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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT SCHEME UsN 18ELNL First/Second Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 2¢ Basic Electronics Time: 3 hrs. Ma$iMarks§oo Nate: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each Module-1 @ 1a. Explain the diode characteristics tinder forward and reverse bj jon with neat diagram. (06 Marks) b, What is a voltage regulator? Explain with a neat diagram fa rener voltage regulator, (06 Marks) ©. With a neat diagram and waveforms, explain the workigel@g a brid rectifier. Derive the (08 Marks) Derive the ripple factor for it (08 Marks) What is an LED? Explain the working of an t diagram. (06 Marks) In the zener voltage regulator, V2 = 10V. “2 KQ. If the input voltage Vi is varied from 22 V to 40 V, find the may C") ‘minimum value of zener current. [Refer Fig.Q2(e)} . OL. | Ve ye SR 3) a. Withaneat graph fi characteristics of an N channel JFET, explain the following: lficieney of this rectifier oR 2a, Explain the working of a centre tap full wave rect MRGpoviMpneat diagram and waveform. b, My ith a (06 Marks) cn opal ic evahater acl or equtions wee, 42+8~ Sl he tree as malpractice Teper Neko 1. On crpting yan complying cts en a mining ack pag. i (i) oben region S — (iv) Break-down, (08 Marks) zoo ta flag spain one method of commutation of an SCR with neat diagram 3 (06 Marks) & ©. chan ‘ET, Ipss mA and Vasc = —8 V (maxm), using these values : drain current for VS = OV, =I V, and 4V. (os Marks) on aa cireuitdingrams, explain the construction and operation of an enhancement type se ‘o# Mark) is CMOS used as an inverter? Explain with neat diagram (oostar) in the switching action of an SCR using two transistor model (0s Marks) 10f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT ISELNI4/ 5 8, Withneat diagrams and explanation analyze a differential input op-amp amplifier. With respect to an op-amp, explain the following and give their ideal values: (CMR il), PSRR (Gli) Input offset voltage iv) Input offset eurrent OBNtarks) With relevant diagram and derivation show how an op-amp can be us ferting summing amplifier (Adder) (06 Nlarks) oR * 6 a. Explain how an op-amp can be used asa difference amplifier wilfhnglt ailram. (08 vtarks) b. Forthe circuit ofthe inverting amplifier shown in Fiz.Q6(b following: (@__ Closed loop gain Ar ii) Output voltagg (Gil) Input current I, (06 Marks) (06 Marks) 7 a, How does a transittg voRze amplifier work? Explain and also derive the equation for voltage gain (08 Marks) b. With ind equations, explain the concept of positive and negative feedback amplifiegaucept (06 Marks) & Detemtfje w2e gain and the ac output voltage if ’e = 50.9 for the cireuit shown in Fig.Q7 9 WhatWalue Of Re will get a voltage gain of 502 « Ww Fig.Q7(0) (06 Marks) 20f3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18ELNI4) or 8 a. Tow does a transistor function like a switch? Explain with relevant diagrams. @ frequency of oscillation b, With a neat circuit diagram, explain RC phase shift oscillator, Write the equatio Co) ©. With relevant diagram, explain the internal block diagram of IC 555 Timer. Modute-5 9 a. Realize a full adder using two half adders. Derive the expression for sum and orks) , Convert the following as indicated: @ ACEC @ ) (1001101) i) (26e=( wo Gv) 1689) ie (os Marks) Subtract 11010 fom 10111 using 2's complement method (os Marks) 10 (06 Marks) 4. Witha neat ccut diagram xphin the bck diag GSS (os Marks) b. Explain the working ofa RS latch with neat diagra gion table, (6 Marks) Prove the following identities using truth table @) AB=A+B S S + « 3of3 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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