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Men, the mere fact of fatherhood has endowed you with terrifying power in the lives of your sons

daughters, because they have an innate, God-given passion for you. (P 46)

The terrible fact is, we can either grace our children, or damn them with unrequited wounds which
never seem to heal (p 47)


Fathers who criticize their children often bring them to discouragement. (P 48)

do not exasperate your children with criticism. (P48)


They need to remember that rearing children is like holding a wet bar of soap — too firm a grasp and it
shoots from your hand, too loose a grip and it slides away. A gentle but firm hold keeps you in control.

We must be Biblical in regard to our no’s — and as our children grow, be prepared to discuss the rules
Biblically and principially (P 49)


Only the Lord knows how many children “lose heart” because their fathers have “hard days.”

We fathers must never let our pressures drive us into this unhappy cycle. The costs are too high!

Inconsistency (‫)التناقض‬

Pity the child even more who has the rules changed by a capricious father, and who is always
exasperated because of the conflicting messages he receives.

.‫ والذي يكون دائمًا غاضبًا بسبب الرسائل المتضاربة التي يتلقاها‬، ‫أشفق أكثر على الطفل الذي غير القواعد من قبل أب متقلب‬

Never ever make a promise to your children you do not keep! .. You may forget, but you have a little boy
or girl who will remember it eighty years from now. (P50)

Favoritism (‫)المحسوبية‬

Favoritism was the damning sin of Isaac, who favored Esau over Jacob.


Do not be critical. ● Do not be overstrict. ● Do not be irritable. ● Do not be inconsistent. ● Do not show


The tragedy is that so many men have left this to their children’s mothers


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