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Unit I

Chapter 1

1. Explain the concept of cell theory

2. Write detailed notes on the evolution of the cell
3. Draw a well-labeled diagram of a prokaryotic cell
4. Draw a well-labeled diagram of eukaryotic cells cell
5. Plot the difference between various prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
6. What are the THREE domains of life? Elaborate
7. Explain the structure and function of cell membranes with the help of a well-labeled
8. Explain the structure and function of the cell wall with the help of a well-labeled diagram
9. What is the extracellular matrix
10. Shed light on neurotransmission and its regulation
11. Write a detailed notes on blood tissue/muscle/nervous
1. Write detailed notes on cancer types, causes, and lines of treatment
2. What are Oncogenes? Explain their importance
3. What are tumor suppressor genes? Give examples
4. Explain cancer in light of the cell cycle
5. List the probable causes and consequences of the interaction of cancer cells with normal
6. De ne apoptosis. Give its mechanism
7. Write detailed notes on advances in therapeutic interventions of uncontrolled cell growth
Unit II
Chapter 1
1. What are the differences b/w DNA damage and mutation
2. Enlist the various steps of DNA replication with a well-labeled diagram
3. Enlist the multiple enzymes used in DNA replication with their respective uses
4. Draw a comparative table of DNA POLs (I, II, III). Also, draw them and label them
5. Write detailed notes on replication origin and replication fork
6. What do you understand by the delity of replication? Elaborate
7. Write detailed notes on extrachromosomal replicons
8. Write detailed notes on DNA damage and repair mechanisms
9. Differentiate b/w homologous and site-speci c recombination



Chapter 2
1. Enlist the various steps of RNA synthesis and processing
2. Write detailed notes on various transcription factors and machinery
3. Write detailed notes on various transcription activators
4. Write detailed notes on various transcription repressors
5. Write detailed notes on RNA polymerases
6. De ne RNA capping
7. How elongation and termination happen (about RNA processing/replication)
8. What do you understand by RNA editing
9. What do you understand by splicing? Elaborate
10. What is polyadenylation? Explain
11. Shed light on the structure and function of different types of RNA
12. How is RNA transport carried out
Unit III
Chapter 1
1. Explain the natural process of protein synthesis
2. Explain the arti cial process of protein synthesis
3. Draw the well-labeled structure of ribosomes
4. Explain the various mechanism of functioning of ribosomes
5. How does the initiation of the formation complex happen (Ribosomes)
6. Write detailed notes on elongation and the multiple factors involved
7. What is the process of termination during protein synthesis
8. Write detailed notes on the role of genetic code in protein synthesis
Chapter 2
1. Write detailed notes on the aminoacylation of tRNA
2. What do you understand by RNA identity? Elaborate
3. Write detailed notes on aminoacyl tRNA synthetase (its function and signi cance)
4. Explain translational proofreading (Process)
5. Enlist various translational inhibitors
6. Write detailed notes on Post-translational modi cation of proteins (with examples)



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