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18 Lessons – Space for Notes included with each

Lesson as you watch the E-Course Videos

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Gather any information you can and analyze the situation. What happened?
What happens next? What needs to happen?


This will enable you to see what the next necessary steps are. This is the time
to consider whether you have experienced anything similar before. If so, how
did you respond that was useful and helpful in the long term and how did you
respond that was not helpful? Is there anything you learned from that
experience that you can apply now to this situation?


Is there anything (even tiny steps) that you can do to improve the immediate
situation in any way a) in the next few minutes b) in the next few hours c) in
the next few days? Make sure to consider the ethical and legal ramifications
of anything you do. And remember that everything you do will cause a ripple
effect because the truth of existence is interdependence.





1. A reaction is an intense upset. Re-arrange the order of the conjunct words

that make up the word upset and you arrive at an interesting truth. An upset
is in fact a set up. It is a set up on behalf of the universe at large to make you
completely aware of something you are currently unaware of. You are being
set up to awaken. You are being set up to integrate what is un-integrated or
heal what is unhealed within you. Because it is a set up, acknowledge that
this is not the universe working against you; this is the universe offering you
an opportunity.

Because the universe is alerting you to an opportunity to awaken, you can

treat a reaction like an alarm clock going off, a red flag popping up or my
personal favorite… a meditation bell. Let the discomfort of the upset snap you
awake and bring all of your focus to the present moment so that all of your

conscious attention can be placed on the situation at hand. Approach the
upset with an attitude of “I am being called to become aware of something in
this moment.” You must address each reaction with the awareness that the
upset is valid. It isn’t a matter of whether it is right or wrong to feel that way.
So let yourself feel your feelings completely without suppressing them or
trying to force them to go away.

2. Breathing deep into your diaphragm and belly, inhale for a count of four…
hold the breath in for a count of two… exhale gently, counting out for eight…
and finish by holding the breath out for a count of two. Keep your breathing
even and smooth. Make sure the exhale is longer than the inhale.

3. Fill your mouth with warm water and while seated, bend your head forward
into a basin of cold water, submerging your forehead, eyes, and at least two-
thirds of your cheeks for as long as is comfortable. Breathe in and out your
nose in between dunkings. Repeat this process for a few minutes. Then, begin
to sway or rock your body back and forth for a few minutes. Rocking on your
hands and knees or while sitting with your arms hugging your knees tight to
your chest seems to work best.

4. Seek out deep touch or pressure anywhere you can find it. This could take
the form of firm holding; firm stroking, cuddling, hugging, or squeezing.
Perhaps wrap yourself tightly in a blanket, even covering your head so that
you feel a sense of containment.

5. Try humming, toning or singing, I want to mention that the human nervous
system is especially soothed by humming, toning and singing. It stimulates
one of the primary nerves involved in the fight or flight reaction. So if you feel
inspired, Humm, tone or sing (even in you have to sing along to a song or
someone else’s voice to do it).

6. Create a playlist of any sounds or music that you find soothing or calming
and put it on. This triggers the body into seeing that if those sounds are
occurring, the world isn’t falling apart. For example, some people have
sounds on their list like macaroni being stirred, ducks on a pond, bubbles.
Some people have songs like dinner jazz or African music that powerfully
make them feel that nothing bad is happening. Some people have binaural
beats or spiritual chanting.

7. Look at the recipe of an upset to isolate the actual ingredient that is
causing the upset. There are three main ingredients that create the recipe of

a. An intention or desire that is opposed or prevented.

b. An expectation that has been unfulfilled
c. An unsuccessful communication

All upset is comprised of one or all of these ingredients. When we feel an

upset, we need to get completely aware about what intention or desire is
being opposed, what expectation is going unfulfilled and/or what needs to be
communicated that is not being successfully communicated. And those things
are what we need to seriously examine. We need to find a way to
communicate directly with ourselves and with the people we are in conflict
with about these deep roots of the upset we are having so we are no longer
dealing with the surface of things. In other words, if my husband leaves his
socks on the floor, my anger is not about the socks being on the floor. My
anger could be about the fact that I expect him to respect me instead of take
me for granted and when he leaves his socks on the floor so I can pick them
up, he is failing to meet my expectation.

An upset is ultimately the result of thinking that something should be that

isn’t or shouldn’t be that is. That attachment to how things should be is a
rigidity that puts you at war with what is. It puts you at war with the present
moment. So, when you are ready, pretend you are a philosopher who must
get way outside the paradigm of your current thinking and explore the
question, assuming this is supposed to be happening, why should this be
happening? You can enhance this practice by trying to find and list all the
positive aspects of the negative situation at hand.

8. If the reaction you are having cannot be eased by doing any of the previous
steps, it means there is a deep emotional wound which is being triggered that
must be integrated. The upset is calling you to take the light of your
consciousness into the darkness of that unconscious pain in order to integrate
it. So, instead of trying to feel better, get better at feeling by dropping into
and being unconditionally present with the feeling, let it lead you back to the
original trauma that is unresolved and create some resolution. I developed a
process specifically to help you to do this. I called it The Completion Process.
To learn how to do this, I have outlined it step by step in my book titled: The

Completion Process. Alternatively, you can go to and find a practitioner there who can lead you
through the process.

9. You can talk directly to the part(s) of you that is having the intense
reaction. See Live Example in the video.

Additional Notes for writing about your upset/reactions and also the Parts






It's time to simplify! Ready to make 2 lists? To start the first one, list off
everything you can come up with relative to the following being taken off of
your plate:

◻ What can I stop thinking about?

◻ What goals can I put on the back-burner?
◻ Which daily chores or activities can I take off my to-do list?
◻ What appointments can I cancel?

◻ What have I said yes to that I need to back out of?
◻ How can I take pressure off of myself?
◻ What am I committed to saying no to, instead of yes to?







Your assignment in this lesson is to get really clear about what things are a
deposit and what things are a withdrawal to your personal energy account.
So get out a piece of paper and make two columns, one for withdrawal and
one for deposits.

Close your eyes and imagine watching yourself on a given day. Watch the
decisions you make and how that decision plays out in terms of contributing
to or taking away from your personal energy. What buoys you and what drags
you down? Think about the things that you know are a withdrawal and add
things that you know are a deposit.


Going to sleep late Going to sleep at 10:00 pm
Talking to my mother Talking to a close friend
Reading and watching the news Meditating
Listening to aggressive music Listening to soothing sounds
Spending time on social media Watching cooking shows
Eating sugar and coffee Making sure to take my water bottle
with me




Now that you have this list, commit to the discipline of not engaging with the
things under the withdrawal list and of committing to the things under the
deposit list.




Involve other people like therapists and friends and even family in this
process to come up with questions that will allow you to see things differently
and access knowing from a different angle.

Write the situation you are uncertain about and then to ask people in your life

to look at the situation and write down key questions they would have you
ask yourself or think about relative to that situation. You wouldn’t believe
how the right question can lead you to the answer you’ve been looking for all

Keep track of the questions you receive here:






Your assignment in this lesson is to allow the flow of personal truth through
emotional awareness and expression. Think about the upsetting event or
situation that you are in, the crisis at hand. Follow these prompts that I have
included below and express anything and everything you can in order to fully
move through each of the following emotions…

1. Anger

What am I angry about?


What/Whom do I blame and why?


Whom/What do I feel resentment for and why?


It makes me so mad when…


I’m completely fed up with…


I hate…

2. Pain

What about this makes me so sad?


I am so hurt by…

I feel so disappointed that…


I feel I have lost…


3. Fear

What about this makes me so afraid?


I’m scared that…


It scares me when…

Why does it scare me?



What about this makes me feel powerless?


What about this embarrasses me?


What about this makes me feel insecure?


What is the deep wound hiding underneath the anger and sadness?

What painful thing does this situation remind me of?


4. Understanding

I regret…

I’m sorry that…


What part of this situation do I take responsibility for?


I didn’t mean to…


I understand that…

I know sometimes I…

What do I want forgiveness for?


5. Love

Deep down, I have the purest of intentions and they are…


Deep down, in my heart, I want…


I promise to…

What are some solutions to this situation that I can think of?

I hope that…

I feel gratitude for…


I forgive…




We don't have a written assignment for this lesson, but please use the Notes
section if desired while watching the video lesson.

When we are dealing with a crisis, we want to simply take it in one wave and
be over and done with it. But this is not the reality of crisis. Crisis itself
sometimes happens in waves.

One of the best things you can do if you’re facing a crisis is to understand that
just like contractions are part of labor, waves are part of the process of
healing from trauma. The more these waves are resisted, the worse they are.
A good way to tell if you are resisting the waves is if you immediately tell

yourself or feel that you are back to square one (or have somehow regressed)
when you had a better day yesterday than you are having today.
It is critical to ride the waves instead of resist them, experiencing and
observing the symptoms of these waves so as to not feed into them and make
them worse or resist them and make them worse. The best analogy I can give
you for the emotional experience of a crisis is to imagine that you are swept
out into the ocean far from shore. Giant waves are coming and they are
terrifying and your first instinct is to fight against them. To swim as hard as
you can back to shore. But the harder you fight, the closer you come to
drowning. You become exhausted and don’t get any closer to establishing the
security of shore. The best thing you can do in this scenario is to allow your
body to relax, not fight the waves. Float instead of fight.




I want you to ask yourself: “What am I really afraid of in this situation?” Give
your fear a name.


Start a Worry Journal

This is a notebook where you can just write lists upon lists of all the things
you’re worried about or are terrified will happen. Writing them down gets
them out of your head and you can put them on the shelf until you have time
to deal with them. Relative to the situation you are in, write down all the
things you’re worried about or are terrified of.

From there, designate a time of day (not before you go to bed and not first
thing in the morning) to make a list of everything that is worrying you. You can
also use this journal any time you need it to allow yourself to vomit up these
worries onto the page. If you’re a chronic worrier, you may need to do this at
the same time each day so your mind is less anxious about when it gets to
vent. Postpone worrying until the time you have set aside for the worry
journal. If you absolutely can’t stop fixating on something you’re worrying
about, write it down in the journal and put it aside for later until the
appointed journaling time.

Postponing worrying in this way is effective because it breaks the habit of

dwelling on worries in the present moment. There’s no struggle to suppress
the thought or judge it, you simply save it for later.

When you have time, analyze your lists and sort out things you are worried
about that you can do something about right now. We can call these
productive worry items. If this is hard to do, then just pick one item each day
to focus on, just one productive worry item. For example, you may have
written down: “I am going on a trip, so I am worried about making plane and

hotel reservations.” This is a productive worry because you can take action
now by going online to do the research and make the reservations.
As you get better at this, try to do deal with as many of the productive worry
items as you can. With each one, evaluate it, come up with concrete steps for
dealing with it, and then put the plan into action. This switches your thoughts
from the problem to the solution. Once you have a plan and start doing
something about the problem, you’ll feel much less worried.

It’s also important to ask yourself: Is the problem something you’re currently
facing or is it an imaginary what-if? If the problem is an imaginary what-if, can
you do something about the problem which would make you feel better
about it? This is a kind of vibrational game you’re playing, to come up with
ways that will help you to release resistance to what you’re worried about and
do what comes to mind to make yourself feel better.

Once all the productive worry items on your list are dealt with, you will be left
with unproductive and unsolvable worries for which you can’t identify a
corresponding action. For those ones, it’s important to realize that you’re not
doing any good by worrying about them at all. It’s a dead end. In fact, now
that you know about vibrational matching, you know that by thinking about
them at all, you’re just lending your precious energy to creating more or
bigger problems. This is your incentive to just let the unproductive worries go
and focus on things you can change or control which are the productive worry

Assignment: Do parts work with your internal worrier.

Can follow the steps on how to do this as demonstrated in Lesson Two.

Additional space for notes during the parts work is below.







At the end of the day, the bottom line in all of this is that awakening is all
about expanded awareness. It is the ability to hold space within your
consciousness for all truth, not the controlled focus on what you want to have
be true.

Here are some steps that will help you to come out of denial:

1. Ask yourself, am I willing to feel? The reason we use the coping mechanism
of denial is because we do not feel willing to feel our own negative emotion
and our own pain. And the reality is, until the day that you can honestly
answer yes to this question, you will struggle with denial. We have got to take
a look at why we are so resistant to feeling and take a look at when that

2. Take a look at your life with curiosity specifically in terms of how you could
have been in denial in circumstances in your past. See if you can see the
damage that denial did and what could have been avoided if you were not in

denial at that time. What would you have done differently?

3. If you really struggle with denial and feel brave enough to invite other
people to tell you what they think you are in denial about or what you have
been in denial about in the past, ask them to write a list for you and give it to
you. Go over that list in your own time, watching how resistant you are to it.
Go over the list with the genuine desire to see how they might be right instead
of spending your time defending how they are wrong.

4. If denial is one of your coping mechanisms, you can guarantee that you
have denied yourself over and over and over again. This is a self-abusive
relationship you have with yourself and one of the first things you deny in
yourself besides how you actually feel is what you actually need and actually
want. So, I encourage you to get really clear about what your need and
desires are.

5. Ask yourself “What am I really afraid I might be in denial about right now?”
Make a list. Denial runs deep. But often it doesn’t run deep enough to totally
silence the little voice inside that is warning you about the potential truth of
an unpleasant reality. Then ask yourself with each item on the list, “If I the
voice of denial were not so loud, what would the unpleasant voice
underneath it be saying to me about this situation?” See if you can really
accept those unpleasant truths. We'll add some space here for that list:


6. Reach out for support for those painful truths from someone you trust to
see you clearly and accept all of you. The desire to isolate and not let anyone
in on things that you, yourself don’t want to admit to is strong, but it is counter
productive. After they are fully present with the painful reality, solicit their
help to focus on an actual solution to what you now see is the actual reality.

7. Recognize that shame is literally the heart of denial. You do not want to
admit to unpleasant truths because if you did and especially if people around
you saw or knew those truths, you and they would see you as not good
enough or less than or unworthy and you would have to feel shame. Shame is
the emotion that you want to escape from at all costs. Because this is the
case, first you have to really let yourself feel shame because your
unwillingness to do so, is what is keeping you trapped in denial

8. Feel your body when you go into defense and you tense up. Chances are if
denial is your coping mechanism, it will be what you start doing if you feel
threatened. So, when you feel that happening, close your eyes and ask
yourself, how does this make me feel ashamed? This is the backdoor to get
through your own denial. If you wish, you can explain to your loved ones that
you struggle with shame so much that you are likely to go straight into denial
if they express something in a way that directly implies that something is
wrong with you. See if they are willing to communicate it in another way so
that getting on the same page is easier because you will not defend yourself
with denial. Instead you will be receptive enough to accommodate their

9. Recognize that even though you love control, when you are in denial, you
are in fact giving up control. By not accepting the reality of something
unpleasant, you can’t do anything about it. Eventually, it will get out of hand
and take its own course with or without your consent.

Your assignment for this lesson is to get a sheet of paper and at the top to
write “If I were to tell the complete truth about this situation, if I were to cut
the bullshit and stop pretending and just admit to the brutal honest truth, it is:
______________”. Below that, you write a list where you fill in the blank with
as many things as possible. Alternatively, you can write “If __________ were
the complete and brutal honest truth about this situation, I’d be terrified to
admit to it.” And relative to those things, ask yourself: “If those things were
true, why would it be so bad or what would it mean?

When you are in denial, you know it down deep because you can feel that
state of resistance that is avoidance within you. I don’t need to tell you what
on that list you just wrote is the reality you are wanting to avoid in this crisis.
You know it. What would need to happen for you to accept it and even to
make peace with it? What would you do differently if you accepted that as

being the reality of the situation you are facing?







With the current crisis at hand, what are you currently thinking that it meant
or means? What are you thinking is the meaning of the experience? Then
imagine that at this moment, your ‘meaning glasses’ are going on and you are
interpreting everything that is to come through those lenses. What if the
meaning you have assigned or are assigning to the event is not an accurate

Separate out the peanut butter from the jelly and question the jelly. In other
words, separate out the events that occur from the meaning you interpret
from and assign to the event then question the meaning instead of assuming
it. Take off those glasses that you are tempted to see the world through… And
prepare for your whole world to become a whole lot clearer.

Can you accept that looking for meaning is natural, but you may not know it
for some time?






Your first assignment in this lesson is to face your resistance to change. See
the door that is closing. Take out a journal or record yourself on your phone
and answer these questions so as to become conscious of exactly what is
making you refuse to accept that things will not be going back to how they
were. Ask yourself: What thoughts am I thinking that cause me to resist this

change? How does the change associated with this crisis make me feel
unsafe and insecure? How does this change make me lose my confidence and
even feel incompetent? What do I not understand regarding the need for the
change? What are my worries letting me know that I fear regarding the
potentials that could happen as a result of what has happened? What about
the new could be bad? What is this change making me feel like I might lose?
Do I distrust anything or anyone involved in this change and if so why? Do I
see the rewards or benefits of this change or only the risks, punishment and
detriments? What negative ripple effect am I afraid that this change may



Your second assignment is to open yourself to change. See the door that is
opening. Take out a journal or record yourself on your phone. Ask yourself:
How might this change lead me closer to what I am needing or wanting?
How might it make me and the people or the world around me safer and
more secure? What are the potential positives that could happen as a result
of what happened? What positive ripple effects might this change create?
How could this change lead to increased competence and even confidence?
Why might I and others need this change? What about the new could be
good? What can I trust in this situation? What is it that this change could help
me gain?







The way to allow these aspects to fall away is to recognize them first and
foremost. I want you to jot down all the things you suspect you might be
identified with. Yes, you can be sure that there are many more than what you
will come up with. But this is a consciousness exercise. A good way to find
things you’re identified with is to look at everything you call “mine” for
example, the minute you say my friends, you are identified and thus attached
to them. Also, everything you would put after “I am (x).” For example, the
minute you say I am (sexy), you are identified with being sexy. Try to identify
thoughts and beliefs you are identified with. For example, “money doesn’t
grow on trees” might be a thought you are identified with. Try to recognize
emotions you are identified with. The ones you are the most identified with
are the ones that are chronic or come up most often. For example,
disappointment might be one of them. Also, try to recognize the aspects of
your body that you are identified with. For example, if you see yourself as fat,
you are physically identified with being fat.






If you are experiencing depression in conjunction with a crisis, here is what to


1. Face your futility. Overcoming depression is all about becoming

consciously aware of and facing and resolving the futility that is occurring in
your life. Yet again, this could be a specific situation or multiple situations.
Now that I have made you aware that depression is about futility and resisting
instead of accepting that futility, here is your lesson: Look at your own life and
recognize how this is playing out in your own life now. How are you stuck in
futility because you keep trying new ways to make a futile situation not futile
and therefore try to solve things in all the futility resistant ways they can think
of, instead of facing the fact that futility in and of itself is the issue and
especially, the resistance to that futility? This is why you should never
approach healing from depression by “fighting depression." Feel free to jot
down what you discover.



2. Do The Completion Process with the feeling of futility specifically. If you

are depressed, the futility is about a situation you are currently in. But this
pattern of futility is a pattern that began in childhood and this current
situation, is a repeat/reflection of a situation in your past of this same kind of
futility. To learn how to do this process, you can get a copy of my book that is
quite literally titled The Completion Process. And if you want to be helped
through the process instead of doing it on your own, you can find a
practitioner who is trained to lead you through it at

3. Work directly with the part of you that refuses to accept the futility and
refuses to cut your losses. This is the part that continues to keep you adapting
to the futile situation in ways that are detrimental to you. And this sets up a
pattern of self-hate and internal anger. Also, work with the part of you that is
opposite of that one. You don’t need to know what that part is specifically.
You can simply say, “I choose with my free will to become the opposite part to
the one that refuses to accept the futility and cut my losses” and allow
yourself to really be overtaken by the energy of that part of yourself.

4. Having accepted the futility, look for the ways you can move forward and
the options you do have. You have to do something new. Resisting a futile
situation puts you in a rut in life. Depression is all about focusing on what you
can’t change and refusing to accept you can’t change it so as to focus on
something else or do something else. Ask yourself, “If I accepted that what I
want is never (and I mean never) going to happen, what would I do then or
instead? It’s the thing where if you stop focusing on the door that is closed,
you might see a widow that is open. It may be hard to believe that your needs
or desires can be fulfilled in any other scenario or even that any other option
exists. Do something new even if you are simply doing it just to get out of
your rut. The more drastically new, the better.

5. The more little things you do to make yourself feel like you have more
power and control over creating the life you want, the better. If you are
suffering from depression, understandably, you are super disempowered. On
top of creating safe relationships, where people do cooperate in creating a
life that feels good to you, you need to do lots of things in life, which don’t
depend on other people to make you feel more empowered. Most of the
suggestions people make about solutions to depression fit well into this
category. Some examples might be deliberately eating foods that make you
specifically feel good (especially mood boosting foods), spending time with
animals, getting a massage or other form of touch, exercising, getting enough
sleep, setting attainable and achievable goals and scratching them off the list
when they are accomplished, taking on responsibilities which enable you to
see your positive contribution, visiting and making new friends (this prevents
you from isolating), taking control of your focus through positive focus or
gratitude exercises or working with your core beliefs, sitting out in the sun,
meditation, creating a routine, setting things in your schedule each day that
you can look forward to even if it is as simple as watching a comedy show,
picking up a new hobby, changing up things such as home décor or what
room you sleep in or where you habitually go to eat etc.





The first assignment is a simple meditation technique for clearing your mind.
I call it the ‘Sky Mediation.'

In Buddhist tradition, the mind has been compared to the sky. And thoughts
to clouds int hat sky. Sometimes the thoughts are moving faster than other
times. Sometimes they are like storm clouds that completely cover the sky.
To do this mediation, you sit down with your eyes closed, begin to breathe
deep into your diaphragm and imagine your mind in its current state as a sky.
Start by simply noticing what the sky looks like. What is happening. Then
imagine there is movement. This movement could be right to left or left to
right, whichever feels natural to you. See your thoughts as clouds in that sky,
floating by. As some fade out of sight, others pop in. Simply sit there
observing the clutter of your mind float by like clouds in that sky. Don’t hold a
goal for this mediation, such as the goal of getting there to be a clear sky.
Simply watch them arise and drift away. Notice how they come and go and
the sounds or voices associated with them come and go on the sky like canvas
of your mind. Feel your body settle as you practice the art of observing the
activity of your mind instead of letting that movement carry you away with it,
like a balloon in the storm clouds.

The second exercise is to think about the situation you are in. Become
aware of and explore the choices you have in this crisis situation. Most likely,
you are facing a multitude of choices. Now look at the choices that are an “I
can’t”. And see that the choices you have are actually “I wonts." For example,
one of the choices someone might face is giving up their house. A person
might say, ”I can’t” to this. But they actually can. They physically can pack up
and leave the house. What they are really saying is that they will be facing
what they consider to be unbearable pain doing that and so they choose not
to. Realizing that you are choosing not to do something is a actually far
healthier in a crisis situation that believing you can’t do it. And this is
important because the perception of powerlessness compounds the pain of a

It is quite common that in a crisis scenario, fear causes us to perceive limits

within us that don’t actually inherently exist and we begin to overuse the
word “can’t”. We believe we can’t do something that we want to do, when in
fact we can. Or can’t do something we don’t want to do, when we can.
Switching the word “I can’t” to “I wont” shows you what your true limits are
and aren’t. All people have certain limits. It is a mistake not to recognize
your limits in a crisis because it’s a recipe for physical, mental and emotional
breakdown. For example, a paraplegic cannot walk up the stairs. So, once you
have re-framed your choices into “I choose not to’s” in order to see what is
really a No and what is really a Fear in your situation, embrace your limits and
ask yourself, “What choices do I have now, having accepted this limit of
mine?” Chances are, if you accept a limit, you will suddenly see a vast array of
other choices you could make. Never forget that your words shape the way
you think about yourself and the world around you on a deeply subconscious
level. This includes language where you are blaming or making excuses.
When you are not owning your power, you will always have an excuse for why
something you want did not come about or is not coming about. Pay
attention to the language you are using to convey your reasons for doing or
not doing something, your choices and decisions. You might be surprised how
many excuses you make. Whenever your language absolves you of
responsibility or ability, it absolves you of power as well.
Relative to whatever crisis you are facing, whenever you have a decision or
choice to make or action to take, ask yourself: Does this option or action bring
me more empowerment or less empowerment?







Stop. Stop wherever you are. You could be sitting or standing. Consider what
is happening right here and right now. Look around you, like a scientist who is
being intensely present with what is. What do you see around you in the here
and now? What is actually happening right here and right now? How is it
different to what was happening in whatever past or future scene you had
projected yourself into when you were thinking about it?

Just take in all the textures and colors and shapes of what you see. Then
close your eyes and switch to your sense of smell. What do you smell in your
immediate environment here and now? When you have done that for a
minute, switch to your sense of taste. What do you taste in the here and now?

Then switch to your sense of hearing. Still keeping your eyes closed, what
noises can you hear in the here and now that indicate what is actually
happening here and now? After doing that for a moment, switch to your
sense of feeling. What sensations are occurring relative to your body right
now? As you are present with this open awareness about the reality of the
here and now, can you sense that you are that consciousness that is
perceiving all of it? If you can perceive your own thoughts, you can’t be your
thoughts can you? If you can perceive yourself feeling, then you can’t be your
feelings can you? Can you sense that no matter what happens in your life,
that this deeper consciousness is always there, rooted in a dimension beneath
the surface of things that we call day to day life?

Life is an experience that it is having. And what if his deeper consciousness is

what you really are? Spend some time without my voice guiding you, feeling
that deeper presence underneath the thoughts and feelings and senses. Feel
its stillness and bigness and depth. Notice whether anything bad is happening
right here and right now at this exact moment. And begin to breathe in and
out what exists only right here and now. Jot down any notes or observations






Ask yourself this question: Why am I afraid to admit to the negative inherent
in this situation? Why am I afraid to admit to the positive inherent in this

For this lesson’s exercise, you are going to become aware of and list the
positive and negative of the experience that you are in.










Your assignment for this lesson is to think and journal and/or talk to someone
about the situation you are in. In what ways is this situation making you feel
like you don’t have the capacity to create, direct, influence or do something so
as to bring about what you want? And then to the flip side, switch yourself
from the position of effect to the position of cause. How do you have the
ability and opportunity and capacity to respond to this situation so as to bring
about what you want? How can you put yourself and things related to your
well-being be in your hands instead? Where do you think the power lies in
this situation? How can you switch the situation so that it lies with you? How
is the ball in your court and how can you get the ball back into your court?

What is the most empowering move or counter-move you could make in this






What voids or areas of lack is this crisis making me aware of? How could your
focus and energy fill in that void?



What is this crisis making you intensely aware of that matters to you? What is
it making clear is important to you and that you value? What is it showing you
that you don’t want and therefore powerfully what you do want? How could
you dedicate your energy to those things?


A crisis is unexpected. A crisis throws you into the ocean of uncertainty. A
crisis threatens the things you hold as important, needed and wanted. A crisis
can cause an internal system collapse so profound that it can make you

wonder if you are capable of facing it or healing from it. Everyone doubts
themselves and their ability to handle the situation in a crisis. But you are
much more resilient and courageous and adaptable than you think. It is easy
to see that a physical process of healing is happening for you, without your
conscious control or awareness. If you get cut, your body immediately begins
the process of healing. You don’t need to think about making a scab form for
a scab to form and then for new skin to grow. Our mistake is in thinking that
this same process does not take place emotionally and mentally. There are
internal healing processes at work even without your conscious control or
even awareness of them. There are so many un-seen forces that exist for your
healing and for your well-being.

A crisis occurs when an old way of being cannot be maintained and so a

change for the new is forced upon you. It is a re-orientation. If you allow a
crisis to direct you and shape you and refine you towards meaning and
purpose and a life that is in alignment with your values, instead of a crisis
being something that takes away from your life and therefore makes your life
less, it can be something that is woven into the tapestry of your life so that it
adds something to it.

Continue Your Journey:


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