Bus. Com Q2.1

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(Modale : T)

Descsibe Ge
I, What ane he elemeyts of Communi caion.
Pyoass of Comm unicatjon . DiscuSS he ssenhal OF a
good com muni cahon Sys tam Describe he various modes
of Conunication.
2. What one me objectives of Busmess Communicatiom Stta
The importance of Business Communication
3.Distivngish betoeen Verbal Communicaion and witten Comm
Uni cation Mention Ihe advantages and disadvantaqes of
Vesba and itten Communi calion
4. Define me Hovizontal or Loleal Communjcation.
ie pYiniples of effechve Communi caian. Nhoat is
Conflict Resolnion
Communicatioy ? What
5. What do you mean by bahiers of Mention Ine
are ie diffeyent barieYS tö COMmunicafio
tehniames of oveY Comig (me boiers of Comoni
Types of Communication :
4 What do vn undexstand by DoOnbard amd up Dard
Communi cation. Stala briefly Ineiy advantaqes and
disodvanDqes and Diagonal
2.. What do yon wnderstand by Horizontal vantages
Cowmmunicaion State meiY ad vantaqes avd dis ad
Communicaion- Describe iheir
3. Define Fomal and lnBomal Distqush betweon
charactaYisics. Stalk TieiY advaNiqes.
Ihem Communicotion. Discuss e disad vansae
4. Nhot is 6xopevine
Communicotion. Discuss lhe hasoToishcs aud
of Gapevme Communicahioh.Wbie
essentis of a successt Corpora
CoMmuni cahon Nehiok ".
a noe n
Tools of Communi cat ion:
I. What do yon nderYStand loyy Communi caion Tools.
of Communication
Discuss ie objechves of emerqene
2. Stote ñe importane of Tie tollowng
tools (a) Fax (6) E-mal () Video Conferencing
Leffex:f) (Cv
e) Repostd) CivCar
Leffex:C) Mines(6) Notice:(a)

3. 2.Dyat 1. 3. 2. 1. 3. 2. 1. Notie of
3. 2. 1.
3. 1. 2. I.
6.4-Dyat Commexcj Bank company
DraHa trend
Compamm Draft shiftinaDraft andDrat increaseDraft Minnes
of MinwasMimwes Notie Notie
of DYaft
5. of 2.
odex of Com
Draf4 witin9 Draft
Drtt refnsing
Draf4Draf Draft
pvodnct meri of a dealers a of of
a a a a
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leTer leen leljeY ad cv
cv on Sales
report for e Te h
Tae 12tAnnva
leffer (e fox shoOOm priceof me
a tor fo me highey announcing
fa toBank. and to st 12 1stboavdDrafting:
s f oxder to le me
of letex leTeY Annval boaxd Generl
o (Re leeN th
damaqe boavd
ompay:eekmgcancallingy aqition
stalns oa reqarding
youY p0st post mmedi pvodvct board
(e boasd puia fromaddressing mecing
addressimg to
sole cwotomer ton of of board openimg meeting 6enera mechngy Meeing
enaiay. lhat caused al l bonus one yoY
ete AssistantAssistat of by meahina of
-salling yon of
neodemployees plae
ofdisectos cnstomers
reqrrdrng of Ie
by to of tMeeing
have diechoy
by foY Ime of lue wii
to youra of Company
e le
agentu ploed Staivg Cashiey CashieY fireadverhsing on wstomex showroom
an ty Company Cowpany aqerda
customers Ompony. of
confvmaion to of ie ofother
for ith e
lRyour your ie
Yeann in n recent Company
he a a
sala Suppler. a

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