Docker Install

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Go to ec2 console and create ubuntu 18.

04 instance

Change to root user by applying sudo -i or sudo su

apt-get update
wget -qo- | sh
apt install -y

docker version
docker --help
docker info
docker images
(Image is a template for the environment that you want to run and when you run a
image you get a container)


Images are package or template such as VM Template

Images are used to create one or more containers
Images are read only template used to create containers
Images are stored in the Docker registry (Docker Hub)

Display / list out Docker Container

docker ps or (docker container ls)
docker ps -a or (docker container ls -a)
-a : indicating all containers such as active and in-active
Create an account at Docker Hub

docker search centos

(Display images which are avilable at Docker Hub)

docker search clock

docker pull jpetazzo/clock

(Download images from Docker Hub)

Ensure jpetazzo/clock available or not, by applying below

docker images

Creating Container

i -> input
t -> terminal
--name : Make your own name of a container

Create a container with Attach Mode

docker run -it --name ourclock jpetazzo/clock

Ensure that Docker has created container or not

docker ps or docker container ls
docker pa -a or docker container ls -a
Create a container with background (De-attached mode)

docker run -d --name ourclock jpetazzo/clock

-d -> Deattached mode
You get the error as container exits on same name

docker ps
docker ps -a

Option 1:

Generate container with different name


Option 2:

Delete the container

docker rm < Container id >

Docker logs

docker logs < Container Id >

Live Logs

docker logs -f < Container Id >

docker ps -l
(Display latest container whether active or inactive)

docker ps -q
(Display only active container id)

docker ps -aq
(Display all active and inactive container id)

docker system prune

(Remove all stopped containers)

docker rm < Container Id >

(Deleting Container)

Delete all container by single command

docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

docker rmi < Image Id >

(Deleting Image)

Delete all images with single command

docker rmi $(docker images -qa)

Download images from Dockerhub

Port Forwarding
docker pull tutum/hello-world

docker run -it -p 80:80 --name web tutum/hello-world

-p is Port

(Run on the background)

Go to browse and check whether you get the output or not

Example :

Try with 8082 Port Number

docker run -it -p 8082:80 --name web2 tutum/hello-world

Get into Container (VM) or how to login into Running Container

docker run -d -p 8090:80 --name web3 tutum/hello-world

Get into Container as per below commands

docker exec -it < Container Id > /bin/sh


docker exec -it < Container Id > bash

Get into Container O/S

Apply below command


Get out from Container O/S or VM


Download Ubuntu from Docker Hub

docker pull ubuntu:14.04

docker images

docker run -it --name myubuntu ubuntu:14.04

Now, you are in Container O/S or VM

Apply below commands

apt-get update
apt-get install figlet
git --version
apt-get install git -y

git --version
At Ubuntu VM or Container O/s, installed figlet and git

How to come out from VM or Container O/s, by applying


Please ensure that whether you created container or not

docker ps -a or docker container ls -a

Your Own Images (creating your image. This is called Build, customization of

docker commit -m "Ubuntu Figlet" -a "Ram" <Container Id> <Your Image Name>
-m indicates which message you want to supply
-a indicates Author Name
<Your Image Name> : Need to provide <Docker Hub Username>/<Your Image Name>:<Tag
docker commit -m "myubuntu" -a "suraj" 0622115b8959 suraj2508/ubuntu:V1

Ensure that new custome image has created or not, by applying

docker images

Now, you can upload your custom images to Docker Hub

docker login
(Docker connect to Docker Hub)
docker push <Docker Images>
Go to Docker Hub Repoistory where you can get image which you uploaded

docker run -it --name myubuntu ubuntu:14.04

if you apply Ctrl and C, container got stopped
if you apply Ctrl pq, container won't stopped

Stop and Kill the Container

docker stop < Container Id >

Take few more seconds to stop the container

docker kill < Container Id >

Immediately kill the container

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