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Submitted by: Ayesha

Subject: 6502 (Educational Management and Supervision)

Q.1 Describe the principles and dynamics of Islamic administration model
in detail.
Administration has come until today as a phenomenon from the time of the Prophet Adam (as). It
has seemed as one of the most basic needs of humanity, because the innate nature of human
requires an efficient administration, and many natural events, which we can call the innate nature
of the universe, also teach us the administrative mentality.
To be able to define a system as an administration, these four elements must be together:

1- A particular thought system

2- A community that gathers around this thought system
3- The goals to be pursued, and the aims to be achieved, which are proper to the thought

4- A leader, or administrator, who coordinates and organizes all these elements in a

particular way of relationship and balance and ensures supervision. 1
Now, in consideration of the elements mentioned above, we can evaluate the administrative
mentality of Islamic civilization as follows:

1- Our thought system is Islam which we describe as “greater humanity” and the borders of
which are drawn by the Islamic scholars.

2- Our community – currently – is the 2-billion Muslim ummah.

3- Our aim and purpose are to secure the happiness of the two worlds, make the justice
prevalent under the sun, establish the order of the world, and raise the perfect human. And
many others can be mentioned here.

4- Our leader, administrator, is the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and, after his passing away,
the Khalifah who is charged with the Prophet’s duties except prophethood and represents him.
Before we continue with the principles of administrative mentality, I would like to draw your
attention to two hadiths that form the backbone of Islam’s administrative mentality:
“The master [leader] of a people [nation] is the one who serves them.” 2
“All of you are shepherds and each of you is responsible for his flock. The Amir [leader] of a
people is a shepherd and he is responsible for his flock. A man is the shepherd of the people of
his house and he is responsible for his flock. A woman is the shepherd of the house of her
husband and she is responsible. A man’s servant is the shepherd of his master’s property and he
is responsible for it. Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock.” 3
The principles of administrative mentality in Islam
The administrative mentality in Islam is based on five elements: Trust, Justice, Merit,
Consultation, and Legitimacy. Islamic scholars stated that the administrations that are formed
based on these elements are

1- Trust
Trust means “confidence, uprightness, a thing put into someone’s protection.” As a term it has
got the meanings that the position of service and authority is entrusted to the administrator’s
protection, and these positions can be protected by confidence and uprightness.
In Islamic civilizations, administration is not only entrusted to administrators. The administered
is also held responsible for checking the administrator. It is the aim of an ideal society that the
administration is both entrusted to the administrator and the administered. In a narration, it is
said that the best of the jihads is to say the truth to the face of tyrant ruler. When he became the
Khalifah, Abu Bakr (ra) said, “Warn me if I stray from the justice.” Upon this, the companions
“We correct you with our swords.” Omar (ra) said when he became the Khalifah: “O people!
Obey me as long as I obey Allah and our Prophet. If I stray from the right path, correct me with
your swords.”
The following event beautifully shows the understanding of trust and reliability in Islam:
When Omar (ra) was the Khalifah, a companion came to his office. He said ‘assalamu alaikum’
and sat down. But Omar (ra) did not return the greeting at that moment. He was busy with his
work, so the companion waited. Having not looked at the face of the companion, Omar (ra)
finished his work and put out the candle. Then he lighted another candle and started talking by
returning the greeting of the companion. The companion asked:
– O Omar! Why didn’t you return my greeting at once and why did you start talking to me after
putting out one candle and lighting another one?
Omar (ra) replied:
The first candle was bought with the state treasury. If I busied myself with personal affairs while
it was burning, I would be held responsible in the sight of Allah. For we would not talk about
state affairs with you, I lighted the candle which I bought with my own money and then I started
to talking to you.

2- Justice
Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi evaluated the concept of justice in two ways: the positive justice,
which is to give the right holder his due; and the negative justice, which is to discipline the
wrongful. 5
Legal arrangements have come into existence with the need for protecting the human honor. The
humanity has always been in search of being governed with justice; and the justice has been
accepted as the basis of the state. Prophets and holy books were sent to secure the justice. Allah
(swt) has commanded people to be just: “Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and
giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression.” (Nahl, 16:90)
Another verse from the Qur’an about this subject is as follows: “O you who have believed, be
persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people
prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed,
Allah is acquainted with what you do.” (Ma’idah, 5:8)
In a narration it is said that the most beloved and the closest person to Allah in the Doomsday is
the just ruler, and the person whom Allah torments most and keeps away from Himself is the
tyrant ruler.
Kınalızade Ali Efendi wrote in his Ahlak-ı Alai, “Justice exists with state, state exists with land,
land with soldier, soldier with treasury, treasury with subject (folk), and folk exists with justice.”
What draws attention here is that Kınalızade links the justice of the state to the justice of the folk
which is formed by individuals’ coming together. This understanding is exactly in line with the
hadith “You are governed how you are,” and with the sentence “Let the human live so that the
state lives.”
The Islamic civilization has developed its “view of justice” based on the understanding
mentioned above. The proof for this is the thousands of just administrators in the 1400-year
Islamic civilization. I will mention a striking event occurred between the Ottoman Sultan ‘Fatih
Sultan Mehmed’ and a Greek architect:
The sultan entrusts two marble columns that will be used for the Fatih Mosque to the Architect
Sinan Atik, who is originally a Greek. Sinan shortens the columns. The sultan gets angry for that
and orders to punish him by cutting architect’s hand.
The architect wants to claims his right against the sultan. The first kadi (judge) of Istanbul, Sarı
Hızır Çelebi accepts and files the claim.
When the sultan is summoned, he likes to sit down but the judge does not allow him to sit down.
“Sir! You are going to face the complainant before the law,” he says. The sultan stands together
with the complainant at the court.
When his plea is asked, the sultan accepts his mistake. The judge declares the sultan as guilty
because of what he has done and decides to punish him with the same thing he has done for the
architect which means his hand will be cut off.
Those present are all shocked. It is such an extraordinary situation that the architect’s hands and
feet begin to tremble. Finally, when he comes to his senses, he goes down on his knees to the
sultan and says, “I withdraw the lawsuit. I am dwarfed before the greatness of Islam’s justice. I
cannot risk being cursed till the Doomsday by making the hand of such a world conqueror cut.”
But the judge decides the sultan to pay compensation. And the sultan pays it from his own
When the case finished and everyone is gone, the sultan pulls out an iron bar and says to the
judge, “If you had not decided to cut my hand according to the rules of Islam, I would be
smashing your head with this bar.” And the judge takes out his mace and replies, “If you had not
accepted my decision because you are the sultan, I swear, I would kill you with this.”

3- Merit (suitability, capability)

It means “being worthy of, suitability, capability, competence.” In Islamic civilization, the
following five elements have vital importance in terms of an administrator or leader’s having the
merit: ‘ilm, taqwa, akhlaq, cability to govern, and justice.
Allah (swt) shows Adam (as)’s suitability for being the Khalifah on the earth with regard to his
scholarly superiority. By teaching all of the names, Allah (swt) showed that Adam (as) – and the
humanity in his person – is superior, under certain conditions, to the angel and is suitable for
being the Khalifah of the earth.
If an administrator does not have taqwa, that is, if he is not afraid of Allah (swt), his ‘ilm
(knowledge) has no validity. Because someone who cannot apply his knowledge to his life
cannot be appointed as an administrator.
Moreover, the most important characteristic that an administrator should have while leading the
Muslims is the moral, or akhlaq. Only one example is enough for this matter. Our Lord, Allah
(swt), addressed our Prophet (pbuh) in a verse: “So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you
were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would
have disbanded from about you.” (Al ‘Imran, 3:159)
Giving the job to the competent is actually a matter of foresight and intuition. Our Master,
Muhammad (pbuh), had these both and did the right thing while taking his most loyal friend Abu
Bakr (ra) with him during the emigration to Madina; choosing Cafar b. Abu Talib as the head of
the group he sent to Habashistan; sending Mus‘ab b. Umayr (ra) to Madina as the first murshid,
or guide; leaving Ali (ra) in his bed before beginning his emigration to Medina; and leaving
Abbas (ra) in Makkah for intelligence. He charged them according to their skills, and all of them
did their best and fulfilled their duty thoroughly.
Similarly, it is a good example that just a short time before his death our Prophet (pbuh)
appointed 17-year-old Usama bin Zayd (ra) as the commander of the military expedition to Syria
among all the other companions. It has been understood how much our Master (pbuh) gave
importance to the skill while giving a mission. In this way, both the duties are fulfilled
successfully and the companions felt at peace by being successful in doing their duties.
Abu Zar (ra) narrated:
I asked, “Oh the Messenger of Allah, would you not assign me [as an official]. He said to me, “O
Abu Dharr, I see that you are weak and I like for you what I like for myself. Do not rule over
(even) two persons, and do not manage an orphan’s property.”
Muslim leader, or administrator, must get the rightful weak’s due from the powerful oppressor;
strengthen the weak, that is, establish the justice. Abu Bakr (ra) told in his sermon: “The weak
among you is the strongest beside me in case of being rightful; the strongest is the weakest
beside me in case of being wrongful.”
Let’s finish the subject of merit with the words of Omar (ra) and Imam Bediuzzaman.
Omar (ra) said: “The administration can only be achieved with a
discipline that does not cause oppression; gentleness that does not cause weakness; generosity
that does not cause extravagance; and frugality that does not cause stinginess.”
Imam Bediuzzaman said: “Oh the class of the high! We, the common people and the people of
the madrasa, demand our rights from you. We ask you to confirm your promise with your action,
not to excuse yourselves with the mistakes of others, not refer the works to each other’s, not to
be lazy with the works in your responsibility, to make up for the opportunities missed because of
you, to listen to our affairs, consult with us about our matters, to disturb your comfort a bit, and
ask after us!” 9

4- Consultation (Istishara)
Mash ‘ar is the beehive, shura is the honeycomb, mishwar is the spatula for gathering the honey,
and istishara is to gather the honey. (Mütercim Asim Efendi, Kamus Translation)
Holding a consultation with each other and making a decision about things, and then continuing
accordingly is called “istishara.” It is one of the fundamentals of Islamic administration. The
verse 42:38 (“…whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves…”) was
revealed at the period of Makka, when the Islamic State (in Medina) was not established yet. It is
emphasized in the verses of the Qur’an that the understanding of consultation should direct the
“…And if they both desire weaning through mutual consent from both of them and consultation,
there is no blame upon either of them….” (Baqarah, 2:233)
“…and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah….” (Al
‘Imran, 3:159)
It is known that as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) commanded the Muslims to consult with each
other, he himself consulted with his companions about general or private things. As a matter of
fact, the Prophet (pbuh) took every decision that is crucial in the fight for survival of the first
Muslim community by consulting with his community. Various stages of the battles of Badr,
Uhud and the Trench; the Baiatul ridwan and the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah are some of the
When the verse 3:159 (“…consult them in the matter…”) was revealed, the Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Know that neither Allah nor His Messenger needs counsel. However, Allah made it a mercy on
my ummah. Whoever hold consultation among them does not remain deprived of goodness, and
whoever gives up consultation cannot escape mistakes.”
Imam Bediuzzaman strongly emphasizes the importance of consultation:
“The key to Muslims’ happiness in Islamic social life is the mutual consultation enjoined by the
Shari’a. The verse, “Whose rule is consultation among themselves.” [Qur’an 42:38] orders
consultation as a fundamental principle. Just as the consultation of the ages and centuries that
mankind has practised by means of history, a conjunction of ideas, formed the basis of the
progress and sciences of all mankind, so too one reason for the backwardness of Asia, the largest
continent, was the failure to practise that true consultation.
The key and discloser of the continent of Asia and its future is mutual consultation. That is to
say, just as individuals should consult one another, so must nations and continents also practise
consultation. For it is the freedom resulting from the Shari’a, which is born of the consultation
enjoined by the Shari’a, and the noble-mindedness and compassion of belief that will loosen and
remove the fetters and chains of the various forms of tyranny fastened to the feet of three
rather, four hundred million strong Islam.” 5- Legitimacy
Legitimacy means being proper to the public morality and the law. The legitimacy in Islamic
administration is the regulations which carry positive value in terms of religiosity, morality and
law, and which the religion approves. Legitimacy is based on the superiority of Divine Law. The
ordinance of the Qur’an is clear in this subject:
“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among
you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should
believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result.” (Nisa, 4:59)
Muslim administrators, in terms of authority, are the implementers of Allah (swt)’s ordinances.
They cannot act arbitrarily in legislation, implementation and judgement or make any concession
to a person or a group.
During his caliphate, Ali (ra) gave an order. After a while he wondered if his order was carried
out, and asked:
“Did you do what I told you?”
Having not carried out the order yet, ashamed and timid, they said, “No.”
Ali (ra) warned them as follows: “I swear by Allah, you either do what is commanded, or the
Jews and the Christian come and walk all over you.” 12
While determining the fundamentals for the virtuous society it wants to build, the Islamic
civilization also presented the fundamentals of the understanding of administration of this
society. When these fundamentals are examined, the administrator in the Islamic civilization
knows that the society and the belongings of the society are the responsibilities of him as a result
of the duty given to him; protecting the trust and being reliable become his characteristic.
Reliable administrator governs the society with justice. He ensures that everybody is equal
before the law. Administration is given to the one who is competent. The suitable administrator,
who performs the fundamentals of the trust and justice, is chosen with consultation. The
administrator who is chosen as a result of consultation obtains legitimacy. Obeying “ulul amr”
(those in authority) who has obtained legitimacy is compulsory. When the adaptation of these
fundamentals is achieved, it can be possible to build a virtuous and model society, equipped with
wisdom and justice, with which Allah (swt) will be pleased.
Our Lord! Make these fundamentals rule our social life again! And make us virtuous Muslims!
Do not give any change to those who target our unity, solidarity, life, religion and Qur’an in the
Islamic world and in our homeland! Amin…
İdris Tüzün, Hizmetkar Liderlik Modeli
Kashful Khafa
Enver Çakmak, İslam Kültür ve Medeniyeti
Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, Zülfikar
Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, İşaratü’l-İ’caz
Kanzul Ummal
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Debates
Imam Bauhaqi, Shuab ul Iman
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, The Damascus Sermon
Ibn Abi Shaybah

Q.2 Differentiate between planning as function and a process by drawing

from the concepts on Macro and Micro Planning.
When it comes to your agency, a similar principle can be put into play. Is day-to-day resource
planning important to get the work done? Yes. Do you need to plan out tasks for your
employees? Sure. But if you don’t have a big-picture view, the details won’t matter. That’s why
macroplanning is much more important and effective than micro-planning. Here’s everything
you need to know about these two concepts.
A macro plan is a very high-level description of a project. It’s short and concise, just hitting the
important highlights—the things you really need to know in order to get the job done, with no
unnecessary fluff and no down-to-the-minute scheduling.
Micro-planning is, as you might expect, the opposite of macro-planning: it involves lots and lots
of details and a very intense schedule to get the work done. For instance, a company that plans
their tasks at the microlevel might lay out the day’s schedule like this:
This is inefficient; it’s simply too hard to plan down-to-the-minute like this. Inevitably, Claire is
going to get behind because it’s hard to predict how long certain tasks can take, and then her
whole day (and your agency’s whole projects) will be thrown off. Micro-planning just doesn’t
Difference Between Macro and Micro-Planning
The Elgina Venue explains that macro to-do listing means looking at the bigger picture, whereas
micro to-do listing means looking at the everyday. If you use a micro to-do list, you’re going to
get too bogged down in the tiny details. With macro to-do listing, however, you get an
overarching, broader view of what’s happening and are able to focus on big-picture goals.
At the end of the day, that’s why you’ll get more done with macroplanning—because you can
hone in on your end goal. Once you write your macro to-do list, everything else that needs to be
done will naturally fall into place.
Advantages of Macro-Planning
Macro-planning is almost always the right way to go because it helps you keep your end goal in
your sights. Macro-planning doesn’t mean you do away with schedules completely (in fact, we
love schedules — you can integrate your Google or Apple calendar with Productive); it just
means that, instead of working from the ground up, you start with your biggest goals and break
them down from there.
When it comes to macro-planning, think about casting a long-term vision — what your company
wants to accomplish in a year, two years, ten years. It’s easier to start with this broad vision and
then work your way backwards to define smaller monthly and weekly tasks rather than the other
way around. Working backwards can ensure that each task you spend time on is truly moving
you closer to your end goal. Think about your macro-goals and break them down into micro-
With macro-planning, you’re also able to batch process repeating tasks, so you can be more
efficient with your time. If there are tasks you’re going to have to do over and over (such as
writing a weekly blog post for your business), you can do them all at the same time. Writing four
blog posts during the first couple of days of the month, for instance, will help you get in the
blogging groove and write those posts quickly.
Disadvantages of Micro-Planning
Micro-planning is a form of micro-managing, which is something no employee wants to
experience. Micro-managing sends a message to your employees that you don’t trust them
enough to do the job on their own. It can weaken relationships and even destroy your team.
Micromanagement also makes managers lose sight of the big picture.
Employees can become dependent on micromanagement and everyone is going to get burned
out. Those are a few of the many reasons why micro-planning is a bad idea.
Micro-planning and micromanagement are also not at all scalable. Someone at the company will
have to spend every moment of the day going over the tiny details of what the team is doing. If
you try to scale up, the team is either going to have to grow or to take on new duties — and
either way, it’s just going to cause more work for everyone.
Macro-planning is all about the bigger picture and the long-term vision. Micro-planning,
however, is a surefire way to get bogged down in unnecessary details—meaning you might never
achieve your end goal. To learn more, download our guide on resource planning for agencies.
Focusing on macro-planning is a much better idea for your agency as you strategize how to get
the best results. By doing so, you can focus on the big picture and hit your target every time.

Q.3 Describe the concept of supervision also explain the purposes and need
of supervision in detail.
In the modern educational system expansion of education relies on increasing number of
educational institutions, teachers and students as well as providing all sort of facilities which are
essential for proper progress of education. It will never be sufficient if we will not yield or
achieve our returns or results to an adequate extent in qualitative perspective. From this
description it is quite evident that quality assurance of education at any level is the prime concern
of the modem educational practices. For this there is the need of quantitative expansion as well
as qualitative improvement of education at all levels. This will be determined by the very
concept, supervision.
“In the modern educational system, the term supervision has got a very significant position from
the point of view of the role played by it. Due to the enhancement of its importance in the present
educational system its prime purpose has been changed now. Researchers and Educationists
previously agreed upon the fact that supervision is primarily concerned for the purpose of
improving instruction.
According to Adams and Dickey, “Supervision is a planned programmed for the improvement.”
It exists in their opinion for one reason only to improve teaching and learning. So, it is mainly
concerned with “development of teachers and pupils.”
The dictionary of education defines supervision as “all efforts of designed schools towards
providing leadership to teachers and other educational workers in the improvement of
instruction; involves the stimulation of professional growth and development of teachers, the
selection and revision of educational objectives, materials on instruction and methods of teaching
and the evaluation of instruction.” Here the word “supervision” means to guide and stimulate the
activities of teachers with a view to improve them, i.e., teaching as well as instruction and
promoting professional growth.
Now-a-days the concept of supervision has been changed. It is not concerned merely with
improvement of teachers as it was conceived in the previous days, when the supervisory
activities were directive and prescriptive. But now according to some experts, supervision
requires a super plus vision a superior perspective attended by special preparation and position.
To them the primary function of supervisors of all types is leadership, encouragement and
recognition of leadership in any other person either in the professional staff or among the
community participants.
Therefore, they designate the supervisor as a leader who has possession of the following two

1. A clear perspective of the school’s goals and awareness of its resources and qualities and
another is,

2. The ability to help others, contribute to this vision and to perceive and to act in
accordance with it.
So, it is now clear that the modern concept of supervision centers round the basic concept of
instructional improvement through leadership and co-operation of all the agencies concerned.
Keeping this in view Neagly and Evans have strongly viewed that, “Modem supervision in
school is positive democratic action aimed at the improvement of classroom instruction through
the continued growth of all concerned – the educed, the teacher, the supervisor, the administrator
and the parents of others interested lay person.”
Supporting this Barr and Burton have rightly stated that, “No doubt the aim of supervision is the
improvement of teaching but this can be facilitated through the development of the teacher, the
growth of the pupil and the improvement of the teaching-learning process as a whole.
It has been clearly visualized that the supervision seeks to be democratic in nature out and out
which demands constant efforts on the part of inspecting officers. They have to stimulate co-
ordinate, guide for continued growth of the teacher in a school, both individually and collectively
in better understanding and more effective performances of all teaching activities.
As a result of which teachers may be better able to stimulate and guide the continued growth of
every pupil towards the most intelligent participation in modern democratic society. This new
concept is based on the belief that inspection and supervision are a co-operative enterprise in
which both the teacher and inspecting officers have to participate actively.
From this discussion the term inspection has got priority in supervision which was not stressed
on in earlier days because the degree of success of any supervisory activity or programmed
depends upon the degree of inspection done by the inspecting officials. Because they are the real
supervisors of the educational programmed. As both supervision and inspection are meant for the
same purpose and inspection covers almost all the areas of supervision there is no necessity of
bringing difference between supervision and inspection.
Scope of Supervision:
The scope of supervision is very wide which can be proved from the following aspects of
education as the scope of supervision in education:
1. The Instructional Work:
The first and foremost task of the supervisor is how to improve the instruction.
For this, he supervises:

a. Method of teaching employed for different subjects.

b. Audio-visual aids used.
c. The time table.
d. The distribution of work among teachers.
e. The written work of students and its correction.
f. Teachers lesson diaries and scheme of work.
2. Co-Curricular Activities:
The supervisor supervises the organization of various co- curricular activities keeping in view
their need and importance.
These co-curricular activities are:

a. Games and sports

b. Dramatics
c. School magazines
d. Library services
e. Educational tours
f. Field trips and
g. Picnics
3. Records and Registers:
The supervisor has to supervise all the records and registers of an educational institution or
school by examining the following type of records:

a. Admission Register
b. Attendance Register
c. The cash book
d. The log books
e. The Stock Register and
f. The Receipt Book
4. The School Environment:
The school environment has a profound role bringing over an improvement of educational
For this the supervisor has to supervise the following aspects of the school environment:

a. School Discipline
b. Relationship between the head of the institution and his staff, between staff and students
c. Emotional climate of the school
d. General behavior of students
e. Cleanliness of the surroundings
f. Goodwill of the self-government formed by students
g. Plantation of trees
h. Morale of the classroom
i. Relationship among teachers
j. Hygienic conditions of the toilet, canteen and water supply
k. Relationship of the head of the institution or school with the community members
l. Beautification of the campus
5. Management:
Supervision of management is also another aspect of the scope of supervision in education
without which the overall improvement of teaching-learning process will never be successful.
The supervision of the management of the educational institution includes the following aspects
with it:

a. Co-operation of teachers and community members.

b. The ability of the headmaster to run the school or institution.
c. Co-operation, co-ordination and responsibility between teachers and headmaster in
organizing any programmed.

d. Duties and responsibilities rendered by the teachers as the members of different sub-
committees for different programmers.
e. Problems with the managing committee.
f. Achievements and failures of the school.
6. Guidance to Teachers:
The supervisor has not only to supervise but also guide the headmaster and teachers in their
efforts for ensuring qualitative improvement of education.
For this supervision includes the following things in its jurisdiction:

a. Innovations in teaching
b. Remedial instruction
c. Community mobilization and support
d. Conducting seminars, conferences, meetings and workshops to discuss about problems
and their solution.
7. Developmental Activities:
The supervisor supervises the developmental activities of the school in the following heads:

a. Justification of developmental activities, proposals for extension of the school building.

b. Allotment receipt and the progress made. Difficulties faced and the steps taken by the
headmaster to wipe out the difficulties, and

c. Construction of the new building and its progress

Q.4 Describe the concepts, objectives and importance of education. Explain
different approaches of education plan in detail.
The developments are taking place everywhere and the rising complexity of our educational
system has made the educational planning a necessity. We are facing many problems like
population explosion, manpower requirements, increasing aspirations with different sections in
the society, inequality between the demands of the economy and educational products, ecological
imbalances, dwindling resources, and chaotic applications of systematic developments. All these
problems produce demands on the education system for solutions. The education system meets
all these problems, so planning becomes even more important with the capability of planning
becomes mandatory.
Importance of Education Planning
Educational planning has become very important because:
It makes sure an institution’s success. It considers the significant issues, constraints, conditions,
and factors of education. The focus is on potential objectives, goals, and vision. This is practical
in nature that it emphasizes the ability and perception to apply to theory and profits from it prior
to the action. It explains the objectives and also the means of achieving those objectives.
Therefore, it eliminates the trial-and-error procedure, reduces the chances of collapse and
guarantees success. It offers intelligent direction for action.
The shortage of economic or other non-material sources creates a challenge for education.
Planning is the response of such disputes and explores possibilities of options uses and finest
utilization of restricted resources.
Successful and well-organized planning saves effort, time, and money. This is the coordinated
means for attaining the pre-determined objectives.
Education is the public service required by the public and provided by the government. For all
the government efforts of such huge magnitudes like education, the planning is completely
Educational planning is among the elements of general national and socioeconomic
development. The planning needs to offer the educational objectives and finances for the
educational development to accomplish these objectives.
Importance of Education Planning in the Higher Education
Since the internationalization has become increasingly important to the university operations,
this raises the query about institutional capability or if the university is capable of responding to
the latest challenges it faces. Educational planning is generally proposed as the key tool of more
systematic and rational approach to bring about the required changes for superior
internationalization in the institutional direction with daily operations.
Several people in the universities are suspicious about the importance of education planning in
superior education; believing that this does not well with the traditions and academic cultures.
When a suitable model is accepted, this not only supports the particular behaviors requirements
of the universities but also having the perspective of turning what is generally oratory into
Whereas it is the fact that the exercise of education planning is introduced from the industry
world (that had personalized it through the creative military form), it is important to take an
exact nature with operation modes of the university into the matter if education planning needs to
be embraced and accepted both like the concept and the system which can offer direction and
help development.
Basic Differences
There are a couple of basic differences. One difference is that the universities are having value
systems directed by the principles of longstanding investments in educating the people and
producing and broadcasting knowledge, not like the characteristically short-term concentrate on
the financial results of this business world. The universities need a generation of different
income resources and exhibits sustainability and quality of their workings to the “stakeholders”.
Therefore, even the difference could be less important in a few countries these days. However, it
is apparent that the education plan which is strongly associated with the academic innovations
rather than financial sustainability can have a superior chance to find support in the university.
Another difference is that the business could opt to take the stronger top-down approach for
driving the directions and taking decisions, however, the environment of shared authority in the
universities means it is the key of building agreement from the beginning to make sure
commitment and involvement across the different departments and faculties. Therefore, while
the committee will begin on the top having institutional head indicates the direction and clears
the preferred future, this will be important to have the academic group of people on board from
the beginning. It takes more energy and time to design the procedure which is both inclusive and
transparent; however, it is the one which is more expected to get success.
There are much greater chances that the academic population will recognize and willing to
execute the education plans if they get involved with the procedure from the beginning, in case
there is suppleness for them to start their own goals and contribution within the extensive
framework. It is a two-way procedure. Whereas the leadership needs to give space to the
distinctiveness and diversity, the departments and faculties should also identify the requirement
of horizontal and vertical interdependence in the institution.
If the education planning for higher education is carefully designed, it produces a room for two-
way implementation and turns out to be the glue which holds the internationalization procedure
together. It can work to support the culture and allow the university to turn into the institute it
wishes to be.
Why Education Planning is required?
In today's fast-changing world, innovative career pathways are constantly recounting,
conventional ones are being altered and shifts have happened in the educational requirements
and occupation skills. All these changes are the result of the latest technology, alteration in the
organizational designs and trends towards worldwide business operations. Having all these
alterations, you could ask "Why education planning is required?” The point is developing career
goals, options, and strategy depending on your personality, interests, skills, and values. When
you have got the plan, you become well equipped for self-managing your careers and taking
benefit of economic changes and job markets instead of becoming the victim of changes.
Who will take the Responsibility of Your Career?
Your career is completely your responsibility. It is up to you to make the planning as well as take
all the required actions to get the training and education which will help your career
arrangements. However, you may get assistance. For instance, your career counsellor or advisor
can tell you about planning and strategy for your career, how to get the information you require,
how to deal with obstacles, how to plan for your present and future training and education and
remember, right through your life, you must take all the judgments of your career. You also need
to produce the results which support your objectives. It’s in your hands to control and steer your
own fortune.
The Significance of Self-Assessment
To understand you are an important aspect of the educational, career planning, and exploration.
It’s good to know more about career associated interests, skills, values, preferences, and
personality type, as you will be in a better position to recognize the career domains, major study
areas, education pathways, and training programs which are well-matched with your individual
attributes. You should do a precise self-assessment of your special qualities:
Your interest in work is an indication of the types of work associated, the tasks and activities you
enjoy doing the most.
Your values are a representation of the most significant part of your life. For instance, you could
value earning lots of money, help other people, having a steady and secure job, being artistic and
creative, etc.
Your skills are an indication of your talent and different kinds of things you can easily learn or
perform well.
Your personality category is the picture of how you respond to the certain people and situations
or, how you make decisions, organize information, or solve the problems.
Your Life Graph: The Real Picture
It is good to plan your education and career according to your real picture, your life graph. Do
you have to ask yourself about what type of life you wish to live? You can see that your career
verdicts will dramatically affect your standard of living. Your profession will decide the place
where you exist, your income, working hours, you’re travelling, and job security, your option of
work with friends and associates, or how you use your free time. You should ask these questions
to yourself about your future plan.
What values am I dedicated to being a person? For example, security, prestige, family,
accomplishments, etc.
What types of experiences do I wish in my life? For example, travelling, culture, adventure, etc.
What personal flairs do I wish to develop? For instance, art, language, music, intellectual,
communication, etc.
How do I love to spend my free time? For example, in community services, sports and
recreation, travelling, etc.
To end with, you have to ask yourself if the educational avenues and occupational goals, you are
thinking about will be helpful for your life graph.
Roles to Play in the Life
Right through your whole life, your position as the worker will be organized with the other roles
that you play.
Examples of the roles you could engage in are influenced by the career might consist of being a
student, a community citizen, a homemaker, or a recreationist. Your profession reaches beyond
the role as an income earner in your respected occupation. For instance, a simple way to observe
how your choice of occupation or career affects your potential roles is by considering the
subsequent scenario. In case you were thinking about the role of homemaker, wage earner, and
student obviously your job-related income has to be adequate to pay the expenses come in all
these roles. Majority of persons are mainly involved with maybe 2-3 roles at any particular time.
Your concentration on roles depends on your age plus life stage.
For instance, being a college student, your main role will be to study. Later in the life, your main
roles can be as a homemaker or a worker. The position is that in your life you have to play a
blend of leisure, study, work, citizen, and homemaking roles which are intermixed. Therefore,
the reason is that while you make decisions for your education and career, you should consider
the effects of these decisions on other roles.
How to Go Further?
Firstly, whenever you take any decision regarding your option of the education, job, or
occupation, consider which options are most probable to offer you self-fulfillment with all the
roles in the present as well as future.
Secondly, from time to time, dust off all the career plans you have and see what’s taking place in
your life. Make the adjustments in the career as required. For instance, changes in the career field
need that you discover new skills, changes your personal values or interests or family or social
situations can affect your professional aspirations, etc.
If You Don’t Make Education Planning, You Have to Pay for This! In case you select your study
area before deciding on your career objectives, you can finish up with the educational pathway
which does help your career objectives. It means that you need to change your major options or
customize the study program which will help your career objectives. Besides, these changes
generally result in additional semesters or extra costs or years in the college. You may avoid
these troubles with superior planning.
Prepare yourself to review and ask the questions about:
Your career associated values, interests, abilities, and personality. Your current educational,
occupational, and training/college plans and goals
Obstacles or responsibilities which are intrusive with your profession and training/college
decision making.
Your life graph, lifestyle wishes and your approach to achieving your objectives.
Sequentially, your career counsellor can provide you with information
and ideas to assist you:
Verify the validity of your education plans and career decisions.
Help the long-standing educational pathway.
Identify your individual development requirements which will assist you in reaching your goals.
Formulate action plans and strategies to attain your educational and career objectives.
Suggest some ways to break out the obstacles which are intrusive with your planning and
decision making

Q.5 Write nots on the following.

1. Process of project planning
The basic processes of project planning are:
Scope planning – specifying the in-scope requirements for the project to facilitate creating the
work breakdown structure
Preparation of the work breakdown structure – spelling out the breakdown of the project into
tasks and sub-tasks
Project schedule development – listing the entire schedule of the activities and detailing their
sequence of implementation
Resource planning – indicating who will do what work, at which time, and if any special skills
are needed to accomplish the project tasks Budget planning – specifying the budgeted cost to be
incurred at the completion of the project
Procurement planning – focusing on vendors outside your company and subcontracting
Risk management – planning for possible risks and considering optional contingency plans and
mitigation strategies
Quality planning – assessing quality criteria to be used for the project Communication planning –
designing the communication strategy with all project stakeholders
The planning phase refines the project’s objectives, which were gathered during the initiation
phase. It includes planning the steps necessary to meet those objectives by further identifying the
specific activities and resources required to com plate the project. Now that these objectives
have been recognized, they must be clearly articulated, detailing an in-depth scrutiny of each
recognized objective. With such scrutiny, our understanding of the objective may change. Often
the very act of trying to describe something precisely gives us a better understanding of what we
are looking at. This articulation serves as the basis for the development of requirements. What
this means is that after an objective has been clearly articulated, we can describe it in concrete
(measurable) terms and identify what we have to do to achieve it. Obviously, if we do a poor job
of articulating the objective, our requirements will be misdirected and the resulting project will
not represent the true need.
Users will often begin describing their objectives in qualitative language. The project manager
must work with the user to provide quantifiable definitions to those qualitative terms. These
quantifiable criteria include schedule, cost, and quality measures. In the case of project
objectives, these elements are used as measurements to determine project satisfaction and
successful completion. Subjective evaluations are replaced by actual numeric attributes.
Example 1
A web user may ask for a fast system. The quantitative requirement should be all screens must
load in under three seconds. Describing the time limit during which the screen must load is
specific and tangible. For that reason, you’ll know that the requirement has been successfully
completed when the objective has been met.
Example 2
Let’s say that your company is going to produce a holiday batch of eggnog. Your objective
statement might be stated this way: Christmas Cheer, Inc. will produce two million cases of
holiday eggnog, to be shipped to our distributors by October 30, at a total cost of $1.5 million or
less. The objective criteria in this statement are clearly stated and successful fulfillment can
easily be measured. Stakeholders will know that the objectives are met when the two million
cases are produced and shipped by the due date within the budget stated.
When articulating the project objectives, you should follow the SMART rule:
Specific – get into the details. Objectives should be specific and written in clear, concise, and
under stand able terms.
Measurable – use quantitative language. You need to know when you have successfully
completed the task.
Acceptable – agreed with the stakeholders.
Realistic – in terms of achievement. Objectives that are impossible to accomplish are not realistic
and not attainable. Objectives must be centered in reality.
Time based – deadlines not durations. Objectives should have a time frame with an end date
assigned to them.
If you follow these principles, you’ll be certain that your objectives meet the quantifiable criteria
needed to measure success.

2. Role of supervisor
Supervisor has got an important role to play in factory management. Supervision means
overseeing the subordinates at work at the factory level. The supervisor is a part of the
management team and he holds the designation of first line managers. He is a person who has to
perform many functions which helps in achieving productivity. Therefore, supervisor can be
called as the only manager who has an important role at execution level. There are certain
philosophers who call supervisors as workers. There are yet some more philosophers who call
them as managers. But actually, he should be called as a manager or operative manager. His
primary job is to manage the workers at operative level of management.
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A supervisor plays multiplanar role at one time like -
As a Planner - A supervisor has to plan the daily work schedules in the factory. At the same time,
he has to divide the work to various workers according to their abilities.
As a Manager - It is righty said that a supervisor is a part of the management team of an
enterprise. He is, in fact, an operative manager. As a Guide and Leader - A factory supervisor
leads the workers by guiding them the way of perform their daily tasks. In fact, he plays a role of
an inspired by telling them.
As a Mediator - A Supervisor is called a linking pin between management and workers. He is the
spokesperson of management as well as worker. As an Inspector - An important role of
supervisor is to enforce discipline in the factory. For this, the work includes checking progress of
work against the time schedule, recording the work performances at regular intervals and
reporting the deviations if any from those. He can also frame rules and regulations which have to
be followed by workers during their work.
As a Counselor - A supervisor plays the role of a counselor to the worker’s problem. He has to
perform this role in order to build good relations and co-operation from workers. This can be
done not only by listening to the grievances but also handling the grievances and satisfying the
Therefore, we can say that effective and efficient supervision helps in serving better work
performance, building good human relations, creating a congenial and co-operative environment.
This all helps in increasing productivity

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