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Animal Farm - Chapters 1-5 due on Friday, March 18th

Chapters 6 -10 due on Thursday, March 24th

Response Doc. for Animal Farm Animal Farm Response Doc.

1. Think in terms of commercials - What are your favorite commercials - ones that you like for
whatever reasons - funny, poignant, clever, cool, etc…

2. List or describe your 3 favorite commercials

1. Dark gummies
2. Old spice
3. My little peepy

3. Types of Propaganda - Propaganda Techniques read this page - list the types of propaganda used
in your 3 favorite commercials.
1. fear
2. Jingle / memorable sound
3. fear

Background Info. for Russian Rev.

4. List at least 10 facts etc… you know about the Russian Revolution
1. The Russian revolution was fought against corrupt political policies
2. Lenin tried to help the Russians he was a theorist and a philosopher
3. Engels was a german socialist philosopher who helped with the communist manifesto
4. It followed the devastating loss of WWI
5. Poor working conditions lead to the revolution
6. They wanted a worker-run government
7. It started from corruption by Stalin
8. Lenin and Trotsky were the foremost leaders
9. It was a period of political and social revolution
10. Rasputin was another cause of the revolution

Intro. Video for Animal Farm - review the questions and answer when finished with the video.

1. What is an allegory?

- A story that is an extended metaphor

2. What is the allegory in Animal Farm?

- To criticize the Russian revolution, and has a simple surface meaning

3. Why did Orwell choose an allegory as the framework for Animal Farm?

- He uses the representation of the world war

4. What is totalitarianism?

- A government that controls everything about the people

5. What is George Orwell’s real name?

- Eric Blare

Karl Marx Video Questions

1. Which philosopher did Marx follow?

a. GWF Haegel
2. Describe the relationship between Marx and Engels
a. They had an intellectual bond, studied together, and made the communist manifesto
3. What is the book, The Communist Manifesto?
a. A book that advocates for the worker’s rights
4. List 3 of the issues Marx wrote about for The New York Tribune
a. Slavery
b. Abolitionist movement
c. The civil war
5. What impact did Marx have on the world?
a. Socialism and communism have increased, he impacted many revolutionist movements
because they based it off of Marx

Vladimir Lenin Bio Video -

1. What happened to Lenin’s brother who influenced Lenin’s revolutionary ideas?

a. He was hanged for attempting to assassinate the Czar

2. What was the Red Terror?

a. Him ruthlessly destroying anyone during his ruling of the October Revolution

3. The video ends with a positive and a negative point about Lenin - what are they?
a. They industrialized Russia, but his regime was brutal and suppressive

4. Why is he one of the most important leaders in history?

a. He influenced communism throughout the world and he sent Russia into industrialization

Lenin, 5 facts:

1. Lenin was exiled to Siberia for three years.

2. Lenin hoped Russia would lose World War I.
3. Lenin was mummified following his death.
4. He narrowly escaped an assassination attempt
5. He suffered three strokes

Josef Stalin video questions

1. What does “Stalin” mean?

a. Man of steele
2. When did he rise to power?
a. After the Russian revolution- 1917
3. Describe Stalin’s actions against the Kulaks - (middle class farmers - owned land)
a. He would kill them and execute them
4. Describe the 5 Year Plan.
a. Created to initiate rapid industrialization
5. 2 elements of the Reign of Terror:
a. Forced industrialization, the worst man-made famine
6. When did Hitler/Germany invade the Soviet Union?
a. 1941
7. How many Soviets were killed in WWII?
a. 20 million
8. What did Stalin demand after WWII?
a. A lot of eastern Europe as compensation
9. Why did some Soviets respect Stalin at the end of the war?
a. He raised Russia to a level it had not been before

Leon Trotsky Questions

1. Where was he born?
2. What did the family do for a living?
3. What characteristics did Trotsky have that made him a good union organizer?
a. He had charisma and fervor
4. Who was the head of the Red Army?
5. Describe the relationship between Trotsky and Lenin.
a. It was good, they were freinds and collegues
6. When was Trotsky exiled?
8. Why was he exiled? - We will answer this together after the the video.
a. He got too popular

Character List - keep track of the following characters:

Old Major: the old pig who dies, he has dreams of an animal revolt happening and inspires the rest of the
farm- symbolizing Marx / Lenin
Snowball: One of the younger pigs who have great ideas and who is one of the leaders, he eventually gets
chased out by Napoleon- symbolizing Trotsky
Napoleon: One of the younger pigs who chases out his competition and then takes over the farm,
breaking all of the rules they had set and turning their freedom into a dictatorship- symbolizes Stalin
Squealer: one of the younger pigs, he is loyal to everyone and will do anything to get his way, he is a
smooth talker and calms the nerves of the other animals. He works for Napoleon, and the farm wouldn’t
be stable without him- symbolizes propaganda
Boxer: He is the hardest working horse out of all the animals and takes on more than he can bear, he
thinks Napoleon is right all the time and he always thinks he should work harder. He pushes himself to
build the windmill and then Napoleon tricks him and the animals and he goes to the slaughterhouse-
symbolizes the working class proletariats.
Mr. Jones/Mrs. Jones: the previous owners of the farm who were abusive to the animals and got ran out
by the revolt- symbolizes Czar Nicholas
Mr. Frederick: he is the neighboring farmer who is said to be “harboring” snowball, napoleon sells him
things and trades with him and also invites him to dinner. He hates Mr. Pinchfeild, and has an ongoing
rivalry with him- symbolizes Germany / Hitler
Benjamin: He is the oldest animal on the farm and is a donkey. He is very set in his ways and doesn’t help
out with more work nor does any less than he is supposed to. He helps Clover and near the end, they both
realize they are the oldest ones, he doesn’t object to anything and is very cryptid when they ask him
questions- symbolizes the elderly in Russia at the time
Clover: she is a horse on the farm and a good friend of Boxer’s and Benjamin’s. She is one of the only
animals to question when something shady happens and reads the commandments, she is always
persuaded by Squealer, but still questions- represents the working class / proletariat
Mollie: She is a horse who loves to be coddled be it by giving her sugar cubes or tying ribbons into her
hair. She was the most cowardly on the farm and often shirked her duties, she also stole ribbons because
she loved them so much. Eventually, she ran away from the farm and was seen to be working as a
carriage horse, she was never spoken of again on the farm- symbolizes the bourgeoisie who fled Russia
Moses: He is the “pet” crow on the farm, he is actually wild but is very tame in order for Mr. Jones to give
him food. He is against the rebellion, but never actually tries to stop them- symbolizes the church
The cat: she lays around most days, and never really does any work, often leaving for long periods of time
and only coming back for dinner. She was used to being pampered by Mr. Jones and was not anti or pro
rebellion- symbolizes the Russian upper class
Mr. Whymper: he is the human that Napoleon first interacts with in a kind manner, he helps them trade all
of their goods and helps them have contact with the outside world. The animals are very skittish of him
and do not trust him at all, he helps Napoleon get materials for the windmill- symbolizes the capitalists
Minimus: he is an animal that writes songs and poems for Napoleon and Snowball, he helped with the new
song in replacement of “Beasts of England”, and he is a main source of propaganda- symbolizes the art
takeover of Russia at the time
The dogs: they are raised by Napoleon to be beasts that enforce the law in very forceful ways, they
rampage throughout the farm causing havoc and also protect Napoleon- symbolize the military
The Hens: they wander around but are also the main source of revenue as they make eggs and then
Napoleon sells them. At one point Napoleon ordered their rations to be cut and they protested, 9 of them
died- symbolize the Kulaks

Chapters 1-5 - jot down or highlight or use post-its for information to discuss about the 2 main pigs -
Napoleon and Snowball.
Everyone must follow Napoleon and Snowball

For each chapter jot down 1 optimistic or hopeful idea you have for the animals
1 negative you expect to happen in or because of events in the chapter
List and describe at least 2 types of propaganda with very brief description
Chapter 1 - Positive or Hopeful
I think that the animals will revolt
Chapter 1 - Negative or pessimistic idea
The revolution will bring communism
Chapter 1 - 2 Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
Old Major sang a song about how they should all revolt, and Moses tells the animals of a place called
“sugar candy mountain” to persuade them to not revolt
Chapter 1 Your title for ch. 1
Hope for Revolt

Chapter 2 - Positive or Hopeful

The animals are no longer oppressed
Chapter 2 - Negative or pessimistic idea
Napoleon and Snowball can’t get along
Chapter 2 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
They made the 7 commandments and wrote them on the barn
Chapter 2 - Your new title for this chapter

Chapter 3 - Positive or Hopeful

They could regulate their own food and live by their own rules
Chapter 3 - Negative or pessimistic idea
They have no real set order and much disagreement
Chapter 3 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
They made a new chant about the good of 4 legs and the harm of 2 legs- indicating animals are good and
humans are bad
Chapter 3 - Your new title
Their Own Rules

Chapter 4 - Positive or Hopeful

They won the battle
Chapter 4 Negative or pessimistic idea
The humans were scared of animal farm and wanted to attack
Chapter 4 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
They took the gun and used it to remember their battles
Chapter 4 - Your new title
The Battle

Chapter 5 - Positive or Hopeful

They wanted to make a windmill that would help grow crops
Chapter 5 - Negative or pessimistic idea
Napoleon had dogs go after snowball and chase him away
Chapter 5 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
Squealer talks to the animals and makes them believe Snowball was evil
Chapter 5 - Your new title
There Can Only Be One

Chapter 6 - Positive or Hopeful

The windmill was working on being complete
Chapter 6 - Negative or pessimistic idea
Boxer is going to over-exert himself and die
Chapter 6 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
The sheep sing “four legs good, two legs bad” to drown out anyone who raises suspicion
Chapter 6 - Your new title
No Sheets

Chapter 7 - Positive or Hopeful

They started to trade with the outside world and the windmill was coming together well
Chapter 7 - Negative or pessimistic idea
Napoleon is starting to get a very dictatorship role and he also killed all of the animlas
Chapter 7 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
Squealer convinced the animals that Snowball never actually received “Animal Hero First Class”
Chapter 7 - Your new title

Chapter 8 - Positive or Hopeful

The animals were getting stronger and would hopefully finish the windmill, they also won the battle
Chapter 8 - Negative or pessimistic idea
They are all injured and Boxer is starting to wear down, also the windmill was knocked down again
Chapter 8 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
Squealer changed the commandments again so that the pigs could drink alcohol
Chapter 8 - Your new title
A Drunken Attack

Chapter 9 - Positive or Hopeful

The farm had a successful year and more animals were born
Chapter 9 - Negative or pessimistic idea
Boxer is dying so who will carry the weight of doing all of the work?
Chapter 9 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
Squealer convinced the animals that Boxer was taken to a hospital when really he was taken to a
Chapter 9 - Your new title
No Goodbye

Chapter 10 - Positive or Hopeful

Animal Farm “The Manor Farm” was starting to prosper and gain trade with other farms
Chapter 10 - Negative or pessimistic idea
The animals were starting to look just like the humans which went against everything they believed in
Chapter 10 - Examples of propaganda and a very brief description
They changed their motto so that the animals could walk on two legs which went against their very
Chapter 10 - Your new title
Between Man and Beast

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