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Qualification Unit number and title

BTEC Level 7 Diploma in

Unit 1 Developing Strategic Management
Strategic Management and Leadership and Leadership Skills

Student Name Assessor name

Sookarah- Booluck Luxmi Mr. Ashween Bunwaree

Date issued Completion date Deadline

20 October 2021 27.12.2021 27.12.2021

Assignment title(s) Leadership in a crisis

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are
fully acknowledged.

Student signature: L .S Booluck Date: 26 December 2021

Task 1 – Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills
How can leaders support their organisations in times of crisis and lead them on the path
of recovery? Discuss.

It is of no doubt that crisis is an unpredictable state that disrupts the normal operation and day
to day activities of any organization. Leaders have always been described as the unwavering
captain who guide us forward through challenges and complexity. However, with the current
Covid 19 pandemics, leaders were unable to predict the possibility of how a virus can
transform the world. Businesses were down and unprepared for such situation. People
underestimated the importance of digital transformation, Artificial Intelligent (AI) which is
now a case of simple and pure survival.

Leaders can support their organisation in times of crisis by:

➢ Setting up a clear plan by doing things to ensure your staff that your organisation is in
a strong position.
➢ Acting in a quick and intelligent way showing the level of confidence and humility
towards employees and should identify where things are wrong and adjust same
➢ Giving a second thought to the present by bridging the gap between technology and
what people really need.
➢ Implementing emotional intelligence.
➢ Reconfiguring the business process and understating the market forces and local

The prevailing Covid 19 pandemic is not only changing our way of life, but it is also guiding
us in a radical new future of work. Many organizations are on the way to virtualize in the
coming months and for leaders now it is the moment on how to re-evaluate their capabilities,
upgrade their skills and transform their mindset for leading the organization in the path of
recovery. It is fundamental for today’s leaders to plan an efficient crisis management plan to
decrease risk, minimize damages and maintain business continuity.

Leaders need to manage crisis through a planned, systematic and rational approach. Decision
making must be SMART and flexible. Leaders must be ready to reinvent on how to serve
their customers, on how and where staff is working and most importantly reimage the role as
a leader.

It is fundamental that in crisis, leaders need to communicate. Uncertainty and sudden change
with the pandemic create fear, people crave for their security. A leader needs to communicate
with certainty and being transparent. They should share what they know and admit things
they do not know. For instance we take the case of Delta Airlines where its Chief Executive
Officer, Ed Bastian ramped up employee communication despite having so little clarity about
the path ahead. Another important characteristic needed from a leader in case of crisis to lead
to recovery is to act with urgency. By acting fast is the only way to get more information.

Another case that can be considered is the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern
which laid out a four-level alert system very early in the Covid 19 pandemic despite lacking
clarity and information. She did not wait to communicate to the nation about the threat and
set up a level 2 alert warning where in 2 days after, where cases were on the rose and being in
a better position to gather more information, a level 4 alert were implemented with a National
Lockdown. This clearly shows a transformational leadership skill from taking the challenge
and communicating.

Taking the current situation into account leaders should provide a clear accounting of the
challenges that an organization is facing. Leaders would have to identify resources required
such as determination, humanity, kindness and resilience to meet the threats, given that in a
crisis period, everyone is anxious about the health, the finance and in most of the case their
job. Leaders should reassure employees that though the situation is scary, works should be
done in a collaborative manner and jobs would be protected.

Last year during the Covid-19 outbreak in March, the Group Chief Executive of Swan Group
was communicating with his staff every 2 days and giving as more information he could on
the future operation and business continuity planning he was willing to undertake. Leaders
should adopt a transparency approach. This will help to reduce emotional distress caused by
the crisis, diminishes fear, provide tactical guidance and also most importantly this
demonstrates to staff that the leader is concerned of the issue, he is involved and
knowledgeable. By doing so a trust is built between the employee and the employer.

In time of crisis Leaders can support their organization by sharing power. It is one of the most
effective leadership styles in time of crisis. By sharing power, in another words, leaders are
requesting for help whereby they cannot perform the task alone. This style of leadership is
always appreciated and provoke a sense of belonging among staff.

During the Covid 19 pandemic Swan had set up a crisis Management Team by the Group
Chief Executive Officer at Swan Insurance. Responsibilities were share among Senior
Managers and Managers in order to properly implement new policies and procedures in their
respective department for business continuity. They were empowering for decision making
by the Chief Executive. Shared leadership lays the foundation for true accountability, whether
outcomes are positive or negative. Holding someone accountable for results they can’t
control is unfair, ineffective, and bound to create friction and resentment.

Another example of shared leadership which can be considered is the high level committee
that has been set up by the Prime Minister in Mauritius, where every day meetings are being
held in view of analyzing the current Covid 19 situation in the country where responsibilities
are shared among different key stakeholders for appropriate measures/decisions to be taken.

Another key element in leading to the path of recovery during the time of crisis is by
maintaining the organizational culture. Leaders will understand that crisis is a time to lean
into culture and not to stop. Protecting company culture during crisis plays a fundamental
role as it tells employees how to behave. Culture has the power to unite an entire workforce
around common goals and values. In order for leaders to lead their organization to the path of
recovery they need to response rapidly with critical decision making.

A concrete example is during the Economic crisis of 2008, the former Finance Minister, Dr.
Sithanen implemented drastic measures in terms of a reform in the Economic sectors with
tough measures. He used an autocratic style of leadership in making the reform a success
despite having lots of criticism from the public. Mauritius though depends heavily on trade
and Foreign investment he had a clear vision of avoiding the country into a recession. He
communicated his plan to the population with clarity and explained reasons in minimizing
adverse consequences. As a Leader he identified those vulnerable businesses and provided
adequate assistance in terms of lowering corporate taxes, loan facilities from the
Development Bank of Mauritius, amongst others.

He reacted very quickly to the situation. At the end, he lead the country to the path of
recovery through his action and visionary style of leadership. On another note, leaders should
engage on a personal level with the people they lead as well as openly admitting their own

An important element that leaders brings to support their organization in terms of crisis is
persistent. A concrete example is Winston Churchill, who brings on inspirational style of
leadership as Prime Minister of his country. He demonstrates persistent in leading Britain and
its allied powers to victory against the Nazis in the second World War. His wisdom, upright
character and persistence led Britain from the brink of defeat to victory in the most brutal war
of the 20th century. Churchill’s leadership style would prove so powerful that he would be
elected as Prime Minister again in 1951.

Leaders should encourage unity in the workplace as well as being a skillful communicator in
the way of bringing the path of recovery after a crisis. Leaders should support their
organization through the Covid 19 crisis by being proactive and should adapt to change.
Businesses need to be resilient, adaptive, and creative to survive. It is the role of the leaders
to provide direction such as providing online sales, online payment, and free delivery services
to maintain business continuity.

Leaders should adapt an agile business modeling for the time being. That is leading the
organization capability to adapt quick to the situation, respond to client needs in a faster way,
be creative, lead change and most importantly maintain a competitive advantage via a vis
competitor. Leaders should reflect on how to actively demonstrate inclusive and supportive
behavior for their staff.

Another example that can be considered is the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, whose leadership
style relies on teamwork and transparency. He uses a calm approach that helps him to find
solutions and puts project back on track. He is primarily a democratic leader but does have
some transformational qualities too. He adapts to situation as and when required and calculate
decision based on information receives. Under his leadership style, Apple is more successful
than ever.

In guise of conclusion, strong leadership with preparation, trust and a purpose of doing
business is perhaps the most essential ingredient for the survival o business in a crisis
situation. Leadership is one of the primary functions of organizational management, as strong
leadership can help organizations to achieve organizational goals as well as effective
management in time of crisis.

(Pitelis & Wagner, 2019; Samba, Van, & Miller, 2018). It is of no doubt that today’s leaders
are facing lots of challenges from Covid 19 pandemic, economic recession and are operating
in a complex and dynamic business environment. The above are different methods in which
leaders can adopt from building an effective crisis management team with expert ideas as
well as empowering all employees, an efficient communication channel to staff and external
stakeholders as well as maintaining and forecasting different scenario so as the team is ready
in case any issue prompt out. The above are essentials measures through different leaders that
brings their organization to the path of recovery after a crisis. Crisis should be faced in a
wisely and courageously manner.

Task 2

You will propose a leadership strategy that will help devise the future orientation of
your chosen organisation. The strategy will be based on your review of the
organisation’s management and leadership and on your findings from research and
relevant theories and models. You will have to determine the existing leadership skills
and those that will be required by the organisation to move forward.

Background of the company

Island Life Assurance (ILA) being the key player in the life insurance sector in the country
forms part of the Currimjee Group of companies, and is a fully owned subsidiary of
Currimjee Jeewanjee and Company Limited, which has been in existence since 1890. Island
Life, to date, has more than 35 years of experience in the Mauritian market. The company
offers a range of innovative products for individuals as well as corporates.

Problem Statement:

In January 2020, there has been a new management with new people at Island Life
Assurance. In March 2020, as the Management team was still under the learning and starting
process, the COVID-19 outbreak has raised critical and unprecedented concerns. Island Life
Assurance has been negatively impacted for not being able to respond to these challenges in
time and positioning for its recovery afterwards. Senior Management was faced with
challenges such as looking for special fund to establish the work from home strategy for its
staff during the lockdown whereas its main competitors was working on the next day of the
curfew. Only 10 percent of its staff had an office laptop and it was difficult to serve its
clients. It is to be noted that there is a lack of communication from the start of the pandemics
towards the lower level staff in providing the vision and direction that each unit would head
towards. Presently, there is no guidance pertaining to measures the company would undertake
in case an employee is covid positive. No formal instruction regarding the Health and Safety
and employment issues in relation to the actual covid condition has been set up to minimize
the risk of corona virus infection at Office. Employees are demotivated at all level and
customer satisfaction has fallen.

Presently there has been no proper planning in response to the fast-moving environment.
Another important issue to be noted, is a drop in the revenue as per its financial Statement
during the Year ended June 2021 and a big Cash flow shortage.

There has been no anticipation that the Covid 19 pandemics would last for months with no
end in sight for the time being. It is also noted that some of the key senior management lacks
knowledge about the company and the industry, which has resulted into damaging
consequences in the poor financial performance of Island Life Assurance.

A Swot Analysis was carried out at Island Life Assurance.

SWOT Analysis of the current Leadership conditions at ILA:

An overview of the above SWOT Analysis gives an indication that the leadership direction at
Island Life Assurance seems to be more a Manager rather than a leader. There is a serious
waste of human resources at many levels of the hierarchy as well as a fundamental
conservatism and obsolete approach towards staff.

It seems also that there is a tendency to underestimate the current Covid pandemic, current
market competition and economics crisis. It is also noted from the Chief Executive level that
there is indecisiveness and a tendency to relinquish from the role of decision maker at Island
Life Assurance. Failure to make adequate reconnaissance and exploit a situation gained can
be observed.

Proposed Main Leadership Skills required for Chief Executive Officer:

It is fundamental for ILA to bring up an action Plan in order to achieve ILA organizational
Goal during the crisis. As a leader, he is expected to decide what exactly he want the
organization to achieve and set up specific goal with an accurate picture over a certain period.
It is expected from him to identify possible obstacles and provide solution on how to
overcome them. He should organize the different objectives by priority and sequences.
Leaders must be prepared to face tough situation, however there is a constant fear that some
decision may be wrong and causes severe financial consequences to the organization. Below
are some skills expected from the Chief Executive Officer as a Leader during the crisis:

• Empathy: Leaders need to connect with its employees, need to acknowledge Staff
Fear. He needs to understand what each employee is experiencing and helping them out
• Provide Right Communication: On this time of crisis, as a leader, he will need to
communicate on a regular basis, sharing updates and win the trust of its employees and
clients. It is important that everyone has access to information in case of crisis.
• Real Power: As a Leader he is expected to take quick decision in a timely manner.
• Build up Morale and reinforce Employees: he must ensure that employees are treated
fairly and with respect. They need to let employees know that they have zero tolerance
for bias, harassment, and discrimination and build trust and motivation during the crisis
to all.
• Lead from the front: As a Chief Executive Officer, he is expected to be a role model
and be on the front line with its employees during the crisis. This will motivate
employees as well as they can easily access the CEO for information sharing and
improving policies and processes if needed.

Apropriate Leadership Style proposed for Island Life Assurance

With the current Covid-19 pandemics and tough economic situation, Island Life Assurance
must devise strategies to adapt to the ever-changing market conditions. The only constant
thing in the business environment is change and ILA must adapt to it for long term
sustainability. The Change Management shall be managed differently. Leadership and
Strategic Management has become a crucial strategic weapon and an increased priority for
Island Life Assurance co ltd.

Following the above issues noted at Island Life Assurance, it would be convenient to apply
some main features of the Goldman leadership style, being the emotional leadership styles
base on the above problem statement. The model comprises of the 6 styles depending on
different situation where a leader needs to adapt. However, in view of the current Leadership
at ILA, part of the 6 styles will be recommended for the Chief Executive and Senior
Management level.

Based on the above, each leadership style has a different approach on staff emotion and each
of them has its strength and weaknesse. In the actual circumstance, the covid 19 pandemic,
some key commanding styles which the Chief Executive Officer will impose on its staff will
be moving towards the same goal, being alternative ways of working. He should
communicate with its staff on a regular basis and what he is putting as measures and how to
get everyone on board by adopting strict control.A concrete example would be the Covid 19
Policy which ensures that the resumption of work, after the lockdown, took place in the best
possible conditions. The adoption of online purchase and teleworking like many of its
competitors will enable Island Life Assurance to continue business continuity.

Strict deadline should be set formally to Human Resource Manager regarding the
implementation of Covid-19 policies and same should be circulated to employees. In other
word, the Chief Executive Officer should impose an autocratic leadership style by ensuring
that the deadline is being respected objectives are being met.

Another key element of Goldman leadership style is being an affiliative leader. In this crucial
Covid 19 pandemic, the Chief Executive Officer can provide comfort, intense loyalty, and
care. Regular communication towards its staff is encouraged, by assuring them safety at work
and continuing to offer a desirable level of service to its customer despite the actual
condition. Special provision can be addressed through technology to reinforce its presence by
the side of its clients by attending to queries and staying available as well as ensuring that
they could help find financial solutions to their difficulties. Technology should help ILA
greatly to remain available and connected to teams and clients. On the other hand, based on
different situation, the Chief Executive can also apply a democratic Style of leadership. That
is empowering everyone on board for specific decision making and problem solving. The
Chief Executive may apply an open-door policy, where staff are encouraged to meet him and
share specific issue related to their day to day task.

Coaching also plays a fundamental role in a leadership capability. Coaching refer in

developing people for the future. As already mentioned, the Chief Executive should engage
in Training and development, succession planning and help staff at ILA in developing all
capabilities to deliver their best at work during this tough period. This will motivate, inspire,
and engage employees by attaining the goal of the company. This type of leadership is
currently known as the transformational Leader.

Leaders act as a role model by inspiring the team, promoting solution-focused thinking, and
paying attention to employees’ need for achievement and growth (Hicks, 2014). In this style
of leadership, Staff would spend more time-sharing knowledge and engaging in growth and
development. There is also a low turnover rate for staff in intention of leaving the company in
this style of Leadership.

As a coaching leader, the Chief Executive at ILA would help employees in finding solutions
to their own problems. The above styles have a different effect on people's emotions, and
each has strength and weaknesse in different situations. Goleman also emphasizes that no one
style should be used all the time. Instead, the different styles should be used interchangeably,
depending on the specific needs of the situation and the people that the Chief Executive is
dealing with.

Moreover, the concept develops by French and Raven in 1959, refers on how a Leader may
exercise different types of power circumstances at a different point of time. In reference to
the above, the Chief Executive Officer can impose a reward power, that is based on the
perception that the Chief Executive Officer has the ability and resources in recognizing the
competency and motivate its staff in those tough time by providing rewards in terms of
bonuses and increment if business objectives are met.

On another angle, to tackle the issue of proactivity to situation, the Chief Executive Officer
may adopt its legitimate power. That is using its right to exercise its influence in decision
making, using its formal authority to tackle issues and react to prompt decision making.
Being from a Technical background, the Chief Executive officer can also adopt the expert
power on matter and coach staff as and where necessary.

On another note, using the Mckinsey 7’s model, the Chief Executive Officer can apply part of
the independent factors in improving its judgemental attitude as well as too much dependency
on stakeholders. Soft elements can be of great help in terms for the Chief Executive Officer
in terms of systems, where he can monitor and engage himself in daily activities of its staff to
get the job done. He will be in a better position in knowing the actual skills and competencies
and can be helpful for a future company promotion and re-alignment of salaries and
organisational structure.

Another important element from Mckinsey model which can be helpful for Island Life
Assurance is Strategy and Structured. From the above weakness, it is to be note that there is
an inability to formulate direction. The Chief Executive officer can design strategic plan
along with all staff and stakeholders to maintain and build competitive advantage in the long-
term basis. Communication should be two way. He must ensure that there is a shared value as
per Island Life Assurance objectives and make sure that this is reflected in the corporate
culture and general work ethic.

Following the swot analysis, it clearly demonstrates that staffs at Island Life Assurance was
demotivated given that there was not a clear direction in terms of priorities. It is
recommended to change from a top down leadership style and adopt a more engaged
leadership with a clear communication from top management to front liners.

Meetings should be held on a more frequent basis. Poor Vertical Communication was noted
at Island Life Assurance. The Management should be encouraged to learn and accept
feedback received by front liners and staff in the lower hierarchy of the organisation.

On the other hand, an important issue noted is poor coordination between departments and
Branches. The Chief Executive should adopt a new working style by transforming poor
coordination into teamwork by realigning roles, duties, and responsibility within the
organization's strategy.

Island Life should also adopt a new matrix structure based on its present business model,
such as aligning the various departments of the company, reorganizing the front line
employees in terms of developing strong cross-functional business teams accountable for
Island Life's profitability.

Compensation was an important consideration throughout the analysis in a time of

competition and pandemic outbreak, The Chief Executive of Island Life Assurance and
Management should have created an environment where service excellence is recognized and
rewarded, and poor service is challenged and corrected, resulting in a persistent culture of
service enhancement. Management should empower employees by making them feel that
they are a valuable resource to the company.

Management of Island Life Assurance should should devise measures to encourage

employees to maintain a good attitude. It is also suggested that the Chief Executive Officer,
in collaboration with the organization's personnel and subordinates, formulate an
improvement strategy. Customer feedback at all levels will be welcomed in order to improve
customer happiness and service.

A SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) improvement

strategy should be used. The improvement plan should also include specific targets such as
process improvement, communication, leadership development, training, and employee

Taking the risk of having a 2nd and 3rd wave of the Covid 19 pandemic, it is recommended for
the Chief Executive Officer in taking the lead by creating a Covid-19 policies for all its staff.
The policies should comprise of availability of vaccines in Mauritius, the percentage of
vaccinated employees at ILA, the evolution of the covid-19 Sanitary protocols in Mauritius as
well as most important maintaining a business continuity process in all circumstances.

A Transformational management and Leadership skills is required to give direction to the

company. According to Northouse (2001) Transformational leadership is a process that
changes and transforms individuals; it is the ability to get people to understand the need and
want to change, improve, and be led. The Chief Executive and Senior Management level are
encouraged in motivating, getting employees fully and positively empowered for decision
making to set up the policies as sooner as possible. There should be a collective effort.

In an era of Covid 19 pandemic, economic crisis and continual change, the role of strategic
Management and leadership has become ever more crucial. The current environment imposes
greater responsibility and a higher profile on the leadership position and many recent events
have shown how, when things go wrong, the top-level Management can be first in the firing
line. One of the most important aspect at ILA is that senior management including its Chief
Executive Officer need to understand the business, its culture, its people, and processes
currently in place.

This understanding involves recognising and embodying the values of the company as much
as having knowledge of the business operations and the marketplace. Leaders at ILA also
need to understand the wider industry and prepares the company for all eventualities in the
future in terms of a 2nd or 3rd waves of the Covid 19 pandemic, short and long term plan for
the company, the further market disruption to opportunities to improve competitiveness.
Concrete examples can be initiated is online Payment, online Purchase of Insurance Cover,
Work from Home initiatives, Flexible time as well as a roster plan for staff.

The Chief Executive Officer can consider the principles developed by Peter Drunker,
Management by Objectives. In this process, the CEO can set up different goals to different
department, from operation, sales, HR, Customer Service and makes everyone feel the sense
that they are supposed to be contributing to the team. Management by Objectives consist of
five steps which the Chief Executive can take into account, Setting departmental goals,
Cascade objectives to the employees, Monitor the progress , evaluate the performance and at
the end set up rewards and recognition.
He can use a micro-management style of leadership in monitoring progress. Concrete
examples as refer to the problem statement and SWOT Analysis will be maintaining a
customer Satisfaction index of 90 %, Increase employee engagement up to 85%, Setting up
Online purchase of Life Insurance and online payments, Online Marketing, among others.

Proposed Main Leadership Planning to lead ILA for recovery:

It is recommended for the Chief Executive along with senior Management to set up of a crisis
Management team. That is working in close collaboration with all stakeholders, Human
Resources, Operations, Sales and Marketing, IT and Office administration in adopting a crisis
management strategy plan together. Concrete examples is through the current pandemics, A
Covid 19 Human Resource policies can be set up in giving concrete guidelines to staff in
terms of Work from Home , Flexible time, ensure safety and security of its employees,
providing vaccination for disable employees, setting clear guidelines in respecting health
protocol at office in order to maintain business continuity.

Moreover, it is also recommended that the Chief Executive Officer should monitor progress
and evaluate the crisis management team on a regular basis. It is also fundamental that he
should develop core capabilities, developing its Human capital and making use of an
effective and efficient communication channel so as everyone is on the same line.

As a Leader, he should communicate with his team on a regular basis and through appropriate
communication channel. Examples, e-mail, Microsoft team, Face to Face meeting, among
others. A transparency approach is expected. This will help to reduces emotional distress
caused by the pandemic, diminishes fear, provide tactical guidance and also most importantly
demonstrates to staff that the CEO is concerned of the issue, he is involved and
knowledgeable and also on the top of the situation. This will build up the trust in the

As Chief Executive Officer, he is encouraged during this crisis period to emphasize staff who
are strong, motivate them as far as those staff who seems a bit loss, he should take more time
maybe face to face meeting, coaching and empowering them to make them feel at ease with
the new ways of doing things. In other words, Leaders should provide individual supports in
understanding employees needs and new work arrangements for the time being to support

their goals. Leaders should also show appreciation to staff for effort and dedications. If
possible, reward benefits can be provided to staff in supporting their morale in terms of
financial rewards, Special Bonuses, or any fringe benefits. Once Staff morale is boosted,
there is a high level of motivation in the organization. He will have full collaboration and
being trusted from employees.

It is also expected from the Chief Executive Officer to plan policies and procedures for the
next 3 months to 18 months. Since we do not have any idea how long the covid 19 pandemic
will last, it is fundamental for leaders to be prepared with different scenarios and backup
Plan. This involve important decision on reducing cost such as Marketing, Hiring, Travel etc.
If the crisis continues for more than a year, as a Leader, He will have to reconfigure Island
Life Assurance strategies, reduce variables expenses, and maybe negotiate for fixed expenses
such as rent, equipment lease facilities, bank loan with moratorium etc.

Another important consideration as a Leader, the Chief Executive Officer should take the
PESTEL Factors into account in view of forecasting future situations which will require his

Political Factors Economic Factors

The political climate relates directly to With Two previous lockdown (March 2020 and
government decisions over the economy March 2021) and actual economic recession,
and the industry as well. In case high level of employment due to loss of job in
government are planning for future key sectors of the economy, as a leader he is
lockdown and restrictions, as a Leader, he expected to review his Marketing strategy as
is expected to plan future scenarios for well as adopting a cut cost policies in view of the
uncertainty prevailing.
business continuity.

Socio-Cultural Factors Technological Factors

Consumer attitudes towards sitting in a
crowded waiting room have changed, It is With changing in demand pattern,
technology plays a fundamental role. ILA
expected that client will opt for online
queries /Payment and sales. Buying must ensure to have the latest technology
for supporting client demand in terms of
pattern have shifted from face to face for
Online transactions, Rapid service in terms
life insurance towards Online Sales. As a
of payment of claims due to the sudden
leader, these are different factors that
need to be taken into account for future increase of death rate in the aim of
ensuring client satisfaction.
decision Making


To conclude coupled with the above, it is of fundamental importance that the Chief Executive
Officer to build up an organisation with competencies, capabilities and resource strengths
needed for the successful strategy execution for the time being, having so many challenges of
Covid 19 pandemic, competition and Economic crisis. He has the responsibility of shaping
the work environment to make everyone comfortable and provide a corporate culture that fit
Island Life Assurance Strategy. It is also of vital importance that rewards and incentives are
provided to increase motivation and lower staff turnover, Installing an information process,
communication plan, and operating systems that enable company personnel to better carry
out their strategic roles proficiently. The best leadership approach as per the above
recommendation will be a situational behaviour model, where authoritarian approach are
needed for specific situation, perceptive listener for vital decision making and a strongly
participative, collegial approach where necessary, especially for the time being. He also
needs to demonstrate at times being a coach and advisor to remedy to certain situation.

As per the above recommendation, couple with all, we have seen how the chief Executive
Officer must be capable to convince management to give up or modify their personal goals
and adopt the central organisation objectives and goal for time being. The chief Executive
Officer will have to continuously change processes to adapt to the current situation despite
having resistant from internal stakeholders of external perturbations. These are the main
leadership skills required for Island Life Assurance.


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