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AUGUST 2016.

I hereby certify that this work was carried out by BOLUWATIFE MOSES AREWA with the

matriculation number AGY/11/4479, of the Department of Applied Geology, School of Earth

and Mineral Sciences (SEMS), Federal University of Technology Akure, and that to the best

of my knowledge, it has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree.

STUDENT …….….……………………

Signature and Date

Dr. S.A OPELOYE ………………..……….……

(Supervisor) Signature and Date

PROF. Y.A. ASIWAJU BELLO …...………….…………..….

(H.O.D Applied Geology) Signature and Date


I dedicate this work to my dear and intimate friend, the Holy Spirit, the central subject of my

living and my craving affection, I am indeed grateful for drawing me closer day by day, even

when it seems I am straying off. Thank you for continuously revealing Christ to me.

Also to my loving mother, Mrs. Arewa Abosede, thank you for believe and trust in me, and to

my daring father, Eng. Arewa Olayinka, you are indeed a father.


Field relationship, petrographical studies and geochemical analysis were combined in

investigating the depositional environment and industrial viability of limestone beds in

Purechem’s quarry at Onigbedu. Field observation indicates a homogenous lithology of the

beds with variation in textural and clastic composition. Petrographic study revealed that the

limestone falls under the Biospamicrite and Wackestone classification based on the works of

Folks, (1959) and Dunham, (1962) respectively. The geochemical analysis which involves the

use Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to determine the major and minor oxides

and the LOI constituent of the six (6) limestone beds reveals that; the CaO concentrations

ranges between 48.75 and 54.24% with a mean value of 52.63%. The silica SiO2 contents range

between 1.26 – 8.33 % with a mean value of 2.98% and Fe2O3 between 0.55 – 1.11% with

mean of 0.74%, MgO and Al2O3 contents vary between 0.58 – 1.11% and 0.52 – 1.25% with

equal mean values of 0.79%. The limestone is highly fossiliferous with the identified fossils

indicating deposition in an open shelf environment. Moreover, the limestone deposit was

equally observed to be principally mud supported which is indicative of rocks deposited in

quiet water and a low energy environment, therefore from all indication, the limestone was

deposited under low to high energy condition. Interpretation of these results suggest a shallow

marine environment. The observed compositional features of the limestone makes it a very

viable industrial raw material because it certifies the specifications of the Morroccan Standard

NM 10.1.004, and the American Construction Code, in the use of limestone for various

industrial purposes.


Contents Page

Title page .................................................................................................................................... i

Certification ............................................................................................................................... ii
Dedication .................................................................................................................................iii
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Content ........................................................................................................................ v
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .........................................................................................................................viii
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Statement ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Aim and Objectives.......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Location of the Study Area .............................................................................................. 2
1.4 Climate, Relief and Vegetation ........................................................................................ 5
1.5 Literature Review........................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Geology of Dahomey Basin ........................................................................................... 11
1.6.1 Tectonic Evolution of Dahomey Basin ................................................................... 11
1.6.2 Stratigraphy of Dahomey Basin .............................................................................. 14
1.7 Classification of Limestone ........................................................................................... 20
1.7.1 Folk Limestone Classification ................................................................................ 20
1.7.2 Dunham limestone classification ............................................................................ 21
1.8 Economic Importance of Limestone ............................................................................ 22
CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................................... 26
2.0 MATERIALS AND METHODS .............................................................................. 26
2.1 Field Studies................................................................................................................... 28
2.1.1 Outcrop Description ................................................................................................ 28
2.1.2 Sample and Hand Specimen Description ................................................................ 28
2.2 Laboratory Studies ......................................................................................................... 28
2.2.1 Thin Section Preparation......................................................................................... 28

2.2.2 Geochemical Analysis ............................................................................................ 31

CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 33
3.0 PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA ........................................... 33
3.1 Lithostratigraphy of the Strata Exposed in Field Location ............................................ 33
3.2 Geochemical Analysis of Limestone Samples ............................................................... 35
3.2.1 Interpretation of data ............................................................................................... 35
3.3 Petrographic Analysis of the Limestone ........................................................................ 40
CHAPTER FOUR.................................................................................................................... 50
4.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 50
4.1 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 50
4.1.1 Field Occurrence and Composition of Limestone at Onigbedu.............................. 50
4.1.2 Industrial usage ....................................................................................................... 51
4.2 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 52
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 54

Table 1.1: Simplified Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy of Nigeria part of Dahomey


Table 1.2: Folk’s Classification of limestone …………….…................................................23

Table 3.1: A Composite Lithostratigraphic Section Showing the various beds as exposed at

PURECHEM Quarry Onigbedu……………………………..…………………………..…...34

Table 3.2: Geochemical elemental Composition of Onigbedu’s Limestone……………...….37

Table 3.3: Percentage ratio composition of CaO to SiO2 of Onigbedu’s Limestone...………37

Table 3.4: Estimated modal analysis of different component of the various beds of Onigbedu


Figure 1.1: Geological Map of the Dahomey (Benin) Basin with an inset map of Nigeria

showing the location of Dahomey Basin. The stratigraphy is composed both of Cretaceous and

tertiary sediments as shown. ………………………………...…………………………………3

Figure 1.2: East -West geological section showing position, extent and sediment thickness

variations in the onshore Dahomey Basin and the upper part of the Niger Delta


Figure 1.3: Base map showing the study area………………………………………………….6

Figure 1.4: Google satellite map showing the study area………………………………………7

Figure 1.5: Figure showing the drainage pattern of the study area……………………………..8

Figure 1.6: Google Arial Topographic Terrain map of the study area………………………….9

Figure 1.7: Showing the Tectonic Model of Evolution of the Dahomey Basin……………….13

Figure 1.8: Ternary composition diagram showing regions of most common limestone..……23

Figure 1.9: The Dunham classification of carbonate sedimentary rocks.. ……………………24

Figure 3.1: Relationship Between %Composition of SiO2 and CaO based on the geochemical

data of Onigbedu Limestone………………….…….………………………………………..37

Figure 3.2: Relationship Between %Composition of MgO and CaO based on the geochemical

data of Onigbedu Limestone…………………..……………………………………………..38

Figure 3.3: Purity Comparism of Onigbedu Limestone based the %Composition of CaO, SiO2

and MgO…………………...…………………………………………………………………39

Figure 3.4: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 1………………………...…...45

Figure 3.5: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 2………………………...…...46


Figure 3.6: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 3……………………...……...47

Figure 3.7: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 4………………...…………...48

Figure 3.8: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 5……….………..…………...49

Figure 3.9: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 6……….………..…………...50


To God be all glory for his immeasurable mercies, kindness and grace upon my life, for without

Him I am but nothing.

My sincere appreciation also goes to my supervisor Dr. S.A. Opeloye for his fatherly guidance,

corrections and assistance at every stage of this work, I am indeed grateful, may God perfect

all that concerns you.

It is with a hearth full of gratitude that I acknowledge my dear lecturers and mentors starting

from the Head of Department, Prof. Y.A. Asiwaju-Bello, Dr. S.A Opeloye, Late Dr. S.O

Olabode, Dr. P.S. Ola, Dr. C.T Okonkwo, Dr. A.T Bolarinwa, Dr. T. Ademeso, Mr. M.O

Adepoju, Mr. J.O Owoseni, Mr. O.R Egbeyemi, Mr. A.L Adisa, Mr. E.E Egonor, Mr. O.A

Ogbahon, Mr. T.I Asowata, Mrs.O.A Bamisaye Mr. S.F Olabode, Mr. B. Adeoti. I must not

forget our amazing technologists; Mr. J.F Oladeji, Mr. M.O Imolore, Mr. Ojo, Mr. S.K Alabi,

Mrs. A.I Ayodele, who took pain to put us through our practical classes, and other members of

staff, both academic and non-academic of Applied Geology department who have through their

hard work and devotion, contributed to the successful completion of my program as an


My profound gratitude goes to my dear parents, thanks you for always being there. I will never

forget your teachings and corrections in love. I acknowledge my wonderful siblings for their

support, thanks for proving to me that blood is thicker than water.

Kudos to my amiable roommates, Gbemileke, Joseph, David, Ope, Felix and especially Mr.

Ajose Jeremiah for making his system available to me. In addition, my sincere appreciation

goes to my amiable friends Bakare Moses, Alabere Quadri, Faniyi Tobi, Umoru Solomon,

Sulaimon Tope, Ogunleye Olumide, Ogundimu Peter, Olukoju Ayomide, Segun Adesanmi,

thank you for being friends indeed.



1.1 General Statement

The Benin (Dahomey) Basin also known as Dahomey Embayment (Fig.1.1), is an extensive

marginal sedimentary basin located in the continental margin of the Gulf of Guinea,

southwestern part of Nigeria (Fig. 1.2). The basin is a marginal pull – apart basin (Klemme,

1975.) or a marginal sag basin (Kingston et al., 1983.) which was initiated during the early

Cretaceous separation of African and South American lithospheric plates. Its southern margin

is submerged by the Atlantic Ocean in the Gulf of Guinea (Fig 1.2). The basin is separated

from the Niger Delta in the east by the Okitipupa Ridge (Benin Hinge line), which marks the

continental extension of the chain fracture zone (Coker, 1982 and Ejedawe, et al, 1984.).

The lens-shaped Ewekoro Formation which appears in parts of Dahomey Basin, outcrops at

the cliff section of Purechem limestone quarry Onigbedu, where it is well exposed. The rock

(limestone) is been exploited for the production of cement and roofing sheets.

Despite the abundance of limestone occurrence in Nigeria, and its utility in the construction

industry, its compositional characteristics is not often being assessed before utilization. It is to

be noted that relevance of mineralogical and chemical investigations cannot be overemphasized

when assessing the suitability of carbonate rocks for specific usage. Therefore, this study is

directed at the geochemical and textural evaluations of the limestone deposit. The composition

will reveal the intrinsic characteristics of the rock in form of the grain/allochem types, the

matrix (micrite) the sparite (cement) and the form of porosity.


These attributes become economically important especially with respect to accumulation of

fluid. Accumulation of such fluid in form of gas, water and hydrocarbon has been well known

in the giant oil reservoir in the Middle East. (Kulke, 1995).

This study therefore is in on the compositional characteristics of limestone through textural and

geochemical analysis in order to establish their effective utilization and environment of


1.2 Aim and Objectives

This project aims at carrying out the textural and geochemical compositional analysis of

selected Tertiary strata (Ewekoro) in the Dahomey Basin as exposed at the cliff section of

Purechem Quarry Onigbedu. The analysis will assist in establishing the effective industrial

utilization and also the environment of deposition of the Limestone deposit.

The objectives are to:

i. Characterize the different limestone beds

ii. Determine their compositions petrographically and geochemically.

1.3 Location of the Study Area

Purechem Onigbedu, the study area is situated in Ifo, Ogun State, about 64km North-West of

Lagos, south western Nigeria. The geographical coordinates of the study area lie at latitude

6°58' 0" North, longitude 3° 08' 0" East. Figure 1.3 and 1.4 shows the Base map and Google

satellite map of the study area respectively. The outcrop studied is exposed at the cliff section

of the Purechem Manufacturing limited, quarry site, Onigbedu.


Figure 1.1: Geological Map of the Dahomey (Benin) Basin with an inset map of Nigeria
showing the location of Dahomey Basin. The stratigraphy is composed both of Cretaceous and
tertiary sediments as shown. (Modified after Agagu, 1985).

Figure 1.2: East -West geological section showing position, extent and sediment thickness

variations in the onshore Dahomey Basin and the upper part of the Niger Delta (After

Whiteman, 1982).

1.4 Climate, Relief and Vegetation

Onigbedu, Ogun State is located in the moderately hot, humid tropical climatic zone of

southwestern Nigeria. There are two distinct seasons in the area, namely, the rainy season

which lasts from March/April to 0ctober/ November and the dry season which lasts for the rest

of the year, October/November till March/April. The temperature is relatively high during the

dry season with the mean around 30°C. The harmattan, brought in the northeasterly winds from

December to February, has ameliorating effects on the dry season high temperatures. Low

temperatures are experienced during the raining season, especially between July and August

when the temperatures could be a low as 24°C. The distribution of rainfall varies from about

1000 mm to about 2000 mm in Onigbedu.

The Drainage pattern of the study area is dendritic; all the small tributaries are directly

connected to Onigbedu’s major river (Fig 1.5).

Three distinct topography were recognized. The Northern upland consisting of plateau rising

above sea level northwest Abeokuta. This falls away southwards to a low-lying marshy belt

known as Ewekoro, figure 1.6 shows the Google Arial Topographic Terrain Map of the study

area. In addition, the low-lying coastal strip and a southern upland drop gently southward to

the Coastal plain sand (Benin formation). (Jones and Hockey, 1964).

Vegetation is predominantly rainforest, and depressions covered by tall grasses of savannah


Figure 1.3: Base map showing the study area.


Study Area

Figure 1.4: Google satellite map showing the study area.


Figure 1.5: Figure showing the drainage pattern of the study area

Figure 1.6: Google Arial Topographic Terrain map of the study area.

1.5 Literature Review

Several published work exists on the geology of the study area. Some of these works basically

discuss the geological setting of Ewekoro Formation and assigned age to the important strata

in the area. Though the Cretaceous and Tertiary strata of western Nigeria have been studied by

a number of workers since pioneer work of Russ, 1924, and Reyment, 1965, the identity of

the Ewekoro Formation was not recognized until 1977, when Adegoke and others initiated

some series of studies. The first detailed study in Nigeria was by the Associated Portland

Cement Manufacturers Limited during the search for raw materials for a cement factory. The

results of their investigation were issued as a six unpublished reports the last of which contained

a synopsis of the geology of the area. Some of the earlier works include Jones and Hockey,

(1964), Reyment, (1965), Ogbe, (1972) and Sacks and Adegoke, (1975). The stratigraphic

relationships and palaeontology of the strata exposed at the Ewekoro quarry have variously

been described by Adegoke, (1977), Adegoke et al., (1972); Ogbe, (1976); Jan Du Chene et

al., (1978) and Peters and Olsson, (1979).

Reyment, (1965) first suggested the Paleocene age for the Ewekoro Formation, based on the

typical Paleocene planktonic foraminifera recorded from the quarry section. Kogbe, (1976)

examined the algae preserved in the Ewekoro Formation and concluded that they are mostly

Paleocene forms. Peters and Olsson, (1979) based on Planktonic foraminifera recovered from

the Ewekoro quarry assigned a Paleocene age to the formation. Jan Du Chene et al., (1978)

also assigned a Paleocene age to the Ewekoro and Akinbo Formation. Other workers like

Adegoke, (1970), Ogbe, (1972,) and Sachs and Adegoke, (1975) based on their individual

works have independently confirmed Paleocene age for the formation. An Eocene age have

also been suggested by Fayose and Asseez (1972).


Adegoke et al., (1972), based on radiometric dating of glauconite from two horizons

unconformably overlying the Ewekoro Formation, assigned an average date of 54.45 ± 2.7

million years to Ewekoro Formation. This age corresponds to the Paleocene – Eocene transition

of Berggren, (1960).

Reyment, (1965) described the Ilaro Formation. Adegoke et al., 1980; Omatsola and Adegoke,

(1981); and Idowu et al., (1993) in describing the Ilaro Formation assigned an Eocene age to

the Formation.

Although carbonate deposits, such as limestone, occur abundantly in Nigeria, and furnish the

raw material needed for the rapidly expanding construction and other industries, their

compositional features have not been widely investigated and documented. The few

contributions on compositional and quality attributes of limestone and marble deposits in

Nigeria, include those of Ikhane et al., (2009), Akinmosin et al., (2005), Olaide, (1988). Age,

(2008), Danladi, (1993), Davou and Ashano, (2009), and Emofurieta et al., (1995).

1.6 Geology of Dahomey Basin

1.6.1 Tectonic Evolution of Dahomey Basin

Omatsola and Adegoke, (1981) and Ofegbu and Onuoha, (1988), agreed that the Dahomey

Basin originated during a rifting stage at the margin of the Gulf of Guinea which started during

the late Jurassic (Mesozoic Era) as a result of the separation of the African and south America

plates. Subsequent opening of the continent in the coastal basin of west African and Brazil

showed remarkable similarities and the evidence of their being together before the rifting

episode. Ofegbu, and Onuoha, (1988) elucidated the steps leading to the formation of the

marginal Dahomey Basin as follows:

i. The stretching of the continental crust and the upwelling of mantle material.

ii. The creating of rift valley s and subsidence of the valleys caused by isostatic adjustment

to injected mantle materials.

iii. Massive injecting of mantle materials of the newly formed spreading centres of rift axes

and the formation of ocean crust.

iv. Deposition of continental sediments, which is followed by marine sediments, with the

subsidence of the margin as the South American and African continents drifts apart.

From the available stratigraphic evidence, deposition was initiated in the faults controlled

depression on the crystalline Basement complex (Omatsola and Adegoke, 1981). Previous

work on the Dahomey Basin shows that rift generated basement subsidence during the lower

Cretaceous resulting in the deposition of a very thick sedimentary sequence of continental grits

and pebbly sand over the entire basin. Over 1,400m of this pre-drift and post-drift arenaceous

deposit are drilled near the coast (Adegoke and Omatsola, 1981). Similar thick sequences were

recorded from boreholes on the continental shelf of the republic of Benin (Billman, 1976).

Another episode of major tectonic activity which may be associated with the closure and

folding of the Benue trough was observed during the Late Cretaceous to Santonian periods.

Rocks like granites, gneisses and associated pegmatites as well as the sediments in the

Dahomey Basin were tilted and block faulted forming series of horst and graben structures

(Fig. 1.7). These uplifements and block faulting were accompanied by erosional activities

(Omatsola and Adegoke, 1981).


Figure 1.7: Showing the Tectonic Model of Evolution of the Dahomey Basin

1.6.2 Stratigraphy of Dahomey Basin

The stratigraphy of the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations in the Nigerian sector of the basin

is controversial. This is primarily because different stratigraphic names have been given to the

same formation in different localities in the basin (Billman, 1992; Coker, 1982). This situation

can be partly blamed on the lack of good borehole coverage and adequate outcrops for detailed

stratigraphic studies. Earlier studies on the basin stratigraphy by Jones and Hockey (1964)

recognized both Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments (Table 1.1). Other subsequent workers

recognized three chronostratigraphic units:

i. Pre-lower Cretaceous folded sequence,

ii. Cretaceous sequence

iii. Tertiary sequence (Omatsola and Adegoke, 1981, Billman, 1992)

The Cretaceous Stratigraphy as complied from outcrop and borehole records consists of

Abeokuta Group sub-divided into three informal formational units, namely, Ise, Afowo, and

Araromi (Omatsola and Adegoke, 1981). The tertiary succession consist of Ewekoro, Akinbo,

Oshosun, Ilaro and Benin Formations. Ise Formation

The Ise Formation is a sequence of continental sands, grits and siltstone with a basal

conglomerate overlying the Basement Complex. Interbedded kaolinitic clays occur in some

places. It has a known maximum thickness of about 1860m. According to Omatsola and

Adegoke, (1981) sporomorphs recovered by the Shell – BP palynologists include

Cicatricosisporites sp. cf. C. mohrioides, Pilosisporites trichopapillosus, Klukisporites

pseudoreliculatus, Aequitriradites aff. Verucosus and Stapilinisporites caminus. These indicate

a Neocomian (probably Valanginian – Barremian) age for the formation.

15 Afowo Formation

The Afowo formation is partly equivalent to the outcropping unit referred to in older literature

as the Abeokuta Formation (Omatsola and Adegoke, 1981). It is composed mainly of coarse to

medium-grained sandstone with variable, thick Interbedded shales, siltstones and clays, the

shale component increasing towards the top. The lower part consists of an alternation of

brackish to marginal marine strata with well-sorted, subrounded, clean, loose, fluviatile sands.

The formation has been dated Turonian to Maastrichtian based on it palynomorphs content

(Billman, 1976, 1992) and its marine foraminifera and ammonites such as the Sphenodiscus

and Pachydiscus species (Omatsola and Adegoke, 1981). Its maximum known thickness is

2,300m. Araromi Formation

The Araromi Formation is composed at the base of fine to medium – grained sands, at the base,

which are overlain by shale and siltstone with thin Interbedded limestones and marls.

Occurrence of thin lignitic bands is also common. The shales grade from light grey to black,

and are mostly marine and have a high organic content. The formation is richly fossiliferous,

bearing abundant foraminifera, ostracods and palynomorphs. The formation has been dated

Maastrichtian to Paleocene based on its fossil content (Jan du Chene, 1977, Adegoke et al.,

1980). Ewekoro Formation

The Ewekoro Formation in parts of the Dahomey basin conformably overlies the Afowo

formation (old name – Abeokuta Formation). It is not encountered offshore and in coastal

boreholes (Reyment, 1965; Fayose, 1970, Billman, 1976, 1992). Where not encountered, it is

replaced by predominantly shaley Imo Formation which uncomformably overlies the Afowo

Formation (Fayose, 1970) Borehole studies have revealed that the formation is lens – shaped,

thinning out and eventually disappearing in all directions. It has a maximum thickness of 34m

at Ibese (Fayose and Assez, 1972). The Ewekoro Formation has it type locality at the Ewekoro

limestone quarry. There, it consists of 10 to 12.5m of thinly bedded glauconitic and sandy

limestone at the base, which then becomes massive grey and fossiliferous in the middle and

fine grained, marly and algal in the upper part (Dessauvagie, 1975; Adegoke, 1977). The top

highly scoured layer consists of red, dense, glauconitic, phosphatic and fossiliferous limestone.

The Ewekoro Formation is highly fossiliferous. Adegoke, (1977) identified more than 220

mollusks and echinoderm species and subspecies from the formation. It also contains abundant

foraminifera, ostracods and algae.

The age of Ewekoro Formation has been controversial. Two schools of thought are known to

exist. Reyment, (1965), Berggren, (1960), Adegoke, (1969), and Adegoke et al, (1970)

proposed a Paleocene age on the basis of the occurrence in the strata of macrofossil and

microfossil assemblages. The Foraminifera assemblage consists of Globorotalia

pseudobulloides, G. velascoensis, G. acita, Globigerina triloculinoides and G. linaperta.

Reyment, (1965) also listed a typical Paleocene ostracods fauna retrieved from the formation.

However, Fayose and Assez, (1972) disagreed with the Paleocene age. They pointed out that

the presence of Globorotalia subbotinae Morozova (a lower Eocene index fossil) and other

diagnostic Lower Eocene fossils (including Bolivina ottaensis and pseudohastigerian

wilcoxensis) in the strata is significant and should be overlooked. They therefore, placed the

Paleocene – Eocene boundary in southwestern Nigeria within some calcareous shale –

limestone Interbedded sequence below the massive shelly limestone unit. Evidences in favour

of a Paleocene age for the Ewekoro formation appear to be quite convincing and very well

documented. It is possible, however, that part of the sequence exposed at Ewekoro and also

occurring in boreholes in southwestern Nigeria (especially the shales overlying the limestone

i.e. Akinbo Formation) could be lowermost Eocene in age.

17 Akinbo Formation

The Ewekoro Formation (where encountered) is uncomformably overlain by predominantly

shaley formation, which Ogbe, (1972) named Akinbo Formation. Where the Ewekoro

Formation is missing, the Akinbo Formation lies uncomformably on the Afowo Formation

(Billman, 1992). The Akinbo Formation consists of dark micromicaceous, fine-textured shale

that is locally silty with glauconitic marl and conglomerate at the base (Dessauvagie, 1975).

The greenish-grey or sometimes black Akinbo shale is encountered in the subsurface of most

inland areas of western Nigeria. In the Ewekoro and Sagamu quarries, it overlies

disconformably the Ewekoro Formation. The Akinbo Formation is eight to nine meters thick

at its type locality (the Ewekoro quarry) but it attains an average of 18metres in boreholes. At

the Ewekoro quarry, the formation has a very gently dip less than 2o south. It is highly fractured

and some of the fractures have been filled with chalky material. Many contemporary load

fractures occur in it. Oshosun Formation

The shales of the Akinbo Formation grade into the overlying mudstones and claystones of the

Oshosun Formation. The Oshosun Formation is composed of dull brown and brick-red sandy

mudstone and claystone with light grey and purplish mottling in its lower part. There are local

intercalations of thin pebble beds and coarse pebbly sandstones. Phosphatic and glauconitic

materials occur as inclusions but become more abundant and characteristics in the middle part.

Light grey arenaceous sediments are locally presents near the top of the formation constituting

an unevenly developed sequence which Jones and Hockey, (1964) called Ilaro Formation

(Adegoke, 1969). The lower part of the Oshosun Formation is extensive, stretching

southeastwards from west of Ilaro to beyond Ijebu-Ode. It total thickness onshore is unknown

but offshore it is about 270 (Billman, 1992).


The Oshosun Formation is fairly fossiliferous. Onshore mollusks, planktic and benthic

foraminifera, fish remains, corals, crinoids, crustaceans and sea snakes have haven recovered

from it (Adegoke, 1969). Offshore, benthic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton occur

(Billman, 1992). These date the formation Mid-Eocene (Lutetian). The presence of glauconites,

phosphates and abundant planktic foraminifera in the Oshosun Formation indicates deposition

in a fairly deep marine environment, probably in the bathyal zone. Ilaro Formation

The Ilaro Formation was described by Jones and Hockey, (1964) in shallow boreholes drilled

at the Akinside and Ifo areas. It includes both marine and non-marine deposits exhibiting

transition from marine in the basal part to continental in the upper beds. Over most of the

outcrops, the formation is continental in character and shows lateral changes in thickness and

lithology, which are rapid and confusing. Ilaro Formation consists of coarse, angular and poorly

sorted sand with considerable amount of clay layers and rare occurrence of shale. False bedding

and pebble beds are also present. Fossils have been recovered in the arenaceous lower part of

the formation. These fossils are fish remains, foraminifera and ostracoda; they have been used

to assign Eocene age to the formation. Benin Formation

The Benin Formation is commonly referred to as Coastal Plain Sands (Jones and Hockey,

1964). It consists of yellow and white, sometimes cross-bedded sand, pebbly beds and clays

with some sandy clay lenses. It thickness is unknown except in the Niger Delta where it

measures about 2000m (Merki, 1972). The Benin Formation contains remains of plants. Also

planktic foraminifera have been recovered from its lower portion offshore and these indicate a

Miocene age. The upper part of the Benin Formation is believed to be Pliocene to Recent in


Table 1.1: Simplified Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy of Nigeria part of Dahomey Basin
(compiled after Reyment, 1965; Jones and Hockey, 1964; Omatsola and Adegoke. 1981;
Billman, 1992).

1.7 Classification of Limestone

1.7.1 Folk Limestone Classification

Folk limestone classification, a widely used classification of carbonates, based on the type of

particles and the nature and proportion of the matrix and or cement present. In his original

classification Folk, (1962) defined three main components of limestones. These are allochems,

comprising various grains and particles; micrite (microcrystalline calcite mud matrix); and

sparite (sparry calcite cement). The main allochems are bioclasts (‘bio-’,), pellets (‘pel-’),

intraclasts (‘intra-’), and ooids (‘oo-’). In defining a limestone by the Folk classification, the

rock is named according to the nature of the material filling the spaces between the particles

(i.e. micrite matrix or sparite cement), prefixed by an abbreviation to denote the main allochems

present: ‘bio’- for bioclasts, ‘pel’- for pellets, ‘oo’- for ooids, and intra- for intraclasts (Table

1.2). For example, a limestone comprising pellets in a mud matrix is called a ‘pelmicrite’, and

a limestone comprising shell fragments with a sparry calcite cement is a ‘biosparite’. It is

possible to combine the prefixes of several allochems where appropriate, e.g. ‘oobiosparite’

(Folk, 1959). Limestones which lack allochems, consisting only of micrite are termed

‘micrites’, this are usually common than there sparite counterpart (Fig 1.8). Dismicrite is used

for micrites with fenestral cavities. Organically bound limestones, e.g. reef rocks, or

stromatolites, are termed biolithites. Folk subsequently modified his classification to include

various carbonate textures. Under his textural scheme a limestone with varying proportions of

bioclasts, mud matrix and cement would be classified as follows: micrite with less than 1%

shell fragments: micrite; micrite with 1–10% shell fragments: fossiliferous micrite; micrite with

10–50% shell fragments: sparse biomicrite; micrite with over 50% shell fragments: packed

biomicrite. Limestone with micrite and sparry calcite together with shell fragments: poorly

washed biosparite; poorly sorted shell fragments with sparry calcite cement: unsorted

biosparite; well sorted shell fragments with sparry calcite: sorted biosparite; rounded and

abraded shell fragments with sparry calcite cement: rounded biosparite. Similar textural terms

apply for other allochems with micrite and/or sparite. (Cox et al., 1977).

1.7.2 Dunham limestone classification

The Dunham Classification is the most widely used scheme for the description of limestone in

the field, in hand specimen and in thin-section. The primary criterion used in this classification

scheme is the texture, which is described in terms of the proportion of carbonate mud present

and the framework of the rock (Fig. 1.5). The first stage in using the Dunham classification is

to determine whether the fabric is matrix- or clast-supported. Matrix-supported limestone is

divided into carbonate mudstone (less than 10% clasts) and wackestone (with more than 10%

clasts). If the limestone is, clast-supported it is termed a packstone if there is mud present or a

grainstone if there is little or no matrix. A boundstone has an organic framework such as a coral

colony. The original scheme (Dunham, 1962) did not include the subdivision of boundstone

into bafflestone, bindstone and framestone, which describes the type of organisms that build

up the framework. These categories, along with the addition of rudstone (which are clast

supported limestone conglomerate) and floatstone (matrix-supported limestone conglomerate)

were added by (Embry and Klovan, 1971) and (James and Bourque, 1992). Note that the terms

rudstone and floatstone are used for carbonate intraformational conglomerate made up of

material deposited in an adjacent part of the same environment and then redeposited. These

should be distinguished from conglomerate made up of clasts of limestone eroded from older

bedrock and deposited in a quite different setting, for example on an alluvial fan. The nature of

the grains or framework material forms the secondary part of the classification. A rock

consisting entirely of ooids with no matrix would be an oolitic grainstone, one composed of

about 75% broken shelly fragments in a matrix of carbonate mud is a bioclastic packstone, and

rock composed mainly of large oyster shells termed a bioclastic rudstone. Naming a limestone

using the combination of textural and compositional criteria in the Dunham scheme provides

information about the likely conditions under which the sediment formed: for example, a coral

boundstone forms under quite different conditions to a foraminiferal wackestone (Nichols,


1.8 Economic Importance of Limestone

Limestone deposit in Dahomey basin occurs within the Ewekoro Formation (Jones and

Hockey, 1964). Investigation of limestone as a source rock of raw materials for cement

production started in 1956 by Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Limited the area

around Ewekoro where the factory of West African Portland Cement Company (now Larfage)

is now situated was earmarked for detailed exploration of limestone. Ample reserve of good

quality limestone with overlying shale were proven. The thickness obtained for the limestone

during the exploration work is approximately 31m, but towards the base an increasing

proportion of araenaceous material appears and only the top 10 m to 12 m part is relatively

pure limestone (Elueze and Eton; 2004). Approximately 35 million tons of limestone has been

proved under less than 50ft. of overburden over a distance of 1 mile along the strike in Ewekoro

and Sagamu (Jones and Hockey, 1964).

Other uses include:

i. It is the raw material for the manufacture of quicklime (calcium oxide), slaked lime

(calcium hydroxide), cement and mortar.

ii. Pulverized limestone is used as a soil conditioner to neutralize acidic soils.

iii. Is crushed for use as aggregate—the solid base for many roads as well as in asphalt


iv. Geological formations of limestone are among the best petroleum reservoirs;

Table 1.2: Folk’s Classification of limestone (Folk, 1959)

Figure 1.8: Ternary composition diagram showing regions of most common limestone ( After
Cox et al., 1977).

Figure 1.9: The Dunham classification of carbonate sedimentary rocks (Dunham 1962) with modifications by Embry and Klovan, (1971).
This scheme is the most commonly used for description of Limestone in the field and in hand specimen.

v. As a reagent in flue-gas desulfurization, it reacts with sulfur dioxide for air pollution


vi. Glass making, in some circumstances, uses limestone.

vii. It is added to toothpaste, paper, plastics, paint, tiles, and other materials as both

white pigment and a cheap filler.

viii. It can suppress methane explosions in underground coal mines.

ix. Purified, it is added to bread and cereals as a source of calcium.

x. Calcium levels in livestock feed are supplemented with it, such as for poultry (when

ground up).

xi. It can be used for remineralizing and increasing the alkalinity of purified water to

prevent pipe corrosion and to restore essential nutrient levels.

xii. Used in blast furnaces, limestone binds with silica and other impurities to remove

them from the iron.

xiii. It is often found in medicines and cosmetics.

xiv. It is used in sculptures because of its suitability for carving.




The materials and methodology employed during this study shall be considered under two main


i. Field Study; involves outcrop study and hand specimen description.

ii. Laboratory Analysis; this involves thin section analysis and geochemical

compositional studies

Materials used for field studies are listed below;

i. Global Positioning System (GPS): It is used for locating oneself on the map and

taking the outcrop coordinate used in map digitization.

ii. Geological hammer: It was used for used to break sedimentary rock samples from

exposures encountered.

iii. Compass clinometer: It is an instrument that contains the four cardinal points (N, S,

E, W) used in obtaining one’s position in the field. It was also used for measuring

the strike and dip of the planar fabrics.

iv. Field book: It is used to record observations and measurements taken on the field

to aid the compilation of a report.

v. Sample bag: It was used for carrying rock samples collected in the field.

vi. Hand lens: Used to examine mineral grains with rock samples.

vii. Markers: Used in numbering rock samples.

viii. Tape measure: for measuring the thickness of the different lithostratigraphic


ix. Paper/masking tape: used instead of markers sometimes for samples identification.

Materials used for Thin Section Analysis are listed below;

i. Glass Slide: this serve as a housing and protector form the chip

ii. Chip: this is the layer , on which the prepared sample is attached.

iii. Cover: this serve as an additional protection for the slide.

iv. Rock cutter: used for cutting rock sample into small rectangular pellet of 3mm.

v. Grinding machine: the sample of the chip to be mounted is grounded on this

machine so as to make the surfaces smooth.

vi. Hot plate: this is used for heating the chip and glass slide during mounting

vii. Lapping machine: this use for smoothening and polishing the small rectangular rock


viii. Petrographic microscope: this is use for viewing and analyzing the prepared


Materials used for Geochemical Compositional Analysis

i. Beaker: is a simple container for stirring, mixing and heating liquids.

ii. Standard flask: is a piece of glassware, a type of laboratory flask, used for the

preparation of solutions, they are used for making up solutions to a known volume.

iii. Measuring cylinder: is a piece of laboratory equipment used to accurately measure

the volume of liquid reagents. Measuring cylinder also known as Graduated

cylinders are generally more accurate and precise than flasks and beakers when it

comes to measurement.

iv. Beam balance: it is used for weighing the samples.

v. Muffle furnace: this is used during the gravimetric analysis to heat the samples at

very high temperature.

vi. Pestle and mortal: is used during digestion to crush, grind, and mix samples. The

sample to be ground is placed in the mortar and ground, crushed or mixed with the


vii. Crucible: are used for heating the samples, to very high temperatures. The crucible

cover can be used to contain any smoke particles.


2.1 Field Studies

2.1.1 Outcrop Description

Field mapping was conducted in the Ewekoro formation exposure at Purechem Quarry of the

Dahomey (Benin) Basin, southwestern Nigeria (Fig. 1.1). The work included reconnaissance

mapping and detailed measurement of stratigraphic units of the Limestone as exposed at the

cliff section of Purechem Quarry. During both the reconnaissance and measured section work,

outcrops were examined for bedding contacts, bed thickness variations, fossils, composition,

primary physical sedimentary structures and post-depositional sedimentary structures. The

mapping was carried out for the whole of Ewekoro Formation as exposed at the cliff section of

Purechem Quarry Onigbedu, the outcrop beds studied where continuous quarry exposed unit.

2.1.2 Sample and Hand Specimen Description

A representative sample was taken from each of the studied six (6) limestone beds as clearly

exposed in the Cliff section of the Quarry. The samples are indeed sizeable, this was to enable

us have more than enough for our geochemical and petrographic studies.

2.2 Laboratory Studies

2.2.1 Thin Section Preparation

Thin Section Analysis

This analysis was primarily for the purpose of studying mineralogical features to aid

the identification of rock collected during field mapping. Samples for thin sections analysis

were carefully studied under Petrological microscope selected to maximize the mineralogical

information. The manual preparation of thin section is common and its time consuming as

compared with the Longitech automatic thin sectioning machine. The procedures involved in

making a thin section manually are Cutting, Trimming, Grinding, Lapping, Mounting,

Covering, Washing, Drying and Labelling of the slides. Cutting

The processes involve cutting the rock into small rectangular pellet of 3mm by a machine called

rock cutter. Before the sample is taken to the machine, it is necessary to determine or ascertain

the nature of the rock whether it is of sedimentary origin or brittle or friable or fragile which

cannot withstand cutting. For samples like that, impregnation is done before cutting (cut across

the band or foliation and layers). A chip of about 1/8 of an inch and about 1 inch by 1 inch form

the sample. Trimming

Here the edge of the sample is chipped and then a mark is put on the chipped side as well as

the other side. A number is written on the sample, on the chip and also on the parent sample

with pencil. This is done so that the edges of the sample can be smooth without sharp edges

which can be dangerous. Grinding

The sample of the chip to be mounted is grounded on the grinding machine to make the surfaces

smooth. Mounting

In mounting, the materials needed are hot plate, forcept, picking needle, mounting medium

which is of two types (a) permanent mounting medium e.g. Resin and Aradite (b) temporary

mounting medium e.g. Lakeside 70 cement and Canada balsam.

The chip is placed on the hot plate and the hot plate is covered with aluminium foil or paper

with the thermometer set, the hot plate is switched on. The chip and the glass slide are allowed

to warm up for some minutes and then the mounting medium is added i.e. Canada balsam or

lakeside 70 cement or resin. We mount the chip unto the glass slide by placing the glass slide

unto the chip. The temperature at which mounting is done is at 70 0c. if it is resin or araldite

mixed in the appropriate ratio, we apply a little bit unto the chip and the glass slide, we mount

the chip and press the glass slide to exclude all air bubbles at a lower temperature 40 0c or 30
c. The chip is then allowed to set on a flat surface.

Grinding machine is used to reduce the thickness of the mounted chip. The chip is mounted on

the clamp of the machine and pressed onto the grinding wheel, with the coolant switched on.

If the machine does not have a clamp, fingers are used to hold the chip unto the grinding wheel.

Finally, the thickness of the sample (chip) is reduced to about 60µ. Lapping

The mounted slide was lapped on a glass plate using medium-grain carborundum as abrasive

to generate friction between the rock pellet and the glass, in the process reducing the slide

thickness to a desirable thickness of 0.3mm. At this thickness, it has been established that rocks

behave like a transparent medium allowing the passage of light. Canada balsam was later used

to seal the thinned rock using a glass cover lid. Hence, the study of optical properties of mineral

components of the rock was enhanced. This process is done on three grades of abrasive,

carborundum 400,600, and 700. A paste of the first grade of carborundum 400 is made on a

glass plate, carborundum 600 on another glass plate and carborundum 700 on another glass

plate. Lap the slide on the mixture from 400 to 600 and finally 700. Watching changes in colour

as it is lapped on the different grades of carborundum. To watch the changes in colour, a

polarizing microscope is needed. A mineral is picked as an index (standard) e.g. Quartz, the

colour changes from purple to red to blue on 400 grades, on 600, the colour changes from blue

to thick yellow and 700 is changes from grey/white then stop. Feldspar is red or violet on 400,

pink on 600 and grey/white on 700. The slide is lapped in a zigzag manner to create evenness.

Conclusively, a standard thin section is achieved which is 30µ thick and when the colour quartz

or feldspar is grey/white.
31 Washing, Drying and Labelling

Further processes include covering, washing, drying and labelling. Diamond impregnated pen

is necessary for writing the number of the sample on glass slide.

2.2.2 Geochemical Analysis

In the studied cliff section of the Onigbedu limestone quarry, a sample was selected from each

of the six beds identified and were digested for geochemical analysis in the laboratory.

Sample digestion was achieved by collecting a piece of about 4kg was collected from each of

the samples and this were ground using pestle and mortal. Standard flask (100ml), beaker

(50ml), measuring cylinder (100ml), analytical weighing balance, concentrated HCl, non-

distilled water, spatula as well as plastic bottles (200m), were the equipment and reagent

employed for sample digestion.

Each piece of the of the representative sample from each bed was pulverized after which

analytical weighing balance was utilized to measure 1 gram each from every pulverized

samples and this 1gram was put into a beaker and a concentration of HCl acid was run into this

beaker containing 1gram of pulverized limestone up to 5ml and this beaker was manually

shaken for few minutes and was left undisturbed for about 10 minutes.

After thorough digestion, the solution that ensued from the addition of HCl to the pulverised

sample was emptied into the 100ml standard though the 100ml measuring cylinder and the

beaker were procedurally rinsed using available non-distilled water to ensure that no solute is

left behind.

Therefore, the available non-distilled water was run into the beaker up to its normal meniscus

level and was properly shaken to attain homogeneity. This homogeneous solution was finally

emptied into the plastic bottle for atomic spectrometric analysis, after which the digested

samples were analysed with specific model of atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS).

Determination of Percentage Loss on Igition was actualized using One gram of each of the air-

dried samples was ground and weighed with a beam balance and oven-dried at 1100C for an

hour. The crucible was then left to cool and weighed. The loss in weight represented the

hygroscopic moisture or superficially absorbed moisture. The crucible was then ignited in a

muffle furnace at 9500C for one (1) hour, then cooled and weighed.

The heating, cooling and weighing was repeated until the weight of the residue was constant.

The percentage loss on ignition was deciphered from the weight of the residue.

Owing to unavailability of appropriate flame for analysis, using Atomic Absorption

Spectrometry, Gravimetric Analysis was employed in lieu of ASS for the determination of

silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3).

The residue ensued after ignition during the determination of LOI, was utilized in the

determination of SiO2 concentration, this was digested with hot concentrated hydrated

hydrochloric acid. The acid dissolved all the basic salts except silica and metallic oxides. The

solution was filtered and the fitrate set aside. The precipitate was placed in a weighed crucible

and ignited at about 11000C in a muffle furnace, allowed to cool and weighed.

The weight of the precipitate was the weight of silica and the metallic oxide present. The

precipitate was later transferred into platinum crucible and treated with dilute tetraoxosulphate

VI acid (H2SO4) and hydrofluoric acid (HFl) to digest the silica content. The solution was dried

in a fume cupboard and the residue ignited at 11000C, cooled and reweighed. The loss in weight

represents the weight of the pure silica in the sample.

Aluminium (as Alumina (Al2O3)) was precipitated as hydrated oxide by adding ammonia

solution in the presence of ammonium chloride from aliquots of the filtrate contained in the

silica determination. The gelatinous precipitate was washed and converted to aluminium oxide

(alumina) by ignition in muffle furnace at 1200C. Ignition was repeated until a constant weight

was obtained.



3.1 Lithostratigraphy of the Strata Exposed in Field Location

The cliff section of the Purechem quarry, Onigbedu provides a good exposure of the Paleogene

Ewekoro Formation. Based on the fieldwork the lithostratigraphic succession of the strata

exposed are described. The lithostratigraphic successions includes Limestone and Shale (Table


The sedimentary units exposed at the cliff section of Purechem quarry, measures about 9.66m

(Tab. 3.1). From field observation it was noted the Limestone strata is made up of six (6) beds

(about 8.6m in thickness), which is then overlain by a relatively thin shale bed (about 1.4m


The whole section is then divided into three (3) parts:

Basal part; this consist of bed 1 and 2 (about 3.04m thick) which is a sandy

fossiliferous unit. As one moves upward from bed 1 (about 1.6 m thick) into bed 2

(about 1.44m thick) the coarseness of the texture tends to reduce.

Middle part; overlying the basal part is a massive limestone unit consisting mainly of

bed 3 and 4 (about 1.97m thick). This unit is highly fossiliferous.

Upper part; this unit is made up of dark grey nodular limestone (about 3.25m thick),

it was noticed that the grey coloration darkens as we move from bed 5 (about 1.53m

thick) to bed 6 (about 1.72m thick). Overlying the nodular limestone unit in the upper

section is a well laminated grey shale with an approximate thickness of 1.4m.


Table 3.1: A Composite Lithostratigraphic Section Showing the various beds as exposed at

PURECHEM Quarry Onigbedu.

Shale bed:
The grey shale is well
laminated, and overlies the
nodular limestone.

Bed 6:
This bed is made up of
dark grey nodular

Bed 5:
The grey coloration
darkens as we move from
this bed.

Bed 4:
This bed is highly rich in
fossils, there are presence
of warm burrows.
Bed 3:
This is grey in color with a
medium texture.

Bed 2:
A light grey limestone it is
less coarse relatively to bed

Bed 1:
Highly fossiliferous sandy
limestone. Pelecypod were
identified in this bed.

3.2 Geochemical Analysis of Limestone Samples

The Geochemical analysis of the limestone samples were carried out using both Instrumental

and Classical methods. Instrumental method entails the use of Atomic Absorption

Spectrometry to obtain the content of trace or minor quantities of element while classical

method employed involves Gravimetric analysis to obtain the content of Silica and Alumina.

The result obtained from this analysis gave the proportions of nine elements in their oxides in

the limestone samples. (I.e. CaO, MgO, etc.) The Loss on Ignition (LOI) of each limestone

sample was determined. However, the result analysis are presented in Tables 3.2 to 3.3 and

Figures 3.1 to 3.3.

3.2.1 Interpretation of data

The result of the geochemical analysis of the exposed limestone section at the cliff section of

Purechem purechem quarry, Onigbedu, gives both the major and minor elemental constituents

in form of percentage of oxides as well as Loss on Ignition (LOI), which was formed by the

liberation of hydration and carbon dioxide (CO2) from clay minerals and carbonate minerals


Major Oxides

The result of the major elemental composition shown in Table 3.2 indicates that the Calcium

oxide concentrations ranges between 48.75 and 54.24% with a mean value of 52.63%. The

silica SiO2 contents range between 1.26 – 8.33 % with a mean value of 2.98% and Fe2O3

between 0.55 – 1.11% with mean of 0.74%, MgO and Al2O3 contents vary between 0.58 –

1.11% and 0.52 – 1.25% with equal mean values of 0.79%.

From the result of major oxides, CaO from calcite is dominant. The relatively high level of

CaO and low values of silica (SiO2) and MgO, (Figure 3.1-3.3), show a high degree of purity

of the limestone hence its suitability as raw material for industrial use (cement and roofing

sheets). The CaO stands at a mean value of 52.63% but far lower than that of Sagamu, Ewekoro

and Ibeshe having mean values of 89.2%, 80.3% and 75.7% respectively, Akinmosin et al.,


Silica concentrations of Onigbedu is low (1.26 – 8.33 %) compared with other limestone

deposit in Nigeria; such as Igunmale (13.9%), Sokoto (11.3%), Olaide, (1988), but almost at

par with that of Sagamu, Nkalagu and Ibeshe with mean values of 5.7%,5.9%, and 8.7%

respectively, Akinmosin et al., (2005), Ikhane et al., (2009).

The percentages of MgO and Al2O3 are low 0.58 – 1.07% and 0.52 – 1.25%, respectively.

Magnesium could be added by dolomitization process, which is comparably infinitesimal in

this deposit. In addition, Chave (1954) stated that marine invertebrate skeletal debris has low

magnesium with increasing level in the phyla. Onigbedu limestone is very rich in bivalves,

echinoderms and gastropods – higher invertebrates – which are suspected to be responsible for

the low level of magnesium in the samples. Magnesium concentration is also a function of

temperature of formation, and often low in shells living in shallow waters (Pettijohn, 1984).

Thus shallow marine environment is proposed for Onigbedu limestone base on this. The

aragonitic/calcitic shells are usually magnesium deficient and such fossil shells like bivalves,

a shallow marine dweller is very abundant common in the deposit. Low alumina might be

indicative of the dearth of alumino-silicate minerals in the provenance. The low concentration

of alumina is also an indicative of low energy environment. (Adekoya et al., 2011).

According to the specifications of the Morroccan Standard NM 10.1.004, and the American

Construction Code, in the use of limestone for various industrial purpose (focusing on cement

and roofing sheet), the magnesium oxide (MgO) must not exceed 5% by mass and the mass

ratio (CaO)/ (SiO2) should not be less than two (2). From the result of the geochemical analysis

the mean MgO content is extremely low (0.785%), and the mass ratio (CaO)/ (SiO2) (table

3.3),greatly exceeds the bench mark, were the minimum ratio stands at 5.85, the maximum

ratio stands at 43.05, therefore giving a mean ratio of 25.77. Therefore validating Onigbedu

limestone as a good Industrial material for the production of cement and roofing sheet.

Table 3.2: Geochemical Elemental Composition of Onigbedu Limestone.

Sample Bed1 Bed2 Bed3 Bed4 Bed5 Bed6 Mean

SiO2 % 8.33 1.62 2.08 2.56 2.01 1.26 2.976667

Al2O3 % 0.99 0.67 1.25 0.67 0.52 0.62 0.786667

Fe2O3 % 0.61 0.55 1.11 0.83 0.6 0.76 0.743333

CaO % 48.75 53.77 53.12 52.97 52.92 54.24 52.62833

MgO % 0.58 0.83 0.71 0.71 0.81 1.07 0.785

Na2O % 0.17 0.05 1.9 0.01 0.22 0.22 0.428333

K2O % 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03

SO3 % 1.52 0.12 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.08 0.295
Cl- % 0.08 0.07 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.055
LOI % 38.8 40.12 39.1 42.14 41.51 39.68 40.225
TOTAL 99.87 97.82 99.36 99.97 98.68 98.02 98.95333

Table 3.3: Percentage ratio composition of CaO to SiO2 of Onigbedu’s Limestone.

CaO % 48.75 53.77 53.12 52.97 52.92 54.24 52.62833
SiO2 % 8.33 1.62 2.08 2.56 2.01 1.26 2.976667
RATIO(CaO/SiO2) 5.852341 33.19136 25.53846 20.69141 26.32836 43.04762 25.77492

Relationship Between %Composition of SiO2 and CaO

% SiO2 % CaO

53.77 53.12 52.97 52.92 54.24


2.08 2.56 2.01 % CaO
1.62 1.26
% SiO2


Figure 3.1: Relationship Between %Composition of SiO2 and CaO based on the
geochemical data of Onigbedu Limestone.

Relationship Between %Composition of MgO and CaO







% CaO % MgO

Figure 3.2: Relationship Between %Composition of MgO and CaO based on the
geochemical data of Onigbedu Limestone.

Purity Comparism of Onigbedu Limestone based

the %Composition of CaO, SiO 2 and MgO





% MgO
10 % SiO2
% CaO

% CaO % SiO2 % MgO

Figure 3.3: Purity Comparism of Onigbedu Limestone based the %Composition of CaO, SiO2
and MgO

3.3 Petrographic Analysis of the Limestone

Prepared slides of the collected samples from each of the six beds were analyzed using petrographic
microscope under Plane Polarized Light and Cross Nicol.
Petrographic studies of each slide from the sample were enhanced by point-count method for each
mineral (Table 3.4).


The non-skeletal grains identified from the petrological study are intraclast, pellets andooids while the

skeletal grains represent the fossil content. The non-skeletal grains are not as the skeletal component.

Skeletal Grains (Fossil Content)

For the identification of the fossil content of the Onigbudu limestone, the following points were noted:

shape, internal micro-structure and presence of spines or pores. It was noted that the edges of this fossils

have been highly micriticed hereby giving them a high relief (The micritic content of the beds are very

high, thereby suggesting a low energy environment. The following were identified with various beds:

Echinoderms, Pelecypods, Bivalves, Coralline Algae, Ostracod and Gastropod.


It was observed that sparite cement crystal had grown syntaxially around the echinoderm fragment

identified in the Onigbedu limestone deposit. (Figure 4b).


The shell of bivalve is composed of calcium carbonate. Bivalve shells identified in the deposit consisted

of several layers of specific internal microstructure composed of micron-sized crystallites. (Figures 2c,

4b and c, 5c, and 6c).


Gastropods are ubiquitous throughout shallow marine environments. They occur in hypersaline and

brackish waters, such as on tidal flats and in estuaries. Most gastropods have shells of calcite with similar

internal microstructures to bivalves. (Figures 1c, 2c, 3c, 5b).


Table 3.4: Estimated modal analysis of the different component of the various beds of Onigbedu limestone.

Sample Fossil Micrite Intraclast Ooides Pellet Sparry Quartz Fossils remarks Limestone
Code Fragment (%) Calcite (%) Classification
(%) (Folks and
Bed 1 30 24 6 26 14 This bed is highly Folk:
fossiliferous which Biospamicrite
has been micritised at Dunham:
their edges; Wackestone
Bed 2 31 27 8 22 12 The fossils identified Folk:
include Gastropod Biospamicrite
and Ostracod. Dunham:
Bed 3 34 31 4 21 10 The fossils identified Folk:
include Gastropod, Biospamicrite
Coralline Algae and Dunham:
Pelecypod. Wackestone
Bed 4 29 35 7 22 7 The fossils identified Folk:
include Bivalve and Biospamicrite
Echinoderm. Dunham:
Bed 5 35 31 10 17 7 The fossils identified Folk:
include Gastropod, Biospamicrite
Bivalve, Ostracod, Dunham:
and Pelecypod. Wackestone
Bed 6 31 33 9 22 5 The fossils identified Folk:
include Bivalve and Biospamicrite
Coralline Algae. Dunham:

Pelecypod have literally compressed bodies enclosed by a shell, there edges have been highly

micritised. (Figures 1b and 3b).

Coralline Algae
Coralline algae are significant carbonate producers; there presence indicates a shallow to

relatively deeper marine environment. (Figures 3b and 6c).


Ostracod most times have sud-circular to circular outline, they were identified in Figures 2b

and 5c.

These fossils have been highly micritised, this is evident at also there is an evidence of

recrystallization, as shown by the precipitation of calcite masaic (sparry calcite) to fill the -


Non-Skeletal Grains


These fragments have been reworked within the area of deposition thereby forming new



These are rounded, spherical to elliptical or ovoid aggregates of microcrystalline calcite ooze

which are devoid of any internal structure. They show a uniformity of shape and size (Figures

1, 2,3,4,5, and 6).


These particles show either radical or concentric structure

Carbonate Mud Matrix (Micrite)

It is considered as forming very largely by rather rapid chemical or biochemical precipitation

in seawater settling to the bottom and at times undergoing some later drifting by weak currents.

Micrite was identified in all the samples studied (Figures 1, 2,3,4,5, and 6).

Sparry Calcite Cement

This type of calcite generally forms grains or crystals 10 microns or more in diameter and is

distinguished from macrocrystalline calcite by its clarity as well as coarser crystal size.

The solution voids have been filled with sparry calcite deu to recrystallization. This is a

characteristic of moderate to high energy condition, (Adegoke, 1977). Large coarse grains of

sparry calcite which were white and grey in colour were observed to be dominant in all the

slides produced from the six(6) limestone beds (Figures 1, 2,3,4,5, and 6).

Petrographic analysis of Bed 1


(b) M

C = calcite Pc = pelecypods
G=Gastropod Q = quartz
P = Pellet M = Micrite

Magnification: x40
Folk’s classification: Biospamicrite
Dunham classification: Wackestone

Figure 3.4: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 1.

(a) Composite Petrographic illustration of limestone Bed 1.
(b) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 1 under Cross Nicol.
(c) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 1 under Plane polarized light.

Petrographic analysis of Bed 2



(b) (c)


C = Calcite M= micrite
G=Gastropod O = Ostracod
B=Bivalve P=Pelet
Magnification: x40
Folk’s classification: Biospamicrite
Dunham classification: Wackestone

Figure 3.5: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 2

(a) Composite Petrographic illustration of limestone Bed 2
(b) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 2 under Cross Nicol
(c) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 2 under Cross Nicol

Petrographic analysis of Bed 3


Figure 3.6: Composite Petrographic diagram of Bed 3

(b) (c)


Plate 3I and 3II: Photomicrographs of Bed 3 under Cross Nicol

C = calcite Q = quartz
G = gastropod Pc=Pelecypod
CA = coralline algae M = Micrite

Magnification: x40
Folk’s classification: Biospamicrite
Dunham classification: Wackestone

Figure 3.6: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 3

(a) Composite Petrographic illustration of limestone Bed 3
(b) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 3 under Cross Nicol
(c) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 3 under Cross Nicol

Petrographic analysis of Bed 4


(b) (c)




C = calcite Q = quartz
E = Echnoderm B = bivalve
M = Micrite P = Pellets

Magnification: x40
Folk’s classification: Biospamicrite
Dunham classification: Wackestone

Figure 3.7: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 4

(a) Composite Petrographic illustration of limestone Bed 4
(b) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 4 under Cross Nicol
(c) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 4 under Plane Polarized Light

Petrographic analysis of Bed 5


(b) P (c) Q



C = calcite G = gastropod
B = bivalve M = Micrite
O = Ostracod P = Pellets
Pc = pelecypods

Magnification: x40
Folk’s classification: Biospamicrite
Dunham classification: Wackestone

Figure 3.8: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 5

(a) Composite Petrographic illustration of limestone Bed 5
(b) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 5 under Cross Nicol
(c) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 5 under Plane Polarized Light

Petrographic analysis of Bed 6


(b) (c) C


C = calcite M = Micrite
P = pellets B = bivalve
Q = quartz CA = Coralline Algae

Magnification: x40
Folk’s classification: Biospamicrite
Dunham classification: Wackestone

Figure 3.9: Petrographic analysis of Onigbedu limestone bed 6

(a) Composite Petrographic illustration of limestone Bed 6
(b) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 6 under Cross Nicol
(c) Photomicrograph of limestone Bed 6 under Plane Polarized Light


4.1 Discussion

4.1.1 Field Occurrence and Composition of Limestone at Onigbedu

From the field observation of the Paloegene Ewekoro Formation as exposed at the cliff section

of purechem quarries, it was noted that the well exposed sedimentary unit measures a total of

9.66m, where the limestone has a total thickness of 8.6m and the overlying relatively thin shale

bed has a thickness of 1.4m.

The limestone unit which is made up of six (6) beds, consist of very high sandy clastic material

at the base, the texture then tend to fine upward as one moves away from the basal part (Table

3.1). This is similar to that of Ewekoro quarry, this basal unit is whitish to light brown, and it

represents the top of the Abeokuta Group (Adekeye, 2006).

A light grey massive limestone overlies the basal component, the increase in the darkness shade

of the grey colouration of the limestone bed as one moves upward is vividly evident. The shale

component at the limestone beds is well laminated, with colour ranging from grey to dark grey,

this shaley unit represents the lowermost part of the Akinbo Formation.

As implied by the low-lying topography, the limestone was deposited probably a down warping

episode in the graben (Adegoke and Omatsola, 1981).

The interpretation of the depositional environment is largely based on the fossil content and

the dominant support of the Onigbedu limestone (Table 3.4).

The deposition must have occurred under varying conditions from quiet to intermittently

agitated water as indicated by the well preserved fossil contents which include echinoids,

bivalves, coralline algae, pelecypod, ostracod and gastropod which are typical of an open shelf


The presence of echinoid indicates shallow to deeper waters. The dominant support is mud and

muddiness is generally a property of rocks deposited in quiet water and a low energy


4.1.2 Industrial usage

The quantitative identification of CaO, Fe2O3, MgO and SiO2 in the Onigbedu Limestone is

important in the characterization of the quality and hence its usability as an industrial material.

Technically, following Rosen et al. (2005), Onigbedu limestone qualify as pure limestone. This

is supported by, the fact that CaO and LOI composition of the limestone, taken together,

averagely constitute about 98.6 % in most cases (Table 3.2), points to the presence of

significant concentration of components and phases that are compatible with the purity required

of limestone for various important industrial applications. Cherneva et al. (2009) observed that

carbonate rocks classified as pure are calcite dominated, low in MgO content and display high

CaO/SiO2 ratio (Table 3.4). This indeed align with the geochemical composition of Onigbedu

limestone with a very low MgO contents with the maximum concentration reaching 1.07 % in

bed 1and displaying an overall average of 0.79 % (Table 3.2). Furthermore, the computed

CaO/SiO2 ratio values of the limestone (Table 3.4), which vary between 43.05– 5.85 with a

mean ratio of 25.77, is very high which is similar to that of Mfamosing limestone, (Ekwueme,


In considering these attributes, indication is that Onigbedu limestone is of high industrial

relevance, and CaO appear to be the major component that actually defines the purity of a

limestone. SiO2 that may likely constitute a source of contamination has a very low

concentration, having a mean concentration of 2.98%, (Table 3.2). Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3

shows the analysis of the percentage constituent of CaO to SiO2. Other contaminants, notably

Fe2O3, Al2O3, Na2O and K2O are extremely low in concentration in all the six (6) beds with

overall average values that is often less than 1 % (Table 3.2).


4.2 Conclusion

Detailed mapping, lithostratigraphic and petrographic study of the exposed limestone beds at

the cliff section of Purechem industries Onigbedu, representing the Ewekoro Formation in the

eastern Dahomey basin, revealed that the limestone beds are more or less homogenous with

total thickness of 9.66m.

The beds consist of grey to dark grey, nodular to massive units. They are highly fossiliferous

with increasing sandy component towards the base of the section. The dominating limestone

facies Biospamicrite according to Folks, (1959) classification and Wackestone according

Dunham, (1962) classification. Echinoids, bivalves, coralline algae, Ostracod, pelecypod and

gastropods represents the main bioclastic components while pellet, intraclast, ooids and quartz

mainly constitutes the non-bioclastic grains.

Petrographic studies of Onigbedu limestone deposit have shown that the rock is highly

fossiliferous with the identified fossils indicating deposition in an open shelf environment.

Moreover, the limestone deposit was equally observed to be principally mud supported which

is indicative of rocks deposited in quiet water and a low energy environment, therefore from

all indication, the limestone deposited at Purechem quarry Onigbedu, was deposited under low

to high-energy condition.

From the aforementioned textural characteristics, Onigbedu limestone deposits is a

Wackestone, according to Dunham, (1962) classification.

Geochemical studies of the Paleogene Onigbedu limestone have been vividly carried out and

the result of both major, minor oxides and LOI, concentrations, supported by petrographic

analysis, have given some economic insights of the deposit under studied. The limestone is

characterized as a very important industrial material because of its very high CaO, LOI contents

and CaO/SiO2 ratio, and significantly low MgO, and minor oxides composition.

The observed compositional features of the limestone makes it a very viable industrial raw

material. According to the specifications of the Morroccan Standard NM 10.1.004, and the

American Construction Code, in the use of limestone for various industrial purpose (focusing

on cement and roofing sheet), the magnesium oxide (MgO) must not exceed 5% by mass and

the mass ratio (CaO)/ (SiO2) should not be less than two (2). From the result of the geochemical

analysis the mean MgO content is extremely low (0.785%), and the mass ratio (CaO)/ (SiO2)

(Table 3.3),greatly exceeds the bench mark, having a mean ratio of 25.77, therefore validating

Onigbedu limestone as a good Industrial material for the production of cement and roofing


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