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Woods and Water Medical

Center1900 College(800)243-9482
Dr, Rice Lake, WI 54868

Patient Rights

Woods & Water Medical Center want every patient to receive the best possible care. To that end, want you to know what your rights are.
For example, it is your right to receive care without discrimination, have your family involved, participate in planning your medical
treatment, complete an advance directive outlining your healthcare wishes, and have your healthcare kept confidential. Specific rights are
listed below.
As a patient at Woods & Water Medical Center I, or my legally authorized representative, have the right to:

 Receive care without discrimination

due to my race, creed, color, I have read and understood my

Patient Signature Date

national origin, ancestry, religion, right.  Complete an advance directive
sex, sexual orientation, marital outlining my wishes regarding my
status, age, newborn status, healthcare should I become unable
handicap, or source of payment.  Receive evaluation and
to express my wishes. This may
management of pain.
 Have my family and physician include my wishes regarding organ
notified promptly of my admission  Receive considerate and respectful
and tissue donation.
and have my family participate in care in a safe and private
 Refuse treatment to the extent
my care decisions. environment free of neglect,
permitted by law and be informed
harassment, and abuse.
 Know the name of the physician or of the medical consequences of my
other practitioner who has primary  Be free from restraints of any form
responsibility for my care and know that are not medically necessary or
 Be informed of the need for, an
the identity and professional status are used as a means of coercion,
alternative to, and acceptance by
of the people caring for me. discipline, convenience,
another facility when transfer to
 Receive from my physician, in  or retaliation by staff.
the facility is planned.
terms I can understand, current  Be free from seclusion and
 Have all communications and
information about my diagnosis, restraints of any form that are not
records pertaining to my
treatment, and prognosis. necessary for emergency behavior
healthcare kept confidential.
 Receive from my physician, except or management or are imposed as
 Have access to my medical record
in emergencies, information that a means of coercion, discipline,
within a reasonable timeframe.
allows me to give informed consent convenience, or retaliation by staff.
 Examine and receive an
before beginning any procedure or  Receive evaluation and provision of
explanation of my bill regarding of
treatment. protective services.
the source of payment and receive
 Participate in the planning of my  Designate who is permitted to visit
information regarding financial
medical treatment and decline to me during my hospitalization.
participate in experimental  Receive care and treatment that
 Receive information regardless the
research. respects my values, beliefs, and life
relationship of Woods & Water
 Receive care for symptoms that will philosophy.
Medical Center to other healthcare
respond to treatment, even if they  Address ethical questions that arise
or educational institutions involved
are not related to my primary in my healthcare.
in my care.
healthcare condition.  Receive emotional and spiritual
 Receive complete language
support for my family and me.
translation, free of charge.

 | Created: 04/18/2023
 | Created: 04/18/2023

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