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Exloe he o


 Air-Lft Pumps ,

and Mlhe
ppcaons of socalled arlf Ths s n accor wth analogous exr

pumps n felds oher han ence n he njecon of flashing fees no
peroleum () have ncluded rsers n fud caalyc crackng uns,
he handlng of haardous u analogousl carryng upwarly bul
ds 2) he desgn of boreacors 34, solds (parcles) as oppose o buk lq
the recover of archeologcal arfcs us (molecules), an also accouns r
5. reccle aeraon n sluge dgesors some amoun of scaer n publshe
6) eep sea mnng (7), and he recover expermenall daa o n ar-lf capacty.
of manganese nodules 8910) fro Snce nece gas bubbes are s
ocean loors neres among a hos of place upwarl b he donwar "slp
omesc //-118) an foregn /9) ow of lqu (ha is, dense phase 23
oganzons aes back sevel ecades; a he walls he cross secon hugh a
Use thi havng passed EPA hurdles 20) recover upward movng gas bubble present a
new capacty of ocea sources has een fuher sanc couneuren ow as epce n gur
tone by US legslaon /) Wh he l despe a ne upwar rnspo o slugs
correlaton for excepon of "boreacos he praccal of lqu Ths local counercun o
ump design. esgn and operaon of an arlf pump s analogous o he empy ppe oong
les n he densephase slugow regme phenomena illusrate n Fgu I r
of cuen gslqu upo 2121).
). whch coelaons alrea exst 4. n
vew of he encal ow phenoena n
gures l an , accounng r te sys
The transiton to slug flow em varables should also be enca
The enranment of spra or droples wheher he ne flows are cocurrent or
f AZen as cus fm a faconaor ra cons counecurn
MS ues a orm of lue phase cocurren
gaslqu upflow Snce bubble caps
have been use as foo peces n gas lf Dene pse lquid
pumps a p se over a cap on a ray, as tranport by g-lif pump
llusraed n gure 1 a consues con n gure  b gas compresse to a
cepuall a low effcenc bubblng pressure level equvalen o he eph o
upflow gas lft operang a vey shallow submergence s nouce to the lft p
submergence n pracce, a gas lf oper o splace lqu upwadly. As the lqu
aes wh deeper submergence and mo fows back own no he bubblerm
effcenly n slug low, as epce n vos, moe gas s contnually nuc
gu  b where he o pece s smpl o esablsh a sea sae of uxng of
a gs necon nozzle upwal splace qud he ne rate o
n pracce mulpot necors have conveance or refuxng ecrases t
been fund o be more ecen 2 n hegh of lf f he ppe s cu o at soe
ems of ncrease capac pacularl hegh elo he maxmum comensu
n he bubblng and slugow regmes rae wh he gven gas rae or of the f




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       .·� 
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 > .   = Piu cros·eln, q. h
  iJe
 Ld� chs
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  ,-'   }   Sbmeguncu,
; •  "  = Gas denst
Fd ent

'   f   ,    -
    \   1  1
 f: .'�t,
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:V "
•Figure  abe) Di
D ited
ense pe manestans
manestans 10    10 1 1 0
•Fgure  (g) "Cn ae
ae l daa.

ference in hydraulic head, then the

net rate of liquid at tat height wll
despite the ct that ar ift psent
overal a net cocurent rather than
then the data in Fige yed a 
iy of paallel cues space accor
be continuously expeled rm the counteunt w. ing to the suare ot of the ift
pe and hen
ce he acton efeed to In Figure gas voume and gas heigt Multying the ordinate a
 a lft "pm density ae based on scarge con dividing the ascissa y he squa
dions; wihin a long i pi ese  ot of  suls in e coat
ion f
Experimental ai-lft daa could va However
dischae 2
the fom inlet to
signcance Fgu 22
Fig dislays a vaiety of pu of cocons to the data in igu
i shed a ir-
ift ata covering lift 2 would  icult to evaluate justi ffect of fuid density
heghts rangng om   n. t ft 65 fay when even the est data are Since a the data in Figure 2a
and pipe amete fm  n to  suect to expermental er an to ase on lifting water the uestin
in The cuves rawn through each the eects of the air inection ang arses as to hw el tis coeaton
nvestigator's resuts fal into a ments . woud satsfy other uis. e ordi
numerical sequence with height of he sumergence tem S in the nate shoul e mode by cnsid
lift. The asis r the choice of cr denminator of the ordinate of eing that increase iqui density
inates in igu lays pncpally in igue  is ase on analgy to cor would ogicaly result in reucing
their aity to correate maximum reang ata on entrainment fom the efective volumetric ye 
cuntercurrent dilute phaseense stilation
stilation tra ys ) t also eects
trays conversey giving the sme wiegh
hase lw through empty vertical the work exande in comressing yied at equal air ates Chabrlain
tues an packed towers (3,4 the air in an ar ift f S is repace  otaned airlift data r t
Tat these coordinates yed a plot as y g [S ) /    which is ro water an a l/ft3 caustic slu
organzed n Fgue ens cil  potiona to+e wo
workrk of compression ] 35 pipe his data are
ion in the same
ty to this aproach to correlaton and stl refects the sumergence lotte in Figure  and show excel

 • AUGU  • L NGINEEIG ROGRE

r .
 -

 .

·: 
 o  -

rooa 1Wg % a 

5% 
qua   Wg % ar Ra
PG=0.0 765
Ar r
  Ra

= 

   0 
 j
A v
•igue Signcnce of he Ingel
Rnd equon S
•igu A i-l
  -l mple
waer (a s  = 62624;  =
Nonclatur 076 E s e
  cssectionul aa of nnlar
 q ft.
pi css-tionl   .
Equao 9 s sow 
( 9)
�I 

D pi inside diameer, in gure 4 as super 
2 ;   ,  ,  L
 tional ecieny  W posed on gure 3 he c
L Igersollad equao
 1 C 
li heigt 

p pss t int of g e plos as a srag le /· luggg
lsq f w slope correspod-
  1 

 atmospherc ps lsq  g o e arowaer

s N b 
sbegece  rao a pea eorecal  
gas ow at de conditions effcecy. e curve
 r
ft'min  b ased
as ed o e xp e r e
 a l 

 �
pondphe owph1
gl/min < 
wV mint
of dene lied r daa exbs
slope s po
a oly oe sae
 �
 bu e curves
curv es away o
w  , ,   wo inpt lmin yeld lower waeroar
w work otpt ftlmin

raos a values of e abscssa
(ar rae) ger or lower a   
Geek Lee a correspodg o e rao a
1 
£ s po of axu delvery V 
gas void tion in erted
A v O

effcecy Te gersollRad
 dense p
µ viosit of ied id
equao s erefore useful 
esag e yeld fro a ar
•Fue Mulphe cocun
entii vcl ujow eges
lf oly uder codos of pea
 rfe tension of lif id
eorecal effcecy bu o Examples ;
over e ere rage of possble Cosder e operable gaslqud
P    densit of
o f id id lft
operag codos gures  solds aos r wo suaos lus
P gs densiy ft
ad corporae as wel e aed  gu
P = liqid densit lb/ft effec of fluds of deses oer
4  Ar lfg of waer 30 f
a waer 6 55
roug a  p suberged f 50
• AUGU   CEMCA ENGEERG ROGRE
 '
 ·
 ·    -   _
 

Ordinate =
\X 4 x44
x44 /-8 x 0)1 =20 v
F g ure4
 o  / F  3.14(6 >
3.14(6  6    o g{ 4+
 o  50}4
g{ 4+50}4]  ' 

Equaon C
 ofg  ure4  x
g ure4 '4 (6 
34 )) 0076
0076x 6 33.  0.0844 CF
66.5 x 48x  1

Orite =(SlurGPMx4
(SlurGPMx4x x  { 665 x 3
 ofFgure 4 34(6
34(6 6 62.4 log
{4+ 469}4]] 235
+ 469}4 235(SlurGP
Equon D

2 Ai liftig of a seimete

sa as a slur otaiig 0 wt%
e sa a istae of 0 ft tug
a 6 i ie submee 0 ft
SeeC  2. B a Table .
Slu esity= 06
 06
= 66 lbft
Eetve submeee=
6.466)= 4 
0 6.466
tve Li  0  0-   
S s. C D a Table 3

Bubbng and annuar

liqui flow
At values of te siss
sissaa less ta
aut 0 a to te le of te ue
i Fige   twoase ow woul
u i te m of gas bubbles is
ig i a matx of liui e to
ow uwarly by eas  exam
le of a moto ive um or sim
ly by a yrauli iee i ea.
Ue su oitios tyial i
bioato 3 ), L wol e te tube
iamete a S woul qual
Lp /  24
At values of te absissa greater
ta about 0, a to te igt of te
uve i Figure  4 voiage must be
so gat tat liqui a oly be dri
ve u te ie i aular flow by
te surf as
egio ae g
te gas ore. Tis
i some
etail by Dukle a oters 2930)


 O   AUGU 1 • 
FLUIOLI NLIN

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itt itd
 _ � Sylva Comer's kind pemsio to pb � . �
19. Chem ee pp. 33-J ,; 

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 to of hs acle develo u >
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di cw:� t
s president and technca di
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 Yo J L   ·'
'   s PD n cemca engee .
� echnic  Unversty, New Yok;' ; � Com Fow 
1$0 Emers at Maaan Jli aio,"  -
ow"f e AICE te 98 recpaf  t
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) 86 een f
icl Engi1T!
0 pp. - 
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Hyn Pr 
. n
-   J   aored 9 papers  t USt
P  pp
Sepao  · '
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Aeveme Award2book,19

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 as w
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 d as been consta  mo
mo[ [ • T
Chemic En 
g and domesc corporatos
' ' h?
\ ' 
Hll New Yop
88 <
2 " :

   
w resented exermenta data reatng Handb k" 4
masued amunts f qud ae
ae  uwad
uwad Hil pp. ; Cf,.
n annuar fms f measured tkness Il·R
Il· R 
nsde a vea n ntea dameter (
2 Juy  ·,7
27kw  

 
 t the meud rate f te urrent,
qud w ndung uwad gas sam p 6Mh}
e rsuts are swn n Fgue  6 wt  eme  J
3, pp. H'
29. Zb
  .,,.., 
te rat f m rsssetna ara t 
rsssetna area as a arameter Upw   C .   
uatng bubbe se vety t dsang Aul o Ai
qud dwnfw n a suggng tube, e
Y et098i
PP· 8-84

snds t an annuusttube area rat f 30. Ttl �  -
 suggestng tat tese nvestgatrs Pae T,
Upw GaU

were arang suggng and tat ts
mi sud at sme tme  estabsed n Vic T'
pp 45 (19)�:t
Fgure eementay e addtn f 31. Bakr,o.0;1' di ·

qud vssty and auy suae ten Ju 2f
5 Ju
sn terms t te rdnat f Fgure  6 as 32 Znz J A p1
en smewat arbtrary based n dent cao PE C
a tems aabe t rznta mut N (8    :
   
ase fw 31 and n data btaned r
very w surfae ensn quds n ur
ent ufw wt ar 3 n tubes severa n ase ufw t te extent surted
t severa f n dameter  by data
dat a ubsed
ubs ed t ate 
gure reresents nt ny a
aaty rreatn fr gas ft um To recive a fee copy of ths article, snd
desgn but as suggests te rrea in th Rader Inquiry card in this ssueD
tn f a reges f urrent mut with th No   cirld.


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