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Prevention of Oxygen Desaturation in Morbidly Obese

Patients During Electroconvulsive Therapy
A Narrative Review
Yukihide Koyama, MD, PhD,* Koichi Tsuzaki, MD, PhD,* Takeshi Suzuki, MD, PhD,†
Makoto Ozaki, MD, PhD,‡ and Shigeru Saito, MD, PhD§

with manual mask ventilation throughout the procedure, except

Abstract: In general, preoxygenation is performed using a face mask with for the period between ECT stimulation and termination of the sei-
oxygen in a supine position, and oxygenation is maintained with manual zure. However, hypoxic episodes during ECT are not uncommon in
mask ventilation during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). However, hypoxic obese patients, and obesity is one of the major risk factors for oxygen
episodes during ECT are not uncommon with this conventional method, es- desaturation during ECT.7,8 Individuals with obesity have decreased
pecially in morbidly obese patients. The most important property of venti- respiratory compliance, increased airway resistance, reduced
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latory mechanics in patients with obesity is reduced functional residual functional residual capacity (FRC), high closing-capacity-
capacity (FRC). Thus, increasing FRC and oxygen reserves is an important to-FRC ratio, increased metabolic demand, and greater oxygen
step to improve oxygenation and prevent oxygen desaturation in these in- consumption.9–12 These physiological properties are associated
dividuals. Head-up position, use of apneic oxygenation, noninvasive posi- with rapid decrease in oxygen saturation during apnea in morbidly
tive pressure ventilation, and high-flow nasal cannula help increase FRC obese individuals. Furthermore, previous reports described that
and oxygen reserves, resulting in improved oxygenation and prolonged obesity is one of the independent risk factors for difficult air-
safe apnea period. Furthermore, significantly higher incidence of difficult ways.9,13 Accordingly, morbidly obese patients are likely to be
mask ventilation is common in morbidly obese individuals. Supraglottic hypoxic, and thus, ventilatory strategies to prevent hypoxic epi-
airway devices establish effective ventilation in patients with difficult air- sodes in these patients during ECT are required. Even for an-
ways. Thus, the use of supraglottic airway devices is strongly recom- esthesiologists, anesthetic management in morbidly obese
mended in these patients. Conversely, because muscle fasciculation patients during ECT can be challenging. Consequently, practi-
induced by depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents markedly in- tioners who perform anesthetic management of morbidly obese
creases oxygen consumption, especially in individuals with obesity, the patients undergoing ECT should have sufficient knowledge regard-
use of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents may contribute to ing their physiological properties to protect patients from reaching a
better oxygenation in morbidly obese patients during ECT. critical status.
Key Words: ECT, morbidly obese patient, preoxygenation, In this review, we propose effective anesthetic techniques to pre-
head-up position, supraglottic airway devices vent oxygen desaturation in morbidly obese patients during ECT.
(J ECT 2020;36: 161–167)
P revious studies and meta-analysis have revealed that there is a
significantly positive association between depression and obe-
sity as commonly co-occurring medical conditions.1–4 Furthermore,
Patients with obesity show impaired respiratory physiology,
including reduced FRC, inspiratory capacity, vital capacity, de-
it has also been shown that depression is positively associated with creased respiratory compliance, increased airway resistance, and
metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, and greater oxygen consumption.9–12 Among these physiological
hypertension.4 In addition, the rate of obesity worldwide has properties, FRC, which serves as an oxygen reserve during apnea,
nearly tripled since 1975.5 In 2016, 39% of adults were over- can be increased with certain interventions, described in the fol-
weight (body mass index [BMI] > 25 kg/m2) and 13% were obese lowing sections. In pulmonary function test, FRC is defined as
(BMI > 30 kg/m2).5 Furthermore, the rate of morbidly obese the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration.
(BMI > 40 kg/m2) patients among individuals with obesity is in- Obesity severely impairs pulmonary function mainly due to the
creasing fast.6 Taken together, the number of morbidly obese pa- decrease in FRC secondary to cephalad diaphragmatic displace-
tients requiring ECT is increasing. ment, resulting in decrease in oxygen reserves.14 This is likely
Anesthetic management for ECT has not changed since the due to the increased fat tissue in the chest wall, abdominal wall,
late 1950s. Preoxygenation is usually applied in supine position and abdomen that compresses the diaphragm and lungs in individ-
using a face mask with 100% oxygen, and oxygenation is maintained uals with obesity. Furthermore, FRC is significantly reduced in
supine position than in sitting position, because of further eleva-
tion of the diaphragm and increased pulmonary blood volume.15
From the *Department of Anesthesia, Nippon Koukan Hospital, Kawasaki; Therefore, FRC is an important factor that maintains and improves
†Department of Anesthesiology, Tokai University School of Medicine, Isehara; oxygenation and can be increased in clinical settings, especially to
‡Department of Anesthesiology, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Tokyo;
and §Department of Anesthesiology, Gunma University Graduate School of treat individuals with obesity.
Medicine, Maebashi, Japan.
Received for publication October 6, 2019; accepted December 3, 2019.
Reprints: Yukihide Koyama, MD, PhD, Department of Anesthesia, Nippon
Koukan Hospital, 1-2-1 Koukan-dori, Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki-shi, The aim of preoxygenation before anesthesia induction is to
210-0852, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kawasaki, Japan maximize intrapulmonary oxygen reserves and prevent earlier onset
Conflicts of interest and sources of funding: none declared.
of oxygen desaturation. Considering the physiological properties
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. of morbidly obese individuals, some modified techniques for
DOI: 10.1097/YCT.0000000000000664 preoxygenation should be considered to allow prolonged apnea

Journal of ECT • Volume 36, Number 3, September 2020 161

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Koyama et al Journal of ECT • Volume 36, Number 3, September 2020

commonly used noninvasive technique to support patients with

acute respiratory failure.21 Noninvasive positive pressure ventila-
tion has been reported to offer the same physiological effects as
invasive mechanical ventilation via tracheal intubation, such as re-
spiratory muscle unloading, increase in FRC, gas exchange im-
provement, and augmentation of alveolar ventilation.21 Regarding
the efficacy of NPPV on preoxygenation, compared with conven-
tional preoxygenation, preoxygenation with low-pressure CPAP
and low-pressure PSV resulted in better oxygenation and prevented
oxygen desaturation during anesthesia induction in morbidly obese
patients.22 This was achieved using tight-fitting face masks with
pressure support mode, PSV-Pro mode of an Aisys anesthesia care
station (GE Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland). El-Khatib et al23 re-
ported that preoxygenation with BiPAP before rapid sequence induc-
tion in morbidly obese patients significantly improved oxygenation
and promoted CO2 washout. The BiPAP therapy is provided with a
specific apparatus such as Philips Respironics V60 ventilator (Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH) and CPAP mask (Fig. 2). Furthermore,
preoxygenation with NPPV using an anesthetic machine ensured bet-
ter oxygenation compared with conventional preoxygenation in mor-
bidly obese patients undergoing elective surgery.24 The underlying
FIGURE 1. A and B, Images represent ramp position and table-ramp mechanism of this oxygenation improvement is that the use of NPPV
position, respectively.
and CPAP contributes to increased FRC, improving alveolar recruit-
ment, decreasing ventilation/perfusion mismatch, and decreasing the
alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient.25 However, patient's optimal coop-
time without critical reduction in oxygen saturation (safe apnea eration is required for NPPV therapy, because fitting the CPAP mask
period) during ECT. or face mask tightly on patient's face is necessary. Although clini-
cally indicated, most patients fail to use NPPV due to mask intoler-
Patient Positioning ance.26 Therefore, preoxygenation with NPPV may not be adequate
in some mentally ill patients requiring ECT.
Individuals with obesity have reduced FRC leading to re-
duced oxygen reserves.9,10,14 Consequently, obesity is associated
with rapid decrease in oxygen saturation during apnea under anes- Apneic Oxygenation
thesia.16 Oxygen saturation and FRC are reduced, especially when Apneic oxygenation supplies oxygen to the alveoli, even while
patients are in supine position.17 Compared with supine position, the patient's lungs are not ventilated. Regarding the underlying
upright position increases FRC due to the descent of the diaphragm mechanism of apneic oxygenation, oxygen continues to move
and reduced pulmonary blood volume, resulting in increased oxy- from the alveoli to the blood at a rate of 250 mL/min and CO2
gen reserves and subsequent improvement of oxygenation.15 Boyce moves from the blood to the alveoli at approximately 20 mL/min
et al18 demonstrated that the decrease in oxygen saturation during during apnea.27 The difference in the gas flow is due to the differ-
apnea under general anesthesia is slower in head-up position than ence in gas solubility between oxygen and CO2, the different affin-
in supine position. Dixon et al19 demonstrated that preoxygenation ity of hemoglobin for oxygen and CO2, and buffering of CO2 by
in a 25-degree head-up position provides a longer safe apnea period HCO3 both at the blood and tissue levels.28 This gas flow difference
than in supine position in morbidly obese patients. In addition, for is attributed to a subatmospheric pressure in the alveoli creating
anesthesia induction and secured airway in patients with obesity, gas movement from the pharynx to the alveoli, a phenomenon
head-up positions such as ramp and table ramp position are recom- known as apneic oxygenation.29 This phenomenon improves
mended, because these positions provide not only a good laryngeal
view with a laryngoscope and avoid silent regurgitation, but also a
longer safe apnea period.20 Ramp and table ramp positions are
head-elevated positions achieved either by placing multiple blan-
kets under the patient's upper body or by flexing the table at the
trunk-thigh hinge and raising the back section of the table
(Fig. 1).20 Furthermore, Koyama et al8 reported that preoxygenation
in the head-up position was more effective than in the supine po-
sition to prevent oxygen desaturation in morbidly obese patients
during ECT. Accordingly, to increase FRC and oxygen reserves,
sufficient preoxygenation with 100% oxygen in head-up position
is strongly recommended in morbidly obese patients.

Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation

Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is the appli-
cation of mechanical ventilation without invasive airway manage-
ment (tracheal intubation or tracheostomy), including continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP), pressure support ventilation
(PSV), and noninvasive bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP).
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation is currently the most FIGURE 2. CPAP mask with headband.

162 © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Journal of ECT • Volume 36, Number 3, September 2020 Oxygen Desaturation in Obese Patients During ECT

oxygenation and prolongs the safe apnea period in patients with of HFNC in obese patients during ECT are required to support
obesity. Various techniques for supplying oxygen during apnea our contention.
have been described, including the use of nasopharyngeal airways, To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports investigat-
standard nasal cannula prongs, high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC), ing the efficacy of preoxygenation with NPPVand apneic oxygen-
and modified tracheal tubes in individuals with obesity.30 Oxygen ation for ECT anesthesia in morbidly obese patients. However,
insufflation from nasal cavity immediately after preoxygenation considering the diminished respiratory function of morbidly obese
significantly delayed the onset of desaturation in morbidly obese patients, preoxygenation with these techniques, which increase FRC
patients during the subsequent apnea.31 This apneic oxygenation and oxygen reserves, and promote denitrogenation and CO2 wash-
technique by supplying oxygen via the nasal cavity during apnea out, will be effective in morbidly obese patients during ECT. Fur-
can be easily applied without any specific apparatus. thermore, the use of these techniques in head-up position will be
much more effective in these individuals.

High-Flow Nasal Cannula Preoxygenation AIRWAY AND RESPIRATORY MANAGEMENT

The purpose of respiratory support is to maintain adequate Oxygenation maintained with manual mask ventilation is a
ventilation and oxygenation. Noninvasive positive pressure venti- conventional technique used during ECT. However, alternative air-
lation has been the primary choice for the support of diminished way devices such as a laryngoscope, tracheal tube, and supraglottic
respiratory function.21 However, it is not always applicable due airway devices (SGAs) should be prepared for ECT anesthesia for se-
to patient's poor tolerance. High-flow nasal cannula (AIRVO 2; curing the airways when mask ventilation fails. Regarding respiratory
Fisher & Paykel, Auckland, NewZealand; Fig. 3A) has recently management during ECT, the goal is generally hypocapnia induced
been introduced as an innovative respiratory support for critically by hyperventilation that will ensure appropriate seizure duration.
ill patients.32 In contrast to NPPV, HFNC does not require patient's
optimal tolerance. High-flow nasal oxygen represents a recent
Manual Mask Ventilation
breakthrough in the area of apneic oxygenation, enhancing both
oxygenation and CO2 clearance, compared with conventional Obesity is one of the major risk factors for difficult mask
low-flow nasal oxygen.33 This apparatus is composed of an air/ ventilation.13 In addition, morbidly obese patients (BMI > 40 kg/m2)
oxygen blender, an active heated humidifier, a single heated circuit, have a significantly higher incidence of difficult mask ventilation.39
and a nasal cannula (Fig. 3B). At the air/oxygen blender, the inspi- Koyama et al8 reported that difficult mask ventilation led to critical
ratory fraction of oxygen (FiO2) can be adjusted from 0.21 to 1.0 oxygen desaturation in morbidly obese patients during ECT. Mor-
in a flow of up to 60 L/min.32 High flow of adequately heated and bidly obese patients are likely to reach critical oxygen desaturation
humidified gas is considered to have a number of advantages on with hypercapnia during apnea due to reduced FRC, increased met-
respiratory function, such as better CO2 washout in anatomical abolic rate, and greater oxygen consumption.9–12 Accordingly, dif-
dead space, providing positive end expiratory pressure, stable ficult mask ventilation easily leads to critical oxygen desaturation,
fraction of inspired oxygen, and appropriate humidification especially in morbidly obese patients, and it should, thus, be avoided.
without discomfort.32 Consequently, alternatives should be available, especially in these
Increased FRC and denitrogenation are important factors for patients during ECT.
preoxygenation, especially in patients with obesity.34 Riera et al35
reported that HFNC contributed to increased FRC regardless of the Supraglottic Airway Devices
body position, resulting in increased oxygen reserves. Furthermore, Various SGAs are currently available in clinical settings (Fig. 4).
HFNC washes out CO2, effectively.32 Accordingly, apnea time Compared with a face mask, SGAs provide enhanced maintenance of
during general anesthesia can be prolonged safely with HFNC the airway patency and, at the same time, bypass the stress of tracheal
preoxygenetion.36 In addition, Ricottilli et al37 demonstrated that intubation. According to the Practice Guidelines for Management of
HFNC preoxygenation during anesthesia induction increases and the Difficult Airway of the American Society of Anesthesiologists,
maintains FRC as oxygen reserves, leading to prolonged safe ap- when facemask ventilation is inadequate, the use of SGA is rec-
nea period in individuals with obesity. Zhu et al38 reported that the ommended.40 Parmet et al41 reported that SGA provided rescue
HFNC could serve as an alternative to mask ventilation in nonobese ventilation successfully in cases of unanticipated difficult mask
patients during ECT. Further studies investigating the efficacy ventilation after anesthesia induction without any perioperative

FIGURE 3. A and B, Images represent the main body of HFNC (AIRVO 2; Fisher & Paykel, Auckland, NewZealand) and its specific nasal
cannula, respectively.

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Koyama et al Journal of ECT • Volume 36, Number 3, September 2020

FIGURE 4. Examples of SGAs are shown. A–C, Images represent ProSeal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA; Teleflex, Morrisville, NC), i-gel
(Intersurgical Ltd, Workingham, England), and Aura-i (Ambu Ltd, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom), respectively.

complications. In difficult mask ventilation scenarios, SGAs have with obesity.50 Repeated tracheal intubation for short intervals
been effective for rescue ventilation.42,43 Koyama et al8 reported can cause airway complications such as sore throat, swelling, and
that mechanical ventilation with SGA was considerably effective even bleeding secondary to airway trauma.50 In addition, because tra-
in morbidly obese patients with difficult mask ventilation during cheal intubation is commonly associated with greater hemodynamic
ECT. Furthermore, Sinha et al44 demonstrated that mechanical responses, this procedure may impose an increased risk of cardio-
ventilation using SGA after anesthesia induction was more effec- vascular and cerebrovascular complications during and after ECT
tive in increasing oxygen reserves and improving oxygenation treatment in individuals with obesity. Furthermore, Hutchens et al51
than conventional mask ventilation in morbidly obese patients un- reported that ECT treatment with repeated tracheal intubation re-
dergoing elective surgery. sulted in critical airway complications. Thus, repeated tracheal in-
Maintaining appropriate arterial CO2 tension is important in tubation for subsequent ECT sessions is not recommended.
ECT anesthesia, because hypocapnia immediately before electrical However, in case of failure of ventilation with SGAs, physicians
current application is beneficial to ensure adequate seizure duration.45 should be prepared for tracheal intubation and surgical airway access
Accordingly, hyperventilation immediately before electrical stimula- as emergency airway securing. Although controversial,39 obesity is
tion is recommended by the American Psychiatric Association.46 In thought to be associated with difficult intubation.52 Thus, in addition
a previous report from Nishihara et al,47 arterial CO2 tension was to conventional Macintosh laryngoscope, if available, channeled
found to be significantly lower in patients under mechanical ven- or nonchanneled blade-type videolaryngoscope (Fig. 5) should
tilation with SGA throughout the procedure than in patients under be prepared for emergency tracheal intubation, because these are
conventional manual mask ventilation, and seizure duration was more effective for difficult tracheal intubation due to difficult
significantly shorter in patients with face mask ventilation than laryngoscopy.53–55 Unlike the Macintosh laryngoscope, these do
in patients with SGA ventilation. Furthermore, controlled ventila- not require optimal alignment of the three anatomic axes—the
tion using SGA can enhance the effect of ECT treatment, com- oral, pharyngeal, and tracheal axes—to see the glottis. Thus, these
pared with uncontrolled ventilation using a conventional face scopes enable the operator to identify the glottic opening on the
mask.48 Hypoxia and/or hypercapnia induced by inadequate ven- monitor and to easily advance the tracheal tube into the trachea.
tilation produced hypertension and tachycardia after seizure,49 Furthermore, these can contribute to attenuation of hemodynamic
which may lead to cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events, espe- responses to tracheal intubation.56–58
cially in morbidly obese patients.
The use of SGAs is one among the major solutions for diffi-
cult mask ventilation and oxygen desaturation in morbidly obese MUSCLE RELAXANTS
individuals after anesthesia induction. In addition, hyperventilation The goal of providing muscle relaxants during ECT is to
and appropriate adjustment of end-tidal CO2 can be easily achieved reduce the risk of injury caused by convulsion and at the same
with SGAs.47 Furthermore, SGAs are currently easily available and time to allow for prompt recovery of spontaneous breathing after
their use is widely accepted in clinical settings. Thus, SGAs are seizure termination.
strongly recommended for airway management, especially in mor-
bidly obese patients during ECT. Depolarizing or Nondepolarizing Neuromuscular
Blocking Agents?
Tracheal Intubation Succinylcholine chloride (SCC), a depolarizing neuromus-
Tracheal intubation is not necessary in most cases, because cular blocking agent, is commonly used as a muscle relaxant dur-
inadvertent regurgitations are extremely rare even in individuals ing ECT because of its short period of action.46 Sufficient muscle

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Journal of ECT • Volume 36, Number 3, September 2020 Oxygen Desaturation in Obese Patients During ECT

FIGURE 5. A and B, Images represent nonchanneled blade-type, McGrath videolaryngoscope (Aircraft Medical Ltd, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom) and channeled blade type, Pentax AWS (Hoya, Tokyo, Japan), respectively.

relaxation to prevent injury during ECT can be achieved with 0.9 oxygenation and prolong the safe apnea period. Supraglottic airway
to 1.1 mg/kg SCC in most patients.59 devices can be strongly recommended in morbidly obese patients to
During ECT, oxygen consumption and CO2 production are avoid manual mask ventilation failure, improve oxygenation, and
increased not only due to seizure activity,60 but also due to fascic- prevent hypercapnia during ECT. Oxygen consumption caused by
ulation induced by SCC.49,61 Tang et al62 demonstrated that SCC SCC-related muscle fasciculation can be avoided with rocuronium,
induced significantly shorter period of safe apnea and longer recovery the effect of which can be rapidly reversed by sugammadex.
period from saturation to 97% than rocuronium—a nondepolarizing
neuromuscular blocking agent—in morbidly obese patients. This
is due to increased muscle oxygen consumption induced by SCC-
related muscle fasciculation. In addition, nondepolarizing neuro- REFERENCES
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