhibiting the development term outcomes of children exposed in
of tumors and the progression of various utero to chemotherapy was conducted
malignancies.38 However, vascular en- by Aviles et al.41 All children were ex-
dothelial growth factor signaling in vas- posed to chemotherapy for the treatment
culogenesis and angiogenesis is critical for of maternal hematological malignancies.
normal fetal development. Although Of note, 45% (38/84) received chemother-
there is limited evidence on the terato- apy during the first trimester of preg-
genic potential of antiangiogenic agents nancy. Children were evaluated across a
in humans, animal studies have consis- variety of parameters, including anthro-
tently shown that vascular endothelial pomorphic measurements, educational
growth factor-targeted agents result in performance, and neurological and psy-
embryo-lethal effects and developmental chological testing. The median age of
malformations.39 Thus, the use of anti- available follow-up was 18.7 years (range,
angiogenic agents in the treatment of 6–29 y). For all children, the authors iden-
cancer during pregnancy cannot be re- tified no abnormalities across any of the
commended at the present time. outcome measures reviewed. The authors
concluded that chemotherapy for hema-
tological malignancies can be safely ad-
Long-term Consequences of In ministered during pregnancy without an
Utero Chemotherapy Exposure increased risk for adverse long-term neu-
There is limited data on the long-term robehavioral effects. However, given the
effects of in utero chemotherapy expo- small numbers and lack of method-
sure. One of the largest studies was con- ological detail provided, these results
ducted by Hahn et al40 who described the should be interpreted with caution. Lar-
outcome of 40 children born to women ger, well-designed follow-up trials are ne-
with breast cancer treated with FAC (5- cessary before the long-term safety of
fluorouracil, doxorubicin, cyclophospha- chemotherapy during pregnancy can be
mide) in the adjuvant or neoadjuvant established.
setting. Most of the chemotherapy was
administered during the second trimester of
pregnancy (median 23, range 11 to 34 wk). At Radiation
the time of the survey, the authors reported Historically, many investigators believed
that 97% of children (range, 2–157 mo) ex- that all forms of radiation, including
posed to chemotherapy were developing diagnostic and therapeutic exposure,
582 Backes et al

should be avoided during pregnancy.2 atomic bomb. Of those subjects, 25

This not only led to concern in the general (1.6%) were found to be mentally re-
public, but also led to delays in maternal tarded (MR). Of the children with radia-
diagnosis; with potential for adverse ef- tion-induced MR, all were 8 to 25 weeks
fects on maternal or fetal health. of gestation at the time of exposure, with
Although it remains prudent for clinicians most 8 to 15 weeks (83%, 15/18). These
to minimize radiation exposure during finding led the authors to conclude that
pregnancy, recent evidence suggests that the absolute risk of mental retardation
many contemporary diagnostic studies, after exposure to high level radiation
and even some forms of radiotherapy, (>1 Gy) at 8 to 15 weeks of gestation is
are safe for the developing fetus.42 How- 44% (95% CI, 26%–62%).44 In addition,
ever, misinterpretation of existing data on Schull et al45 found that 1 Gy of radiation
the safety of radiation during pregnancy exposure at 8 to 15 weeks translates into a
continues. A recent study showed that 5% 21-point decrease in IQ at 10 to 11 years of
of Canadian obstetricians would recom- age (95% CI, 12–30). A similar, but smal-
mend termination of pregnancy after an ler, decrease in IQ of about 13 points
abdominal computed tomography (CT) (95% CI, 3–24) per 1 Gy was also seen
scan early in pregnancy.43 However, the among a cohort exposed at 16 to 25 weeks.
radiation dose from an abdominal CT is It is important to note that the adverse
below described thresholds for adverse consequences of high radiation doses on
fetal effects. In an effort to address any mental retardation and IQ were not ap-
misperceptions about the effects of pre- parent across other gestation ages (0 to
natal radiation exposure, clinicians must 7 wk, >25 wk). Thus, the gestational age
be familiar with currently accepted radia- of the fetus at the time of exposure, even in
tion thresholds, as well as the theoretical the setting of high-dose radiation levels,
foundation for those levels. We will dis- largely determines the nature of the fetal
cuss the expected radiation dose from insult and is consistent with developmen-
conventional diagnostic and therapeutic tal vulnerabilities of the CNS during that
strategies, the magnitude of risk to the time period. In addition, although the risk
developing fetus, and available techni- of mental retardation or loss of intelli-
ques to minimize fetal exposure. gence is significant after exposure to 1 Gy
of radiation, this level of exposure is not
achieved by over 20 consecutive CT scans
Threshold Effects: What Level of the abdomen and pelvis. These findings
Is Safe? have important implications on the risk
Threshold (‘‘deterministic’’) effects refer assessment provided to pregnant patients
to exposure levels below which no adverse after various exposures.
fetal and neonatal outcomes have been Contemporary deterministic thresh-
observed. Contemporary threshold levels olds for mental retardation after in utero
are largely based on survivors of atomic radiation exposure are highly speculative
bomb explosions, wherein the adverse in nature. A review of the literature re-
fetal effects of high-dose radiation expo- veals large discrepancies in what consti-
sure (>1 Gy) are used to predict the risk of tutes lower threshold values for various
low-dose exposures. The reader is referred adverse fetal effects. For instance, despite
to the chapter on therapeutic radiation for using similar data (survivors of atomic
a discussion of units of radiation. bomb) to base their predictions, there is
A study by Otake and Schull (1998) marked variance in the threshold levels
investigated 1566 subjects exposed in for mental retardation reported in the
utero to radiation after the Japanese literature, ranging from 0.06 Gy to
Cancer in Pregnancy 583

0.31 Gy.46,47 In addition, some authors including x-rays. However, the fetal ex-
have suggested that when the exposure is posure after conventional abdominal and
less than 0.5 Gy, the risk of MR is similar lumbar x-ray is estimated to be as much as
to background rates in the general popu- 0.003 Gy and 0.006 Gy, respectively.49
lation.48 Threshold levels for in utero Studies distant from the fetus (chest, ex-
radiation represent extrapolations from tremities) can be safely performed at any
high-dose exposures, wherein best-fit time during pregnancy, as uterine shield-
curves based on small data sets are mod- ing with a lead apron greatly minimizes
eled to predict the potential adverse ef- fetal radiation exposure. Therefore, under
fects of low-dose exposure. In light of standard operating conditions, including
these inconsistencies, clinicians must be the use of uterine shielding with a lead
aware that there is no evidence showing apron, with contemporary radiological
that in utero radiation exposure to 0.1 Gy equipment, fetal exposure after x-ray ima-
is associated with any adverse fetal effects, ging is well below deterministic thresh-
including mental retardation, intelligence olds. To that end, the risk of a delayed
quotient, or malformations.42 diagnosis in the mother is greater than the
risk of fetal exposure with conventional
Levels of Radiation in
Conventional Diagnostic
Studies CT
The absorbed fetal dose from a conven-
In pregnancies complicated by cancer, tional CT examination depends on the
clinicians must balance the fetal risks of gestational age of the fetus, scanning
exposure to ionizing radiation versus the parameters, and area of interest. The es-
risk to the pregnant mother of delayed timated fetal dose from a standard CT of
diagnosis. Most conventional diagnostic the chest and pelvis is 0.001 Gy and
studies result in fetal exposure well below 0.025 Gy, respectively. There is also
deterministic thresholds and should not marked variation in the literature on the
present fetal risks.42 The fetal radiation estimated fetal dose for any given CT
doses from common diagnostic evalua- study. For instance, the estimated fetal
tions are discussed below (Table 2). dose from a single pelvic CT is in the range
of 0.01 Gy to 0.045 Gy.49 The variability
noted is likely due to differences in fetal
X-ray absorption as a function of gestational
There is a wide variability in the estimated age and proximity to the isocenter and
fetal dose after radiological exposure, highlights the great uncertainty in predict-
ing the risk of adverse fetal outcomes after
any given exposure.
TABLE 2. Estimates of Fetal Radiation As noted, exposure from a single diag-
Exposure After Conventional
nostic CT study during pregnancy does
Maternal Diagnostic Procedures
not exceed even the most conservative
Procedure Estimated Radiation Exposure (Gy) deterministic thresholds for adverse fetal
Chest CT 0.001 effects.50 However, the use of multiple,
Pelvic CT 0.01-0.045 consecutive CT studies with direct expo-
Chest x-ray 0.4* 10 – 5 sure to the fetus has the potential to
Lumbar x-ray 0.006 exceed threshold levels. In the setting of
Abdominal 0.001-0.003 repeat exposures, consultation with a
medical physicist is necessary to verify
584 Backes et al

the potential dose to the fetus. This in- outcomes up to 9 years of age.52,53 Some
formation will allow clinicians to provide investigators have suggested that heat ef-
parents with an accurate risk assessment fects of MRI exposure could be teratogenic
of the fetal risks before making any med- for the developing fetus.54 However, a
ical decisions. The American College more recent study showed that tissue heat-
of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the ing markedly dissipates at the maternal
American College of Radiology provide body surface and is negligible near the
recommendations on the use of CT in fetus. Other investigators have noted the
pregnancy (Table 3). Both governing potential risk for acoustic injury in animal
bodies support the judicious use of CT models, although more recent evidence
during pregnancy. However, although suggests that noise is attenuated through
they emphasize the importance of making amniotic fluid and is delivered to the fetus
an accurate diagnosis, they reiterate the at safe levels (less than 30 dB). Despite
need for clinicians to consider alternative evidence from animal studies on the poten-
studies that may provide the necessary tial teratogenic effects of MRI exposure, to
diagnostic information.51 date, there have been no human studies
showing the use of MRI during pregnancy
is associated with adverse fetal effects.49 It
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is important to note, however, there is no
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers existing long-term data on the safety of
several potential advantages over CT ex- MRI exposure during gestation at higher
amination during pregnancy, most notably magnetic fields (3.0 Telsa). To that end, the
a lack of radiation exposure to the devel- American College of Radiology supports
oping fetus. A study of children exposed to the cautious use of MRI during pregnancy
MRI (Tesla 1.5) during the third trimester when the risk-benefit ratio to the mother-
of gestation did not show any adverse infant dyad warrants the study.55
effects at 9 months of gestation, whereas
another study reporting no adverse
To date, there is no evidence showing that
TABLE 3. Recommendations for the Use of ultrasound use during pregnancy has any
Computed Tomography in Pre- deleterious effects on the developing fe-
gnancy From the American tus.56 In addition, the physiological
College of Obstetrics and Gyne- changes in the breast during pregnancy
cology and the American College make the use of breast ultrasound more
of Radiology sensitive in the detection of cancerous
ACOG Recommendations ACR Recommendations changes than mammography.57
Perform comprehensive Limit radiation
physical examination exposure as much as
before all radiographic reasonably possible Fluoroscopy
studies The use of fluoroscopy for diagnostic or
Iodinated constrast Iodinated contrast interventional purposes results in mark-
material is considered material is likely safe edly higher fetal radiation dosage. When
safe there is a clear maternal indication for the
Counsel patients Counsel patients
regarding additional regarding additional use of fluoroscopy, dose reduction tech-
risk risk niques should be used, including use of
intermittent or pulsed techniques, low-
Modified from Wieseler KM et al. Imaging in pregnant
patients: examination appropriateness. Radiographics.
dose level settings, avoidance of image
2010;30(5):1215–1229; discussion 1230–1213. magnification, and uterine shielding. In
Cancer in Pregnancy 585

terms of diagnostic fluoroscopy, these The largest study investigating the po-
efforts are likely to result in fetal exposure tential carcinogenic effects of in utero
levels well below deterministic thresholds. radiation exposure is the Oxford Survey
However, in situations of medical uncer- of Childhood Cancers (OSCC). The case-
tainty, it is prudent to evaluate the poten- controlled study included 15,276 child-
tial fetal dose level with a medical hood cancer cases (age of 0 to 15) and a
physicist before performing the study.51 similar number of cancer-free matched
controls based on sex, date of birth, and
region. The primary source of informa-
Contrast Material tion on prenatal x-ray exposure was an
Intravenous iodinated contrast material interview with the mother, although over
has been shown to traverse the placenta half of the exposures were confirmed from
and can accumulate in the fetal thyroid. hospital records for both cases and con-
Although there is some evidence that trols. About 92% of the x-rays occurred in
iodinated contrast material does not ad- the first trimester of pregnancy. The
versely impact neonatal thyroid function, OSCC study showed that the risk of child-
additional studies that address safety con- hood cancer is related to the gestational
cerns are warranted. Gadolinium has age at the time of exposure, with a relative
been shown to have adverse effects on risk of childhood cancer after first, sec-
the developing fetus in animal studies, ond, and third trimester exposure of 3.19,
although no direct toxic effects have been 1.29, and 1.30, respectively.59 This finding
shown in humans. Therefore, the neces- is consistent with other authors who have
sity of gadolinium in enhancing diagnos- suggested that x-ray exposure during ge-
tic capabilities must be weighed against station, particularly early in gestation,
the potential risk to the fetus.51 increases the risk of childhood cancer by
Finally, there is no evidence that the as much as 2-fold above background
short-lived radionuclide technetium-99 rates.51 It is imperative that clinicians
presents any increased risk to the devel- educate parents that this 2-fold risk repre-
oping fetus and can be safely used during sents an increase from 1 in 1000 (back-
pregnancy.58 ground incidence) to 2 in 1000.42
Some investigators have questioned the
validity of the OSCC study, noting that
Stochastic Effects of Radiation the large risks described may grossly over-
Stochastic effects (‘‘late effects’’) of radia- estimate actual cancer risks after in utero
tion represent cellular damage, likely at radiation exposure. For instance, risk es-
the DNA level, wherein any exposure to timates from the OSCC study would pre-
radiation increases the theoretical risk for dict that over 8 cases of childhood cancer
adverse long-term outcomes, primarily would be seen among those exposed in
cancer. In other words, there is always a utero to the Japanese atomic bomb. In
carcinogenic risk to the fetus after radia- fact, among the 1566 patients evaluated in
tion exposure, regardless of the dose. the Japanese atomic bomb study, only 1
However, the magnitude of the risk re- child was diagnosed with cancer.60 In
mains unknown. Furthermore, to avoid addition, a more recent meta-analysis of
gross misperceptions of the fetal risk as- 7 cohort studies on the potential carcino-
sociated with in utero radiation exposure, genic risk after in utero irradiation did not
the risk of carcinogenesis must always be find an increased risk of childhood cancer
evaluated relative to the background in- (composite RR 1.02; 95% CI, 0.74–
cidence of childhood cancer in the general 1.41).60 Therefore, given the conflicting
population.42 evidence, no firm conclusions can be
586 Backes et al

drawn on the magnitude of the carcino- immediate radiotherapy. To that end,

genic risk after in utero radiation expo- there is a growing body of evidence that
sure. However, given that there is some radiotherapy can be performed safely
evidence showing that the adverse effects during pregnancy without compromising
of radiation are dependent on the gesta- fetal health, particularly in maternal dis-
tional age of the fetus and the dose of eases distant from the abdomen and pelvis
radiation, it is prudent for clinicians to (eg, breast). For instance, Mazonakis
continue to develop strategies that limit et al62 estimated the radiation dose to
fetal radiation exposure, particularly dur- the fetus from tangential breast radio-
ing early stages of gestation. therapy using anthropomorphic phan-
toms at the first and third trimester of
gestation. Consistent with standard doses
Techniques to Minimize Fetal used in breast radiotherapy, the authors
applied a total isocenter dose of 50 Gy
Exposure (using a standard 6-MV x-ray beam).
Despite the small estimated fetal dose Importantly, the authors found an in-
from conventional x-rays, multidisciplin- crease in the estimated fetal dose with
ary efforts should always be made to limit advancing gestational age. Specifically,
the number of images obtained and mini- upon delivering 50 Gy to the tumor, the
mize the direct dose to the fetus, including upper range of estimated exposure to the
a restriction on the size of the x-ray beam. fetus during the first and third trimester of
For direct exposures, the use of a lead pregnancy was 0.07 Gy and 0.58 Gy, re-
shield is warranted.51 When using CT spectively. As expected, this finding sug-
scans, clinicians should work with radiol- gests that the increased proximity of the
ogists and other colleagues to evaluate the fetus to the treatment volume during the
efficacy of limiting scans to specific areas third trimester of pregnancy results in a
of interests rather than performing gen- greater exposure to ionizing radiation.
eralized studies. In addition, there is evi- Therefore, although exposure to tangen-
dence to support using low-dose CT tial breast irradiation in the first trimester
protocols for all pregnant patients, in- resulted in levels below threshold values,
cluding reducing the kilovoltage below exposure during the third may exceed safe
standard protocols. Therefore, working levels and should be avoided. Thus, radio-
collaboratively with radiologists and therapy is not recommended during the
medical physicists to develop a plan that third trimester of pregnancy.
provides minimal fetal radiation expo-
sure, while at the same time accurately
staging the maternal cancer, are highly Surgery
desirable.61 In many cancer types, surgery is the pri-
mary treatment modality, with strong
evidence that anesthesia and surgery are
Radiotherapy safe during pregnancy. A recent systema-
Historically, radiotherapy was contrain- tic review by Cohen et al63 included over
dicated during pregnancy. Clinicians ad- 12,000 females exposed to nonobstetric-
vised patients that radiotherapy must be related surgery during pregnancy. The
delayed until after delivery to avoid ad- authors found that the rate of miscar-
verse fetal consequence.2 Although adju- riage, malformation, and fetal loss was
vant chemotherapy and surgery continue similar to background rates. For instance,
to allow clinicians to delay radio- the rate of major malformations after
therapy, certain oncological cases require undergoing surgery in the first trimester
Cancer in Pregnancy 587

was 3.9% (105/2663), compared with a born extremely premature (<27 wk gesta-
commonly cited background incidence of tion). A landmark study by Hoekstra
1% to 6% in the general population. et al66 compared the survival rate among
Similarly, Mazze and Kallen, using the a cohort of infants (23 to 26 wk gestation)
Swedish health database, investigated the born in 1986 and 2000. Overall, the survi-
potential link between nonobstetric-re- val increased from 53% to 89% over the
lated surgery and adverse fetal outcomes. 15-year period in review. Notably, survival
Of the 5405 operations performed, the at 23 weeks of gestation increased from
authors found no increased risk for con- 40% to 66%, wherein the survival at 24
genital malformations or stillbirth. Of weeks increased from 49% to 81%. More
note, the authors found an increase in recent data suggest that the survival of
the risk of miscarriage among surgeries infants born greater than 25 weeks is well
performed in the first trimester, but this above 80%, with less than 50% having
risk did not remain after excluding sur- major long-term complications.67 Thus,
geries for emergent appendicitis.64 Thus, 24 weeks represent an appropriate age for
modern advances in surgical and anes- current definitions of the limit of viability.
thetic techniques allow clinicians to offer In settings requiring immediate mater-
surgery to pregnant patients with cancer nal treatment, clinicians must be familiar
with limited risk to the fetus. with strategies that maximize fetal out-
comes. First, the administration of beta-
methasone or dexamethasone to infants
less than 32 weeks results in a decrease in
Decisions at the Limits mortality and morbidity.68 Recent evi-
of Viability dence suggests that exposure to antenatal
Treatment options in the care of pregnant corticosteroids are associated with a re-
patients with cervical cancer highlight duction in the risk of death similar to
potential conflict between maternal ben- those associated with a 1-week increase
efits and adverse fetal effects. In the set- in gestational age.14 In addition, the place
ting of advanced cervical cancer, of delivery impacts neonatal survival. For
treatment often needs to start at the time instance, a study by Bartels et al69 com-
of diagnosis. This includes a cesarean pared the survival rates of infants born at
section, if the fetus is viable, followed by large-volume delivery hospitals (>1000
a radical hysterectomy.65 Therefore, in births per year) with large-volume NICUs
the setting of advanced cervical cancer, (>36 very low birth weight admissions per
as well as other aggressive malignancies year) with those born at small-volume
warranting immediate treatment, an un- delivery hospitals (<1000 births per year)
derstanding of contemporary definitions with small-volume NICUs (<36 very low
for fetal viability, and potential strategies birth weight admissions per year). The
to optimize fetal outcomes at the limits of authors found that among neonates
viability, are warranted. 24-30 weeks, neonatal mortality was in-
The accepted definition for fetal viabi- creased nearly 2-fold for infants born in a
lity in the medical community is the fetal small-volume delivery hospital and cared
age at which there is a 50% chance of for in a small-volume NICU (adjusted
long-term survival. Over the last 2 dec- OR, 1.94; 95% CI, 1.20–3.14). Thus, in
ades, advances in the fields of obstetrics settings where maternal cancer warrants
and neonatology, most notably prenatal immediate therapy, efforts to administer
steroid and artificial surfactant adminis- antenatal steroids and deliver at large-
tration, have led to dramatic improve- volume, tertiary care center will result in
ments in the survival among infants improved fetal outcomes.
588 Backes et al

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