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The topic I would like to discuss with you today is the one of family and
relationships. More specifically, I would like to focus on an area that I
consider particularly interesting. It is how the concepts of family and
relationships in general have changed in our lifetime.

To start with, I would like to reflect on how families have evolved since the
times of our grandparents. As strange as it might seem today,(POR
EXTRAÑO QUE PUEDA PARECER HOY EN DIA) our grandparents' generation
believed that having children meant an increase in their workforce (MANO DE
OBRA) and therefore they embraced the idea of having many of
them. So, the more children they had, the more work could be carried out in the
fields. As a matter of fact, my grandparents were farmers and all family
members were supposed to lend a helping hand and shoulder the burden of the
daily farm chores.

Nowadays, however, we tend to have fewer children. Evidently, we no longer

see them as workforce (MANO DE OBRA). Quite the opposite, we have
become aware that they need our constant attention. Additionally,  we also
enjoy an extended life expectancy (ESPERANZA DE VIDA). People
live definitely longer and this has of course influenced family structures. We
even have coined a new term, the so-called  "Beanpole family",
which describes a multi-generational family that is thinly stretched over several
generations, with fewer family members in each generation and with growing
numbers of single-parent families.

In addition to family size, a further point to discuss is family types. At the time
of our grandparents you would just find the most traditional families. Our
generation, on the other hand, has witnessed (HA SIDO TESTIGO) the
emergence (APARICION) of a much wider range of family structures. A case in
point is the single-parent families, which have become  more common in recent
years. Another family type to consider is the rainbow families, which
include same-sex families and gender-diverse families. Apart from these, there
is also the blended family (FAMILIA DE ACOGIDA), a family consisting of a
couple, the children they have had together, and their children from previous
relationships. Finally, another family type that has gained prominence
recently is the foster family, which takes a child into their home for a while and
takes care of him or her. In any case, what we should bear in mind is
that there is no such thing as 'normal' or 'abnormal' family structures – we are all
equal and love is what really makes a family.

Another area to consider, is our children's upbringing (EDUCACION). There

are mainly two types of parenting, helicopter parenting and free-range parenting
(CRIANZA EN LIBERTAD). In The former parents pay extremely close
attention to their children's experiences and problems. And the latter advocates
encouraging independence in children. These parents believe that over-
protectiveness is a danger in itself. Indeed, a child who thinks he cannot do
anything on his own eventually can't. As the popular saying goes "either if you
say you can or you can't you are always right.

Obviously, these two types of parenting lead us to a dilemma. Does our

society mollycoddle (MIMAR) its children? Or do free-range parents expose their
children to real and unnecessary danger? What do you think?

In conclusion, our generation has witnessed a major shift in not only the area

of family size and structure but also in the emergence of unconventional family
types. Likewise, (ASIMISMO) today's parents are in a quandary over whether in
our modern times they should rear their children in a protective
or permissive way. In any case, at this moment in time, we have all become
perfectly aware that we are propelling our children to an unpredictable
future.  So, as long as they have the skills to fend for themselves (VALERSE
POR SI MIMSO), we as a society should feel proud and contented

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