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guerreira das augas

Guerreira das águas is a Portuguese term that can be translated to "warrior of the
waters" in English. In some cultures and religions such as the Yoruba tradition, there are
deities or orixás associated with water and considered to be warriors, such as Ogun and
Oshun. There are also references to a goddess named Ob or Oba, who is a warrior and
protector of freshwaters. Additionally, there are various songs and poems that reference
the concept of "guerreira das águas" in Portuguese, often in the context of folklore and

guerreira forte e alta

The phrase "guerreira forte e alta" is Portuguese and can be translated to "strong and tall
warrior" in English. It is often used to describe a female warrior who is powerful and
physically imposing. In some cultures and traditions, there are female deities or heroines
who are depicted as strong and tall, such as Athena in Greek mythology or Mulan in
Chinese folklore. The phrase can also be used more generally to describe any woman
who is physically strong and tall.

Guerreira master

Based on the search results, it seems that "guerreira master" may refer specifically to a
woman who is a master or expert in a particular field or skill, such as Capoeira or tattoo
art. However, without more context, it is difficult to determine the exact meaning of the


Kaimera refers to a variety of entities, including a production company, a media agency,

and a DJ/Producer, among others. Kaimera Productions, for example, is a UK-based
production company that creates original performances. Kaimera is also a name with
Greek origins that means "the fire-breathing she-goat with a lion's head and a serpent's
tail," according to Greek mythology. Without further context, it is difficult to determine
the exact meaning of the term "Kaimera" in a given context.

Câmera África

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific information on "Kaimera Africa" in the search
results I have access to. Could you please provide me with more context or details so I
can try to assist you further?

Droga Tunderenan
Nkisi Tunderenan is a term of African origin that refers to one of the many spirit deities
or orixás that play a significant role in different religions that originated in West and
Central Africa, such as Candomblé and Santería. Within these religions, Tunderenan is
associated with the forces of nature, such as wind, thunder, and lightning. The term
"nkisi" is a Bantu term that refers to a spiritual object that possesses a spirit, and it can
also refer to the spirit itself. Without further context, it is difficult to provide more
information on the specific meaning or significance of Nkisi Tunderenan.

Cavidade de Medicina

Thank you for the additional context. Based on the search results you provided, Nkisi
Kavit or Kavité appears to be a deity or spiritual entity associated with the religion of
Candomblé de Angola that originated in West Africa and was brought to Brazil during
the colonial period. Within this religion, Nkisi Kavit is sometimes associated with the
ocean or with water. However, it's important to note that the exact meaning and
significance of this deity may vary depending on the specific tradition or community in
which it is worshipped.

Nkisi Sivita

Nkisi Sivite appears to be another deity or spiritual entity associated with the religion of
Candomblé de Angola. Within this tradition, Sivite is sometimes associated with
agricultural abundance, and offerings are made to Sivite during the planting and
harvesting of crops. However, as with all spiritual entities in different religions, the
specific meaning and significance of Nkisi Sivite may vary depending on the specific
tradition or community in which it is worshipped.

Curandeira Roxi Mukumbe

Nkisi Roxi Mukumbe is another deity or spiritual entity associated with the religion of
Candomblé de Angola. This nkisi is sometimes associated with war and is often referred
to as a warrior deity. As with all spiritual entities in different religions, the specific
meaning and significance of Nkisi Roxi Mukumbe may vary depending on the specific
tradition or community in which it is worshipped.

Medicina Roji

Nkisi Roji appears to be another name for the deity or spiritual entity known as Nkisi
Roxi or Roxi Mukumbe in the religion of Candomblé de Angola. As previously
mentioned, this nkisi is sometimes associated with war and is often referred to as a
warrior deity. The precise significance of Nkisi Roji may depend on the particular
tradition or community in which it is worshipped.

Leão da Medicina

Nkisi Nkosi appears to refer to a deity or spiritual entity in the religion of Candomblé.
As per some search results, Nkisi Nkosi is also sometimes associated with the lion and
is a warrior spirit that presides over battles and confrontations, similar to Nkisi
Mukumbe (or Roji). However, the exact meaning and significance of Nkisi Nkosi, as
with all spiritual entities in different religions, may vary depending on the particular
tradition or community in which it is worshipped.

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