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Assignment Worksheet

Online Homework System  

5/9/22 - 3:16:21 PM CEST
Name: ____________________________ Class:
Class #: ____________________________ Section #: ____________________________
Instructor: Paul Roling Assignment: AE2230-I Flight and Orbital mechanics 11-04-2022

Question 1: (4 points)

What is the correct term for the acceleration perpendicular the velocity vector (a ⊥V ) in the plane of symmetry?

(a) V

(b) V



An Airbus A330 is flying at 325 knots (167.2 m/s) true airspeed at a climb angle of -10 deg, when it pulls up with 2.57 deg/s. What is the resulting load factor?

(a) 1.5 g

(b) 1.75 g

(c) 2.5 g

(d) 2 g


Question 2: (4 points)

Which assumption leading to the small angle approximation (for climb) is false? 

(a) The aircraft is flying steady and symmetrical

(b) The angle of attack is small (~10 degree maximum)

(c) The climb angle is small (~10 degree maximum)

(d) Thrust to weight ratio is considerably lower than 1

An aircraft that has a maximum lift to drag ratio of 20 wants to archieve a climb angle of 8.6 degrees.  What is the required thrust to weight ratio?

(a) 0.3

(b) 0.2

(c) 0.1

(d) 0.4


Question 3: (4 points)

The ratio between the rate of climb over steady rate of climb is given by the following equation:
RC 1
steady 1+
g dH

If we are flying at a constant equivalent airpeed, what is the required change of true airspeed per unit of air density ( )?

(a) − V

(b) V

(c) ρ

(d) − ρ V

If we are flying at an equivalent airspeed of 150 m/s at an altitude of 6 km where the air density is 0.66 kg/m3 and the change in air density with altitude is -7.32E-5 kg/m4, what is the ratio of our rate of climb over the steady rate of climb?

(a) 0.81

(b) 0.71

(c) 0.76

(d) 0.66

Question 4: (4 points)

An aircraft flying at a constant lift to drag ratio of 15 at 7,000 m altitude and a tue airspeed of  110 m/s from which it descends, with engines at zero thrust, to an altitude of 4,500 m and a true airspeed of 96 m/s. What is the distance required for this change in energy height?

Note that energy is force times distance. 

(a) 43.7 km

(b) 45.7 km

(c) 39.7 km

(d) 41.7 km

What is the optimum climb strategy for a minimum time to climb problem

(a) Fly at maximum true airspeed per energy height

(b) Fly with maximum excess power per energy height

(c) Fly with maximum climb rate per pressure altitude

(d) Fly at maximum lift to drag ratio per pressure altitude

Question 5: (4 points)

What is the correct equation for acceleration during the ground run?

dV T D
(a) = g ( − + μ (1 − n))
dt W W

dV T D
(b) = g ( − − μ (1 − n))
dt W W

dV T D
(c) = g ( − + μ (n))
dt W W

dV T D
(d) = g ( − − μ (n))
dt W W

What is the lift off speed we need to design for if an aircraft has a thrust to weight ratio 0.119, a rolling friction coefficient μ  = 0.01 and a maximum distance until lift off of 1.5 km
We can assume a load factor of 0 and neglect aerodynamic drag during the take of roll.

(a) 120 kts (61.7 m/s)

(b) 110 kts (56.6 m/s)

(c) 90 kts (46.3 m/s)

(d) 100 kts (51.4 m/s)

Question 6: (4 points)

What is the correct formula to calculate the height lost during transition between approach and landing?

(a) h = (1 − sinγ)

(b) h = cosγ

(c) h = (1 − cosγ)

(d) h = sinγ

If we transition from a 4 degree glide slope at a speed of 110 knots (56.6 m/s) with a load factor of 1.1, what is the distance travelled over the runway from crossing the runway theshold at screen height (15.2 m) till touch down?

(a) 228 m

(b) 104 m

(c) 445 m

(d) 331 m


Question 7: (4 points)

An aircraft flying at 170 m/s true airspeed performs a steady horizontal turn with a radius of 6.49 km.

How much time does it take to change the heading by 180 degrees?

(a) 90 s

(b) 60 s

(c) 75 s

(d) 120 s

What is the load factor during the turn?

(a) 1.17 g

(b) 1.24 g

(c) 1.35 g

(d) 1.1 g

Question 8: (4 points)

An aircraft is making a horizontal steady turn with a bank angle of 56.3 degrees. By what factor does our stall speed increase compared to level flight?

(a) 1.18

(b) 1.41

(c) 1.26

(d) 1.34

Before entering the turn the aircraft was flying at a lift coefficient where zero-lift drag is 70 % and induced drag is 30% of the total drag.
By what factor does our thrust need to be increased during the turn to keep on flying at the same speed and altitude?

(a) 1.29

(b) 1.9

(c) 1.67

(d) 1.47

Question 9: (4 points)

We can derive range equations for different conditions with respect to (constant or varying) flight altitude and speed.
Indices: 1 is start of cruise, 2 is end cruise and md stands for minimum drag.
Which equation belongs to flying at constant altitude and constant speed with a jet powered aircraft?

– ⎛ C ⎞
2√2 L −−− −−−
(a) R = −− ⎜ ⎟ (√W
− √W )
c √ρS C
t ⎝ D ⎠

2V L −1 1 −1 2
(b) R = ( ) [tan − tan ]
c C C C
D md L L
md md

V L 1
(c) R = ln
t C W
D 2

ηp C W
L 1
(d) R = ln
cp C W
D 2

For the endurance of a propeller powered aircraft we can derive the following equation:
ηp C W
1 L 1
E = ln
cp V C W
D 2

At which lift coefficient is the endurance maximized?
−−−−−−− −−
(a) CL = √ C
2 0

−−−−−−− −−
(b) C = √ C πAe
3 0

−−−− −−−−
(c) CL = √C

(d) CL = √3C

Question 10: (4 points)

An aircraft has a maximum take off weight (MTOW) with the fuel available for cruise being 10% of the take off weight (payload is 35% of the take off weight). 
The range parameter ( )  is 10,000 [km]. What is the maximum range?
t C

(a) 2,107 [km]

(b) 3,161 [km]

(c) 1,580 [km]

(d) 1,054 [km]

We can simply calculate that the average fuel consumption is Wfuel/Wpayload = 0.29 [kgfuel/kgpax].
What is the marginal fuel consumption (reduction in fuel consumption due to a reduction in payload)

(a) 0.33 [kgfuel/kgpax]

(b) 0.18 [kgfuel/kgpax]

(c) 0.11 [kgfuel/kgpax]

(d) 0.25 [kgfuel/kgpax]


Question 11: (4 points)

What is the correct equation for the block speed?

1 1 R
(a) = +
V V Δt
block ground

1 1 Δt
(b) = +
block ground

(c) V = V +
block ground

(d) V = V +
block ground

For an aircraft the ground speed is 600 km/hr and the extra time for take-off and landing is 45 minutes. If the block speed is 454 km/hr, what is the range we are flying at?

(a) 1,400 km

(b) 1,000 km

(c) 1,200 km

(d) 1,600 km


Question 12: (4 points)

mV = T − D − W sin γ

mV χ̇ cos γ = L sin μ

mV γ̇ = L cos μ − W cos γ

Which of the following assumptions is not required for the (full) equations of motion?

(a) The earth does not rotate

(b) The aircraft is steady

(c) The earth is flat

(d) The aircraft has no inertia

Between which axis systems is the angle of attack α defined?

(a) airpath and moving earth

(b) airpath and body

(c) body and moving earth

(d) none of the above

Question 13: (4 points)

We are simulating final approach and landing, using the full equations of motion.
mV = T − D − W sin γ

mV χ̇ cos γ = L sin μ

mV γ̇ = L cos μ − W cos γ

What is the heading (χ) in our simulation?

(a) A control variable

(b) An independant variable

(c) A state variable

(d) A constant

We are simulating the pilot using the yoke or stick to stay on a 3 degree glide slope to the runway. What do we use as in input for the control law for the pitch angle?

(a) Altitude as a function of distance

(b) Climb angle of the aircraft

(c) Airspeed

(d) Relative heading of the runway

Question 14: (8 points)

An aircraft is flying at constant speed and altitude at its maximum lift to drag ratio of 10 (where zero lift drag is equal to induced drag).
It instantly banks to a 37.5 degree bank angle and inreases the lift coefficient to start a turn. We do not inrease thrust.
You can use the small angle approximations.
By what factor does the lift coefficient need to increase to maintain vertical equilibrium?

(a) 1.04

(b) 1.41

(c) 1.26

(d) 1.15

If it does not add thrust, what would need to be the descent angle (γ ) to maintain the current airspeed? 

(a) -0.21 [deg]

(b) -1.69 [deg]

(c) -0.95 [deg]

(d) -2.87 [deg]

How much faster would it need to fly to maintain the same lift to drag ratio as before the turn?

(a) 1.19 Vhor

(b) 1.07 Vhor

(c) 1.12 Vhor

(d) 1.02 Vhor

What would be the required descent angle (γ ) for this (faster) speed, assuming the thrust has not been increased? 

(a) -2.37 [deg]

(b) -1.49 [deg]

(c) -0.89 [deg]

(d) -0.2 [deg]


Question 15: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 1 (5 points)

1 - A Hohmann transfer is the most energy-efficient scenario to obtain an inclination change.

(a) True

(b) False

2 - Because of the altitude of the orbit, the effects of irregularities in the gravity field (such as modelled by J2 and J2,2) can be ignored for geostationary satellites.

(a) True

(b) False

3 - In designing an earth-repeat orbit, the repeat interval and the distance between ground tracks (after completing of the repeat cycle) can simultaneously be minimized, at will.

(a) True

(b) False

4 - The right ascension of the ascending node of an orbit can only take on any value between 0 and 180 degrees.

(a) True

(b) False

5 - A satellite equipped with an altimeter instrument typically orbits Earth in a Sun-synchronous orbit.

(a) True

(b) False

6 - After completion of one full revolution, the ground track of a LEO satellite has shifted to the West.

(a) True

(b) False

7 - The shadow function S(θ) determines whether the spacecraft is somewhere over the sun-lite side of the Earth, or somewhere over the night-side of Earth.

(a) True

(b) False

8 - According to United Nations regulations, LEO spacecraft have to be removed from space within 25 years after completion of their mission, at most.

(a) True

(b) False

9 - C3 is the velocity at pericenter squared.

(a) True

(b) False

10 - The synodic period of a system of two planets is mainly driven by the one closest to the Sun.

(a) True

(b) False

Question 16: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 2 (5 points)

Consider a hypothetical planet X with mass 5×1025 kg, orbiting the Sun in a circular orbit with a radius as specified below. Consider its effect on a geostationary satellite, orbiting Earth (radius orbit is 42200 km). The Sun, Earth, GEO satellite and planet X are all on one line (in this order of increasing distance to the Sun). What is the perturbing acceleration exerted on the
GEO satellite, by planet X? Give the absolute value of this acceleration, in km/s2, and with three significant digits.

Data: G = 6.673×10-20 km3/kg/s2

Distance Sun-Earth = 1 AU, 1 AU = 149597871 km.

Distance planet: 2.5 AU

____________ km/s2

Question 17: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 3 (5 points)

The following equation describes an arbitrary Earth-repeat orbit:
∣ 3 ∣
2π√a /μ 2
∣ 3πJ Re cos(i) ∣
j ∣−2π −  ∣ = k2π
∣ T 2 ∣
E 2 2
a (1−e )
∣ ∣

Consider the situation where the semi-major axis has a value as specified below, the eccentricity has a value of 0.01, j = 43 and k = 3. What is the required inclination for the satellite to be in such an Earth-repeat orbit? Give your answer in degrees, with two digits behind the decimal point.

Gravitational parameter Earth = 398600.4415 km3/s2
Radius Earth = 6378.137 km
J2 = 1.082×10-3 
TE = 86164.1004 sec.
Semi-major axis satellite orbit a: 7,150 km
____________ degrees

Question 18: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 4 (5 points)

The gravity potential of Earth is given by the following equation:
∞ n ∞ n n
μ Re Re
U = − [1 − ∑ Jn ( ) Pn (sin δ) + ∑ ∑ Jn,m ( ) Pn,m (sin δ) cos (m (λ − λn,m ))]
r r
n=2 n=2 m=1

Here, Pn(sinδ) and Pn,m(sinδ) represent the Legendre polynomials and functions, respectively:
n n
1 d 2
Pn (x) = (1 − x )
n n
(−2) n! dx

m/2 d Pn (x)
Pn,m (x) = (1 − x )

Consider the contribution due to the flattening of the equator of the Earth, modelled by the J2,2 term. Calculate the radial acceleration because of this J2,2 effect only, experienced by a spacecraft in a geostationary orbit (radius r = 42164.173 km, latitude δ = 0°) at a longitude position as specified below. Give your answer in km/s2, with (at least) four digits behind the decimal


μearth = 398600.4415 km3/s2 

Rearth = 6378.137 km

J2,2 = 1.82×10-6

λ2,2 = -14.9°.    

Longitude satellite λ: 250 degrees

____________ km/s2

Question 19: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 5 (5 points)

Consider a minimum-energy transfer orbit from a circular parking orbit at 185 km and i =28.5° (i.e., launch from Kennedy Space Center) to the geostationary orbit (a=42164 km, e=0, i=0°). In order to eliminate the inclination of the initial orbit, two maneuvers are performed: the injection into the transfer orbit (at the parking orbit altitude) and the injection into the geostationary
orbit (at the GEO altitude); both are combined with maneuvers that together eliminate the original inclination (so we have two so-called combined maneuvers). In particular, the second maneuver is done at the apocenter of the transfer orbit, and has to remove part of the inclination as specified below; at the same time it does orbit circularization needed to reach GEO. What
is the ΔV that is needed to do this second maneuver? Give your answer in km/s, with three digits behind the decimal point.


μEarth = 398600.4415 km3/s2 

REarth = 6378.137 km.

Inclination change second maneuver: 9.5 degrees

____________ km/s

Question 20: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 6 (5 points)

Consider a Hohmann transfer from Earth to another planet in the Solar System. Both Earth and the target planer orbit the Sun in coplanar, circular orbits. Compute the excess velocity of this transfer w.r.t. Earth (i.e., when having escaped from Earth, V∞,Earth). When it comes to the calculation of the semi-major axis of the Hohmann orbit, the contribution of the size of the
planets and that of the altitude of the parking orbits can be neglected. Give your answer in km/s, with three digits behind the decimal point.


μSun = 1.327178×1011 km3/s2

Distance Sun-Earth = 1 AU

Distance Sun-Uranus = 19.191 AU

1 AU = 149597871 km.

____________ km/s
Question 21: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 7 (5 points)

Consider a round-trip mission from Earth to Jupiter. Assume that the transfer towards Jupiter and back are done through a Hohmann transfer, each with transfer time TH. The equation to calculate the stay time is given below; N is the number of extra full revolutions of Earth around the Sun, and ωearth and ωtarget are the mean motion of Earth and the target planet around the
Sun, respectively:

2π(N +1)−2ω T
earth H
t =
ω −ω
earth target

What is the minimum stay time at the target? Give your answer in days, with (at least) two digits behind the decimal point.


μSun = 1.327178×1011 km3/s2

Distance Sun-Earth = 1 AU

Distance Sun-Jupiter = 5.203 AU

1 AU = 149597871 km

A day is equal to 86400 s.

____________ days

Question 22: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 8 (5 points)

Consider a gravity assist around Mars, where the spacecraft arrives along the incoming asymptote of the hyperbola with a relative velocity as specified below. This flyby results in a pericenter distance w.r.t. the center of Mars also given below. Clearly, the gravity assist deflects the direction of motion over an angle ΔΨ, which is determined by the conditions given here (and
you need to compute). What is the gain in energy (per unit of mass) for this particular gravity assist? Give your answer in km2/s2, with (at least) two digits behind the decimal point.


Gravitational parameter of Mars = 42800 km3/s2

Radius of Mars = 3402 km

Gravitational parameter of Sun = 1.327178×1011 km3/s2

Distance Sun-Mars = 1.524 AU

1 AU = 149597871 km.

ΔE = 2V V sin ( )
planet ∞

V∞  = 2.5 km/s

rpericenter=4,200 km

____________ km2/s2

Question 23: (5 points)

Orbital Mechanics 9 (5 points)

Consider the satellite Delfi-2022, in a circular orbit at an altitude as specified below and with an inclination of 45 degrees. Provided that the Sun is located in the equatorial plane, directly above the ascending node of the orbit, what is the duration of the eclipse, expressed as a percentage of the orbital period? Give your answer in percentage, with (at least) two digits behind
the decimal point.

Data: Rearth = 6378.137 km.

Altitude h: 1,000 km

____________ %

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