Ciu Distance Education Center (Ciu-Dec) Distanc Education Teaching Programe Implementation Regulations-2 PDF

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Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ITEM 1 - The purpose of this Regulation; The procedures and principles to be
applied in all programs / courses to be carried out through distance education at
the International University of Cyprus, the establishment, management structure
and duties of the Distance Education Center, and the distance education in the
field of associate, undergraduate, postgraduate education and in the field of
continuing education for certification. or the principles regarding the rights and
obligations of students benefiting from supported programs, and the principles to
be applied in studies and research on distance education.

ITEM 2 - This regulation covers the procedures and principles to be applied in
associate, undergraduate and graduate programs / courses to be carried out by
distance education at the Cyprus International University

ITEM 3 - This Regulation, T.R. It was prepared on the basis of the "Principles and
Procedures Regarding Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions" and
the International Regulation of Cyprus International University, which was
accepted and put into effect at the meeting of the General Assembly of Higher
Education dated 20.02.2014..

ITEM 4- (1) In this implementation principles;

a) Unit: Institute / faculty / college / vocational school to which the distance education
program is attached,

b) Unit coordinator: The lecturer responsible for conducting coordination, assignment

and inspections within the institute / faculty / school where a diploma program
carried out by distance education is connected,

c) Synchronous sessions: In courses that are deemed appropriate to be taught via

distance education with distance education programs, the instructor should provide
training with online technologies simultaneously over a network at a specified time.

d) Presidency: Cyprus International University Distance Education Application and

Research Center (CIU-DEARS) Presidency,
e) Student Information System (SIS): The Student Information System, where all the
personal and grade information of the students of Cyprus International University are

f) Instructional Management System (IMS): The Instructional Management System,

which offers the opportunity of synchronous (simultaneous) and asynchronous
(asynchronous) communication with all instructional materials of the courses /
programs given through Open and Distance Education.

g) Program coordinator: The instructor who is responsible for the coordination of a

diploma program conducted by distance education, providing the course contents,
conducting the courses, assigning and supervising,

h) Program manager: Academic or administrative staff responsible for the work and
procedures carried out by CIU-DEC for distance education programs / courses

i) Rector: The Rector of Cyprus International University,

j) Senate: Cyprus International University Senate,

k) University: Cyprus International University,

l) Board of Trustees: Members of the Board of Trustees of Cyprus International


m) Broadcast commission: Commission that conducts examinations for conducting,

supervising and developing education and training activities for distance education
services, determines the rules and rights of broadcasting, makes decisions and
reports on the subject,

n) Distance Education: Teachers and students conducting outside of traditional

classroom settings are asynchronous. Training activities carried out by using
appropriate and possible methods from distance education (changing hands of
printed or electronic media at their own choice) or synchronous distance education
(interaction with technologies providing simultaneous communication) express.

Second Part
Organization and Duties

ITEM 5- The bodies of Cyprus International University Distance Education Center

Presidency (UKU-DEC) consist of the Central Executive Board and the Central

a) Head of the Center is the manager and representative of the Center.

b) The Head of the Center is appointed by the Board of Trustees with the proposal of
the Rector among those who are at least associate professors.

c) The Head of the Center recommends a University faculty member as the Vice
President to assist him in his studies. The Vice President is appointed upon the
proposal of the President and the approval of the Rector. The vice-chairman is also a
member of the Central Board of Directors.

d) The Central Board of Directors consists of two representatives to be selected by

the University Board of Directors, with priority for the faculties providing distance
education, the Director of IT Center, the Deputy Head of the Center and the Head of
the Center, and a total of five members. In academic matters, the IT Director does
not have the right to vote.

Third Part

Program or Course Opening, Student Acceptance, Transition between Programs,

Duration of Education, Assignment of Instructors and Assessment and Evaluation

Opening a program or course

ITEM 6- (a) Units may request for a course or program to be conducted through
distance education. These requests are negotiated and decided upon by the senate
and the program offers deemed appropriate to be opened by the Higher Education
Planning, Supervision and Accreditation Board (HEPSAB) and, if necessary, T.R. It is
submitted for the approval of the Council of Higher Education (CHE).

(b) The unit publishes general information, pricing, application requirements,

graduation requirements, courses, course processing, course passing system,
internship and laboratory and similar information on the website before the
preference period for the programs deemed appropriate to be opened and admitted
by HEC / HEPSAB and notifies CIU-DEC. It publishes this information in the CIU-DEC
before the registration period.

Student Admissions and Course Registrations

ITEM 7- (1) Students are accepted according to the general principles regarding the
placement of students in higher education institutions in the associate,
undergraduate and graduate programs decided to do distance education.

(2) The procedures regarding student admissions and course registrations are carried
out by the relevant unit.

Assignment of Academic Staff

ITEM 8 - (1) Which instructor will be assigned to the courses to be taught via distance
education; The proposal of the relevant department / program boards, the proposal
of the relevant unit board, and the board of the CIÜ-DEC are decided by the proposal
of the relevant unit board.

Assessment and Evaluation

1. Assessment and evaluation activities related to the courses given through distance
education programs and distance education are either face-to-face or electronically
supervised or unattended, using assessment methods (homework, project,
application, written, oral, etc.) determined in accordance with the curriculum
approved by the Senate. or in the form of a central exam.

2. Midterm exams can be held in an unattended electronic environment if desired.

3. It is essential to make final exams and make-up exams live or electronically


4. Only those students who fail by taking an F letter grade from the related course
can enter the central make-up exams.

5. In addition to the exams determined as to where and how these exams will be held
and which of the assessment methods such as oral exam, performance, project,
thesis and portfolio, the senate decides on the recommendation of the relevant unit
that continues the education.

6. The effect of unattended measurement and evaluation activities on general

success cannot be more than 20% in distance education. Procedures for assessment
and evaluation related to the courses in the curriculum of distance education
programs are announced before the preference stage for students who will register
for the first time.

7. Whether the exams of the programs will be conducted as central exams or not is
determined by the Board of Directors of CIU-DEC.

8. It is the responsibility of the relevant unit to conduct and evaluate decentralized

exams. The method, place, date, officers and duration of the exams are determined
and announced by the unit.

9. Organization and execution of central exams are the responsibility of CIU-DEC. It is

essential that the exam questions are prepared by the instructors conducting the

10. The works and processes related to measurement and evaluation are carried out
according to the relevant unit implementation principles in which the student is

Opposel to the exam result

ITEM 10-

1. The results of an exam or a semester / year study may be challenged in terms of

material errors within five working days from the date of the announcement of the
results. The objection is made with a petition submitted to the CIU-DECPresidency in
central exams and to the relevant department in decentralized exams. If a material
error is detected by the relevant unit or lecturer on the examination papers, this
error is corrected and announced with the decision of the relevant board of directors.

2. In applications where grade entries are made by the instructor, student requests
and petitions are accepted and concluded by the relevant academic unit. In exams
where evaluation is central, the CIU-DEC Board of Directors decides and transmits the
requests to the relevant department.

Third Part
Coordinators, Responsibilities and Application of Distance Education
Coordinators and their responsibilities
ITEM 11-

1. Unit coordinators can be assigned by the unit management boards in the relevant
units that carry out the education, and for each diploma program opened within the
scope of distance education, a program coordinator among the lecturers assigned to
teach in these programs.

2. The duties of the unit coordinator are as follows;

a) It is responsible for conducting coordination, assignment and audits and

conducting programs / courses within the institute / faculty / vocational school /
vocational school where a diploma program conducted by distance education is

b) Carries out the necessary studies to determine the quotas on the basis of the

c) The program carries out announcement and promotion activities.

3. The following transactions are carried out in cooperation with the Unit Coordinator
and the relevant unit.

a) To carry out student personal procedures (new registration, student certificate,

military certificate, transcript, graduation etc. documents)

b) To meet the demands of students about education or to direct them to the

relevant units,

c) To follow the course fee payment procedures of the faculty members,

d) To announce the regulations regarding the regulations to the students,

e) To conduct studies and make recommendations regarding the courses in the


f) To ensure that student branch and group assignments are made in accordance
with the SIS via SPS,

g) To express an opinion on the determination of course and program fees

4. The duties of the program coordinator are as follows;

a) Schedule announcement, planning promotional activities.

b) To work on the curriculum of the program,

c) To provide opinions for the appointment of faculty members to the courses.

d) To follow the program operation by communicating with the faculty members.

e) To forward the academic staff and student requests to the unit or CIU-DEC.

f) To ensure the coordination of the unit and CIU-UEM regarding the operation of the

g) To convey the improvement suggestions about the program to the relevant


h) Projects, internships etc. not covered by the course. executing applications in

coordination with the unit.

i) Organizing decentralized exams of the programs

5. The responsibilities of the instructors assigned to teach in the programs are as


a) To make educational contents ready for use.

b) To follow the weekly course contents (lecture notes, presentations, reading

resources, etc.) through the LMS.

c) Weekly Synchronous sessions.

d) To participate in the preparation, execution and evaluation activities of the

courses and exams in accordance with the business calendar determined by the
board of directors of CIU-DEC within the framework of the academic calendar.

e) Announcing the exam results via OBS.

f) To communicate with the program manager in case of problems related to the SPS.

g) To follow the questions or requests of the students at the branch where they
teach, via SPS and e-mail, to answer them within 3 working days at the latest and to
communicate effectively with the students.

6. CIU-UEM undertakes the delivery of courses through distance education.

Operations such as student affairs, tuition fees, tuition fees, internship applications,
term projects, graduation procedures in face-to-face education are carried out by the
relevant unit as in face-to-face education. The demands of the students on these
issues are also decided by the relevant unit. The following transactions are carried
out by CIU-DEC.

a) Planning, conducting lessons,

b) Preparation and publishing of auxiliary materials,

c) Providing technical support to students,

d) Resolving the problems of attending live classes,

e) Central examination organizations,

f) The training of the instructors who will teach for the first time through distance

g) Making announcements,

h) Providing call center services,

i) Preparation and publication of guides and guides for environments used in distance
education for students and faculty members,

j) Preparation, follow-up and maintenance repairs of CIU-DEC platforms (SPS –

Synchronous sessions)

k) Technical support of students and lecturers at the time of Synchronous sessions,

Application of Distance Education

ITEM 12-

(1) The number of students in each course or branch of the course in distance
education is limited to 150 students in the associate degree program, 100 in the
undergraduate program and 50 students in the master's program. A new branch can
only be opened with the decision of the unit board of directors upon the opinion of
CIU-DEC if these limits are exceeded. If a new branch is opened, students are
distributed equally to the branches.

(2) A faculty member can run a maximum of three branches.

(3) In the case that a course is carried out as more than one branch, one of the
lecturers who are responsible for giving these courses for each course can be
appointed as the course coordinator by the related unit's board of directors who
continue the education.

ITEM 13-

(1) The courses that are deemed appropriate to be taught via distance education
with distance education programs are given simultaneously over the network with
online technologies. Books, radio, television, audio and video discs (CD / DVD) etc.
are used for the lessons. offline technologies can also be used. Teaching can also be
supported by face-to-face lessons and practices.
(2) Various offline materials such as distance education e-learning package, power
point presentation, audio lecture, lecture notes and online resources can be
published and activities such as online group meetings, project work, weekly
homework and readings, open-ended questions and periodic e-exams can be

Synchronous sessions and planning


(1) Synchronous sessions are planned according to the academic calendar of the
relevant unit.

(2 Synchronous sessions are planned to be at least 1 lesson per week, and weekly
Synchronous sessions schedule is announced 1 week before lessons begin.

(3) Each 40 minute Synchronous sessions is a lesson hour.

(4) Faculty members who take part in courses to be taught via distance education
attend distance learning seminars to be organized by CIU-DEC at least 2 weeks
before the semester begins.

(5) It is essential that the implementation of the Synchronous sessions for a course
will be carried out by the same instructor during the relevant semester. If required, a
course is decided by more than one instructor to be conducted by the relevant unit
board of directors.

(6) The instructor, who cannot take a Synchronous sessions for any reason, notifies
the CIU-DEC at least 3 days before the lesson. Compensatory lessons; It is decided
depending on the excuse of the instructor of the Synchronous sessions. If the
Synchronous sessions cannot be held due to technical problems, the CIU-DEC decides
to make a make-up lesson, and in case the lesson cannot be held due to non-
technical reasons, the relevant unit board of directors decides. CIU-UEM determines
and announces the date and time of the compensation course.

Processing of Synchronous Sessions


(1) The lecturer enters the Synchronous sessions platform at least 10 minutes before
the beginning of the lesson, and during this period, completes the technical
preparation process for the lesson, gets technical support from the CIU-DEC and
uploads the lecture note or presentation to the Synchronous sessions system when

(2) The lecturer supports Synchronous sessions with presentation, screen sharing,
whiteboard, and multimedia items in order to increase students' interest in the lesson
and facilitate learning.

(3) The courses are carried out in a manner to be synchronized by the lecturer
personally by providing interaction between student-learner and student-lecturer.
(4) CIU-UEM live class unit follows the lectures and guides the activities to increase
the quality of the lecture.

(5) The rules that the instructor must follow during the Synchronous sessions are
determined by CIU-DEC and notified to the relevant lecturers.

(6) In addition to the lecture notes or presentations, the instructor may include
content such as lecture videos, sound recordings, sample reading texts, interactive
materials and activities such as discussion, sharing, homework and projects.

Compulsory Attendance


(1) The relevant units of the board of directors who continue the education determine
the activities requiring attendance of the students enrolled in distance education
programs and announce them on the course syllabus pages before the semester

Fourth Part
Financial Provisions
Tuition Fees and Material Fee
(1) The University Board of Trustees decides on the distance education fee to be
taken for the courses and the programs to be carried out through distance

Additional Course Fee and Other Payments

ITEM 18-
(1) The proposal of the Central Board of Directors for the additional tuition fees to be
made to the academic staff is determined by the approval of the University Board of
Directors and the decision of the Board of Trustees.
(2) If more than one instructor conducts a course in the same branch, the additional
course fee is calculated by dividing the number of instructors.

Sixth Part
Various and Final Provisions
Cases without provisions
(1) In these Application Principles, in cases where there is no provision; Other
relevant legislative provisions and University Administrative Board decisions are
This regulation comes into force at the beginning of the 2015-2016 academic year.

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