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Name: ____________________________________

To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Guide

Instructions: Since Ms. Howard is unable to be with you today, please make sure you complete this Reading
Guide & your annotations to ensure you fully comprehend Chapters 4-5.

Chapter 4
1) What is the first thing Scout finds in the Radley tree?
2) How does Jem react to Scout’s findings?
3) What do the children find in the tree on the last day of school?
4) What happens to Scout in the tire?
5) What do the children think they hear from the Radley house?
6) Describe the Boo Radley game.
7) Why do Jem and Scout lie to Atticus?

Chapter 5 - (Complete for HW, if needed)

8) Why does Scout feel left out? Who does she talk with?
9) What does Mrs. Maudie tell Scout about Boo Radley?
10) How do Jem and Dill attempt to invite Boo Radley out for ice cream?
11) Who catches them?

Name: ____________________________________

To Kill a Mockingbird Reading Guide

Instructions: Since Ms. Howard is unable to be with you today, please make sure you complete this Reading
Guide & your annotations to ensure you fully comprehend Chapters 4-5.

Chapter 4
12) What is the first thing Scout finds in the Radley tree?
13) How does Jem react to Scout’s findings?
14) What do the children find in the tree on the last day of school?
15) What happens to Scout in the tire?
16) What do the children think they hear from the Radley house?
17) Describe the Boo Radley game.
18) Why do Jem and Scout lie to Atticus?

Chapter 5 - (Complete for HW, if needed)

19) Why does Scout feel left out? Who does she talk with?
20) What does Mrs. Maudie tell Scout about Boo Radley?
21) How do Jem and Dill attempt to invite Boo Radley out for ice cream?
22) Who catches them?

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