CSEC Math Paper 2 January - 2020

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a ie a CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ‘CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE? EXAMINATION ‘ney FILL IN ALL THE INFORMATION REQUESTED CLEARLY IN CAPITAL LETTERS. vesrcove [o]1]2[3]4]o]2]o suBECT MATHEMATICS ~ Paper 02 PROFICIENCY __GENERAL. REGISTRATION NUMBER 'SCHOOLICENTRE NUMBER NAME OF SCHOOLICENTRE CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) DATE OF BIRTH SIGNATURE iE ‘08 0 2 ¢ cs & S$ = ¥ ¢ & EE test cope 01234020 | FORM TP 2020019 JANUARY 2020 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION MATHEMATICS Paper 02 ~ General Proficieney 2hours 40 minutes =] READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper consists of TWO sections: and I 8. Ifyou need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the criginal page, you must use the extra page(s) provided atthe back ofthis booklet Remember fo draw a line through your original answer. 9. Ifyou use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly inthe ‘box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part xa Mat Electron caleulator Geometry st DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copy he © 2019 Caribbean Examinations Couneil All ights reserved, 01234020i/CSEC 2020 r LIST OF FORMULAE ‘Volume ofa prism Volume of aeylinder ‘Volume ofa right pyramid Circumference Are length ‘Area ofa circle Area of a sector ‘Area ofa trapezium, Roots of quadratic equations “Trigonometrie ratios ‘Area of teangle Sine rule Cosine rule 01234020i1/CSEC 2020 L Pose | dh where A is the area of @ erose-secton and his the perpendicular length aPhwhece ris the radius ofthe base and isthe perpendicular height “nwt tara oft base and isthe perpendicular ht ver where ris the radius ofthe citele, = =f x 2nr where @ isthe angle subtended by the are, measured in = 385 « 207 where 0 isthe angle subtended by the arc, is grees. ¢ where rs the radius ofthe circle me? where 0 is the angle ofthe sector, measured in degrees. (a+) where and bare the lengths af he paral sides and isthe perpendicular distance between the parallel sides. ar +be+e=0, then « = 22 sing ~ legit oposite sie Tength of hypotenuse cos = lest of scent side ss fa Tenth of hypotenuse aw (State the type of wiangle shown above mark) Gi) Determine the value of angle PNM. mari (ii) Caleulate the are ofthe triangle MNP. @ marks) ‘Total marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | ‘0123402000/CSEC 2020 Ec r 1 Page: a] A sequence of figures is made up of stars, using dots and sticks of diferent lengths. The frst three figures inthe sequence ae shown below igure 1 Figure? Figure 3 Study the pattern of numbers in each ow ofthe table below. Each row relates toa figure inthe sequence ‘offigures started above, Some rows have not been included inthe able, (Complete Rows (i) and (i, Figure | Number of ticks (5) | Number of Dots) 1 2 6 2 24 25 3 36 7 4 o ° o 5 : = 156 @ | —— oo 0123¢0202/CSEC 2020 Ec @ mars) mars) @ marks) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, | DONO? werre Roe INTRA "pa NOr warrt! ae jah BORO WRTE r mac] (6) Thesum ofthe mimber of dots in two consecutive figures are recorded. This information for the first three pare of consecutive figures ae shovn in the table below. Figure Land Figure2 | Figure2 and Figure 3 Figure Sand Figure 4 1425-38 25437=62 37+ 49-86 Determine the TOTAL number of dots in Figure 7 and Figure 8 marks) (i) Figure wand Figure» +1) @maris) ‘Total 10 ma 1234020/0/CSEC 2020 iE GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | i ro] SECTION IL rie ieee Answer ALL questions. ALGEBRA, RELATIONS, FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS. 8 (@)_Solve the pairof simultaneous equations: vtatiiay DONOT WRITE xes-ay | NTS ARE WARE: "BeNOR (@imaris) GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE =] 012340201NCSEC 2020 cr MeN tata Pena meni emeanER Ee mae] ©) Teton dm ow fx)" 4? Bx 2 (Expres i) the form a (r+ A+, where a, rand Kare constants, @ marks) State the minimum value off). (mari) (ii) Determine the equation ofthe axis of symmety (mari GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, | 12340201H/CSEC 2020 ie r ee] (©) Thespeed-time graph below, not drawn to seal, shows the three-stage joumey of a cr over a period of 40 see Cert a (DO NOT WRire IN “Time (seconds) Determine the acceleration ofthe er for EACH of the following tages ofthe journey. THIS ARE Stage 2 NOT WRITE, HIS AEA (Garis) ED ‘Total 12 marks Do NOT GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 12340201CSEC 2020 = (OAS A r we] [NOTHING HAS BEEN OMITTED. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE el i 2s4020iyieseC 2020 E i wot] GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY 9. (a) Theciele shown below has centre O andthe points A,B, Cand D lying onthe circumference, Astright line passes through the points A and B. Angle CBD 49° and angle OAB = 37° aS Nid Nar wblre int 4) yN THIS AREA (© Wirite down the mathematical names ofthe stright lines BC and OA. ae o4 @ marks) DONGT WRITE L GO ON 10 THE NEXT PAGE | 012340201N/CSEC 2020 L ie esT] 6), Deen vate sEACH eligi Sho edwin whee Sanyal geet ma merce os once “ans be Rew as co oN TO THENEXT PAGE oranmeste 20 ie apa S| a al (©) Thedliagram below, not drawn to seal, shows the route ofa ship cruising from Palmeity (P) to Quayton (Q) and then to Rivertown (R), The beating of O from P is 133° and the angle PORs 56, P WRITE IN THIS ABEL. Beer R Calculate the value of angle w. 0 ;eNer nme rmsueENT mars) | : : : | : 2 (GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2340204/csEC 2020 Ec J [ no] i) Determine the bearing of? from Q. a 2 a a | 5 g 7) (i) Cb he sane : (@ marks) Tal mats GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE al ‘o1234020/0/CSEC 2020 Ec VECTORS AND MATRICES maps the pin ont shown inthe gram below on 40) ‘ ‘The transformation @ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01234020//CSB¢ 2020 iF re] @ Deri the values ofp and g. marks) (ii) Describe flly the tansformation, M Gmaris) i i : i i ! GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE | o1234020/H/CSEC 2020 c T Page 56] E ey (6) PORSisa parallelogram in which PO= wand PS” =», ‘Mis point on QS such that QM: MS= 1:2, a TT @ R (Write interms of wand v an expression for E I I E Do NOT WRITE IN THe ana (mari) DO. » Oi (mari) i < 2 : : a GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE _l o12s4020/csec 2020 L nee] 4 Sowa = Lua @maris) (Gil) Tis the mid-point of PO. Prove that R, Mand Tare collinear. (Gmaris) ‘Total 12 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST, o12340204/CSEC 2020 | 7 vo] EXTRA SPACE, ‘you use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. : 4 Question No. B = f E : i = = i = & = : = = DO NOT WRITE IN THIS ABER 012340201/CSEC 2020 | CANDIDATE’S RECEIPT. ! INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE: Fit I the information requested clearly in capital letters. restcove:{o]1]2]3]4]o]2[o sumecT: MATHEMATICS ~ Paper 02 PROFICIENCY: GENERAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: FULL NAME: Signature: Z Date 2. Ensure that this slip is detached by the Supervisor oF Invgilator and given to you when you Inand in this booklet Keep it ina safe place until you have received your results. sw INSTRUCTION TO SUPERVISOR/INVIGILATOR: Sign the declaration below, dotah this stip an collected by you. hand it tothe candidate a hissher receipt for this booklet hereby acknowledge receipt of the candidate's booklet for the examination stated above, Signature ‘Supervisoriavigiator

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