Sarothi Guideline PDF

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Brand guidelines

A About Sarothi and its beneficiaries
Core motivation
Brand archetypes
Personality, voice and tone

B Logo
Logo meaning
Logotype + measurement
Small logo
Logo misuse
Logo placement on backgrounds
Logo placement on photography

C Typeface 1
Typeface 2

D Color Palatte

E Brand photography
• About Sarothi and its beneficiaries
• Core motivation
• Brand archetypes
• Personality, voice and tone

Sarothi, Non Government Voluntary organization, founded by Mrs. Malika Rahman, commenced its journey
in 2012 with aim to provide a platform for the underprivilidged ones and it started under the banner of Islamic
Women Welfare Association. It is the upper Assam’s first home for underprivilidged and old women of all
communities and religions.The land has been donated by the owner who was a rsident of Nazira of Sivasagar

It started with 4 ladies of 80 years of age, after which some families stepped in to help. The building has been
constructed by the authority of Oil and and Natural Gas corporation (ONGC), Assam and Assam Arkan Basin,
Cinnamara, Jorhat. They have also recieved funds from the Assam government.

Sarothi has founded The Nest-Home for the aged in Jorhat, Assam to provide a shelter to the senior citizens.
Apart from this, their complete medical, psychological and nutritional needs are also met.


Though the NGO was started with only 4 boarders, presently the number of occupants residing as beneficiaries is
As per the norms of the NGO, no discrimination is made regarding cast, religion and race among the residents.
People from different communities live peacefully together in the campus. Basically the residents are categorised
in two different classes, namely those who are homeless, without family and neglected making out about 80%
and willing members who pay a nominal amount for food and shelter, comprising of 20%.

About Sarothi 04

Caregiver - 70% Everyman - 20% Innocent - 10%

Motto: Motto: All men and women are created Motto: Free to be you and me
Love your neighbour as yourself equal
Core desire: to get to paradise
Core desire: Core Desire: connecting with others
to protect and care for others Goal: to be happy
Goal: to belong
Goal: Greatest fear: to be punished for doing
to help others Greatest fear: to be left out or to stand out something bad or wrong
from the crowd
Greatest fear: Strategy: to do things right
selfishness and ingratitude Strategy: develop ordinary solid virtues, be
down to earth, the common touch Weakness: boring for all their naive
Strategy: innocence
doing things for others Weakness: losing one’s own self in an effort
to blend in or for the sake of superficial Talent: faith and optimism
Weakness: relationships
martyrdom and being exploited The Innocent is also known as:
Talent: realism, empathy, lack of pretense Utopian, traditionalist, naive, mystic, saint,
Talent: romantic, dreamer.
compassion, generosity The Everyman is also known as:
The good old boy, regular guy/girl, the
The Caregiver is also known as: person next door, the realist, the working
The saint, altruist, parent, helper, supporter. stiff, the solid citizen, the good neighbor,
the silent majority.

Brand archetypes 06
We are consistent, not uncertain
We are honest, not insincere
We are altruistic, not selfish
We are proactive, not unprepared
We are sensitive, not apathetic
We are professional, not inefficient
We are wholesome, not alien

Brand personality 08
We are respectful, not irreverent
We are inclusive, not biased
We are authentic, not corrupt
We are trustworthy, not unreliable
We are warm, not uninviting
We are humble, not overbearing
We are nurturing, not neglectful


+3 +2 +1 0 +1 +2 +3
Funny x Serious

Formal x Casual

Respectful x Irreverent

Enthusiastic x Matter of Fact

Voice and tone 10

• Logo
• Logo meaning
• Logotype + measurement
• Logo colour treatmennt
• Logo misuse
• Logo placement on backgrounds
• Logo placement on photography
Standard/ Horizontal configuration

Alternate/ Vertical configuration

Logo 14
Logotype :

The two forms here are representative of people. People who come from different walks of life and choose to associatethemselves with
Sarothi. In doing so, they become a part of the Sarothi family. They come from different walks of life, but become one, a unit, a whole at
Sarothi. Hence the single colour of the logotype.


It has been determined that a single element here is representative of a people. These people make Sarothi what it is. Today, it is a small
but stable organisation, but as more people join hands for the cause, its message and aid will span in more directions. It only gets better
from hereon. The graphic signifies growth and progression from left to right. It is symbolic of a hope for a better future.

Logo meaning 16
Logo Clearspace

Clearspace around the logo is equal to the cap height of ‘O’ of the logo type Bryant
Condensed Bold itself. The O is placed at 0 degrees at the top and bottom of he
logo and at 90 degrees on the right and left of the logo respectfully. This is to ensure
the right amount of breathing space around the logo.

Logo type and measurement 18

50 px height Minimum sizing for small logo use

75 px height

90 px height

100 px height Maximum sizing for small logo use

• There is a specific logo for small sizes and should be used when the logo is rendered at a size between 50px wide and 90px wide.
• The small logo mark should be used at a size between 15px tall and 20px tall. Only the horizontal logos are appropriate for small use.

Small logo
• Do not use the stacked logo for small use.


Note :

To maintain a cohesive singular image across all communication material, it is imperative to follow the guidelines
in terms of proportion, type, and colour. The use of the logo should be consistent and should not be distorted or
changed in relative proportion, colour etc.

The Logo has been designed with a certain logic. It is very critical to maintain the same relative proportions and
colour across applications to ensure a robust and consistent identity.

Please do not attempt to recreate/redraw the logo. A few examples are shown on this page, which should not be
done in any situation or for any kind of purpose.





Logo misuse 22

Do not stretch the logo Do not condense the logo Do not reverse the colours of Do not rotate the logo Do not change the weight of Do not overlap the logomark Do not outline the logo Do not try to match the heights
the logo the logo and the logotype of the logomark and logotype

Do not add a third colour to the Do not add a third colour to the Do not add any special effects Do not add drop shadow to the Do not keep the logo hollow Do not reduce the size of the Do not reduce the distance Do not place the logomark after
logomark logotype like bevel and emboss to the logo logomark between the logomark and the the logotype
logo logotype

Logo placement on backgrounds 26
• Ideally, and in most cases, the logo must be placed in the top right corner of a photograph.
• In some cases wherein the logo is placed centrally, its opacity is to be set at 90% for visual harmony.

Logo placement on photography

• In cases wherein the backdrop is similar as that of the logo colours it can be placed in a single colour
from the acceptable logo colour pairings as shown on pg 26.

• Typeface 1
• Typeface 2
• Typeface 3
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Bryant Condensed Bold
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Bryant Condensed Bold
Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww
Xx Yy Zz Bryant Condensed Bold

Bryant Condensed Light

Bryant Condensed Regular Bryant Condensed Bold
Bryant Condensed Medium
Bryant Condensed Bold

Typeface 1 : Logotype
Bryand Condensed Bold is the logotype for this brand.
It can be used as the header typeface in social media creatives and content related
to awareness as well. No other font weights except Bold are to used anywhere.

and headers
Download and license available for download through Adobe fonts.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Akhand Semibold Soft
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Akhand Semibold Soft
Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww
Xx Yy Zz Akhand Semibold Soft

Akhand Semibold Soft

Akhand Semibold is the primary typeface for all digital marketing related collaterals for
this brand. It is also used as the header typeface on Sarothi’s website.
It is not to be used as body text anywhere. No other font weight except Semibold is to
be used anywhere in this brand.

Typeface 2 : Campaign designs

Download and license available for download through Adobe fonts.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Mukta
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll
Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Mukta

Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww
Xx Yy Zz Mukta

Mukta ExtraLight Mukta Medium Mukta ExtraBold

Mukta Light Mukta Semibold Mukta
Mukta Regular Mukta Bold

Mukta is the body typeface for this brand.

It can be used for text that comes under secondary heirarchy for all marketing
related collaterals, along with Akhand Semibold Soft. It is the body text in the website.
No other font weight except Medium should be used anywhere.

Typeface 3 : Body text

Download and license available for download through Adobe fonts.

• Color Palatte
• Patterns
Primary Colour Palatte Secondary Colours

R- 66 R- 193 R- 255 R- 255 R- 68 R- 185 R- 251 R- 230

G- 33 G- 116 G- 240 G- 255 G- 15 G- 143 G- 176 G- 84
B- 11 B- 69 B- 232 B- 255 B- 3 B- 109 B- 59 B- 202

C- 47.71% C- 20.27% C- 0% C- 0% C- 44.21% C- 27.02% C- 0% C- 19.09%

M- 73.47% M- 60.74% M- 5.51% M- 0% M- 84.21% M- 43.51% M- 34.85% M- 76.0%
Y- 83.72% Y- 81.3% Y- 5.985% Y- 0% Y- 82.92% Y- 60.44% Y- 87.26% Y- 0%
K- 68.14% K- 5.27% K- 0% K- 0% K- 70.3% K- 3.01% K- 0% K- 0%

Colour palette
#42210b #c17445 #fff0e8 #ffffff #440f03 #b98f6d #fbaf3a #e65400



Patterns 42

• Brand photography
Campaign photography

Preferably Outdoor, natural settings.
Ensure that the backdrop does not have much clutter.

Natural, soft sunlight, preferably early morning or late

Colour Palette :
All photographs should be clicked against a warmer backdrop
so as to ensure their harmony with the visual vernacular

Leave enough leading room towards the right

The model must always be a female

Brand photography
Unbranded, casuals

Ensure that the subject does not look directly into the camera
does so as to prevent the photograph from looking staged.
Birthday photography

Guidelines for this are same as that

of Campaign photography

Blur the backdrop and reduce it’s
opacity to make the subject stand out. Colour grading
Settings on Adobe Lightroom: for cases when the photograph as been taken indoors
Texture: -100 and not against a warmer background.
Clarity: -56
Dehaze: -15 In this case, the subject and the backdrop both must be treated post
Sharpness: -91 photography to ensure harmony with the visual vernacular of the brand.
Noise: -37

Before(left) After(right)

Enhance the exposure,

saturation, texture and
temperature of the subject
and backdrop separately as 50
Priyanshi Mehta-0092 Brand guideline - Sarothi NID Assam

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