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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Day and Day 2

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
a. Identify whether the given sources are VALID or NOT VALID
b. Appreciate the importance of identifying the validity and reliability of a source
c. Provide source and reference in making their statements
Topic: Validity and Reliability of a source
MELCS: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to
CODE: EN9LC-IVh-2.15
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, visual aids
Reference: LEARNER’S PACKET (LeaP) Module
a. Preliminaries
Checking of Attendance
Reminders and Classroom Management
Review of Preview Lesson
b. Motivation
Task 1:
The teacher will present statements in the class and the students will analyze if those given
statements need supporting evidence or not.
Directions: Find a partner in your class. Analyze the given statements below, then discuss
with your partner whether the given claims need supporting evidence or not.
1. The poverty rate in the Philippines was significantly higher in 2020 than it was in
2. My favorite food is truffle pasta.
3. It is better to give than to receive.
4. The tourism industry in Asia continues to grow for the past five years.
5. The air pollution in Metro Manila is drastically worse than in Beijing.

Task 2
Fake news? Or Real?
The teacher will present statements to the class and the students will identify if the
sentences given are legit or not.
1. Nasa is installing internet on the moon- Real
2. A university banned the use of capital letters to avoid scaring students-Fake
3. Couple in California name baby with emoji-Fake
4. Eight-year-old girl pulls medieval sword from lake-Real
5. German street covered in chocolate after leak from chocolate factory-Real
6. School bans parents from sports day for bad behaviour-Real
7. Spinach is taught how to send emails-Real
8. Gorilla learns to knit-Fake

c. Activity
Task 1
The teacher will let the students read the following conversation and answer the questions

According to DOH Region I beg to disagree. I

IV-A Director Paula Paz N. think it is different
Sydiongco, a total of 56, the data that were
shared to me by one of
821patients have already my friends in social
recovered from the virus in media. There were
CALABARZON. There Marites pictures showing
were only 5, 521 active congested room filled
cases and are currently with CoViD -19 patients.
undergoing treatment in Perhaps, this would
reach hundred
various health facilities in
thousand if it would be
the region as of December averaged in the
8, 2020. This could also be number of hospitals in
viewed oneirth website on CALABARZON . Juan - Marites

Guide Questions

1. Which of the two statements may gain your favor? That of Juan or Marites? State your
2. What are the specific factors that make your chosen statement more valid or reliable?

Task 2:
The teacher will present a selection, then the students will label the author of the source
and the reference from the selection presented.

According to DOH Region IV-A Director Paula Paz N.

Sydiongco, a total of 56, 821 patients have already recovered from
the virus in CALABARZON. There were only 5, 521 active cases and are
currently undergoing treatment in various health
facilities in the region as of December 8, 2020. This
could also be viewed on their website on

d. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following:
1. What have you observed in our prior activity?
2. When can you say that an information is reliable and valid?
3. When can you say that a source is good?
4. What are the points that we should take into consideration to check the validity and
reliability of information?

e. Abstraction

Digital era has given way to rapid explosion of information in different media and platforms
as it travels as fast as speed of light. As you are confronted to rely your data based on the
materials that you’ve read or listened to, it is an integral task to filter or judge the truthfulness
of the material as the online world is infested with millions of fake news/data. The following
learning tasks will help you evaluate critically the validity of a certain text based on
established parameters.
As technology has become commercialized and everyone can create and upload various
information on the internet, validity and reliability of those can be compromised and
misleading. Here are some points that we should take into consideration to check the validity
and reliability of information:
 Who is the author of the source?
This question points out the credentials of the author. Is he or she a recognized expert in the
field? Are they representing an organization? If so, what is the organization's mission and
goals? If you're still unsure, try browsing the internet on the author or the organization he or
she belongs.
 How did the source get its information? This question refers to references used in the
source. Look at a few of the references. Do they look like reliable sources of information?
Does it look like the author is citing the source correctly? Use your best judgment in
 What if the source you've found doesn't have references? This question pertains to
further checking the validity of the source. See if you can factcheck the information in other
ways. For instance, if you're looking at a news article that quotes experts in a field, browse
the internet on the expert's name and see what other information you can find on him or her.
There is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
There is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting
here is overcoming listening barriers
or noise the first one is the Internal
Noise it is often refer to psychological
and emotional noise it also includes
physical distractions posed by recurring
illnesses, jet lag, or even the onset of a
midlife crisis. While the second is
External Noise these are noise in your
surroundings caused by other people
and the environment anything outside of
a person’s body that creates noise; a
radio, a car, other people speaking and
the hum of fluorescent lighting

f. Application
Task 1. The teacher will present infographics on CALABARZON COVID-19 TRACKER
which the students will analyze.
Directions: Analyze the given infographics on CALABARZON COVID-19 TRACKER. Write 5
to 10 sentences that could summarize the given data. Provide source and reference to make
your statements valid. Be guided by the rubric below.

Task 2. The teacher will let the students read the following news article published by
RAPPLER on their website and the students will accomplish the learning tasks that follow.
‘MISSING CONTEXT: P23-million Southern’
Leyte bridge built without a river
SEP 24, 2020 5:47 PM PHT

Directions: Statements below are taken from the article. Underline the parts which make the
statement valid or reliable.
1. The video cited the Department of Public Works and Highways' (DPWH) statement that
the bridge was the only way to fix the road, which was prone to collapsing due to soft
soil underneath as well as a creek or waterway in the lower part of the soil.
2. DPWH District Engineer of Southern Leyte Ma. Margarita Junia told Rappler that a
section of the Bato-Bontoc road had already collapsed about 3 times due to the soil
underneath that would dissolve during heavy rains. Thus, they resorted to building a
3. The GMA report also featured a resident who attested to the way the road would keep
4. Rappler also fact-checked supposed photos of the San Benedicto Bridge in Surigao,
which turned out to be photos of structures located in other countries
Task 3. The teacher will present statements about the validity and reliability of source.
Directions: Read the following statements about the validity and reliability of source.
Write “T” if it is true and “F” if otherwise.
____1. A source that is biased is always unreliable and should be avoided.
____2. A book author must cite studies or other sources to be considered valid and reliable.
____3. Reliable newspaper and magazine articles don’t have bibliographies; therefore, they
don’t have to cite sources to prove their claims.
____4. Academic journals are not particular about the credentials of the authors they
publish. ____5. Information/Post that is viral is always valid and reliable.
____6. Famous social media personality is always a good source of reliable and valid
information. ____7. The information is unreliable without source.
____8. A source that is good is valid.
____9. Audience is for whom the author intended the paper to be read or viewed.
____10. Counterchecking the credentials of the author/source in the internet is important to
verify the reliability of the information

V. Evaluation
Test I. (Identification) Identify whether the following sources are VALID or NOT VALID.
_________1. hearsays/gossips
_________2. site ending in .gov
_________3. site ending in .edu
_________4. site ending in .org
_________5. post from unknown site
_________6. educational institutions and their websites
_________7. academic forums
_________8. rants on social media
_________9. International journals/Google scholar
_________10. ‘Chismosa’/’Marites’
Test II. (Essay) Answer the question comprehensively.
(5 points each)
1. How can we say that an information is reliable and valid?

2. Why is it important to cite our source in giving information?

V. Assignment
Watch/Listen carefully to a news report and list down the details that you have heard from it.
After listening, answer the following questions:
1. What is the news all about?
2. Are all the information given by the reporter supported by valid sources? Support your
3. Cite some statements given by the reporter which are supported by valid sources

Day 3 and 4
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
a. Determine if the given statements are VALID or NOT VALID
b. Appreciate the importance of identifying the validity and reliability of a source
c. Cite source and reference in presenting statements
Topic: Validity and Reliability of a source
MELCS: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to
CODE: EN9LC-IVh-2.15
The teacher will present a video of a particular news and the students will list down the
details that they have heard from it.
The teacher will ask the following:
1. What is the news all about?
2. Are all the information given by the reporter supported by valid sources? Support your
3. Cite some statements given by the reporter which are supported by valid sources.

 Who is the author of the source?

This question points out the credentials of the author. Is he or she a recognized expert in
the field? Are they representing an organization? If so, what is the organization's mission
and goals? If you're still unsure, try browsing the internet on the author or the organization
he or she belongs.
 How did the source get its information?
This question refers to references used in the source. Look at a few of the references. Do
they look like reliable sources of information? Does it look like the author is citing the
source correctly? Use your best judgment in validating
 What if the source you've found doesn't have references?
This question pertains to further checking the validity of the source. See if you can fact
check the information in other ways. For instance, if you're looking at a
news article that quotes experts in a field, browse the internet on the
expert's name and see what other information you can find on him or

The teacher will present a reading text (news article) to the class which is MISSING CONTEXT:
P23-million Southern Leyte bridge built without a river SEP 24, 2020 5:47 PM PHT. The students will
accomplish the learning tasks that follow:

 Who is the author of  How did the source  What if the source
the source? get its information? you've found doesn't
have references?


(Please refer to the reading text presented in the prior activity)

Underline the parts which make the statement valid or reliable. (20 points)
1. The video cited the Department of Public Works and Highways' (DPWH) statement that the bridge
was the only way to fix the road, which was prone to collapsing due to soft soil underneath as well as
a creek or waterway in the lower part of the soil.

2. DPWH District Engineer of Southern Leyte Ma. Margarita Junia told Rappler that a section of the
Bato-Bontoc road had already collapsed about 3 times due to the soil underneath that would
dissolve during heavy rains. Thus, they resorted to building a bridge.

3. The GMA report also featured a resident who attested to the way the road would keep collapsing.

4. Rappler also fact-checked supposed photos of the San Benedicto Bridge in Surigao, which turned
out to be photos of structures located in other countries


Watch a current news and answer the following questions in your notebook:

1. What is the news all about?

2. Are all the information given by the reporter supported by valid sources? Support your answer.

3. Cite some statements given by the reporter which are supported by valid sources.


Day 5: Summative Test

At the end of the summative test, the students must be able to:
a. get the passing rate of 80% and above

Prepared by: GEMLY R. GUISIHAN

Subject Teacher

Checked by: __________________________________

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education






Name: __________________________ Year and Section:_________

Teacher: Gemly R. Guisihan Subject: ________________

Test I. Directions: Read the following statements about the validity and reliability of source.
Write “T” if it is true and “F” if otherwise.
____1. A source that is biased is always unreliable and should be avoided.
____2. A book author must cite studies or other sources to be considered valid and reliable.
____3. Reliable newspaper and magazine articles don’t have bibliographies; therefore, they
don’t have to cite sources to prove their claims.
____4. Academic journals are not particular about the credentials of the authors they
____5. Information/Post that is viral is always valid and reliable.
____6. Famous social media personality is always a good source of reliable and valid
____7. The information is unreliable without source.
____8. A source that is good is valid.
____9. Audience is for whom the author intended the paper to be read or viewed.
____10. Counterchecking the credentials of the author/source in the internet is important to
verify the reliability of the information

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