Tonga Lim Siao Sr. Integrated School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Day 1 and Day 2

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
a. Distinguish Active Listening and Passive Listening
b. Appreciate the value of listening
c. Write and Perform a dialogue which shows the process of Listening
Topic: Passive and Active Listening
MELCS: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to
CODE: EN9LC-IVh-2.15
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, visual aids
Reference: LEARNER’S PACKET (LeaP) Module
a. Preliminaries
Checking of Attendance
Reminders and Classroom Management
Review of Preview Lesson
b. Motivation
Day 1:
Task 1: Vocabulary Growth
Directions: Inside the box below, look for the synonyms of the following underlined words in

enemy benefactor overwhelm

ordeal oppression trial
successor end ancestors

1. the same solemn oath -___________________

2. abolish all forms of human poverty- ____________________
3. science engulf all humanity - _____________________
4. rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation - ________________
5. against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself-
6. make themselves our adversary - ____________________
7. our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe
- _____________________
8. the heirs of that first revolution - ______________________

Guide Question:
1. Is it important to have enough vocabulary to comprehend what is being said by the speaker
or what is being conveyed in the material you are listening to?
Task 2
The teacher will present a song with some words missing.
Directions: Choose the appropriate group of words in the box below and fill in the missing
words. You can listen to the lyrics or sing along with the music.

Win or lose
All my life I've been waiting for
'Cause I am here for a reason." And our children will play
And thank God I'm breathin' Don't take me soon
That we don't wanna fight no more
One day we'll all be free One
day this all will change

One Day by

Sometimes I lay under the moon

Then I pray, "Don't take me soon

Sometimes in my tears I drown

But I never let it get me down
So when negativity surrounds
I know some day it'll all turn around because

All my life I've been waitin' for

I've been prayin' for
For the people to say
That we don't wanna fight no more
There'll be no more wars
3. ___________________________
One day, one day, one day, oh One day,
one day, one day, oh It's not about 4.
______________________, 'cause we
all lose
When they feed on the souls of the innocent Blood-drenched
Keep on movin' though the waters stay ragin'

In this maze
You can lose your way, your way
It might drive you crazy but
Don't let it faze you, no way, no way!

Sometimes in my tears I drown

But I never let it get me down
So when negativity surrounds
I know some day it'll all turn around because

5. ___________________________
I've been prayin' for
For the people to say
That we don't wanna fight no more
There'll be no more war
And our children will play

One day, one day, one day, oh

One day, one day, one day, oh

6._____________________________, treat people the same Stop

with the violence, down with the hate
7. _______________________________, and proud to be Under
the same sun, singin' songs of freedom like

Why-ohh! (One day, one day) why-oh, oh, oh!

Why-ohh! (One day, one day) why-oh, oh, oh!

All my life I've been waitin' for

I've been prayin' for
For the people to say
8. __________________________________
There'll be no more war
And our children will play

One day, one day, one day, oh

One day, one day, one day, oh

1. In the first and second stanzas of the song, what does the speaker pray?
 He prays that God does not let him die yet because he still has a purpose, and
that purpose is to help bring peace and unity to the world. He also sings his
heart out that one day there will be peace, not war. Those children will get to
play without worrying about bad things.
2. What is the major point discussed in the third stanza of the song?
 Even if there is war and there is a winner, no one wins in reality. Both sides lose
because people are killed.
3. What does he hope for in the seventh stanza?
 That one day there will be no more violence and there will be freedom.
4. What piece of advice does the song give us?
 War shouldn’t be the solution to our problems.
c. Activity
Task 1:
The teacher will present two different conversations which the students will read and
identify the differences observed.

A. Conversation between a doctor and a B. Conversation between an “albularyo”

patient’s mother and a
child’s mother
Mother: Doctor, what is wrong with my Mother: Mang Pedro, why is my daughter
daughter? in pain? Mang Pedro: A supernatural being
Doctor: No need to worry. It is just diarrhea. likes her.
Mother: What should I do, then? Mother: Please heal her. Mang Pedro: I
Doctor: Make sure she drinks lots of water need to do some rituals for her to get well
and takes a rest. Do not give her coffee and soon.
dairy products for the meantime. Mother: Okay. Thank you.
Mother: I will. Thank you, doctor.

d. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following:
1. Which dialogue will you most likely believe?
2. Which dialogue is reliable? Why?
3. How can we make our statements valid?
4. Is listening necessary in a conversation? Why or why not?
5. Is listening an integral part of communication?

e. Abstraction
Listening is an integral part of communication. It is important that you are an active listener in
order to interpret the information you listened to. Having enough vocabulary, memory, and
concentration will really help you to comprehend what is being said by the speaker or what is
being conveyed in the material you are listening to
Passive listening is when you hear someone or something without paying full attention
while active listening is when you fully focus and understand the message of what is being
said or listened to.
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
Here is overcoming listening barriers or noise:
The first one is the Internal Noise- it is often refer to psychological and emotional
noise it also includes physical distractions posed by recurring illnesses, jet lag, or even
the onset of a midlife crisis.
While the second is External Noise - these are noise in your surroundings caused by
other people and the environment anything outside of a person’s body that creates
noise; a radio, a car, other people speaking and the hum of fluorescent lighting.
There is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
There is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lig
f. Application
Task 1:
The teacher will present the lyrics from the song “Reach Out” by Take That.
Directions: If you have internet connection at home, you may listen to the song using this link: Find out and explain the meaning of the
lyrics in each number to be able to interpret the message of the song. Write your answers on
pad paper.

1. If our arms were reaching out

If our words could only bridge the doubt
Will we lose this chance again?
Strange roads with different signs
Don’t even know where we divide Are you my enemy or
my friend?
2. ‘cause I don’t know you
And you don’t know me
It’s the same sun rising
We all just look to the sky
If we try,
We can work it out somehow

3. If you don’t know me And I don’t know you How can we be fighting?
We’re all connected it’s true

Reaching out,
It’s only love that pulls us through (2x)

4. We all grieve in different ways

If one tear could wash away the pain
We’re all free to have the faith we believe, yeah
The world sleeps at different times
With one turn your day is now my night
We all live sharing the air that we breathe…

5. Reaching out… Reaching high… Reaching out…

Touching you, touching me…

If our arms were reaching out

If our words could only bridge the doubt
Task: Overall, what is the song trying to tell us?

Task 3:
The teacher will let the students read the Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy.
Directions: Politics is one of the favorite topics to talk about by people in offices, schools, or
other places. Most politicians become more famous in their speeches. Let’s take a few minutes
of your time and dive into John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address. He was the thirty-fifth President
of the United
States who is well known for a single line: “My fellow Americans: ask not what your
country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” Try to understand the meaning
of his words. You can ask your friends or someone in your home to read it aloud for you with

Task 3. Comprehension Check

Let’s answer the following questions about President John F. Kennedy’s address:
1. What are the common enemies of man? How do they affect a country and her people?
2. In Kennedy’s word, what made him say that the world is very different now?
3. Is the reasoning sound and logical? (Does one point follow from another?) Are facts
provided as evidence? If so, identify them.
4. What does unity bring forth in a family, in a community, and in a country?
Task 4: The teacher will present a transcript of a radio play entitled “Sorry, Wrong
Number” by Lucille Fletche. If you have a gadget and internet connection, you may find its
audio file online and listen to it from 1:07 to 3:27) Figure out words in the play by arranging
the underlined jumbled letters in the text.

Task 5:
The teacher will let the students work in pairs and write a dialogue about one of the topics
listed below.
Direction: When your partner is speaking, you should write down what he/she is saying and
vice versa. When you have finished the conversation, check what both of you have written and
put them together. Be guided by the rubric below.
• A conversation between friends about COVID-19
• An argument between siblings
• An interview with your parent/guardian about education during pandemic

Criteria 4 pts. 6 pts. 8 pts. 10 pts.

There are more than
There are few There are no
The final draft has a
grammar, grammar,
many grammar, few grammar,
capitalization, capitalization,
Conventions capitalization, spelling, capitalization,
spelling, or spelling, or
and punctuation spelling, or
punctuation errors in punctuation errors in
errors. punctuation errors
the final draft. the final draft.
in the final draft.
The story is very
The plot is pretty well-
well organized.
The plot is a little
organized. One idea or scene
Ideas and scenes hard to follow. The
One idea or scene follows
Clarity seem to be transitions are another in a logical
randomly arranged. sometimes not
seem out of sequence with
place. Clear clear transitions.
transitions are used.

Creativity There is little evidence The story The story contains The story contains
of contains few creative many
creativity. The writer creative details and/or creative
does details and/or descriptions that details and/or
not seem to have descriptions, but descriptions
used they
much imagination. distract the story. contribute to the that
reader’s enjoyment. contribute to the
reader’s enjoyment.
Dialogue Characters’ It is usually It is usually It is always clear
dialogues are hard clear which clear which which character is
to follow and minimal character is speaking. character is speaking. speaking.
effort is put into Dialogue is choppy Dialogue is well- Dialogue is well-
conversations. and not well developed developed and
developed. but could be more varied.
varied in structure.

V. Evaluation
Test I. Read the following statements. On your pad paper, write AL if the situation pertains to
active listening and PL if it shows passive listening.

1. Listening to news on the radio- AL

2. Listening to music on your way to school - PL
3. Talking to your siblings about your dream-AL
4. Watching TV while answering the module -PL
5. Classroom meetings where you have active tasks and duties-AL
6. When your little siblings are playing while you are in your room-PL
7. When your loved one has a serious topic, he/she would like to talk about with you-AL
8. Listening to the homily while you are passing by the church to go somewhere-PL
9. Talking to your parent as you tell them about some sort of battles you are facing AL
10. Listening to a nice friend share with you his/her latest encounters and sharing your ideas
and feelings in returnAL

V. Assignment
Direction: Write five (5) statements which show passive listening.
VII. Reflection:

Day 3 and Day 4

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
a. Identify the listening barriers
b. Appreciate the value of listening
c. Perform a drama showing external and internal listening barriers
Topic: Listening Barriers
MELCS: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to
CODE: EN9LC-IVh-2.15

The teacher will present these pictures and will ask the students about their observations.

The teacher will ask for three volunteers from the class, and name the students person
1, person 2, and person 3. Person 1 will ask the following questions to person 2, while person 3,
will distract and make some noise to the person 3 so that he/she couldn’t listen well. The rest of
the class will watch and observe.
 What is your name?
 Where were you born?
 What makes you happy?
 What makes you sad?
The teacher will ask the following questions:
1. Was the person 1 able to answer the questions?
2. How did it feel when Person 2 wasn’t listening? Why?
3. How do you know when someone is really listening to you?
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
Listening is an integral part of communication. It is important that you are an active listener
in order to interpret the information you listened to. Having enough vocabulary, memory, and
concentration will really help you to comprehend what is being said by the speaker or what is
being conveyed in the material you are listening to
Here is overcoming listening barriers or noise:
The first one is the Internal Noise- it is often refer to psychological and emotional
noise it also includes physical distractions posed by recurring illnesses, jet lag, or even the
onset of a midlife crisis.
While the second is External Noise - these are noise in your surroundings caused by
other people and the environment anything outside of a person’s body that creates
noise; a radio, a car, other people speaking and the hum of fluorescent lighting.
There is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
There is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lightin
The class will be divided into two, and each group will perform a drama in a classroom setting
showing the barriers in listening.
Group 1: External Barriers
Group 2: Internal Barriers
(Identification) Read and identify the statements. Write EB if it is an external barrier, and
IB, if internal barrier.
_____________1. You can’t concentrate because you’re hungry.
_____________2. You can’t listen very well because of your classmate’s noise.
_____________3. noise in your surroundings
_____________4. recurring illnesses
_____________5. person’s body that creates noise
_____________6. the onset of a midlife crisis
_____________7. physical distractions
_____________8. A noise from the radio
_____________9. Loud horn of the jeep
_____________10. Headache and stomache
Direction: Think of an internal barrier that hindered you from listening to your teacher which you
have experienced. Write it in your notebook and share it to your class.


Day 5: Summative Test

At the end of the summative test, the students must be able to:
a. get the passing rate of 80% and above

Prepared by: GEMLY R. GUISIHAN

Subject Teacher

Checked by: __________________________________

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education






Name: __________________________ Year and Section:_________

Teacher: Gemly R. Guisihan Subject: ________________

Test I. Read the following statements. On your pad paper, write AL if the situation pertains to
active listening and PL if it shows passive listening.

1. Listening to news on the radio

2. Listening to music on your way to school
3. Talking to your siblings about your dream
4. Watching TV while answering the module
5. Classroom meetings where you have active tasks and duties
6. When your little siblings are playing while you are in your room
7. When your loved one has a serious topic, he/she would like to talk about with you
8. Listening to the homily while you are passing by the church to go somewhere
9. Talking to your parent as you tell them about some sort of battles you are facing
10. Listening to a nice friend share with you his/her latest encounters and sharing your
ideas and feelings in return

Test II. (Identification) Read and identify the statements. Write EB if it is an external
barrier, and IB, if internal barrier.
_____________1. You can’t concentrate because you’re hungry.

_____________2. You can’t listen very well because of your classmate’s noise.

_____________3. noise in your surroundings

_____________4. recurring illnesses

_____________5. person’s body that creates noise

_____________6. the onset of a midlife crisis

_____________7. physical distractions

_____________8. A noise from the radio

_____________9. Loud horn of the jeep

_____________10. Headache and stomache

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