Hertel Unigr Workshop Febr 2015

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Deep Brain Stimulation

(DBS) –
State of the art
Frank Hertel
Service National de Neurochirurgie
CH – Luxembourg

1st Uni GR Workshop on DBS for Eating Disorders, Esch / Lux 27.02.2015

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DBS cooperation project CHL-LCSB-TUAS
funded by Luxemburg Research Fund (FNR), Luxemburg

CNM-DBS project funded by Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz,Germany

DTI-fibretracking project funded by Luxemburg Cancer Society

private donation for DBS/navigation research Mr Dalm, Germany

speaker got travel grants in the past from following companies:

Medtronic-Europe, Inomed-Germany, St Jude-Europe

Esch, 2015

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DBS, an established therapy !
Deep brain stimulation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (March 2011)
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a surgical treatment …for otherwise-treatment-resistant
movement and affective disorders such as Parkinson's disease, essential tremor, dystonia,
and chronic pain.[1] Despite the long history of DBS,[2] its underlying principles and
mechanisms are still not clear.[3][4] …it is one of only a few neurosurgical methods that allow
blinded studies.[citation needed]
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved DBS as a treatment for essential tremor in
1997,[citation needed] for Parkinson's disease in 2002,[5] and dystonia in 2003.[6]

> 4 Mio hits @ > 8000 hits @ > 27000 hits @

HIRNSTIMULATIONStromschläge lindern Hirnschrittmacher: Für viele

schwerste Depressionen anhaltend PATIENTEN-SCHICKSAL Parkinsonpatienten gibt es neue
Erstmals haben Mediziner Schwerstdepressive
rasch und langfristig heilen können. 8. April
Zwei Elektroden tief im Gehirn Hoffnung: Der sogenannte
2013 16:48 Uhr bremsen das Zittern Hirnschrittmacher kann ihre
Lebensqualität teils dramatisch

Esch, 2015

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publications DBS form 1989 – 2013; pubmed 2014

Esch, 2015

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stereotactic DBS
since > 25 years DBS
currently 4 ( plus 1) companies with
commercially available systems with
CE and / or FDA mark
Parkinson / Dystonia / Epilepsy (OCD)
about 700 new implantations / year in
3000 new implantations DBS / year in EU
increasing frequency !
ww >> 100 000 implanted patients
lesioning still present (VIM, GPI)
Esch, 2015 pers Komm

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DBS / SL spectrum (… plus X !)
Parkinson´s Disease
Tremor (ET, Holmes…)
Depression ?
Alzheimer´s ?
Addiction ?
Eating disorders ?
Aggression ?
Loss of consciousness ?
Arterial Hypertension ?
Neuroreport, 2010, Laureys, 2009

Esch, 2015

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… Spiegel online 2012 about
DBS: „They don‘t know, what
they are doing…“

Esch, 2015

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Esch, 2015

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DBS / SL - targets
VIM (mot thalamus,PD,tremor)
VOA (anter thalamus,epilepsy)
VOP (poster thalamus,pain)
STN (PD, tremor,epilepsy)
GPI (Dystonia, Tourette´s,PD)
N.acc (OCD, depression)
capsula interna (OCD)
posteriorer hypothalamus
(Cluster, eating diseases)
PPN (REM sleep dist ?)
hippocampus (epilepsy)

… !!! Esch, 2015

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fundamentals of Deep Brain
Stimulation / SL

- imaging

- microrecording

- teststimulation
Esch, 2015

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Esch, 2015

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direct vs indirect targeting
indirect targeting via ACPC determination
eg VIM not visible even in 3T MRI, Guiot scheme
Optic Tract as orientation for GPI
direct targeting eg for STN

CHL/IO, IKNTec, Hertel et al 2006-14

Esch, 2015

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MRI sequences
3D T1 with Gd (double GD?)
(trajectory planning, vessels)
T2 (direct visualisation of STN, optic tract)
inversion recovery (delineation of GPI)
SWAN ® sequence ? (better visualisation of STN)

T1, Gd
CHL/IO, Bernard, Husch, Dooms,
Gunness, Hertel, 2012, 2014 Esch, 2015

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DTI – fibre tracking

for Navigation and stereotaxy
V Coenen, A Hana, A Husch, G Dooms, F Hertel

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CT / MRI matching
1,5 T / 3 T

special interest in
susceptibility weighted MRI
CHL 2014

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philosophy : approximation (determination?)
of targets with imaging

variability, not trivial,

targets not as clear, as published ?
CHL / IO, IKNTec, 2013, Bernard, Husch, Hertel

Esch, 2015

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target`s visibility in MRI
target visibilty sequence
STN ++ T2, Swan
VIM - (SWAN ?)
internal capsule ++ T2,T1
N. accumbens ? T1,T2

even STN limits not completely clear

limited improvement with 3T
probably sigificant improvements with 7T

Esch, 2015

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Esch, 2015

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electrophysiology for
definitive placement
testimulation (macro)
field potentials (macro)
microrecording (micro)

real time functional information

Esch, 2015

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surgical strategy due to MER
simultaneous MER tracts (up to 5)

determining stimulation sites depending on best MER


looking mainly for side effects

average time for MER STN: 10 - 15 min / side

average procedure time STN bilateral: 2,75 hs

Hertel 2005

Burchiel, 2004
4 mm
Esch, 2015

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simultaneous multitract
exploration makes sense !

Hertel 2013

Rodriguez-Oroz, 2004

personal experience in > 400 MER guided DBS

procedures: 35 % of definitive electrodes not in
central trajectory
Esch, 2015

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procedure Luxemburg - IO
preop multimodal MRI
intraop CT (frame / fiducials)
intraop electrophysiology
postop CT / matching

Esch, 2015

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frame – based or frameless ?

different systems
493 with / 22 without frame
bias, but that far no real advantage CHL - IO

Cheng 2013, Khan 2013, (Burchiel 2014 ?)

Esch, 2015

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current strategies Lux - IO
MRI (T1-Gd, T2) T1-Gd, INR T1-Gd
Anesthesia local general local
IPG non-RC RC non-RC

IPG same day (except multiple sclerosis),

mean OR time: 3 hours
Esch, 2015

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Parkinson´s disease

Esch, 2015

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Leitlinien - THS - Parkinson
THS verbessert QOL, wenn dies mit Med nicht mehr
geht. THS bei IPS mit med nicht behandelbaren hyper-
oder hypokinetischen Fluktuationen. In
Ausnahmefällen Pat, die wegen Dopamin induzierten
Psychosen nicht ausreichend dopaminerg behandelt
werden können. Bei med induzierten
Vorraussetzungen: Symptome dopasensitiv, schwere
Beeinträchtigung, keine KI.
Dopamin induzierte Psychosen ohne Demenz keine KI.

Esch, 2015

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targets Parkinson

effective for all cardinal symptoms

(CMPf) (ZI) (VOA/VP) (PPN)

Bergmann 1990, Aziz 1991, Aebischer 1991, Okun 2010, Bernard, Husch, Hertel, 2013

Esch, 2015

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tremor dominant Parkinson´s
• STN, VIM, ZI, combinations ?

Lux - IO, 2014

Esch, 2015

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MER permits STN surgery
under GA
STN DBS under GA is possible with
reasonable clinical results
45 off medication
35 (preop)
30 off medication with
25 stimulation
10 on medication with
5 stimulation

STN MER in LA STN MER in GA clinical results

special anesthesia protocol

(propofol / remifentanyl / BIS)
Hertel et al, Neurosurgery, 2006

Esch, 2015

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Esch, 2015

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GPI targeting

• posteroventral GPI
• somatotopy

Hutchison 2003, Rozanski 2013

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GPI strategy
imaging / optic tract
general anesthesia (in our center)
MER (determination of borders)
teststimulation for side effects

CHL 2013 - 14
Esch, 2015

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stable long time effects
• 10 y, n = 47, GPI, DYT1
• 5 y, n = 40, GPI, gen or
segmental D (Volkmann)

DBS is a safe 1st line therapy

for gen and segm Dystonia !
Volkmann 2012, Panov 2013

Esch, 2015

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EFNS guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of primary dystonias.

Albanese A1, Asmus F, Bhatia KP, Elia AE, Elibol B, Filippini G, Gasser T, Krauss
JK, Nardocci N, Newton A, Valls-Solé J.

…Pallidal deep brain stimulation (DBS) is considered a good option, particularly
for primary generalized or cervical dystonia, after medication or BoNT have
failed. DBS is less effective in secondary dystonia. This treatment requires a
specialized expertise and a multidisciplinary team.

THS empfohlen bei schweren therapierefraktären primär generalisierten und

segmentalen Dystonien. Ergebnisse eher schlecht bei choreoathetoiden
Bewegungsstörungen durch IP oder sekundären Dystonien

Esch, 2015

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DBS for children
general anesthesia
BIS monitoring !
subfascial (RC) IPG
electrode fixation
wound closure

CHL/IO, 2000-14 Esch, 2015

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Esch, 2015

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VIM (Ncl ventrointermedius)
different cell types
(tremor cells,
somatosensory cells …)
(clinically MER
relevant for DBS ?)

El-Tahawy 2004
Esch, 2015

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special tremors
multiple sclerosis: stable disease necessary,
worse results, ataxia, always externalisation
for test

midbrain tremor: good results, mostly VIM,

ev VIM plus GPI

Hertel, J Neurosurg, 2005

Esch, 2015

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paradigm shift in DBS for
movement disorders

Esch, 2015

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Esch, 2015

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early(ier) stim in Parkinson’s

Esch, 2015
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DBS vs best medical treatment
earlier in the disease!
Baseline EARLYSTIM in comp to other studies

Patients Disease Duration

Randomized Trials (n=) Age at Surgery (years)
Deuschl G, et al. 2006 156 61 13.4*
Williams A, et al. 2012 366 59 11.4
Follet K, et al. 2010 299 62 11.7*
Okun M, et al. 2012 136 60 12
EARLYSTIM 251 52.6 7.5

• Duration of dopaminergic treatment Baseline: patients younger

• Between group statistically
significant differences noted and earlier in the disease
• Within-group percent changes with
statistical significance noted

Esch, 2015
42 |

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PDQ-39 summary index

PDQ Summary index

significant improvement in 30

QOL in operated patients 25


0 5 12 24
Time after randomization (months)

60 PDQ-39 subscales
50 p<0.001

Change of sub score (% of baseline)

p=0.002 p<0.001 p<0.001 p<0.001 P=0.044 n.s. p<0.009 n.s.







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shorter disease duration
correlates with better results

in primary and secondary Dystonia

Markun 2012, Lumsden 2013

Esch, 2015

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others …

Esch, 2015

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different targets
100 patients published
RCT necessary
option for difficult cases
spont improvement possible for childs

Esch, 2015

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TICs / Tourette - Leitlinien
…bei Erwachsenen, schwer betroffenen
Patienten sollte an die Möglichkeit der
Tiefen Hirnstimulation gedacht werden…

Esch, 2015

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Pain / OCD

Esch, 2015

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Pain / OCD
cluster atypical facial poststroke pain OCD
target posterior PVG plus PVG plus NCL
Hypothalamus sensory sensory accumbens
Thalamus Thalamus
permanent 2/2 2/5 2/4 6/6
result very good fair good very good

Hertel, 2009

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surgical complications are low !
• 4961 DBS patients in 14 y
• mortality 0,26 % (0,15 % surgical)
• complications correlated with age and
chirurgisch bed Mortalität 0 /515
Intracerebral bleeding 1 / 515 (0,2%)
(with perm deficit)
acute subdural bleedings 2/515 (0,4%)
(OP without deficit)
late infections 35/515 (7%)
(IPG, connectors)

personal series
Rughani 2013

Esch, 2015

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DBS network
Luxemburg – SW - Germany
surgeon1 515 DBS

surgeon 2 160 DBS

Institutional 675 DBS

CH Luxemburg
SHG Idar Oberstein
SHG Merzig
Westpfalz Kaiserslautern
KINZ Mainz, SPZ Trier
Hochschule Trier, CRP, LCSB (Uni Lux)

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metabolic disorders

Esch, 2015

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DBS for psychiatric diseases

history ethics future

Esch, 2015

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DBS for metabolic disorders ?

Brainstorming workshop UNI-GR

27th febr 2015
J Schneider
K Voegele
F Hertel
Invited speakers:
Prof Bomin Sun – Shanghai
Prof Bart Nuttin - Leuwen

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technology, future,
research in Luxemburg

Esch, 2015

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Computer assistierte Neuromodulation
Forschungsleistungen im Bereich tiefe
Hirnstimulation wurden vom DAAD und der HRK
als eine von 73 bahnbrechenden Entwicklungen
deutscher Universitäten und Fachhochschulen
Forschungsprojekt CNM
Stiftung Rheinland-Pfalz für Innovation fördert
Forschungsvorhaben Computerunterstützte
Das Kooperationsprojekt mit Prof. Dr. K.P.
Koch und Dr. F. Hertel hat zum Ziel, Planung
und Navigation des chirurgischen Eingriffs zur
tiefen Hirnstimulation durch 3D-Volumen- und
Stimulationsmodelle effektiv zu unterstützen und
Arzt und Patient nachhaltig zu entlasten.
Projektlaufzeit: 1.1.12 -31.12.14
Ausgewählt bei "100 Produkte der Zukunft"

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PhD students (CHL-TUAS-LCSB)

procedure analysis

automated image

A Husch
F Bernard
P Gemmar
N Vlassis
J Thunberg

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electrical field modelling
Volume of Tissue activated concept

integration of imaging and electrical

Field modelling

RP Bremm, KP Koch, CNM project

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important for analysis of directional
deep brain stimulation …

Pollo, 2014

Esch, 2015

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adaptive (autoregulated)
stimulation ?
J Goncalvez
RP Bremm

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mathematical modelling of
feedback control for tremor

Oscillator - based A B

linear (A) and non linear (B) Tremor modell

Rehan 2013

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local field potentials in PD

pathology of PD and beta peak

in power spectrum
Little, Brown, Eusebio 2012

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fast scan Voltametry (Redoxpotencial-
measurement of Neurotransmittershift)

different Neurotransmitters
Jang 2014

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potential cooperation with

Mayo Clinic / Rochester / US,
K Lee
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adaptive DBS with multiple feedback signals ?

LFP, MER, Neurotransmittershift

mathematical modelling and simulation
Grahn 2014

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Network - hierarchy




excellent possibilities
together with Uni-Lux / LCSB !
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Parkinsons Disease Map,
LCSB, Uni-Luxemburg

working on a DBS module ?


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DBS is established and effective for PD,
Dystonia, Tremor, OCD
emerging indications
procedure (including MER) is safe
earlier for Parkinson´s and Dystonia
possible under general anesthesia
that far, frameless systems do not seem to be
upcoming psychiatric indications
DBS for metabolic disorders promising
DBS is a key future technology!
Esch, 2015

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determining foci

creating working groups

multidisciplinary - multinational

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many thanks to the
whole clinical and
research team N Vlassis
Jochen Schneider J Thunberg
Claus Voegele Christoph Berthold
Kristina Holindra Jorge Goncalvez
Rainer Rink Klaus P Koch
Robert Mandler Robert Strittmatter
Andreas Husch Hans Böcher-Schwarz
Florian Bernard Harald Standhardt
Peter Gemmar Leon Bofferding
Reijko Krüger Lutz Bindl
Jan Koy E Scalais
Nitish Gunness Rudi Balling
Ardian Hana Georges Dooms

The Family of Man, Clairvaux, Luxemburg

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Thank You !
Vielen Dank ! Merci beauocoup !

UNESCO World Heritage, Clairvaux, Luxemburg
Esch, 2015

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