Micro and Macro Skills

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Macro Skills

Macro skills are more complex than micro-skills.

Macro skills focus more on fluency, discourse,
function, style, cohesion, nonverbal
communication, and strategic options.

4 essential skills

Listening Speaking
Listening is the ability to accurately
They give us the ability to convey
receive and interpret messages in
information verbally and in a way that
the communication process.
the listener can understand.

Reading Writing
Reading skills are abilities that Writing skills are the skills you use to
pertain to a person's capacity write effectively and
to read, comprehend, interpret succinctly.Writing skills don’t just
and decode written language include the physical act of writing.
and texts.

Micro Skills
Micro skills refer to
producing smaller chunks of
language such as phonemes,
morphemes, words,
collocations, and phrasal

References bibliographic
hubpages.com. (s. f.). https://discover.hubpages.com/literature/The-5-Macro-Skills-of-
Colle, T. (2022, 29 septiembre). Micro and Macro Skills of Speaking. Tenrycolle.com.

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