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General Instructions

1. The question paper consists of 3 Subject (Subject I: Physics, Subject II: Chemistry, Subject III: Mathematics).
Each Part has two sections (Section 1 & Section 2).

2. Section 1 contains 2 types of questions [Type A and Type B].

Type A contains SIX (06) Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.

Type B contains SIX (06) Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D), out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.

3. Section 2 contains THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph.
The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value
of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places.
If the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the
 sign for positive values. However, for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50,
3.25, 0.08)

4. For answering a question, an ANSWER SHEET (OMR SHEET) is provided separately. Please fill your Test Code,
Roll No. and Group properly in the space given in the ANSWER SHEET.
Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
SECTION-1 | Type A
 This section contains SIX (06) questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONLY ONE of
these four options is the answer. For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct answer.
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the correct option is chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.

SECTION-1 | Type B
 This section contains SIX (06) questions. Each question has FOUR options (A), (B), (C) and (D). ONE OR
MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is (are) correct answer(s).
 For each question, choose the option(s) corresponding to (all) the correct answer(s).
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is(are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If unanswered;
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
 For example, in a question, if (A), (B) and (D) are the ONLY three options corresponding to correct answers,
choosing ONLY (A), (B) and (D) will get +4 marks; choosing ONLY (A) and (D) will get +2 marks;
choosing ONLY (A) will get +1 mark;
choosing no option(s) (i.e. the question is unanswered) will get 0 marks and
choosing any other option(s) will get –2 marks.

 This section contains THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each
Paragraph. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct
numerical value of the answer. If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to
TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the
OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However, for negative values, Θ sign should be
bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08)
 Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct Integer value is entered. There is NO negative marking.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.


SECTION-1 | Type A

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 2 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
This section consists of 6 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
1. A particle of mass m is moving in the x-y plane. Its position as a function of time is given by:

r  A cos  ωt  iˆ  B sin  ωt  ˆj , where A and B are positive constants. The angular momentum of the
particle about the origin at t  0 is:
(A) mωAB kˆ (B) mωAB (  kˆ ) (C) mωA2 kˆ (D) mωB 2 (  kˆ )

2. If mass m1 of ice at 0C is mixed with mass m2 of liquid water at T C , and all the ice melts, the final
temperature is: [Latent heat of fusion of ice = L, Specific heat of water = C] [Assume no heat
interaction with surroundings]
L L
m1    m2T m2T  m1  
(A) C (B) C
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
L L
m2T  m1   m2T  m1  
(C) C (D) C
 m1  m2   m1  m2 

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3.  
A particle is moving in an isolated x–y plane. At an instant, the particle has velocity 4iˆ  4 ˆj m/s and

 
acceleration 3iˆ  5 ˆj m / s 2 . At that instant what will be the radius of curvature of its path?

(A) 16 2 m (B) 15 m (C) 18 m (D) None of these

4. A body of mass m hangs by an inextensible string that passes over a smooth massless pulley
that is fitted with a light spring of stiffness k as shown in the figure. If the body is released
from rest and the spring is initially relaxed, the maximum elongation of the spring is :
4mg 2mg
(A) (B)
k k
(C) (D) None of these
5. A bent tube is lowered into a water stream as shown in figure. The velocity of
the stream relative to the tube is equal to v = 2.5 m/s. The closed upper end of
the tube located at the height h0 = 12 cm has a small orifice. To what height h
will the water jet spurt?
(A) 0.3m (B) 0.2m
(C) 0.4m (D) 0.5m

6. A body cools from 50°C to 40°C in 5 min. The surrounding temperature is 20°C. By how many °C does the
temperature decreases in the next 5 min? (Round off your answer to nearest integer)
(A) 5°C (B) 6°C (C) 7°C (D) 8°C


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SECTION-1 | Type B
This section consists of 6 Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.

7. An artificial satellite in a circular orbit around the earth has time period T. Assuming the mass of the
satellite to be constant, choose the correct options.
(A) The radius of the orbit is proportional to T3

(B) The velocity of the satellite is proportional to T 3
(C) The force on the satellite due to the earth is proportional to T 4

(D) The total energy of the satellite is proportional to T 3

8. For two gases, A and B with molecular weights MA and MB, it is observed that at a certain temperature T,
the mean velocity of A is equal to the Vrms of B. Thus the mean velocity of A can be made equal to the
mean velocity of B, if :
(A) A is at temperature T and B at T such that T > T
(B) Temperature of A is lowered to T2 while B is at T such that T2< T
(C) Both A and B are raised to a higher temperature
(D) Heat energy supplied to A


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9. Four thin uniform rods of equal length L, but of different masses are
connected to form a square. This square is placed with its centre at the
origin and its sides parallel to the coordinate axes as shown. Choose the
correct option(s).
 L L
(A) The centre of mass of the square lies at the point   , 
 12 12 
(B) Moment of inertia of the square about the Y-axis is 2mL2
(C) Moment of inertia of the square about the Z-axis is 2mL2
(D) Moment of inertia of the square about an axis parallel to the Z-axis and passing through the centre
23 2
of mass of the square is mL
10. Two blocks A and B of mass 10 kg and 20 kg respectively are fitted with ideal pullies in an arrangement as
shown below. Coefficient of friction between B and ground is 0.1 whereas that between A and ground is
zero. When a force F0 is applied on A, acceleration of B is found to be 4m / s 2 . Choose the correct
options. (g = 10 m/s2)

(A) Acceleration of A is 6m / s 2 (B) Tension T in the rope is N
(C) Force applied F0 is equal to 200N (D) Acceleration of point x on the rope is 8 m / s 2


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11. 1 mole of an ideal diatomic gas undergoes a cyclic process ABC with density of gas  varying with
pressure as shown in figure. The molecular mass of the gas is M. Choose the correct options.
(A) AB is an isothermal process
P0 M
(B) WAB  n  2  , where W AB is work done by the gas
during process AB
P0 M  5 
(C) Heat rejected by gas during the cycle is   n(2) 
0  2 
(D) Efficiency of the cycle is 1  n(2) 
12. A spring balance reads w1 with a block suspended from it. If the block is
submerged in a liquid whose density is less than density of block, the spring
balance reads w2. The experiment is repeated twice, once on surface of earth
and another time on surface of moon. If acceleration due to gravity on surface
of moon is one-sixth of that on surface of earth, then:
(A) w1 is same on earth and moon (B) w2 is same on earth and moon
(C) (w1 – w2) is same on earth and moon (D) is same on earth and moon


VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 7 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

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This section consists of THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph. The
answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer.
If the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer
value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However,
for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08).

Paragraph for Questions 1 - 2

In the figure shown coefficient of friction between 2kg block and 4kg block is μ = 0.1 and between 4 kg block and
ground is μ = 0.2. Then answer the following questions : (t is time, take g = 10m/s2)

1. Force of friction on 2kg block at t  s will be ______(in Newton).
2. At t  4 s the friction between 4kg block and ground will be _________(in Newtons).


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Paragraph for Questions 3 - 4

A rocket is projected vertically upwards and its velocity time graph is shown in the figure.

3. The maximum height (in Km) attained by the rocket is____________.

4. In the previous question, the height (in Km) attained by the rocket before deceleration is___________.

Paragraph for Questions 5 - 6

Some quantity of monatomic gas makes the process 1  2  3 shown in the figure. The algebraic sum of the heat
taken up and given out by the gas in the course of the process is 7.5 P0V0.

5. The change in internal energy of the gas for the total process is n P0V 0. Find n.

6. The value of x as shown in the graph is ___________.


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SECTION-1 | Type A
This section consists of 6 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
1. Nitrophenol is a colorless weak monoprotic acid (pK a  7.2) whose conjugate base is bright yellow. To
2.00 mL solution of 0.0100 M nitrophenol, 1.00 M NaOH in 0.01 mL portions is added and the absorbance
of the solution at 485 nm is monitored. What does graph of A485 as a function of added volume of NaOH
look like? [Note : Absorbance  concentration of the coloured solute]

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 10 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

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2. Vander Waal’s constants for neon and hydrogen are (a1 , b1 ) and (a 2 , b 2 ) respectively. The maximum
number of moles of neon which will form a homogeneous mixture with n 2 moles of hydrogen at 25°C and
constant pressure P is:
Pb 22 b 22 b12
(A) 4n 2 (B) 27n 2 (C) 27n 2 (D) 
a2 a2 a1
3. There are two samples of H atoms and He  ions. Both are in some excited state. In hydrogen atom total
number of lines observed in Balmer series is 4 and in He  ion, total number of lines observed in Paschen
series is 1. Electron in hydrogen sample makes transition to lower states from its excited state, then the
photon corresponding to the line of maximum energy line of Balmer series of H sample is used to further
excite the already excited He  sample. Then maximum excitation level of He  sample will be to:
(A) n=6 (B) n=8 (C) n = 12 (D) n=9

4. Choose incorrect statement.

(A) In the balanced redox reaction xAs2S3  yNO3  4H 2 O 
 aAsO34  bNO  cSO42  8H 
ratio of x : y = 3 : 28
(B) Equivalent weight of FeS2 in half reaction, FeS2 
 Fe2 O3  SO2 is (where M is molar
mass of FeS2 )

(C) When Bi 2S3 converted into Bi5 and S, n-factor will be 7

(D) Equivalent weight of H 3 PO 2 when it disproportionates into PH3 and H3PO3 is 3

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5. Which statement(s) is incorrect for O2 and N 2 according to MO theory?

(A) Both have same configuration
(B) Bond order of both O2 and N 2 is 2.5

(C) During formation of N 2 from N 2 , bond length increases

(D) During formation of O2 from O 2 , the bond length decreases

6. Find out the incorrect statement(s) about given compounds:

(I) H 2C  CH 2 (II) CH 3  CH  CH 2 (III)

 
(IV) (V)

(A) Order of heat of hydrogenation and heat of combustion is same

(B) Order of heat of hydrogenation and heat of combustion is different
(C) Order of rotation barrier energy for marked bond is I > II > V > IV > III
(D) Order of boiling point is V > IV > III > II > I


VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 12 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

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SECTION-1 | Type B
This section consists of 6 Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.
7. Concentration term similar to “volume strength of H 2O 2 ” is used for nitroglycerine [C3 H5 N 3O9 ]
(Molecular mass = 227 g/mole) where volume strength is defined as volume of gases evolved at 1 atm and
273 K from 1 litre solution as per the reaction: (density of solution d  1.1gm / ml)

 6N 2 (g)  12CO 2 (g)  O 2 (g)  10H 2O()

4C3H5 N3O9 (aq) 
Select the correct option about volume strength of 212.8 V nitroglycerine solution.
(A) It is 2 M nitroglycerine solution
(B) It is 454 gm/L nitroglycerine solution
(C) It is 41.27% (w/w) nitroglycerine solution
(D) It is 41.27% (w/v) nitroglycerine solution

8. Which of the following are correct?

 3R 
(A) When 2 moles of an ideal gas  CV   is heated from 300 K to 600 K at constant pressure,
 2 
change in entropy of gas is 5Rln2
(B) An ideal gas undergoes a change in state as shown in figure. Work done for process A – B and A –
C will be equal

(C) Entropy change when an ideal gas expands isothermally is positive

(D) Entropy change is positive for an adiabatic free expansion of an ideal gas


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9. At a certain temperature T1, some hydrazine (N 2 H 4 ) gas is placed in a sealed flask where the following
equilibrium is established.
3N2 H4 (g)  4NH3 (g)  N2 (g) H  0
If the temperature is increased to T 2 , some ammonia gas also decomposes as.
2NH3 (g)  N2 (g)  3H 2 (g) H  0
What would be observed as temperature is increased from T1 to T 2 ?
(A) Some more hydrazine would decomposes
(B) If K1  K 2 , concentration of NH3 would decrease
(C) Partial pressure of N 2 would be doubled
(D) Amount of hydrazine will decrease

10. Which of the following statement is/are correct?

(A) The most probable radius at which an electron will be found when it occupies 1s orbital of
hydrogen atom is more than the mean radius of 1s orbital
(B) The most probable radius at which an electron will be found when it occupies 1s orbital of
hydrogen atom is less than mean radius of 1s orbital
(C) The ground state electronic configuration of hydrogen atom is 1s1. In the first excited state,
electronic configuration will be 1s0 2s1 which has lower energy than electronic configuration
1s02p 1.
(D) The most probable radius at which an electron will be found when it occupies 1s orbital of a
hydrogenic atom of atomic number z is . (Where a 0  52.9 pm)

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Which of the following statement(s) are correct about these molecules?

(A) I and II are a pair of enantiomers (B) III is metamer of I and II
(C) III is diastereomer of I and II (D) I and II are a pair of diastereomers

12. Which of the following statement(s) regarding the oxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals is/are correct?
(A) The reactivity of K 2O towards water is more than that of Na 2 O
(B) The oxide of alkaline earth metals are more basic than those of alkali metals
(C) MgO is used as a refractory material for lining of electric furnaces
(D) The milk of lime and lime water are two different solutions


VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 15 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

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This section consists of THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph. The
answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If
the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer
value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However,
for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08).
Paragraph for Questions 1 – 2
If more than one phase is present in the reversible reaction then it is said to be heterogenous system.
 CaO(s)  CO2 (g)
Example : CaCO3 (s) 
Expression of equilibrium constant for the above reaction can be taken as:
[CaO(s)][CO2 (g)]
K …….. (i)
[CaCO3 (s)]
moles of CaO
Now, concentration of CaO(s)  as density of CaO[CaO (s)] and molar mass of
volume of CaO
CaO[M CaO (s)] are a fixed quantity therefore concentration of pure solid and liquid terms is unchanged with
respect to time. Hence, equilibrium constant for the equation (i) can be written as:
K c  [CO 2 (g)] or K p  PCO2
As K p and K c is not containing solid terms, therefore, addition or removal of pure solid and pure liquid has no
effect on the equilibrium process.

1.  NH3 (g)  HI(g) is 1/4 atm2 at 300 K. If above equilibrium is

K p for the reaction NH4 I(s) 
established by taking 4 moles of NH 4 I(s) in 100 litre container, then moles of NH 4 I(s) left in the

container at equilibrium is: [Take R  1/12 L atm mol 1K 1 ]

2. 200 g of CaCO3 (s) taken in 4 L container at a certain temperature. K c for the dissociation of CaCO3 at
this temperature is found to be 1/4 mol/L then the concentration of CaO in terms of moles of CaO per unit
volume (L) of it is ________. [Given : CaO  1.12 g cm 3 ] [Ca  40, O  16]


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Paragraph for Questions 3 – 4

Some compounds are given below:

(i) (ii) (iii)

(iv) (v) (vi)

(vii) (viii)

3. How many compounds are chiral and also have chiral centre?

4. How many compounds are achiral but have chiral centre?


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Paragraph for Questions 5 – 6

5. The sum of bond order between same bonds in Q & R is ________.

6. Molar mass of ‘S’ is ________.


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SECTION-1 | Type A
This section consists of 6 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which
ONLY ONE CHOICE is correct.
1. We have 3m balls, out of which m are identical and the rest are all different. The number of ways of
selecting m objects from the group is.
Cm 1 2m
(A) (B) Cm1  2 2m 1
2 2
1 1 2m
(C) 2m
C m  2 m 1 (D) Cm  22m1
2 2
2. The number of distinct complex numbers z such that z  1 and z is purely imaginary is.
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

3. Let C be the set of complex numbers and z  C. If S  {z : z  z  2 z  z  4 and z is minimum},

the area in sq. units of polygon formed by joining points in Set ‘S’ is.
32 72
(A) 4 (B) (C) 6 (D)
25 25

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4. A 6 alphabet word is formed form the set of vowels a, e, i, o, u such that each alphabet which appears in
the word, appears atleast twice, then number of words that can be formed is:
(A) 1405 (B) 1400 (C) 1100 (D) 1200
5. Let S be the set of integral value of ' a ' for which one root of quadratic equation

 a2  2a  3 x2  6ax  4  0 is less than 1 while the other is greater than it, then the number of point(s)
P  a 2 , a  where a  S lies in the region between the lines x  y  6 & x  y  12 is (are):
(A) 0 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5

6. The remainder when 7103 is divided by 25 is :

(A) 0 (B) 18 (C) 9 (D) 10


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SECTION-1 | Type B
This section consists of 6 Multiple Correct Answers Type Questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D),
out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CHOICE is correct.

7.  2
If the inequality  x  2n  x  n  4n  9   0 n  N is true for exactly 11 integral values of x then
n  x, x  I can be :
(A) 8 (B) 6 (C) 14 (D) 2

8. Consider lines L1 : y  x  3 and L2 : y  x  3 and point P  2, 2 lying between them. If A & B are
points on L1 & L2 such that PAB is equilateral then centroid of PAB be

(A) 2  3, 2  3  (B) 2  3, 2  3 
(C) 2  3, 2  3 (D) 2  3, 2  3


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9. Consider two families of circles

 
F1 : x 2  y 2  25   x 2  y 2  2 x  33  0

x y 1
and F2 :  x  8  x      y  3  y  2   k 8 3 1  0, where , , k  R then possible value(s) of 
 2 1
for which there exist a common member of the two families is/are :
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 7 (D) 9

10. Let n be the number of values of x in  0,4 satisfying the equation

cos x 2 1  cos x 
 then n is divisible by:

1  cos x tan x 2sin 2 x  sin x  1 
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 11 (D) 1

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11. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
(A)  
The coefficient of x10 in 1  x 2  x 3 is 476.

(B)  
The remainder when 97  79 is divide by 32 is 0.

 1   11C7 .24
(C) The coefficient of the term independent of ' x ' in the expansion of  2 x 2   is
 3x  27
(D) The only value of ' r ' for which the coefficient of  2r  4  term is equal to the coefficient of

 r  6 th term in the expansion of 1 x 15 is '2'.

12. Which of the following statement(s) holds good?

(A) The number of ways 1, 2 and 4 inspectors can be sent to A, B and C city respectively out of 7
Volunteer is 630.
(B) The sum of all the 3 digit numbers which can be formed using the digits 1, 5, 7 and 8 without
repetition 13986.
(C) The number of ways in which the letters of word ‘TUILERIES’ can be rearranged without
changing the relative order of vowels and consonants is 720.
(D) If the letters of the word ‘AKALA’ are arranged as in dictionary then the word which appears on
8 th positon is AKAAL.


VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 23 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
This section consists of THREE (03) Paragraphs. There are TWO (02) questions corresponding to each Paragraph. The
answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer. If
the answer is a decimal numerical value, then round-off the value to TWO decimal places. If the answer is an Integer
value, then do not add zero in the decimal places. In the OMR, do not bubble the  sign for positive values. However,
for negative values, Θ sign should be bubbled. (Example: 6, 81, 1.50, 3.25, 0.08).

Paragraph for Questions 1 - 2

Let z  a  i b, a, b  R, i  1. | z  z0 | represents distance of z from z0 .

1. If | z  1|  2, then minimum value | z | is ______.

2. If | z  1|  | z  i |, (where z  a  i b, a  0) then arg( z )  where p  ______


VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 24 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success
Paragraph for Questions 3 - 4
2 2
If ax  by  10 is the chord of minimum length of the circle  x  10    y  20   729 and the chord passes

through  5,15 .
3. Then value of 4a  2b is :

4. Sum of 100 terms of A.P. if first term is 2a and common difference 2b is:

Paragraph for Questions 5 -6

If the number of 6-digit numbers that contain exactly 3 sevens as digits is M.

5. Find Number of divisor of M:

6. Find Highest exponent of 6 in sum of divisors:


VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 25 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

Vidyamandir Classes: Innovating For Your Success

   End of JEE Advanced Full Length Test - 1 | Paper - 1 |JEE -2023 (GEN 3 to 7)  

VMC | JEE-2023 | Paper-1 26 JEE Advanced Full Length Test -1 | Gen 3 to 7

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