Đáp Án 2020 2021

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ĐẪKLẤK NÀM HỌC 2020 - 2021

(Đe thi gồm có 09 ưang) Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút, khồng kể thời gian phát đề
Ngày thi: 21/7/2020
(Lưu ỷ: Thí sinh làm bài ngay trên đề thỉ này)



A. LEXICO - GRAMMAR (40.0pts)

Part 1. Choose the best word or phrase from A, B, c, or D to complete these sentences. (2 0.0 pts)
1. Though badly damaged by fire, the palace was eventually__________ to its original splendor.
A. repaired B. renewed C. restored D. renovated
2. Nothing went right for our team after the first match, __________?
A. didn’t it B. did they C. didn’t they D. did it
3. Son: “What is the process of__________, Dad?”
Father: “Well, it involves the heating of liquid such as milk in order to kill harmful bacteria.”
A. industrialization B. pasteurization C. commercialization D. globalization
4. Having been served dinner, __________.
A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee
B. the committee members discussed the problem
C. it was discussed by the committee members the problem
D. a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee
5. There has been a recommendation that Donald Trump__________ the president of the USA.
A. not be elected B. won’t be elected
C. isn’t elected D. wasn’t elected
6. Most psychologists believe that the basic structure of an individual’s personality is__________.
A. well extremely established by the age of five
B. by the age of five it is extremely well established
C. by the age of five and well established extremely
D. extremely well established by the age of five
7. All__________ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.
A. which is needed B. that is needed c. what is needed D. the thing needed
8. Despite yesterday's win, there is clearly no room for__________ if the team want to stay top of
the league.
A. complacency B. complaisance C. competence D. commendation
9. The Martins have confirmed their strong__________ to charity actions by donating a lump sum
of money again.
A. compliance B. reliance C. commitment D. assignment
10. __________in this national park declined from a few thousand to a few hundred in ten years.
A. For a number of tigers B. The number of tigers
C. A number of tigers D. That the number of tigers
11. According to the__________ of the contract, tenants must give six months’ notice if they intend
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to leave.
A. laws B. rules C. terms D. details
12. __________of half-starving wolves were roaming the snow-covered countryside.
A. Herds B. Flocks C. Packs D. Swarms
13. That human rights are__________ is unacceptable in a civilized society.
A. impeached B. abrogated C. infringed D. quashed
14. Gentleman: “Can you recommend any places for this summer holiday?”
Agent: “__________”
A. Yes, please go to other agencies
B. I don’t think you could afford a tour to Singapore, sir
C. No. You cannot recommend any places
D. A package tour to the Spratly Islands would be perfect, sir
15. The novel coronavirus is suspected to have come from__________.
A. illegally trade animals B. illegally traded animals
C. illegal traded animals D. illegally trading animals
16. Mary attempted to__________ herself with her new boss by volunteering to take extra work.
A. ingratiate B. please C. comment D. gratify
17. Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely__________.
A. imaginable B. imaginative c. imagining D. imaginary
18. The film Pride and Prejudice has__________ costumes.
A. beautiful British old-fashioned B. British old-fashioned beautiful
C. beautiful old-fashioned British D. old-fashioned beautiful British
19. The relations between these two countries have become very__________ after the unpleasant
incident at the border.
A. tense B. excitable C. feverish D. reckless
20. Thankfully we__________ another ticket as Daisy didn’t appear.
A. needn’t have got B. needed not to get
C. didn’t need to get D. hadn’t to get

Part 2. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence (10.0 pts)
21. Her success went__________ her expectation.
A. beyond B. over C. beneath D. above
22. Luckily, the rain______, so we were able to play the match.
A. gave out B. got away C. went away D. held off
23. When several companies showed interests in buying the film rights to his novel, he knew he
A. upped the ante B. scooped the bag
C. hit the jackpot D. caught the fat one
24. We had arranged to meet Jane at 8 o’clock, but she didn’t__________ until half an hour later.
A. turn up B. show off C. stick up D. put in
25.1 am not able to go anywhere this weekend because I’m up__________ to my in work.
A. neck B. nose C. waist D. ankle
26. John has taken some painkillers but when the effects__________, his legs will hurt quite badly.
A. wear down B. wear away C. wear off D. wear out
27. He didn’t know anything about business, so starting his own was__________.
A. a leap into the clouds B. a leap into the whole
C. a leap in the dark D. a leap in the night
28. As far as future goes, Olivia is__________. She hasn’t got a clue what career to follow.
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A. on the level B. all at sea C. in the know D. behind the scene
29. I can’t stand Mr. Bryant. He is always blowing his own__________- telling everyone how good he
is at everything.
A. balloon B. breath C. mind D. trumpet
30. More than 15 million people all over the world have__________ Covid-19.
A. come down to B. come up with C. got down to D. gone down with

Part 3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words in parentheses. (10.0 pts)


Very little in our lives prepares us for (31.PARENT) parenting/parenthood. Suddenly, your life is turned
upside down and all sorts of (32.FAMILIAR) unfamiliar demands are placed on you. How we ourselves were
treated by our parents in our (33.YOUNG) youth can have an (34.APPRECIATE) appreciaable effect on who
we become as parents. Our own (35.OBSERVE) observation of how our parents responded to us creates a
model of parenting that is (36.INTIMATE) intimately connected to the kind of parents we become. It’s not
uncommon for people to show the same child-rearing (37.CHARACTER) characteristics as their own parents.
If your father was an (38.SYMPATHY) unsympathetic figure who always seemed too busy to care about how
you felt, then there’s a chance you will repeat the same behavior. If your mother was utterly (39.SELF) selfless
in her devotion to her children, there’s a chance that you too will be equally giving and do all that is
(0.HUMAN) humanly possible for your offspring.

B. READING (70.0 pts)

Part 1. Choose one word from A, B,c or D that best completes each gap in the passage, (10.0 pts)
The joys and tribulations of being a pet owner! During our lifetime most of US have some
experience of either owning a pet or being in (41) __________contact with someone who does. Is there
such a thing as “the ideal pet”? If so what characterizes the ideal pet? Various (42) __________influence
one’s choice of pet, from your reasons for getting a pet to your lifestyle. For example, although quite a few
pets are relatively cheap to buy, the cost of (43) __________can be considerable. Everything must be (44)
__________ into account, from food and bedding, to vaccinations and veterinary bills. You must be
prepared to (45) __________time on your pet, which involves shopping for it, cleaning and feeding it. Pets
can be demanding and a big responsibility. Are you prepared to exercise and (46) __________an animal or
do you prefer a more independent pet? How much spare room do you have? Is it right to lock an energetic
animal into a (47) __________space? Do you live near a busy road which may threaten the life of your pet?
Pets (48) __________as turtles and goldfish can be cheap and convenient, but if you prefer affectionate
pets, a friendly cat or dog would be more (49) __________. People get pets for a number of reasons, for
company, security or to teach responsibility to children. Pets can be affectionate and loyal and an excellent
source of company as long as you know what pet (50) __________ you and your lifestyle.
41. A. near B. close C. narrow D. tight
42. A. facets B. elements C. factors D. points
43. A. upkeep B. maintenance C. upbringing D. raising
44. A. considering B. held C. taken D. kept
45. A. take B. waste C. occupy D.spend
46. A. household B. housetrain C. housekeep D. housework
47. A. confined B. detained C. reduced D. closed
48. A. so B. for C. much D.such

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49. A. suited B. appropriate C. likely D. good
50. A. fits B. matches C. suits D. goes with

Part 2. Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (20.0 pts)
The pressures of everyday life are undeniable, but many experts consider the current strategies we
use to deal with them to be inadequate and often dangerous. They believe that (51) instead of trying to
manage our response to stress by means of drugs and relaxation techniques, we must actually exploit stress.
Apparently, research shows that people who create conditions of stress for (52) themselves by doing
exciting and risky sports or looking for challenges, cope much better (53) with life’s problems. Activities of
(54) this type have been shown to create a lot of emotion; people may actually cry or feel extremely
uncomfortable. But there is a point (55) at which they realize they have succeeded and
know that it was a positive experience. This is because we learn through challenge and difficulty. That’s
(56) how we get our wisdom. Few of US, unfortunately, understand this fact. For example, many people
believe they (57) suffer from stress at work, and take time (58) off as a result. Yet it has been found in
some companies that by (59) far the healthiest people are those with the most responsibility. So next time
you are in a stress situation, just remember that it will be a possible learning experience and could also (60)
benefit your health!

Part 3. The passage below contains 10 errors. Underline the errors in the passage, then write the errors
and the corrections in the numbered spaces provided below the passage. (0) has been done as an example.


1 It used to be accept wisdom that higher education provides access to better- paid
2 careers. Therefore, the world of work has changed in recent decades, from one where few
3 people had universities degrees to one where they are very common. A good many underpaid
4 teachers, managers and other professional are considering a career change. Swapping the desk
5 for the tool box, many are retraining to have skilled manual workers, who are very much in
6 demand.
Those who do the change are finding that as plumbers, gas fitters and electricians they
9 can earn a good deal less than they used to. Workers who know nothing about these vital
10 services can demand higher fees from customers and often enjoy considerable independence,
11 at place of the controlled working environment in a school and office. Of course, those who
12 make the break know that if it doesn’t work out, they can usually go back from their
profession at a later day.

Your answers: 0. accept (line 1) —> accepted

61. therefore  However 66. less  more
62. universities university 67. nothingsomething
63. professional professionals 68. at in
64.have become 69. and or
65. do make 70. from to
Part 4. Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, c or D) to complete each sentence.

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The Solar System, as we know it, contains over 178 objects which revolve around our central star,
or the Sun. Some of this objects can be seen from Earth with the unaided eye or an earth-based telescope,
but the majority have only been detected through the development of instruments such as the Hubble Space
Telescope, or unmanned probes like Voyager. These instruments operate outside Earth’s atmosphere
collecting information on the composition and behavior of objects in the Solar System, which has enabled
researchers to hypothesize their origins.
It is generally thought that a cloud of interstellar gas and dust known as a “nebula”, was disturbed
by some major event in space, possibly a supernova, about five billion years ago and began to collapse
under its own gravity, forming a cloud. The center of the cloud became so hot that it eventually exploded
into a star with the cooler gases flowing around it. In time, the gases condensed into dust, metals, and
various kinds of ice in the cold outer reaches of space. These solid particles collided with each other to
form larger objects, or asteroids, as they continued to spin around our central star.
As these asteroids increased in size, their gravity began to pull in all the material in their immediate
surroundings, and the largest of these went on to become planets. The very different composition of the
inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and
Uranus) has led astronomers to hypothesize that their distances from the Sun caused them to develop at
different rates and in different ways. According to the most widely-held opinions, the planets closest to the
Sun, where all the ice particles were vaporized due to the incredible heat, were formed mostly of rock,
silicates, and metals with high melting points. These particles collided and were pulled together by gravity.
These inner planets have thin atmospheres or none at all, and few, if any, satellites, which would indicate
that most of the available material was either pulled into their own gravity or burned away in the heat of the
The inner and outer planets are separated by an asteroid belt, consisting of material that was not able
to form into planets due to Jupiter’s immense gravity. Beyond this area, as more dust and ice particles
escaped destruction by the Sun, four larger planets formed over a longer period of time in a far colder
environment as material was thrown out from the center by the spinning star’s centrifugal force. About a
million years after the cooling of the original nebula, the Sun began to emit a stream of charged protons and
electrons known as solar wind which blew the remaining gases outwards, to be sucked in by the outer
planets which became gas giants. These planets attracted many objects in their vast gravity fields, some of
which are big enough to be termed “satellites”, and countless smaller fragments which formed rings around
the planets.
The discovery of more objects in the Solar System in recent times has led to the need for further
classification. Far beyond the outer planets lies Pluto, which was originally considered to be the ninth
planet, but which has since been found to be a binary system of two dwarf planets, the other being Charon.
Pluto’s origins may be in the recently discovered Kuiper Belt, the source of many of the comets which
travel through the Solar System. This theory is based on Pluto’s rock/ice composition which is similar to
that of a comet. At one time, also thought to be a moon of Neptune, Pluto/Charon was reclassified in 2006
as one of three dwarf planets discovered so far, the others being Eris and Ceres.
Scientific knowledge is only as good as the ability of scientists to collect evidence, so as new
advances are made in astronomy, the present theories may be disproved, as in the case of Pluto. The above
account represents the consensus of current opinions on the matter.
(Al Toefl ỈBTReading-Richie Hahn)

71. In paragraph 1, what does the author say about the role of the Hubble Space Telescope?
A. It is too defective for our scientists to come up with definite answers to the origin of the universe.
B. Scientists discovered billions of new planets by combining measurements from the Hubble Space
Telescope with Voyager measurements.
C. It solved the age of the universe and measured the age of what may be the youngest galaxy ever seen

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in the universe.
D. It has helped unveil many mysteries or queries about our universe.
72. The word “disturbed” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. broken B. bothered C. attracted D. imported
73. The word "their” in the passage refers to.
A. materials B. surroundings C. planets D. asteroids
74. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the italicized sentence in the
A. Planets formed from gases and dust particles after comets collided with the Sun.
B. According to scientists, the manners in which planets developed was wholly dependent on their
distance from Jupiter’s rings.
C. The dissimilar make-up of the planets closest to the Sun and those farthest from the Sun
suggests that their distance from the Sun affected their formation.
D. Scientists believe the Sun evolved from the composition of several older planets in the solar system.
75. According to paragraph 4, the inner and outer planets are separated by what?
A. an asteroid belt B. a star C. comets D. a moon
76. According to the passage, all of the following are true about our solar system EXCEPT.
A. Planets nearest the Sun were formed mostly of rock
B. There continue to be new discoveries as technology improves
C. Colliding asteroids eventually formed planets
D. Most of the comets in the solar system can be seen with the naked eye during an annual solar
77. Why does the author mention “Pluto” in paragraph 5?
A. To discuss Pluto’s rock/ice composition.
B. To introduce the concept of planet formation.
C. To show that new discoveries are always occurring.
D. To introduce the distinction between planets and dwarf planets.
78. The word “vaporized” in the passage is closest in meaning to.
A. turned into liquid B. turn into gas
C. turn into a solid D. remained the same
79. It can be inferred from the passage that the planets.
A. broke off from the rapidly spinning moon
B. collided more frequently, to spur the formation and growth of protoplanets
C. were initially asteroids
D. were formed by the collision of massive objects circling a black hole in eccentric orbits.
80. According to the passage, what were the universe’s origins?
A. A nebula collapsed under its gravity.
B. A black hole exploded and merged to create the universe.
C. A super being wished it into existence.
D. The Sun collapsed it on itself.

C. WRITING (50.0 pts)

Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed
before. (10.0 pts)

81. The best way to make them work hard is to promise them a reward.

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 There’s no better way to make them work hard than promising them a reward
82. Mark is a passionate skier and he also takes part in skateboarding tournaments.
Apart from being a passionate skier, Mark also takes part in skateboarding tournaments.
83. You are allowed to play in my garden if you promise not to do anything wrong.
So long as you promise not to anything wrong , you are allowed to play in my garden.
84. We regret to inform you that there is no more demand for your products.
Much to our regret we inform you that there is no more demand for your products.
85. Right after our departure, Tommy came down with a cold.
 No sooner had we departed than Tommy came down with a cold.

Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Do not change the
word given. (10.0 pts)

86. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals (monopoly)
Our company has had/held monopoly on the importation of these chemicals.
87. We shouldn’t have wasted so much time waiting for the film star to turn up. (worth)
It was not worth wasting so much time waiting for the film star to turn up.
88. The organizers disregarded the former president’s presence at the ceremony, (took)
 The organizers took no notice of the former president’s presence at the ceremony.
89. From time to time, we spend our weekend at the lake, (again)
We spend our weekend at the lake now and again.
90. When the official part of the meeting ended, everyone rushed to the buffet. (close)
 When the official part of the meeting came to a close, everyone rushed to the buffet.

Part 3. Write an essay of about 180 words on the following topic:

According to the World Health Organization, all international travel should end until the
coronavirus has gone.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? (30.0pts)

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PART I. For questions 1-5, complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer. 00 is done as an example. (10 points)
Events during Kenton Festival
Start date: (00) 16th May
Opening ceremony (first day)
In the town center, starting at (1)2.45.
The mayor will make a speech.
A (2) Band will perform.
Performance of a (3) play about Helen Tungate - a (4) scientist.
Evening fireworks display situated across the (5) river.

PART II For questions 6 to 15, complete the sentences. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for
each answer, (20 points)
Preparing and Giving a Presentation
Initial thoughts
Most important consideration: your audience
Three points to bear in mind:
- what they need to know.
- how (6) supportive they will be.
- how big the audience will be.
Start with information that makes the audience (7) pay attention.
End with (8) next steps.
The presentation needs to be (9) consistent.
Vary content by using a mix of words and (10) graphics.
Look at the audience, be enthusiastic and energetic.
Voice - vary speed and (11) tone.
Occasionally add (12) silence for greater impact.
Do not use (13) weak verbs (e.g. appears, seems).
Questions and Interruptions
When asked a question, first of all, you should (14) repeat it.
Minimize interruptions by (15) predicting them.
PART III For questions 16-20, choose the correct letter A, B or c for each answer. (10 points)
16. Dave Hadley says that the computer system has.
A. become outdated
B. never worked well
C. too many users

17. The main problem with the computer system is that it.
A. stops working
B. is too slow
C. displays incorrect data

18. Timetabling has become an issue because.

A. there is not enough time for anyone to do it
B. the courses are constantly changing
C. the system does not handle course options

19. To solve the timetable issues, Randhir suggests that.

A. the number of courses should be reduced
B. Dave should have someone to assist him
C. students should create their own timetables

20. Randhir says that a new system may

A. need to be trialled
B. be more economical
C. still have problems

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