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How to cope with stress? (How to avoid/ manage stress?

There are several methods to manage stress. Doing activities that make us happy is the most
often advice given. Simple but powerful. When we engage in activities we enjoy, it inspires us
with fresh energy. When we are joyful, our hormones are in balance, serving as an a support
against stress. These are some helpful suggestions for managing stress:

- Have enough sleep

The biggest cause of stress is lack of sleep. However, stress also prevents us from falling asleep
since our minds can't stop racing or from relaxing sufficiently to do so. Nowadays, we use social
media, texting, emails, and cell phones excessively, which might increase stress. The best
treatment is sleep, and some people discover that short naps of 20 minutes may increase

- Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals

Healthy eating has become essential for students. Vitamin C-rich juices, such as orange juice, are
thought to be healthy for your immune system and can reduce stress. Certain meals boost the
body's hormone levels that fight off stress.

- Talk to others

Communicate with others. Discuss your worries and feelings with those you can trust. If you
have issues, talk to a parent, friend, counselor, healthcare professional, or religious leader about
how you are handling things.

- Listen to music

Listening to music relieves stress and puts the mind in a relaxed state. Playing a relaxing song as
you work might definitely help if you're feeling overwhelmed. To avoid this, you could find that
listening to light music might help.

- Time Management

People typically become stressed when they feel they don't have enough time to do their tasks.
Many people start giving their sleeping hours to their work because of this, which reduces their
sleeping hours and causes tension and frustration to increase, so managing time is a very
important part of life to reduce stress. However, various simple and easy tricks of managing time
may help you out to come across the fear of not managing the time properly.

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