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Departement Elektriese, Elektroniese en Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer

Rekenaaringenieurswese Engineering
Semestertoets 1 : Invul en e-Merk Semester Test 1 : Fill-in and e-Grading
Deel A : SE 1 - 5 Part A : SU 1 - 5
Kopiereg voorbehou Copyright reserved
Analoog Elektronika ENE310 Analog Electronics ENE310
11 Maart 2020 11 March 2020

Student se besonderhede / Student details
Van: Naam: Studentenommer:
Surname: Name: Student number:
Kontaktelefoonnommer: Toetslokaal: Groep: Afr
Contact Telephone number: Test venue: Group: Eng
Ek het die belangrike inligting, en die instruksies vir elektroniese inhandiging
(beskikbaar op die bediener) gelees, en ek verstaan hulle:
I have read the important information, and the instructions for electronic
submission (available on the server), and I understand them: Signature / Handtekening
Eksameninligting / Examination information
Maksimum punte / Maximum marks: 50 Volpunte / Full marks: 50
Totale aantal bladsye (dié een ingesluit): Duur van vraestel (hardekopie en elektronies): 90 minute
Total number of pages (including this page): 7
Duration of paper (hardcopy and electronic): 90 minutes
Oopboek / toeboek: Beide - Formele klasnotas (elektronies verskaf). Sakrekenaars is toegelaat. Geen toestel met ’n aangeskakelde
Open / closed book: kommunikasiepoort (van enige aard) word toegelaat nie. Geen geheuetoestel van enige aard word toegelaat nie.
Both - Formal class notes(supplied electronically). Pocket calculators are allowed. No device with an enabled
communication port (of whatsoever kind) is allowed. No memory devices of any kind are allowed.
1. Die toets- en eksamenregulasies van die Universiteit van Pretoria geld. Die departementele reëls vir e-Merk geld.
The test & examination regulations of the University of Pretoria apply. The departmental rules for e-Grading apply.
2. Vrae op die invulvraestel moet in onuitwisbare ink (behalwe rooi en swart) beantwoord word. Geen antwoorde in potlood of rooi/swart
ink sal gemerk word nie. Antwoorde op die groen skandeerblaaie mag in potlood of ink voltooi word. Rofwerk papier word ingeneem,
maar dit word nie nagesien nie.
Questions on the fill-in paper must be answered in indelible ink (except red and black). Answers in pencil or red/black ink will not be
marked. Answers on the green scanning sheets may be completed in pencil or ink. Rough work paper is turned in, but it is not marked.
3. Beantwoord al die vrae en skryf u antwoorde op die invulruimte. Ingesluit is 10 ekstra minute vir die invul van die elektroniese blad.
Answer all the questions and write your answers on the fill-in space. Included are 10 extra minutes for filling in the electronic sheet.
4. Toon alle berekeninge waar van toepassing. Gee vergelykings altyd in simboliese vorm voordat numeriese waardes invervang word.
Geen punte sal toegeken word vir korrekte antwoorde sonder simboliese vergelykings en/of stawende berekeninge nie. Gee duidelike
definisies wanneer notasie verskillend van die voorgeskrewe handboek gebruik word.
Show all calculations where applicable. Always give equations in symbolic form before numerical values are substituted. No marks will
be given for correct answers without symbolic equations and/or calculations to support them. Clearly specify definitions if notation
different from the prescribed text book is used.
5. Gebruik duidelik geregverdigde en kundige ingenieursbenaderings en vermeld aannames, waar/indien van toepassing.
Use clearly justified and educated engineering approximations and state assumptions, where/as appropriate.
6. Die Engelse teks van hierdie vraestel sal voorkeur geniet met betrekking tot interpretasie van die inhoud.
The English text of this paper will be given precedence in the interpretation of the content.
Interne eksaminator / Internal examiner: Prof T-H Joubert Eksterne eksaminator / External examiner: -

Punte / Marks
V / Q A1 V / Q A2 V / Q A3 V / Q A4 -
/7 /11 /22 /10 - Total: /50
Afdeling A: SE 1-5 Part A: SU 1-5
Beperkings van operasionele versterkers
7 Operational amplifier limitations

Beskou ‘n OV-gebaseerde omkeerversterker met ‘n [7] Consider an opamp-based inverting amplifier with a
wins van |3| en ‘n stroombronweerstand (R1) van S-E/U 1 gain of |3| and a current source resistor (R1) of 100 kΩ.
100 kΩ. Gestel die insetspanning na die Suppose the input voltage to the inverting amplifier is a
omkeerversterker is ‘n sinus-sein met ‘n amplitude van sine wave with an amplitude of 0.1 V. The operational
0.1 V. Die OV het die volgende beperkings-parameters: amplifier has the following limitation parameters:
vsat = 0.6 V vOS = 80 mV
SR = 1 V/μs
Common mode range = 5 V iB = 1 µA
ft = 5 MHz
CMRR = 80 dB iOS = 50 nA
A1.1 word gemerk vanaf die skandeerbladsy 10, A1.1 will be marked from the scanning page 10,
blok 01 (in groen gedruk). block 01 (printed in green).
Skets die stroombaandiagram van die omkeerversterker A1.1 Sketch the circuit diagram of the inverting amplifier and
en toon die volgende duidelik aan: (2) indicate the following clearly:
a. Enige gepaste weerstandwaardes S-E/U 1 a. Any suitable resistor values
b. Die ideale uitsetspanning van die versterker ½ b. The ideal amplifier output voltage (without any
(sonder enige OV-beperkings) ½ opamp limitations)
c. Die model vir die inset-afsetstroom van die OV 1 c. The model for the input offset current of the opamp

Bepaal die fout in die uitsetspanning wat veroorsaak A1.2 Determine the error in the output voltage that is caused
word deur die OV se inset-afsetstroom: (1) by the input offset current of the opamp:
a. as ‘n fout-uitsetspanning S-E/U 1 a. as an error output voltage
b. as ‘n persentasie van die ideale uitsetspanning b. as a percentage of the ideal output voltage

A1.3 word gemerk vanaf die skandeerbladsy 10, A1.3 will be marked from the scanning page 10,
blok 02 (in groen gedruk). block 02 (printed in green).
Gebruik Figure 1 as sjabloon, en teken die A1.3 Use Figure 1 as template, and draw the transfer curve
oordragkurwe vir die omkeerversterker met die effek (4) of the inverting amplifier with the effect of the input
van die inset-afsetstroom ingesluit. Skets ook op die tyd- S-E/U offset current included. Also, sketch on the time domain
vlak hoe die insetsein na die uitset versterk word. Merk 1-2 how the input signal is amplified to the output. Clearly
die asse duidelik, en toon relevante parameters. label axes and show relevant parameters.

Figure 1
ENE 310 Semester Test 1 / Semestertoets 1 © Trudi Joubert, Dept. EEC Eng, University of Pretoria, 2020 2
Inleiding tot versterkerstroombane
11 Introduction to amplifier circuits

Beskou die volgende kaskade ekwivalente stroombaan- [11] Consider the following cascade equivalent circuit model
model vir ‘n oudio-versterker wat ‘n luidsprekerlas van S-E/U for an audio amplifier that must drive a speaker load of
RL = 8  moet dryf, met belangrike data benodig vir die RL = 8 , as well as important data required for its

ontwerp en analise daarvan: design and analysis:

Figure 2

Overall amplifier specifications: SNR = 75 dB % ; VCC = |VEE|

Data for overall amplifier: Pit_n(rms) = 11 pW ; PDC = 5 W ; vsat = 780 mV

Analiseer die middeband algehele kaskade versterker A2.1 Analyse the midband cascade amplifier for the
vir die volgende: (8) following:
a. Insetbeladingsfaktor, ILF S-E/U 2 a. Input loading factor, ILF
b. Trap-beladingsfaktor SLF 1 b. Stage loading factor SLF
c. Uitsetbeladingsfaktor OLF 1 c. Output loading factor OLF
d. Algehele winsverhouding A?t 1 d. Overall gain ratio A?t
e. Algehele insetweerstand Rit 1 e. Overall input resistance Rit
f. Algehele uitsetweerstand Rot f. Overall output resistance Rot
g. Algehele drywingswinsverhouding Apt 1 g. Overall power gain ratio Apt
h. Apt in dB 1 h. Apt in dB

Ontwerp die middeband algehele kaskade versterker vir A2.2 Design the midband overall cascade amplifier for when
wanneer SNR = 75 dB % gehandhaaf word, en bereken (3) SNR = 75 dB % must be sustained, and calculate the
die volgende: S-E/U following:
a. die gemiddelde drywing PS wat die seinbron moet a. the average power PS that the signal source must
verskaf ½ provide
b. die gemiddelde drywing PL wat aan die las verskaf b. the average power PL that is delivered to the load
word ½ c. the maximum load voltage amplitude, vL-OH
c. die maksimum lasspanningsamplitude, vL-OH ½ d. the maximum voltage amplitude between the stages,
d. die maksimum spanningsamplitude tussen die v01-OH
trappe, vo1-OH ½ e. the minimum value of VCC that will ensure
e. die minimum waarde van VCC wat aanvaarbare acceptable output signal distortion.
uitsetseindistorsie sal verseker ½ f. the overall amplifier power efficiency 
f. die algehele versterker se drywingseffektiwiteit 

ENE 310 Semester Test 1 / Semestertoets 1 © Trudi Joubert, Dept. EEC Eng, University of Pretoria, 2020 3
22 Feedback amplifiers

Beskou die volgende terugvoerversterker, met die [22] Consider the following feedback amplifier, with the
belangrike data op die figuur gegee: S-E/U 1-4 important information in the figure:
Figure 3

Operational amplifier data:

Input resistance, Ri = 100 k
Output resistance, Ro = 100 
Open-loop voltage gain, |Avo| = 106 V/V
Open-loop transition frequency ft = 10 MHz

Neem aan vir die operasionele versterker se A3.1 Assume that constant gain-bandwidth product holds for
frekwensierespons geld konstante wins-bandwydte (4) the frequency response of the operational amplifier, and
produk en die oordrag kan benader word deur dié van 'n S-E/U the response can be approximated by that of a single
enkele dominante pool, geassosieer met die inset. Vir 1,3 dominant pole, associated with the input. For the given
die gegewe data: data:
a. Gestel terugvoer vir ‘n algehele spanningsverserker a. Suppose feedback for an overall voltage amplifier
word rondom die OV implementeer (nie noodwendig is implemented around the opamp (not necessarily
in Figure 3 getoon nie), en die geslote-lus bandwyste shown in Figure 3), and the closed-loop bandwidth
is 500 kHz. Bereken die geslote-lus wins. is 500 kHz. Calculate the closed-loop gain.
b. Bereken die dominante pool se frekwensie. b. Calculate the dominant pole frequency.
c. Spesifiseer die operasionele versterker se inset- c. Specify the value of the feedforward amplifier input
kapasitansie Ci. capacitance Ci.
d. Suppose the on-chip implementation of Ci uses the
d. Gestel Ci word op die vlokkie implementeer deur van
Miller effect. Determine the required Miller
die Miller-effek gebruik te maak. Bepaal die
capacitance CF.
benodigde Miller-kapasitansie CF.

Identifiseer die terugvoertopologie van die versterker. A3.2 Identify the amplifier feedback topology. Exclude RS
Laat RS en RL buite berekening in die tweepoortmodel (2) and RL from consideration in the two-port model of the
van die terugvoerversterker. NB: U topologie hier S-E/U 4 feedback amplifier. NB: Your topology here is used
word gebruik vir die merk van die res van die vraag. for grading the rest of the question.

a. Bepaal die meng-parameter van die terugvoer- A3.3 a. Determine the mixing parameter for the feedback
versterker. (1) amplifier.
b. Bepaal die monster-parameter van die terugvoer- S-E/U 4 b. Determine the sampling parameter for the
versterker. feedback amplifier.

a. Watter tipe versterker moet die opelus A3.4 a. What type of amplifier must the open-loop
vorentoevoer-versterker wees? (1) feedforward amplifier be?
b. Watter versterkertipe moet die terugvoernetwerk S-E/U 4 b. Which amplifier type must the feedback network be?

ENE 310 Semester Test 1 / Semestertoets 1 © Trudi Joubert, Dept. EEC Eng, University of Pretoria, 2020 4
A3.5 word gemerk vanaf die skandeerbladsy 11, A3.5 will be marked from the scanning page 11,
blok 03 (in groen gedruk). block 03 (printed in green).
a. Skets die stroombaandiagram van die terugvoer- A3.5 a. Sketch the circuit diagram of the feedback network in
netwerk in die vorm om die tweepoortmodel te (4) the form for extracting its two-port model for, naming
onttrek, en benoem die belangrike parameters S-E/U 4 the important parameters according to feedback
volgens terugvoeranalisekonvensie. Gebruik dit om 2 analysis convention. Use the diagram to derive
simboliese uitdrukkings te herlei vir: symbolic expressions for:
b. die wins van die terugvoernetwerk, β. 1 b. the gain of the feedback network, β.
c. die insetweerstand van die terugvoernetwerk, Riβ. ½ c. the input resistance of the feedback network, Riβ.
d. die uitsetweerstand van die terugvoernetwerk, Roβ. ½ d. the output resistance of the feedback network, Roβ.

Bereken nou waardes vir belaste vorentoevoer- A3.6 Now calculate values for the loaded feedforward
versterker: (4) amplifier:
a. die winstransformasie vir die korrekte tipe opelus S-E/U 4 a. the gain transformation for the correct type of the
vorentoevoer-versterker ½ open-loop feedforward amplifier
b. die insetbeladingsfaktor ILFL 1 b. the input loading factor ILFL
c. die uitsetbeladingsfaktor OLFL ½ c. the output loading factor OLFL
d. die wins A?L (vervang ? met korrekte tipe) 1 d. the gain A?L (replace ? with correct type)
e. die insetweerstand, RiL. ½ e. the input resistance, RiL.
½ f. the output resistance, RoL.
f. die uitsetweerstand, RoL.

Gebruik terugvoerteorie om waardes te bereken vir die A3.7 Use feedback theory to calculate values for the complete
volledige terugvoer-versterker: (4) feedback amplifier:
a. die desensitiwiteit D = 1 + A S-E/U 4 a. the desensitivity D = 1 + A
b. die geslote-lus wins, A?-fb (vervang ? met korrekte 1 b. the closed-loop gain, A?-fb (replace ? with correct
tipe) 1 type)
c. die geslote-lus insetweerstand, Ri-fb 1 c. the closed-loop input resistance, Ri-fb
d. die geslote-lus uitsetweerstand, Ro-fb. 1 d. the closed-loop output resistance, Ro-fb.

ENE 310 Semester Test 1 / Semestertoets 1 © Trudi Joubert, Dept. EEC Eng, University of Pretoria, 2020 5
Bereken die algehele geslote-lus wins - wanneer RS en A3.8 Calculate the overall closed-loop gain - when RS and
RL in ag geneem word: (2) RL are taken into account:
a. Insetbeladingsfaktor, ILFfb-t S-E/U 2 a. Input loading factor, ILFfb-t
b. Uitsetbeladingsfaktor OLFfb-t ½ b. Output loading factor OLFfb-t
c. A?-fb-t (vervang ? met korrekte tipe) ½ c. A?-fb-t (replace ? with correct type)

Terugvoerversterkerstabiliteit en kompensasie
10 Feedback amplifier stability and compensation

Beskou ‘n 3-pool laaglaatversterker se Bode-plot. [10] Consider a 3-pole low-pass amplifier Bode plot.
Gestel dit is ‘n spanningsversterker wat as die opelus S-E/U Suppose this is a voltage amplifier that serves as the
3 -5
vorentoe-voer versterker in ‘n terugvoerversterker dien. open loop feed-forward circuit in a feedback amplifier.
Die opeluswins is Avo = 35 dB en die poolfrekwensies The open loop gain is Avo = 35 dB and the pole
is: frequencies are:
fp1 = 20 kHz fp2 = 500 kHz fp3 = 800 kHz
Is daar ‘n dominante pool in die opelus A4.1 Is there a dominant pole in the open loop amplifier
versterkerstelsel? Regverdig u antwoord. (2) system? Justify your answer.
S-E/U 3

A4.2 word gemerk vanaf p30, blokke 01 en 02. A4.2 will be marked from p30, blocks 01 and 02.
Konstrueer die Bode-plot op skandeerbladsy 30, blokke A4.2 Construct the Bode plot on scanning page 30, blocks 01
01 en 02 (in groen gedruk). Figure dien as riglyn. (2) and 02 (printed in green). Figure serves as guideline.
S-E/U 3

A4.3-5 word gemerk volgens p30, blokke 01 en 02. A4.3-5 will be marked as per p30, blocks 01 and 02.
Gebruik die grafies-bepaalde A4.3 Use the graphically determined
a. winsmarge, GM, en (3) a. gain margin GM, and
b. fasemarge, PM, om die S-E/U 4 b. phase margin, PM, to
c. versterkerstabiliteit te evalueer. c. evaluate the amplifier stability.

Voer grafies winskompensasie uit om ‘n fasemarge van A4.4 Graphically perform gain compensation to ensure a
PM’ = 45° te verseker: (2) phase margin of PM’ = 45°.
a. Bepaal die transisiefrekwensie, ft’, van die S-E/U 4 a. Graphically determine the transition frequency, ft’,
kompenseerde versterker grafies. of the compensated amplifier.
b. Bepaal die kompenseerde versterker se b. Graphically determine the compensated amplifier
winsvermindering B’ grafies. gain reduction, B’.

Vir die kompenseerde versterker: A4.5 For the compensated amplifier:

a. Bespreek of die vereistes vir konstante wins- (1) a. Discuss whether the requirements for constant
bandwydte produk geld. S-E/U 4 gain-bandwidth holds.
b. Indien ‘n geslote-lus wins van L10’ = 10 dB vereis b. If a closed-loop gain of L10’ = 10 dB is demanded,
word, bepaal grafies wat die geslote-lus determine graphically what the closed-loop
bandwydte, BW10’, sal wees. bandwidth, BW10’, will be.

ENE 310 Semester Test 1 / Semestertoets 1 © Trudi Joubert, Dept. EEC Eng, University of Pretoria, 2020 6
Figure 4 Avo = 35 dB ; fp1 = 20 kHz ; fp2 = 500 kHz ; fp3 = 800 kHz.

*************** EINDE van Afdeling A / END of Part A *******************

ENE 310 Semester Test 1 / Semestertoets 1 © Trudi Joubert, Dept. EEC Eng, University of Pretoria, 2020 7

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