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aE Contents Unit Dire cutwes Page ‘8A Youshould wear seed ~——_—rammae Moro bgt Pronuneation Word sss: compound nouns En walking shoes Vocabulary Compoune nouns 8 Itstaser hon expected Grammar Comsaratves and superlaves 8 Vocabulary Descritng fod (60 Myint should take Everday Ele fein for ond ing Promieiation Sucing tenet Fa hersomenhere seca? recommendations 60 scent wort vst Renting Resaurantrevews Wing skits Pst ans negate language; Ades 97 Woting Two eviews ‘Reading and istenng extension Reading An article about sated accessin a cty Ute conversation about esaurants 28 Review ani extonson WORDPOWER go 2 ‘Unit House and hone 7A limiht bea hokey Pome Grammar Modals of destucton Pronunciation Model vers: fia ana sounds 40 Wocablay Buidings 7B There are plenty of ings Grammar Guanes “a tooo Vocabulary Verbs and prepositions TE. Isthere anything we can do Everyday English Making ofers aed requests and Prenucition Sounding polte 2 tobe? ‘asking or permission 7 Mie yourshesothome Reading Ante kr «vst ning sins crorng choees 2 Wing note wth useful ntermation ‘Reading and listening extension Reading An arise about Dit LUstening conversation between a group ol rénes 4 Review and extension WORDPOWER over 5 i tlrmaton A rep at 14 Deon tered Grammar Reported speech 6 wih my muse ‘Vocabulary Sharing inermetion ‘88 Setting up the websto Grammar Vero patens a as easy Vocabulary Reporing verte ‘8¢ On thew, |preler aking Everday English Generali Boia vaeve ‘Pronunetain The sounds and jw ction shots 0 Furuta evering was Reading An emai about a news story Weng skits Surmarising inermstion “ alien Woting A news sory ea md Usening extension Keacing An rice about cee LUstening& conversation about shopping 0 Review and extension WaRDPOWER in/on + oun 3 ‘Unit 9 Enteraioment ‘A Binge watcinghes been certases by cotors ‘Grammar The passive Wocabalay ry acces Pronunciation Sound ard peli nl an ajoctves 98 Iwentioa concert that Grammar Defring and nonofring lave clauses Pronmeition Relative clauses: pausing change my ie Vocabulary Muse; Wore bulng (nouns). 90 ItSmeantiote excellent Everday English Recommending anc responcing Prenton Showing contrat 54 9 |e ging ou, but Reading hn ice Wing skits Corsi ns 2 wing A arte eating andlsteningerenson Reading A bog rice LUstening A conversation abot chosing 2 fim 36 Review and extersion WORDPOWER see, ok at watch, hea; item to 5 ‘Unit 10 Osportnites 104 twas ter, do ‘ranmar Sond carlonal Pronunciation Serie sess would co ocanalry Spar Adjectives anc prezestions 108 Making ne mest of Srammar Thi conationl Pronuneiation Sentence sess: woul and have 38 opportunities Wocabulary Exoressons wih do, make ane fake 10¢ You've got nothing to wary Everday English Taking sbout poste rabies and) Pramunelaion Sounding sre and unsure 0 about resssunng someone 40 tink you shows go fort Reading Emats hing advice iin skis Acvicing a course of ation 8 iting An era wi aden Reading and listening entesion Reading An eral abot» foal eam Listening conversation about medial scheol intern Review an extension WORDPOWER Ei contuses words Sr g = a 2 Be ‘ Audiscrips n ‘swe ey B 6A Underline the correct words to complate the conversation, PAUL. I've got my Engish exam tomarrow moming MUM On, realy? So what time do you "should have fo ‘must be ot sehe0!? PAUL Well the exam starts at 9 o'clock, so|@mustnt/ don't have fo/ can be tate. MUM. think you 'shoulan¢/ mustn't? ought toleave feathar than normal in case there's lt of trafic PAUL. Yes, tha’ @ good idea MUM And what ao you going to do after the exam? PAUL Wel, Imustnt/ shouldn't don't have fo stay at school inthe afternoon. so Scan / should must come home for lunch, MUM Fine ust twa more things. t says on this information sheet that students °can/ must shouldn’tshow their icentity cards tothe examiner before the exam. PAUL Don't worry. | alvays take my ID card with me to schoo MUM It also says you “don't have fo/ must) canttuse a lcbonary during the exam, so don't take one with you. PAUL Yes, | know. eave tat home. MUM. OK, good. By the way, i's 10 cclock. You "shouldnt have to/ must goto bed late tonight. PAUL No, you're ight. go up now. MUM OK, good night And good luck for tomorrow! b QUAM Listen and check, © Match 1-6 with 2-f to make sentences. 1 [BJ The sence was tribe, so you shouldn't 2 Siow down! We're near a schoo, so you mustn't 3 CJ in my experience, you cont usually have to 4 Fi rmwerries about ning car in Ecuador think we shouls 5 isallright hee. The sign says you can 6 [It's Mums bithday tomerrow: Youve got to 2 takeoff your shoes when you go into someone's house in the USA. drive so fast © buy hera present this afternoon park your car hereafter 6.30 om. © read about the rules tor crvng in the guidebook beiore we decide 1 give the water ati YOU SHOULD WEAR GOOD WALKING SHOES GB GRAMMAR Modals of obligation ®VOCABULARY Compound nouns Match 1-8 with a-h to make sentences When | a0. on lng was in the forest, alas ake [7 Don't forget to pack your walking, 2] she bought anew backpack [0 rn gang buy that ctor cup fry rum atthe TT Should we check the guidebook about the city’s iterent neighbourhoods C1 Greg has worn a baseball Gy You should put en some sunscreen To tres story and has ved nhs cy his whee He, s0 he'd bea great tur 2 before we Book a hot? shen Shall nue reel | cont want anything to bte mt shoes, or else your fet are going to fut. cap ever since he started losing his hat ' @ h bbecause her old one was too smal uide. He's really friendly, oo. because wee gong fo be autside all day. EJPRONUNCIATION Word stress: compound nouns @ QUAI Listen to the compound nouns and underline the stressed word. 1 guidebook 2 insect repelent 3 walking shoes 4 backpack 5 tourguide 6 cufure sheck IT’S TASTIER THAN | EXPECTED 6B © GRAMMAR Comparatives and superlatives a Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 wasn't as /my I nearly nice /as / meal / expected ‘enear a Les 2 by far /is/xurious the mest ve /hatel stayed in this / ever 3. than tennis / much /1do plays / she / better 4 nearly foday hot /as / was as isnt yesterday /it 5 most these /are J ever / shoes / expensive / ve /the / bought 6 cheaper /go tothe restaurant / we / far / normally his restaurant is / than 7 erdest/that was/ the /Yve/ my in /exam/taken / fe & got/yesterday than usual eater ‘ome / she / evening b QTL Listen and check. € Correct two mistakes in each sentence. 1 He speaks quickier that | 00. He speaks more quickly than [do 2 London is many expensiver than Edinburgh, 43 They moke the better pizzas of Rome. 4 Colin is more clever that hs brother. 55 That wos the most cad flim | ever sean. 6 The exam wasnt near as hard that | expected 7 think thie is most pla racipa in the honk 8 At the moment, the weather in France litle more warm that in the UK. d QU Listen and check, GA VOCABULARY Describing food 2 Underline the corract worl ta complete the sentences 1 This coflee is too sour! biter sweet. | dont usually add suezt 2 Ta serve this pasta dish, add the sauce tothe creamy/ ‘hoovy! cooked epaghat, then top with parmacan chess. 3 When you make a sala, i's better to use cooked raw/ sour carols s0 they don't ose ther wins. 4 Sorry, | cant eat this cereal quietly. It's really crunchy ‘ort raw 5's the butter and mik in this sauce that makes it taste so crunchy | creamy! sour. 6 This yoghurt’ horrible. It tastes realy dhied/ heavy sour. When did you buy a? 7 Ws always beter to use fesh/ sweet! heavy herbs when you're cooking. They taste much nicet @ I had a realy ight! raw heavy diner last right, so didnt sleep very well b Complete the sentences with the words in the box, ‘add stir_mix_ mash chop iy squeeze serve heat up 1 You need to squeeze _ the juice from four large oranges to make a glass of orange juice. 2 When the potatoes are cooked, take thom out f tho water, then them wih ite butter and milk unt they are smooth and creamy. 3 Using sharp knife, peppers finely, then for about five minutes. 4 ate sat and pepe to te tomato sauce {and cook it slow for about iwenty minutes. 5 Tomake the sala the lettuce, tomatoes, ‘onions and cucumber tgether, put lite ol oll and balsamic vinegar on top and with some fresh bread and butter. 6 —___ the miaureof mi, butter and four in a ‘saucepan and ____ continuous with @ wooden spocn to ensure a smoath, creamy sauce. the onions and then in Ite eve it EVERYDAY ENGLISH Do you think | should take her somewhere special? 6C MP USEFUL LANGUAGE Asking for and giving recommendations @ Complete the conversation with the words in the box: worth should thine better recnenenond sila ai idea kidding were italy ‘Sowhere do you !__think 1 shouts take my mother on haicay? Bin? you, 1 take her somewhere warm, tke tay 1 You've been totaly ets of times, havent you? Where would you taking her? 8 Wel, you should ‘0 to Rome —its such 9 beautiful ity A That’ a good idea. And when © Er let me see, Wel, its not a good © 00 in July or August, as i's much too hot for sightseeing ten, 1S much 7 {0 go In May or June, wen itset quite 2s hot {And winere do you think we ® stay in Rome? Wel, there are some lovely hotels Inthe centre but theyre ‘at feast 200 eur a night You'e®. 1 had no idea it would be that ‘expensive cari afford to pay that much (0, wel in that case its probably finding a hotel outside the centre, then, Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for your advice. you go? b_ QUA Listen and check. © Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 You should detinitely fo visit? visting visithe British Museum when you're in London, 2 What dress would you wearing! wear/ fo wearto the party? 3 It's much better fake to fake! taking the train from London Uo Pars 4 Would you recommend gaing/ to g0/ goto Athens in August? 5 Its probably worth book/ booking fo ook hotel before you a. If were you, IY J if? td take the job in Gan Francisco. Dp you think | would’ shoul hal buy this watch? Ii not a good idea to change/ changing / change your money atthe airport, d QUA Listen and check. ® PRONUNCIATION Sounding interested a QUAIA Listen to the exchanges. Does Speaker B ‘sound excited or bored? Tick (¥) the correct box. 1A My boyfionas taking me to Paris this weekend! B Wow! That's amazing excited (7) bored (] 2 A Ie been offered a place at Harvard University! B Oh, roll? That’ gooe, cxcited L] bored] ‘A got the best exam grades in my class! B Thats amazing Welldane! —-excted(] bored [] 'A My dad's going to buy me a rabbit Wout Inat’s brant, excited (] bores 1k Johr's asked me to marry him! B Great m sohappy foryou. excited] bored [] A B We're soina on holiday on Saturday! kno can't wait ‘excited [] bored [] SKILLS FOR WRITING It’s definitely worth a visit Hook akon end hee or hit birthday and he able loved. Te atmosphere vorrei elanng ond he woters were end ond extremely Al he acd wos ‘eal eshand he porta wer onerous. The rama tel we hod lor our des vwosebichielydeous Paola ysis the best ese d= ope rome mum's of ous! Although aur diner washer expensive we dn rind eying eb mare thon {suclbeease he lod wos so good Pde recarmend thiestourent you wont ‘cat lovely food in lxing atmosphere. HAT ‘Acoleague recommended thi plc, bu we thought wo other dzoppining Fist (fol the ctmeghere won't ver losing Itwor. bi iy, perhaps becoune twos. Fridoy night and he esto or ule by. Alo, the mustewortoo oud 0 wom E them en we wee thereon the erace war slow: Unfortunately he or lood ‘rental ene) wou vey good: Our stake werea bi overcooked onthe soo ‘rem! vty eth, aly, the partons weve ery tg ond we hough the mes wo |) Sghiyovrprced Alin lm afd woul recommend i. D100 GP READING Read the reviews and tick (V) the correct column, Review A Review B 1 The reviewer really enioved the meal 2 The service wasnt very good 3. The quali of the food was good. 4. The review ofthe restaurants postive b Read the reviews again, Are the sentences true (7) or false (FY? 1 In Emma's opinion, the service was good. 2 Emma didn't enjoy her dessert. 3 Emma thought the price of ner meal was oo high. 4 There weren't many people there when Dav went to this restaurant 5 David had to wait along time for his food to ative. 6 David was rather disappointed by the quality of his fod. Pe usd Thai eg, ene (chicken prow fish sooo, sols etre © WRITING SKILLS Positive and negative language; Adverbs Underline the correct words to complete the sentences with a ‘strong’ or 2 ‘weak’ adverb, following the instruction in brackets. 1 The chacelate cake was fait /absabitely delicious, (strong) 2 Unfortunately, al the vegetables were rather completely ‘overcacked. (weak) 3 The food in that new restaurant was exremely/ a bitboring (weak) 4. [thought the portions were absoludly dy? rather smal. (weak) Tat new café is extremely / fay expensive. (stron) 6 thought the tomato soup was rather completely tasteless. (strong) 7. The san the hotel were reasonaby/ realy tend. (weak) 8B When we were there, the service was que extremey sow. (strona) WRITING Write two reviews, one for each of the restaurants in the tact files below. Une review stiould be mostly positive, the other mostly negative lion, plz, pot aio, Fah me acy BRE fos andgropsofyounapeone Ua Reading and listening extension DREADING a Read the text, Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 This tet is a newspaper article 2 The wntors name is Alex Walker 3. The writer says that she ery her fire vic to the iy espe ane or we problems. 4 The miter says that the city has improved, bb Read the text again and tick (7) the correct answers. 1 How ong has Alex Waker been mayor othe ci? a Dyatleast one year > [exact one year Tess than one ver 2 What does Ayesha say about txts during erst is? a [ Itwas impossible fr hero find one [5] She was not able ta use them, © They were eter nan pune traneprt 3 Why esha writing another report about the city? 2 1 She had been invite to an aniversary partyin the city. © [She has become a professona ural © [7] She heard that a lat of money had been spent on the city c 4 How has the train station improved since Ayesha as vist? 2 C1] Men are emoloyed to helper get fram the platform tothe ext b [7] She can at tom the piatorm tothe ext bv hers © C1 They have repaired the ol its onthe platform 5 ow many ofthe cash machines atthe stalin can Ayesha se easily? a Core b Oo © Othe How many diferent forms of transport aid Ayesha use to set around the city? 2 Lone > Ow © Di three Think about the place where you live. How easy or dificult do you think it might be for wheelchair users to get around your home town? Make notes about + public anspor (Do busesfvainsrams have deabad acooee?) + things todo and places to si (sit easy ta vist a museum or go shopping?) Use your nates to write a short review of disabled access for wheelchair users whore you live. HO ES EE This week is the first niversary of Mayor Alex Walker's promise to make ife in our city easter for disabled people. We asked disabled athlete Ayesha Omar to tell us about her experiences inthe city. Just over a year ago, CIty News invited ime hee for the day to do an interview. t tumed out to bee vst | wil never forget ~ unfortunately, fr all the wrong reasons. ‘As someone in Wheelchair, it was almost Impossible for me to get around the city. There was not neatly enough access t public transport and discovered that tans Were no better: none of ther had the Special doors need ta caty my wheelchai, ‘Theday wassuchanightmarethat decided tovritea story about my expeiencein the paper. After I wrote my story, Mayor Alex ‘Waker promised to meke things better in the cy and gave £6 milin to the project. Last wee, | etumed to ee the cy had improved. \arived at the train station early in the ‘morning, One year ago, the station only had staie up to the exit That meant that ‘three men had to carry me off the platform, which was by far the most embarrassing thing that happened to me during my last visit This yea, saw immediately that they had built anew lift. Wonderful! thought - but then | remembered something: the buttons. On ‘normal’ lifts, the buttons are sometimes too high for a person in 2 wheelchair That means | have to ask Someone to push the buttons for me. However the it inthe station hod buttons that were much lower so | wasable to push them myself was realy pleased, | decided to take a taxi into the city centre, 20, st of al | nceded to get some ‘money from the bank. Again, | am very pleased to say that when I found the line of three cash machines outside the station, ‘one of them was lower than the other two and soitwasthe rightheight for wheelchair Users. Later that day took bus anda tram and visited al the main museums, galleries {and shopping centres. There was access for ‘wheelchair users everywhere | went. Things ae stil not perfect and there is along way togo, but can honestly say that AlexWialker has kept his promise to disabled people in the city! GA USTENING 2 QULBA Listen to a conversation between three sludetils ~ Peeraya, Sylvie and Matt ~ and tick (/) the correct answers. 1 Which two students are meeting forthe frst ime? aC Peeraya and Matt b Ey Peeraya ana syive © C] SyWsieand Matt 2 How do Peeraya and Syhie know each other? a] They are going to Lverooc together. bE] They study English together. EJ They met on noiday in Thaland, 3 Peeraya and Syivie ask Matto 2 [| recommend a good, local restaurant '© 1] explain how ta make fish and chips cc EJ tellthem the best place to get a burger 4 Atthe and ofthe conversation, Peeraya and Syivie >] paree with Mats recommendation >] ask Matt to recommend something ese © Er decide toask someone else b Listen again. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Peeraya and Sy are planning a colebration forthe enc tthe Enoch cause! ter hend’ ita passing Ihwie Frain axame 2 Mat says hate ns lived in erpool or quite a long time! forquite a short ima sie 43 Peeraya and Syvietink thee willbe 18/ 20/ 21 peoole at the oalebraton 4. Syhiedoes na want to goto big! chain! family restaurant. 5 Both Peeraya and Syie woud ike to ty Bris sh and ‘chips! bat ana spley Thai seafood vadionel English cisnes. 6 Scouse isa tadtona dessert meat ash vegetanan dish in Liverpool 7 To get to Sarah's Bsr, Peeraya and Sylvie should turn rah tu let go straight cna he cash machine on Double Street. © Write a conversation between two people discussing how to celebrate the end of their English course, Use the questions below to help you. + How many people wil go? ‘Where wil hey go to eat Wil the pace be big enough? + Is anyone inthe class a vegetarian? ‘= Isthere any type of food that someone inthe class ‘cannot ea or example, fish)? eg Review and extension GRAMMAR Correct the sentences. 1 You must o arrive 30 minutes before the exam starts. You nuet arrive 30 minutes before tho exam starto. | thnk thisis the better Greek restaurant in Istanbul Last night we must take 3 tax because we missed the bus. His house fs more lose tothe university than yours. You mustn't parking ouside that schoo! He's more taller than his older bother You dont have to feed the animals in the zoo ~ t's forbidden. | think Spanish is easyer to learn than English VOCABULARY Correct the statements and questions. | Onthe fist day ofthe holiday, his rew walk shoes hurt his feet On the first day of the holiday, his new walking shoes hurt his feet. 2 Can | borrow your spoon so | can mix my coffee? 23 She said we should read the tour guide to avoid a lot of culture shock. 4 You need to fry the onion and gare before you puttin the pan 5 Mash the lemon and pour the juice over te fish {5 Ifyou putin too much sug, wl be to sour to ink 1 [@) Ion anyring can go 1 2 1 MvEnalsh exam went 3 (1 Unfortunatly al he tkets had gone Ha [1 Thestars next tthe it go 5 [] The tie you bought yesterday goes: 6 [] My father's hair has all gone: areal well with your biue shir downto the carpark © by hetime we got ther 4 wane because a brant oan fey now, but vas fl when he was young {really we think | paseo + REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review your progress on p, 78 of the Students Book. How well can you do these things row? verywell 2=Wwell 1 =natso well talk about advice and rules describe food 28k for and give recommendations write a review ota restaurant ot café. 40 IT MIGHT BE A 7A HOLIDAY HOME SB GRAMMAR Modals of deduction @ Match 1-7 with a-g to make pairs of sentences. a 1 [Bl They may have some relatives in Miami 2 [] She can' ive in that tiny at. 3] Theircars outside the house, but | haven't seen them fora few days, 4 [1 There are. it of people in our neighbour's garden, 5 [1] whyis Sam wearing a sut and te? 6 [she cant stil be living with her parents 7 THe doesn't have a very well paid job at the moment They could be away on holiday 1b That might be why he ist taking his family on holiday this year They might be having a party She's neary 40 years old ‘She told me it had four bedrooms ane! two bathrcoms, He must be going to his jo inter. Maybe hats why they go tere every Januar. u ee Sounded ike Spanish, & could mighthep me wth my Fench homework, then, They mustn coud cant be Poruguese That’ tue ~ Portugese and Spanish sound ait. Icitafomiy ora couple? It'must/ cant count bea family. They Scouts must! must nathave two o thee hilden How do you know thai? Ascause | sow some children's bits in their garden. Alo, there was acther woman in the car when they rived yesterday ~ sho was older than te mothe. A She might can count the children’s grandmother. B No, she ’can/ must can't be thai grandmother. She looked to youre A. Or she #must/cant/ cout te thei aunt? Or she Scant ‘might not can be 8 relative at al. She "may! cant can just bea fiend. She Neant/ might can be helping them fo unpack thei tings. B Why dont we go and say helo? A Butthey Yright not can! count speak English it can't could) must? be realy embarrassing B They “cant/coukhn' must speak English ust aw {nem speaking to one of ou neighbours ar they seemed to understand each athe. © QUZEM Listen anc check. 1b Underline the correct words to ‘complete the conversation. |A- Some new people have just moved into the house next door B Yes, | know. saw them yesterday when they ative, | think they're French, ‘A No, they !musin/ cant) ‘must be French. | heard them speaking a language that VOCABULARY Buildings Complete the crossword puzzle, Felt} Oley. > Aoross 2 used to ve in a very nolsy black of fats, 6 dike to Ine in a trienly. that has @ good primary schee! fer my children 7 Vhad a good ofthe sea from my hotel window. My office ison the 22nd 0 take the lif Down, 1 His new house is in a very convenient He can walk to the city centre in five minutes. 3 We hada lovely hott room witha large —_ outside, where I could ead my book and sunbathe, 44 lott Amercan nouses have @ large under the house where the children can watch TV and play 55 When you get to my oulding, rng the and ‘come down to meet you Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 the top of my house there's a balcony! an attic! a basement vere we keep ll the things we dont use any more 2 When lived in Rome, | ocatea rea rented a try balcony/ fat! fanling that only had two rooms 3 Go up the stars tothe fanding/ hall’ basement onthe fst balcony step lar. My bedroom isthe fst onthe ght. 44 The principal” font? infant of dn has te hacks ews steps o lake both keys when you leave the house. 5 I'm moving off out of away this fat next Saturcay and ‘moving in on nto my new fat on Sunda. 6 ik tsi eutside on the trace landing’ frst fer. ts lovely on warm summer evenings. © PRONUNCIATION Modal verbs: final /1/ and /d/ sounds (O1GEA Listen. Tick (V) the sentences where you clearly hear the final A/ or Aa of the medal verbs He must have ich patents 2 (_] She can't be revising for her exams tonight. 3 ©] They might enjoy going to the 200. 4 7 You could inte Jenn to your cat 5 [] We rmust be quite near the centre now 6 John must ean alot move meney than her. THERE ARE PLENTY OF THINGS TO DO GBGRAMMAR Guantifiers a Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ‘toomany plenty many no come afew little enough (x2) 1 She doesnt have many clothes for work, so she needs to buy 2 There isnt time to eat before the fm. 3 There are ‘cars on the roads these days. 4 We've got. of time before the fim stars, 0 let's go fora cafes 5 He knows quite people in Quito, so he won't be lonely 6 msory, but there are. tickets left for tonight’ show. 7 She isn't fit yetto run a marathon 8 Ihave very money let, som not wor, cout tonight b Correct the sentences. 1 mate because mere was much trafic in me city centr. Inate because there was alot of traffic inthe ‘dityeentn, 2 Unfortunately, there aren't no good restaurants near here, 3 He went pass his exams because he hasmt worked ‘enough hard this year. 4 Isthere many mile B Yes, weve got plenty of 5 There wore loo much pepe in the queue atthe ur son 6 There are to itl eggs inthe ridge to make an omelette, 7 My father’s ton much old to play tennis these davs. 8 She made lat of mistakes inher translation VOCABULARY Verbs and prepositions ‘a Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. He pald about/ around / forthe clthes wih his credit card Teomplainod to the recentioniet about for! from the dy carpets in my om. They apologised to their teacher about/ for! with not doing all thee homework. ‘We try to eryeln all af cur mibhish hacause we care fort about! withthe environment if you get into trouble, you can usually depend about! for/ an your family to help you. ‘She's thinking about/in/ ather exams. Itwasnt easy forthe children to cope about / with / or ‘moving to Singapore, ‘Mer five years in Tokyo, he suoceeded ford 0! learning Japanese. b Complete the sentences with one word from each of ‘the boxes. rely complained beveve apologised belongs argued cope worried tab2)_with (2) about (K2)_im_on 1 When | was it, | used to belleve __in__ shots. She's fining t hard to. _- the stress of her new ob. 1 Lin for forgetting her birthday You can always a the trains run very regulary Marcos getting _____hisjob because his company wants to save money "think that cat ricighours. He went across the street and —___ the noise is neighbour was making. ‘when they saw how expensive their meal was, they —_— ‘the waiter abou the bl the metro ‘one of my 42 7C EVERYDAY ENGLISH Is there anything we can do to help? USEFUL LANGUAGE Making offers and Fequests and asking for permission '@ Match questions 16 with responses a. 1 [@] Do you thnk you could help me with the shopping begs? 2 11 bsthere anything | can do ta hela? 2 Do you think | could have a quick shower? 4] May | use your phone? 5 [J Ist OK itt watch the news on TV? 6 [Would you mind taking your shoes off 2. Sure, na problem. Let me turn i on for you 1b No, not at all. Where shall! leave them? Yes, ofcourse I’ inthe hall Sure, take them into the kitchen for you. Yes, of course. Lat mo got you 2 tow Yes, there is, actualy. Could you lay the table for me? b QTE Listen and check. GAPRONUNCIATION Sounding polite @ QUE Listen to the pairs of questions. Tick (V) the ‘question that sounds more polite: a or b. © Complete the responses with the words in the box, There is one exira word you do nat need, 1 @ Would you mind getting me some more water? [7] cae bey an Ta Da Sa To 3 Yauco nndsunt neon man aes 2 @ Doyou think you could lend me some money? [] 1A Do youthink | oul teow your camer tomorrow? 1b Doyou thik you could lend me some money? [] 2) mos ane oneabraron 3.1 w#OMt mate moste coe: [] anything eae tohelp’ 1b Is it OK If make myself a coffee? [] B Noit's fine, ___. | think | can fix it 4 a Doyou think | could borrow your car? [] 3A Do you think you could give me a hand with this maths 'b Do you think | could borrow your car? ["] recut 8:2 dopamine rics acon cat . Let me nave @ look at it > Do you mind if | make @ quick phone call? [_ © Cow estar 6A eon 3 eld ape 6 4 Inngy © {Okie soem @ ieee ‘enc nt something special for lunch Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 Would you mind open f opening to open that doc for me? Ie itOK'F | laave/ lot? cout eave my coat here? ‘A Do you think fa J would could have a cup of tea? B Yes, of course. /shal/ 111 I would make one fr you. 4k Would you mind if fused / use/ Jt use your toilet? B Net at all Jaave/ lat! AMlow me show you whara its 5 Is there anything nothing! @ thing can do to help? 66 Excuse me. Do you think you wil/ could would tur the music down a ite, please? It realy hard to talk in here. 3 © QUAM Listen and check. 70 READING Make yourselves at home SKILLS FOR WRITING WRITING SKILLS Offering choices ‘a Read the note and tick (/) the correct answer. ‘2 Sara hasnt eft ay food in her ridge for Paul bE) You cant walk tothe city centre from Sara’ house. ¢ C) Paui's children won’ get bored in Barcelona 4 You cant go swimming at 1a Rarcelaneta bb Read the note again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (FY? 1. Paul ngods to goto the supermarket ta huy some bread fr breakast. 2 There aren't any big supermarkos in Barcelona 3's easy to tke the bus fam Sara's house tothe cy cent. 4 Pauis children wauld enjoy a vst the Museum of isons '5 Paul can't go swimming with his children in Barcelona HiPaull Welcome to Barcelonal Hope you had a good trip from Dubin and ‘that it wasnt dificult to find my house ard get the key from my next-door neighbour Help yourself to anyshing you inn the fridge ard the Kitchen ccupooerds. For breakfast tomorrow morning you can have cereal with mik Otherwise, there's plenty of bread to maks toast and _youl fina butter and strawoemy jam inthe fridge. IFyou need to go shopping for lunch or dinner the nearest ‘supermarket is on Aveiguda Diagonal abig street that goesinto ‘the city centre. You probably pascsadit:on your way to my house. ‘Alternatively, you can drive to the shopping certrenear the ‘stadium, which has everything you need, By the way. you can get into the centre by taking the bus from the ‘end of my Street, The bus runs every fifteen minutes or sa, Another ‘option io to walk, Ir takes about 25 minutes to walk into the centre from here, but t's good exerciee “There are plenty of things todo ard seein Barcelona. You can take ‘the kids to La Barceloneta, where youcan have a picnic and swim in-theoea, Another poset i vo vist the Museum of usions. | ‘thin they enjy going ta both places. Apart from that there are Alot of good shops in thecty centre and also ploy of rice coffee shops andrestaurants fyou prefer to eat-out. Fall fyou need some axeriee, there's. ia svimiina pool on Gant ‘Andreu Altemativey the weathers nice, you and the ds can eo bike rig n La Cltadala ve got extra bikes nthe garage. ‘Anyway enloy your stay! Talk-to you soon Love, Sara Use one of the words or phrases in the box to connect the sentences. Make any necessary changes. There is more than one possible answer. ‘Another option is Otherwise Alternatively Apart from that Another possibility 1s 1 You can take the train from here to Granada. Or there is 2 bus that runs every wo hows. You can take the train fom hero to Granada. Apart rom that there ipa bus that runs every nwo hours. 2 There's a good shop atthe end of my road, You could aso fo to the huge supermarket, which is just before you get to the motonnay. 3 You cam get good view of Landon from the London Eye (Or you can go tothe top of The Share building 4 Tuggest you go tothe beach early in the morning, before it ‘ets foo hol, You could also go late inthe afternoon. 5 Why don't you go to that Italian restaurant near the station? | (r you could try that new Japanese restaurant in the | ark square. | WRITING Read the notes. Write a note to Pascale, the babysitter who is going to look after your two young children this evening. Sieserenee Noteto Pascale Eire gamue D Dents &sracts Spongetod Squarepants) reacotee tie Hot Fanaa yy 48 Guomrcne Frage Geesoeisctsentsle tate Seieeue tig, Selbetine soy of, he 2) Dinner for chidren Gniftalo| The Cat the at Tobiopacicen 9 rayne nuggets in nde. es 555-342 (Me) Fea Geto cerned throne) UT Reading and listening extension (DREADING Read the article. Match paragraphs A-D with bb Read the article again and put the information in the functions 1-6. There are two extra functions you order that it's presented. do not need. D2 possible benefit of recent changes to Detroit D1 Parneranh & 1 Paragraph ¢ Dy businessman whose relatives ar from Detroit Paragraph 8 Ty Paragraph 0 [Ty how ol pars of Detroit have charged ecenty i tocksntbe fie teinditloneed Bother names for Detroit 2 toexplin that education in Detroit has become worse Fy popular songs that came from Detroit 3 tomakoapradicton abou the future of Data HJ a businessman who made Detret fais 4 toshow that Detroit helped a singer become famous Cy the number of peopie who lve in Detroit 5 toshow that Detroit might be improving tne numberof people who used to vein Detroit 6 to show the reader why Detroit is an important place the way people might think about Detrotin the future: Ei where many peosle inthe city used to work © Think about your home town or another place that you know well. Make notes about: where itis how od itis * same famous people who have lived there ‘some things itis famous for / things that you can any nd in that place * some important changes that have happened therein the last 50 years. Write a short essay about this place. A. DETROIT was at onetime one of the most famous ces in © Hantz and Score, who bath have family connections in the United States, and perhaps even the world. This wae the Detroit, cared about what was happening there. They City where Henry Ford bul the Ford Motos Company in 1903, | aso both believed inthe same very simple idea — urban and it did't take long for Dettoitto become known as Motor | farms. Together, they bought alot of empty land in the city City’ Later, ‘Motor City’ became simply ‘Motown, which was, | and then pulled down 50 old houses. Instead of broken of course, the name gven tothe popular American music of buildings, there are now fields of trees, Once Hantz and {he 19608 and "70s that came out of the city including Diana Score had succeeded in sowing what could be done with Ross and the Supremes, who had hts ike Where Dd Ourlove | all hat ematy land, a lot of ather people started to create Go?, and Stevie Wonder, whase sonas inctided Superstition their own gardens. Men and wornen who used to build cars “oxy, however, Detot isa very ferent pace. and lorries are now planting fruit and vegetables. And now In 1950, the city had a population of 1.8 wilion and tere Something even batter has happened ‘were nearly 300,000 men and wornen working ints car | Din the fist fen years ofthe 21st century, crime increased and factories. Nowadays, that population i just 700,000, and many residents became worried about safety on the steets, only a small number of people have jobs connected with ‘at ight But now, incredibly, crime has fallen and many ‘the carindusty. So many people moved out of Detroit residents believe this must be due to the new urban farms ‘after 2001 tha, by 2010, more than a third of Detoits ‘and gardens. Although it has not been proven whether the houses, factories and schools were empty. In alt af ‘new green spaces are the reason that rime has gone down, neighbourhoods, not only was there no more noise from the | youcan be sure that no ane in the city is complaining about ‘lfc, but there was also no mare music. The city was so itl Perhaps this could be a change other cites around the «old and dark that many people thought the city had died, world could fer fin, anu i migtt no belong before ‘Then businessmen John Hantz and Michael Score moved i, “Motor City’ becomes known as “Green City. LISTENING @ QUAD Listen to a group of friends talking, Match 1 6 with o-f to make sentences, 1 They must 2 C They can't 3 F] One of them has to $y Seve of tet re to 5 Kats the person whois 6 [1] Benisthe person whois describe a place tothe othos. be piayng some kina of game. talking about a house. explaining how to play the game. craw something. be in the university lorry bb Listen to the conversation again. Tick (V) the correct, answer, 1 On het tur, Katia gets a Littvee b []twene c [1] sixteen 2 Luis and Daniela have to draw what she describes 2 C1) onthe same piece of paper bE using a special king of penci ¢ C] without looking at their picture 3 Where would Katia's dream hame be? 2 Dina village bp EJ masmal town c Lina big city 4. What would Katia be able to see from her dream home? [2 beautiful mountain take b [her favourite shopping centre [1 some famous places ‘5 What would Katia's dream home be? a C1] anapartment » La cottage c Dapatace 6 What size would Katia’s dream home be? 2 [] small and cosy bE] medium-sized cc Ci) very large Where would Katia like to have picnics and parties? @ [1 in Pushkin Square b Clon her balcony ¢ C1 inher kitchen 8 What kind of kitchen would she lke to have? a Ja kitenen with gold tates and chairs b [] 2 modem kitchen with lots of technology ¢ CJ anotd-fashioned kitchen © Write about your dream home, Remember to include: + thelocaton # theviews the size/ numberof rooms * the type of hame * what the building looks ike. eg Review and extension G3 GRAMMAR Correct the sentences, 1 He’ not ansiering the phone, s he must tobe away on hokday. Hebnot ansnerina the phone, so he mustbe aay onal Jarge ist enaugh goed at fetal fo play for the seo team, ‘She mustnt be the manager ~ she eoks too young! There's much tafe inthe town centre during rush hour. They mustn't be doing their homework a the moment ~ i's almost micnight! “The maths exam was tao much dificult for mest of the people in my clas. VOGABULARY Correct the sentences. 1 His new fats in an excallent place. There's a beautiful park on his rood and the met station's only a five-minute walk anay, His new flat Is nan excllent location. There's a beautiful parkon his road and the metro station's only a five-minute walk aye ‘She compainted tothe water about the dit glass. I can't afford to buy a flat tthe moment, sa fm going to hire a fat inthe city centre. Don't worry about the bill pay the meal "ive in a really nice neighbour — everyone's very friendly, 66 When he told me about the accident, | didn believe in him ath ‘E) WORDPOWER £ Match 1-6 with a-fto make sentences. 1 [Bi] Iveco sen her thee or fur tines over | 2 Later abut tee minis, tin he steak ore 33 Z. ttusually takes about seven hours to fly over 4 L Ifthe match starts at 3 o'clock, it should be over 5 CL) By 2080, tnere will be over 16 Di Theres ghssallre 1 ate Alani New York o London, 2 the pst 20 years © and cook the others. 4 thefoorbecase | cropped a ves. $e lObilon peopl ng nthe planet ty equate fe ~ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look agin at Review your rogress on p. 80 ofthe Student's Book. How well can you do these things now? very well 2=well 1-=not so well describe a building describe 8 town or city make offers and requests and ask for permission ‘write a note with useful information, 8 A | REPLIED THAT I’D BEEN BORED WITH MY MUSIC (} GRAMMAR Reported speech _ EAVOCABULARY Sharing information 2 Cornet the mites n the sorte ered toes Tose Fon vs one mise ineach sentence. aa ee eee phone my meer is eee exer Jo sll at's eh ta phone my mather this evening. 2 "You should wat behind this line und it your turn ‘She sad | should wait behind this line unl itis your turn. 3 ‘Are you going tothe meeting this afternoon?” ‘When I talked to ner last Friday, she asked 10 me ifm going, to the meeting tis afternoon, “He might be about 50 years old” ‘She said me he might be about 50 years old 5 He aig, Tm som, But cant find your poston Facebook He tld he's sory, but he cant find my post on Facebook, 6 “Did you see your uncle whten you were in New York last mori? ‘She asked me oid | see your uncle when I were n New York last month, 7 ‘Goodbye, Anna, Ise you next week He utd Alia te wil Sexe wee, bb Complete the reported speech with the correct verb form. Chango the tense where possible. 1 "Mack's coming to stay wth me next weok She sid that Maddv was coming to stay with ber the, following week, 2 *Mestin has just sent me a est He said that 3“ phone you when | get home rom work Hetold me 4 "Rew yu going 0 cord your braher an ene hieatermoon?” He asked me 5 ‘Why can you lend me some money? She asked me 5 "ru nee tn to ving inmerntly At ie ee your papers. “The teacher said that we 7 ‘Lwant you to take these flowers to your grandmother She told me: @ Underline the correct wards ta complate the santances 1 She post / sent /cefvered photos on instagram of her trp to Istanbul 2 think it’ a god idea for us told / deliver brainstorm doae bofore the mecting with our boss. 3 Did you see the flyer about the Black Friday sale the electronics shop delivered gained got last week? ' 4 He tld me he put up/ sent” posted her two texts this scning, Pl ha atl hase elie 15 Why dont you have/ talk Brainstorm a chat wth your colleague before you complain to your bess about him? 6 We saw someone putting up/ posting sendinga poster a school about a film right on Friday 7. Have you listened fo/ created! made that podcast | told you about yel? This week's enisode was really funny. 8 The human resources department should gie/ fold! subscribe oa meeting about these new the ofce Complete the crossword puzzle. Ful PDOp ATE cross 1. This podeast releases a new ___every Monday. ts my favourite part of starting the week! 5 I dont ike tis news st, The items are updated — ‘only ance a day, 0 I never know i ve missed an important stoy. 7 preter to have a phone _____ instead of writing {an email for important work communication. Its nice to hear your client's voice sometimes. 8 I ound a new —__of news podcasts. Theyre Informatie ana entertaning atthe same tm! ¥ Down 2 Look at this__'m going to put up at work. We're going to have a huge sale! 3. Someone fam that new Mexican restaurant. this fer with thei menu oni tooks good 4 I1__to this podcast, then the new episodes ‘will Gownload to my phone automatically 6 check ine___on my Facebook account al te time, That wey | abways know what my friends ate doing! 8B SETTING UP THE WEBSITE WAS EASY GB GRAMMAR Verb patterns a Complete the sentences with the -ing form or the fo-+ infinitive form of the verb in brackets. 1 Reading — (read) a good book isan excellent way to relex before (go) to bed. 2 She romembored 600) the film in the cinema when she was a ile gr 3 twill be extremely eiffcut the World Cup Final 4 We promised time the nextday, 5 He dint enjoy 6 Would you ming (et) a ticket for (coene) ak atthe same (ost) his grandparents ‘oait) here for me while | get changed? 7 Instead of (go) tothe bookshop, they went tothe lorry (see) if they could borrow a copy of The Great Gatsby, 8 Inmy opinion, ifs not worth the new Spielberg fim. pay) to see bb Correct the sentences, 1 I phone Felive ask him fhe wanted playing tennis this weekend, | phoned Felipe toask him ithe wanted to play tenn thisweckend 2 Dont forget giving mo back my book whan you've fished read it 3. He admitted to steal the woman's handbag, 4 We hoped finding a good place to eat on one of the streets near the station 5 He threatened teing my parents what | ad done 6 Its really mportant teach your chikven how eressing the road safe, 7 Sha didn’t know which back buying her bather for his birthday. 8 You promised hoping me with my Homework! GAVOCABULARY Reporting verbs a Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. warn edvise refuse offer agree susgest 1 “You should apoly fo the marketing director position. He —adulseal her to apaty fr me marketing drector poston, 2 “Yes, thats fine. happy to sel you my car for £5,000, She ___to sell me her car fr £5.000, 3. Why don we g0 the beach tomorrow?" He ___going tothe beach the nextday. 4 "Be carefull Dont touch that plate ~ is hat” He —___ her not ta touch the plate because it was hot 5 im not going to lend you any more money.” |_____to en her any more money, 6 "Fyou tke, | can give you a lift tothe bus station. He to give usa o the hus station b Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1 She doesn't know where the tes ace, she’s grin ta advise ask! threaten the wate. 2. Bilas parents dont usualy allow him to come home ater midnight, but he promised recommended wamed he ‘would text them at 1 am to let them know he was OK, 3 What beaches do you recommend persuade f ask isting, wile we are in Florida? 4 Their neighbour persuaded advised threatened to cal the police if they didnt turn dawn the music 5 The radio asked warned / promised us ofthe snow and tafe on the motorway. {6 Casey didn't want to goto the cancert, but his itriend offered persuaded' threstenedihim to go. Hehad a great time. © ULB Listen and check. On the whole, | prefer taking action shots EVERYDAY ENGLISH 8C GB USEFUL LANGUAGE Generalising Put the words in the right order to make sentences. 1 be/flm (of /henest, the /was/ boring kind /to he lm wae kind of bor 2 my/tend / Americans /be / experience friendly /to/ very i 3. notmaly/that/ ting /o/1/ ke / kind / dont “4 ye, 17a / Hed / fl /the new / on © PRONUNCIATION 5 songs / of /his/ can / depressing / some / rather / be The sounds /h/ and /w/ 6 2 /clfee Walon is /vle, excelent as {2 OBIE Listen to the sentences. Put the words in bold in the corect columns. b QUA Listen and check. years 2 They went the wrong way and got lst 3. Whase suitcase was the heaviest? 4 wrate along etter to my uncle in Scotland GA CONVERSATION SKILLS Being vague Creare naa 4 Complete tha sentences with’the words in the bow: 66 She had to wat two hours for the next tain to London. ieee ue eae ee 1 He tikes hip hop and rap music -you know, stuff tke that 2 We had a_____of days wren itwas cloudy ‘and rainy but, on the we had prety good weather, 9. Mt teh all that in his afiee, please. 4: She likes watching documentaries about animals and nature and that of thing. b QUA Listen and check. b QULKM Listen and check. SKILLS FOR WRITING Fortunately, everything was all right 8D READING @ Read the email and tick (/? the correct answer. 2 [1] Thealigator attacked Pongo and broke his leg. b C1 The alligator bit Pam and broke her leg ¢ Pongo was afraid of he aligator and didn't stay with Pam, 0] Pam broke her leg while she was walking with Pang [read an amazing story nthe newspaper this morning about a dg ced Pongo who saved his ‘owner's fe nrg. seems at ns omar, Pam Even, who Is 78 years O16, Wa walking near a lake when she fel oun and broke here, Untrturatay, se couldnt move and dd thave a mobile ‘shone, so she could cal for help. At tht moment, huge allcaor came cut ofthe lake and started ‘walking towards Pan, reatetng to atak her needy, Pongo was ightened by teller and, _sppareiy ho start fighting it ory and protset Pam. Amazingly afar flow mn, te allgatoe gave up yng to tiack Pam and wont back no the lok, Fortunately, aman who was neath ake ‘th is dog heart Pongo barking and came io rescue Pam. seems that he tien phoned for an ambulance, which imme tok Pam to hospital. Luckly, neither Pam nr Pongo was fut nthe attack and Pam has now made aul recovery. bb Read the email again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (FY? 1 Pam Evans is a doz called Ponwo. 2 Pam couldn" phone for help because her mabile phone was broken. 3 When Pongo saw the aligator, he was very fightened and ran away 4 The man near the lake called fr an ambulance. 5 Pongo was seriously injured by the alligator, WRITING SKILLS Summarising information WRITING 4 Read the notes. Write the story. FAMILY’S LUCKY ESCAPE WHEN CAR CRASHES INTO HOUSE (Car crashed into house. Manchester. Family watching TV in living room at time of Use one of the words in the box to connect the sentences, ‘making any necessary changes. You can use some words ‘more than once and sometimes there is more than tone possible answer. before who but with and that 1. The man spent several hur lanking fr his son Unfortunately, he couldn't find him anywhere, ‘The man spent several hours looking far bis san but. unfortunately. he couldn't find him anywhere 2 | heard a story onthe radio about an elephant. Apparent, it ston a car in a safari park 3 The 12-year-old girl took her father’s motorbike, She rode it for 40 km along the motorway. The police stopped her near Valencia ‘4, The woman hit the teenager hard on the head with her umbrella Thon she used his motile phane to call he police. '5 Amanda escaped from the burning bulking by breaking 2 window. She used her shoe to break the window. 66 There was an incredibie story on the news about a baby in China, She fet rom a fount foor window She wasn't nur because @ man inthe set caught her accident, Heard loud noise. Driver lost control of car. Drove straight through front door. Stopped 2 metres from kitchen. ‘No one seriously hurt. Unver & 3 passengers only rinor injuries, Police were called. Arrived 5 minutes later. Front of house badly damaged. Car removed. Took fire service 6 hours. Reading and listening extension OG) READING Read the article and tick (¥) the correct answers, 1 Why has the article been writen? a [1] toencourage mar students to tke courses in journalism 1 EE} to expan wy carers jou have Leanne popula © Eto show the advantages and dsadvantages of a career in Journalism 2 Whohas the article boon writen fr? 2] owners ot naus organisations » Ly proessional journalists ¢ [] students who study journalism 3 Which ofthese things da Mercedes and Skanna have in common? 2] They bath ean good money at their ob 'b El They bath love their work © Cy The bath stuced journalism at univers. 4 Mercedes and Shanna agree that pple who want to become Journalists 2] need to travel al over the word bE] shoul be realy interested i journalism Ey wl have to work at weekends bb Read the text again and tick (¥) the correct answers. Mereades Shanna Neither Moroadoe nor Shanna 1L_works when they are traveling v 2 onlows thinking about the readers of thelr stories 3 -hasa parent who was aso a journalist 4 ces nat sleep very much 5. won a prize for journalism while at university 6 often writes move than one story ina day 7 always knew they wanted to be a Journalist & became a journalist by accident takes their own photos for their stories 10 has i etme i the momings 11 wor fom home 12 writes stories of 1,000 words © Read the notice from a student magazine. Write @ short article. ‘We are looking for people to telus about their work or study ‘experiences. We would lke you to wit a short article explaining: + what your job is or what you ore studying + ‘why you have chosen the job or course that you are doing * a typical day at work oat university for LIFE Areport this week anmoun eee ata Pace Pome ete eat eer gee as eas Ee eee Atypical formers at 7am The mang is atvaysthe hades atthe daybecase ane twwokallthe tine what any beaks. nl ae see eg so ion ea od intatine Fis hare oneview pope rth story andsometines that means taveing along way usualy goby tanso hate ‘on wang nny ape. 1a eee tank aout phws forthe slr. These dys, usual bape fiam apt agency but sometinesaphotoaper goes ithe on sty | sly hare to wea stro abut 100 wrdsandit cane ayia ‘hain on ew hos 8 4p fn sual eased bat dot rama av work ut pr ‘hare wanted tobe journalist snes ve yeasoland tied journalism a woes, 0 woking fr newspapers been area come re. urs sa greater bt cate averse ne that doesnot pay very wel Anyone whois thinking of becoming journals needa now ta POs ucady erm rae had neer had any paso became purast bathe tte my bas: og when essllatunivesty. was ening ie as student sowhen anes onniation fed pay fry repr mmedately accept. eventual lef une to big time ee tag oe ne stay dyeing ape ‘yay starts at am hn ek tein bed to nd ot what hashappened rund the wal arin the ight start repaing ny step at arurd 430m, andi ely shed and ‘ony webste by 5.0m. oma diy can expactto write meyers reports andl usualy manage st east two tie of them tones agence sally excting when an agency france curt buys ane of my repr ove th de that something ht ent ny ren chron by none a DibalorLondon | make ond one bt woh frit fen tg tbe url 11pm antsy wrksren dasa wel wold that yusterelln ove without cee Fexyou @ILISTENING @ QUIT Listen to a conversation between two friends, Kathy and Cindy. Are the sentences true (7) or false (FY? 1 One ofthe women bought a painting. 2 One ofthe women bought something that she isnot happy with ‘One ofthe women fas been in an argument in a shop. (One ofthe women has bought a pair of boots (One ofthe women has some good news. ‘One ofthe women isan arti (ne of the women is complaining about somethin. One ofthe women isthe menager ofa shop. b Listen to the conversation again and tick (¥) the correct answers, 1 When did Kathy buy the boots? a inthe morning b Cy yestercay © last wook 2 Why i Kathy think he boots were goed value? 2 [They were hat pice © Ly They were designer boots © E They only cost £50. 3 The problem was that Kathy was given boots. aL] that had been damaged » Dl ofthe wrang size © Fy inwhite instead of brown 4. Katy dit notice the problem until ater because the shop assistant fui ee toe or er b [7] hid the protiem rom her c [7] gave her the wrong box 5. Tha manager of the shop a Cotter to ave Kathy another par ot boots b Ey promised to ge Katy a refund © Fy tues to ive Katy her money back 6 Wats Katy going to do next? 2 L] She's ing to call the pote b [Z| Sheis not sure what todo next © Ly Shes going to selthe boots © Write 2 conversation between ‘two people who are Kathy's ‘friends. Person A tells Person B what happened to Kathy; Person B asks questions. Listen to the conversation again and make notes to help you retell the story. e Review and extension 0) GRAMMAR Correct the sentences, 1 She said me she didn't tke horrr fis. ‘She told me ale did't Ike horror filma, 2 They asked me was | going tothe football match, 3. He has agreod taking us tothe airport, 4 When | phoned him lastnight. he sad he has ust ished bie exam. 5. She advised me not tell anyone about our meeting 6. Yesterday, he fold he would help me with my homewark, 7 Tm rally looking forward to see you on Sunday. © VOCABULARY Correct the sentences. 1 You should subscribe this new podcast series You should subscribe to this new podcast sartes. 2 | suggest postin atest before you phone her. 3 Do you have time to hold chat ater today? 44 He aguced me to buy new laptop because mine 6 over ve years od '5 How often is this newleed updated? 6 She asked us that she would send an email when she arved 7 We ual la Liatstary sre ies this i ©) WORDPOWER £ Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, ‘There ae some beautful photos of Venice fon this magazine. | sent rim @ message nf on Facebook but he hash". repliod yt 3. eter to watch this Fim in/ cna big seen atthe ‘You aba took su prety nr past ‘There's always an easy crossword in on my newspaper. Is there anything god in on TV tonight? Can you pay me in/ on cash, pleasa? ‘Do you havo this Fair in/ one larger see? ~ REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review your progress on p. 102 ofthe Students Book. How well can you do these things now? vey well 2=well I =notso well talk about podcasts 7 talk about what other people say oO | o ‘generalise and be vague write an omall summary ofa news story. 52 BINGE WATCHING HAS BEEN CRITICISED BY DOCTORS GBGRAMMAR The passive 4 Put the words in the correct order to make passive sentences. 1 20 cameras fnew f wil / Star Wars/ the f made fm be/ using ‘Thenaw Star Wars fm willbe made using 2 camara, 2 by/ directed / Steven Spielberg / asthe fim | Ready Player One. 3 the/ been /come /have /tdld/o/ at back//3 pm /actors 4 every are/ ms / made /Boliywood / year /in/ 1,000 5 seen / over 100 milion / was /in f people is fst weok/ by the flm Avengers: Endgame 6 interviewed /on/ atthe moment the being /1V 7 president is 7 cats / every / 200,000 / produced factory yea /by are our 8 Used /this od is / house /in/ being/ fim /the b Rewrite the sentences. Use the passive. 1 Inthe 1990s, they bult 250,000 new houses every year. ing Teoh pn DoD nae 2 Thuy gra freien vale of ange i Unis ea ee 3 The government will ave students a loan to pay for their university fees. Students 4 They are creating the special effects withthe atest animation sattware. The special effects 5 Thayve asked the actors to give ome of thelr monay to charity, The actors {6 He was driving the car really fast when the accident hannened, Tre car 7, The journalist asked the pop star about his new album. The pop star & Alle pit in 2 pink dress gave the president biz bunch of flowers The president GAVOCABULARY -ed/ -ing adjectives @ Underline the correct adjectives to complete the sentences. 1 I watched a fascinating fascinated documentary on TV lastnight about tigers. 2 Iwas so boning bored during his lecture that | almost fll asleep, 3. That was one of the most lerifing/ tered oor films Ive ever seen, 4 Tm looking forward to doing nothing when | go on holiday nest week. Its going ta be so relaxing relaxed. 5 The children were really disapointing! dlsappointed when Uncle Paul didn't bring them a present. 6 This cloudy, wet weather i so depressing/ depressed. We ‘naven't had sunshine n Weeks! 7m not really interesting! intrestedin modern art. 8 It you'e nol satshng/ satisfied wit the sence, you should complain 9. Did you see Pacia laughing during te professor's lecture? ‘She looked very amused / amusing 10 Our teacher told us we were probably going to get bad marks in his test, He wasn't very motivating motivated. Now | realy don’t want to study. PRONUNCIATION Sound and spelling: final -ed in adjectives @ OULU Listen tothe sentences. Choose the sentence with the same -ec sound in bold 1 He was fascinated by the fm taller. 4 []She was inspied by the story of Greta Thunberg They were disappointed vith the quality ofthe food 2 Wewere surprised by the violence inthe fm 2 [Tie tet depressed after watching the environmental documenta [1 They were tored after watching ony 15 minutes ofthe fim. 3 Wellsteed to his jokes and were not amused. 2 Cl was inspired to cook beter aftr watching that TV programme. b CoMy mum was shocked bythe news 4 They were depressed afer they ead the story. 4 [Tho student et motivated when they lft the classroom. b [she was embarrassed by her boss 9B GRAMMAR Defining and non-defining relative clauses a Rewrite the sentences. Use the information in brackets as 4 non-defining relative clause. 1 The opera singer gave us some free tckels to her concert {Her husband sa famous author) I - aves some free tickets to her concert, 2 While you're in tal, you should isthe town of Verona (There is 4 beeuttul Roman amphitheatre in verona.) 3 LeBron James sot up a children’s chart in 2004, (He isa profesional basketball player). 4 Chicharito Isa Mexican footballer. (His real name is Javier Heméndez Balcszar) 5 Ridley Scot wae the director ofthe film The Morin. (t \was about an astongut who was abandoned on Mars) 6 First we went to Pais and then we took the tran to Lyon. ‘le Paris, we visited he Fite Tower 7 Inmy opinion, Taylor Swifts best album is Falkore (She released itn 2020.) 8 Borack Obama is giving a lak a our universiy next month, (He was peesident ofthe USA from 2009 to 2017.) VOCABULARY Music @ Complete the words in the text (Dwhen was in London st summer went toasuperb concert ‘during the BBC Proms. whichis a Hestival of csi ‘mus athe Raal Aber Hal Regret to hear a yrahonyo° 8 concerto when 7a, tyinta______of profess who we lying) They ped mprnies by Mable nd Bethown and there was ao ahuge of 80 people that sng Mozart’ Raquem Atthe endl of the concert everyone inthe Ty stood up and gue the pera sandrg vation whieh Beta for over Fier @ tee just heard on the radio that the band have been in the *:___ sti torte as month. Tey e making anew °n_____ of jaz, sul and blues songs, which they bringing out in September. ve just listened to an amazing a oftheir old songs on the Internet. Is got about 50 on ie and most of trem are ol songs oftheir rom the 80s and 903. b QUEHA Listen and check. I WENT TO A CONCERT THAT CHANGED MY LIFE ©) VOCABULARY Word-building (nouns) a Complete the sentences with the noun forms of the words in brackets. 1 Alotof writers have tried to describe the beauty (beautiful ofthe Te} Mana in nota 2 My football team gave its best (perform) of the season and wan the match 4-0. 3 He has donated £100 toa (charitable) that Is providing schools for poor towns in Aca, 4 We believe that staff (develop) is very Important, sowe prove regula training courses for al of cour employees. 5 In my opinion, manay ear buy you 6 You need plenty of children’s stories, 7 There wil bea huge (celebrate) inthe sy ceata tis Neve Years Fue, with hue nernrmanees hy bands and a big fireworks display. 8 There is a fascinating exhibition of Aztec art and (culture at the British Museum atthe (hspey) (creative) to write good mement © PRONUNCIATION Relative clauses: pausing @ IEMA Listen to the sentences. |s the relative clause defining (speaker does not pause before the relative pronoun in bold) or non-defining (speaker pauses before the relative pronoun in bold)? Tick (7) the correct Box. Defining Non-detning 1 sn which have alt of adverts... 7 2. which they recorded in 2010 3. whose brather i also @ 4. who eat heathy. 5. whieh my sister went to 6 ow hours est sate tne 9C GB USEFUL LANGUAGE Recommending and responding a Underline the correct words to complete the conversation EVERYDAY ENGLISH It’s meant to be excellent PAM Hi, Mel. Listen, lan and I were thinking of 'go/ going out for a wet PAM wet PAM MeL PAM MEL aM MeL PAM en meal this weekend. #Do/ Would you guys like to °come/ coming with us? Yes, “if thatsa grea idea, Where were you planning going! to ge We ®ihink thought about going to that new Chinese restaurant in town. I's meaning meant to be really good. Hang Waiton a second, 1 just as lony Tony isn'ta big fan hom of Chinese food, OK, never mind, We could go somewhere "other/ ese (Oh, | know. How about go / going to that new italian restaurant Mmm, that "seems / soundsinteresing, Yes, i's "supposed suagested to be excellent, and very good value for money, Yes, rm sure lan “kes would eit, He loves piezes and pasta Gocd. !°Shal/ Wi | book a table for Saturday evening? Yes, that would be perfect for us. Why !Swon'/ dant we get a lable for 8 o'clock? Yes, OK. book one Sorry, ar, but b QUE Listen and check. © Complete the words. 1 2 Sorry, but Sean isn't a big fa fis are on? The new novel by JK Rowing, who wrote the Harry Poter books, s 5 to be really good of science fcton fs, What other ‘The new animated fm fron Pixar has hac great in the papers [A There's a documentary about the Roman accupaton of Brain fon TV tent. B Really? Thats. interesting, mots. ny father would bei in going toan exhibition of surealist paintings. This hotel was bya friend of mine, who stayed here last yest. That's great rm sure Andy would |______ i. “The new Grack restaurant near my house sm, tobe very good, SOTA Listen and check. © PRONUNCIATION Showing contrast a ©ELEA Listen to the exchanges. Underline the word or words that are stressed in the responses Did you goto the concert with Luke? B No, | went with Wil 1k Did James go to Edinburgh by bus? B No, he want onthe train 'K So your friend's a famous actor? B No, she's a famaus dancer 'K So you're from Lecea, in the south of tay? No, I'm trom Larco, inthe noth of aly 1A Are you meeting your fiend Pam on Thursday? No tm meeting my friend Sam on Tuesday. 9D [like going out, but ... READING 2 Reed the blog and tick (V) the correct answer Mike likes watching spert on TV because a [] hecant se the plyers when hes in the stadium bb [1] Bstess expensive than going tothe stacium © Des dengerus ogo tthe siauium 4. its more exting tn watch the match at home bb Read the blog again. Are the sentences true (T) or falee (FY? 1 Everyone in Mike's family likes watching thei local team, 2 The sports channels that show lve football matches are fee 3 Its easier to see wheal happening when you ae in the staciu. 4 The TV commentator tls you alt of interesting things about the players 5. Mike doesnt like being in a huge stadium with thousands of other pple. WRITING SKILLS Contrasting ideas 3 Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 enjoyed seeing the new Star Wars fim at he cineme, although in spite of rile te noisy family whe were siting behind me. 2 However! Despite Athougt | generally enjoy science fiction fims, wouldn't recommend the fim Black Hola. 3. Tim Burton is a great dector. However While) Although Ici elke hs ast fim, 4 However! Alnough/ Despite the lous rock musi that accompanied mst of the action scenes, | really enjoyed the fim 5 Despite / While! However agree with you that Ryan Reynolds isa goad actor, think he's mainly popular because of his looks. 6 Although / Despite However i's mere convenient to ‘download fis ftom the Internet, more and more peonle ‘are watching fms at thir oeal einer, 7 Despite / While Although the superb acting and the ‘exciting action scenes, | thought the film was too long and rather boring While | Howover/ I spite ofthe amaring special eects, | wouldn't recommend that film because the sory wasn very interesting SKILLS FOR WRITING Why I prefer watching sport on TV by Mike Adams Tove all kinds of sport, especialy football, rugby and tennis. However I prefer watching i ve on TV instead of going to the stadium ‘The first reason for staying at home to watch sport is the cost. Although eveyone in my family big fan of ur lca football ‘team, I can't afford to pay for four tickets to watch a match at the chum evry ton wee Whe T hve t pay era to gt the sors channels that show ive football matches every week, itis much cheaper than going to the stadium, Another reason I prefer watching spot lve on T is thet you ee ee eee ee eee eee are not usally very close tothe players, soi is sometimes Giffclt to see everything that happens clearly. Furthermore, on TV, they show you the action from ot ofifferent angles and they replay the most important parts of the match agrin and again. And when you watch a match on TV, the Commentator explains what is happening and gives you alot of interesting information about the payers and the teams, which you don et when you'e watching iin the stadium, Final, {dont enjoy being in a place where there are 50,000 other people. Is tue that these days, fotbal stadiums are very safe places to watch matches. However, I sometimes set claustrophobic when I'm in a big crowd of peoale. so its much beter be at home, where I can watch a game with iy family or just a fe frends, So, although watching 2 match on TV probably isnt as ttiting ne being inthe stadium, generally prefer watching Sportive on TV. It’s cheaper, I can see the action more easly and I can share the experence with my family and frencs. ©) WRITING Read the notes. Write an article explaining why you prefer reading # book to watching fil al lies been adapted from a book. Why I prefer reading a book Paragraph 1 + Introduction: State your position Paragraph 2 + Longer to read a book than watch a film ‘More enjoyment trom 2ooks. + Interesting details often cut from films. Paragraph 3 + Need 0 use your imagination when reading a story. “In flms, director decides appearance of people and places, not you. aragraph 4 + Books a great way to relax. an enter a world that author created: * Can reacl a book anywhere Very converter Paragraph 5 * Conclusion: Repeat the main points. 56 rn and listening extension GD READING 4 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or fale (F)? 3 Whatis a wambe? 1 The main ope ofthe torts Mare Boule 2 C1 2nd of elegant 2 Nore Boulanger knows elt bout populrAican musle by akin of nstrument 3. Mare Boulanger is trom France. ¢ Fa kind of muzician 4 Konono N°! is the name of a music festival ¢ [1] akind of sound 5 Tonmod3 sneered n what Marc Boulanger wit. 4 Alte instruments uted by Koncno NI have ben made 6 Shh] agres wi Marc Boulanger. by hand a ©) 2part rom the instruments they found in the street bb Read the text again and tick (V) the correct answer. b [J except the electric instruments, which they Bought 1. Why was Konono NPL's concert so interesting to Marc? cE including al the electric instruments that they use @ (1 Fela Kuti had recommended the band to him, d (except for the piano and drums D Eo He tal vores vt Pars bee 5 Acari SiS, who cmt mass wh pls? cE Iwas the firs time he had ever heard popular a (] Fela Kuti Aten muse Kanda Bongo Man dC) Their music was not simitar to anything else he ¢ LF Konono N° knew. dC) Mewangu Mingiedi 2. no use to make tradliona instruments out of elephant tear © You are going to write a blog for Heroes of music. Ou vor First, make notes about a singer, musician or band Sehcetemeraer cise table fo Fe Ver ance Use fe mS 2 A pemenen ane help you make notes about dL the Bazombo people the name ofthe singer/musicianfband * the history ofthe singerfmusiclantband HEROES ©; MUSIC Mare Goulanger on the sweet sounds of Congolese band Konono | as just wen 20 Karena N° porn Ive They were playing a concert in Par, my home town, Ee Gf Posted: Tommo23 09:13 and although had been serious about paying musie PO Yeni Dee since the age of 1,1 had never seen or heard anything The this bond before dort men thatthadever beard SS en ary popular African music before. Even at 15,thadalready eet heard of musicians such as Fela Kui and Kanda Bongo Man. 50 ery what was different about this folk orchestra? rents First ofl think itis the way that they mix modem culture with ery ‘the cultural traditions ofthe Bazombo people, who lve near the border with Angola. In that ancient tradition, musical instruments were made out of elephant tusks. ut Mawangu Mingied) ‘the musician who started Konono Ni, introduced electric itembe(atadtional Memb par eae piano part drum) They have realy special sound.~they have abeauty that you ust won'thear aaa anywhere ese eer Secondly, the instruments they use are really iteesting. Every one of them has been made out Sua of od bits of wood and metal and other rubbish that they have found)just ying around, Even Cee ete cs ‘the electric instruments that they use have been made sing batteries from old cas and broken ees ees lamps, aswell a5 small magnets. Again this ll elps to create a sound thats une anyening else een youmighthear. ore Finally theres the amazing hythm they use. Everytime listen tot get aealy tong feeling pe ta cof excitement. Everyone who hears that beat isfiled with so much happiness that they just have luster dancing. EDLISTENING 2 QULBA Listen to three people talking and tick (/) tive correct answers. 1 Thespeakers must be 2 Lata loca cinema » Fy atsomeone's house © Dina ciassroam 2 The speakers are tying to decide 2 C1 what to buy » Fy what toeat © C1 what to waich 3. Which type of fim do the two women not want fo watch? 2 LH comedy by documentary © D science fiction 4 Which typeof fim do they al agree to wateh? a Leamedy » Fl documentary cc [1] science fiction b Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words you hear in the conversation. 1 The man says he remembered to order a vegetarian pizza 2 They ate going to watch the flms on the 3. 2040is the name of a___f. 44 The man thinks the film 2040wil probadly be quite 5 According to one ofthe women, the fim David Copper has amazing billant photography and a syeat story, 66 The man doesnt think that David Coppertieldis 2 7 The fim they all agree to watch fs an —___ film, © Write about the kind of films you like, Think about these questions: ‘Do you think animated films are only fr ehilaren? Why ? vin not? + Ifyou could directa fim, what type of fim would you most like to direct? Why? ‘+ Which book would you most ike to be made into fm? wey? e& Review and extension GB GRAMMAR Correct the sentences. 1. Romeo ane Jules written from Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare, 2 Anew bridge is bul atthe moment with a Chinese construction company. Linterviewed the actor which had just won an Oscar ‘Sunflowers was painted from Vincent van Gogh Where the new James Bond fim being made? He's the player used tobe in our team. @vocaBurary Correct the sentences. 1 There was 2 fascinated documentary about the Antarctic an TV lastnight ‘There was a fascinating documentary about the Amrtarcsic on TV last night, 2 The actor was annoyed because someone in the crowd had forgotten to switch of ther mabile phone. 3. My fathers professional music who plays the clarinet in the London Phiharmanic Orchestra 4. loved the trae, but the tim was qute disappointed, 5 When | was about 16, | saw Beck play ife ata festval in Gecmary. 66 Thal director is so talented, Her films have always got such beauty photography. ©) WORDPOWER Cortect the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs see, look (at), watch, hear or listen (to) 1 Why don't we see the match on TV at your house? Why don't we watch the match on TV at your house? Have you watched my brether? He said he'd meet me hee. | don't hear why you'e so angry with us. She slays hears pop music in her bedroom. im looking at my grandparents next Sunday. Sorry, tha signal's terribl. | can Isten to you very wel ve finished this exercise, Please see it fr me. REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look agin at Review your progress on. 114 ofthe ‘Students t00K. How well can you do tese ngs now? give extra information recommend and respond to recommendations write an article 58 IF | WAS FITTER, I'D DO IT! GB GRAMMAR Second conditional Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible. 1 fyou weren't — (not be) so busy, you (can) tain to run a marathon 21 (take) my daughter tothe match if she (he internet in enckat at (go) tothe theatre atleast once a month if 1_____tve) in ian. 4 Wl_____ (speak) Spanish, 1 (appl fora job in Madr 5 Timsure you (tke) her ifyou throw) her better. 6 |____ (earn) another foreign language if ot nave) so much work 7 Mysister (ouy) a new cari she (ean) atora i 18 Germany doesrit havea very song team at the moment, s0|_____ (wo be) surprised if England beat tern tomorrow. Decide if the first or second conditional is more suitable for each situation. Complete the sentences Using the correct form of the verbs in the box, Use contractions where possible, beO3) have not live visit. come paso train pay notlose finish 1. You've studied really hard this year. Ifyou pass your exams, | for your holiday to Mexico. He never anes fo tennis taining, if he every day, he ‘a much better player 3 Qurteam has won ts last 10 matches. Ie ‘our next ga, champions again 4. My current salary int very hah. | able to afford to buy a house if job witha better salary 5 Unfortunately, | ve over 250 kilometres from my parents house, I so faraway, | them more often. 6 I've nearly done al my homewerk. | and watch the match at your house if it before nine o'clock VOCABULARY Sport Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 tfyour competitor! opponent referee doesn't return the bal, ‘you miss beat score point. 2 No, | did't enjoy the final. My team fost/ beat missed the atch 2-0, 3 We dint win didn't beat) didn't score the match because you lost/ missed attacked that penalty. 4 The last time we played tennis together, | won lat beat you eacily 5 Astandard running court net/ track has eight lanes and ‘each lap is 400 metres, ©) VOCABULARY Adjectives and prepositions ‘a Complete the sentences with one word from each box. ‘essential proved scared similar worried interested good of (2) for to in about at 1. That was the day my son won his gold medal. | was so —proud af __ im. 2 Plenty af exercise and a good dit are a heathy ites. 3 Tmnctvery current affairs 4 Vm nat very king. Hove it, ‘but | always fal over and Ihave to goon the easiest slopes! 5 think Portuguese Is very Spanish. 6 My friend hasn't done enough work, so he's really —_—— his exams. 7 She did't want to go Ww the lop of the Ei Tower because she was heights. PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress: would @ QHGI Listen to the pronunciation of woutd in these sentences. Is it strong (stressed) or weak (ot stressed)? Wirite $ (strong) or W (weak). 1 {9 | would go othe evm more often 2 LA Would he apy fr aj i London? TB No, he wouldnt. 3] she woulda fend you any moray. 4) You wouldnt enjoy that flm —its to scary. 5 JA Would you like to go fora pizza? CB Yes. | would. LOB | ceopromunmes GRAMMAR Third conditional Underline the correct words to complete the sentences, 1. She had won / might have won / would win the gold medal if she a’ fallen / alan fal! wouldn't have fallen over at the start 2 I wouldn't have been able to/ couldn't hadn't been able {get back into my house if! would\ve ost/ Ive lest Vd dost my keys ‘3 She Naan't marneg/ woutan' nave marred aton't marry him if she wouldve known she knew she'd known that he'd been in prison 4 she hadn't) wouldn't have hasn't helped him so much, he mighin? have hah’ won't have passed his exams. 5 We hadn't/ wouldn't have! won't have got lost you ‘radi wouldn't have had forgsten to bring your phone. 6 ‘If she wouldnt read clint read) hacin read that ltr, she dda fod / waukdn' have found | had’ found! aut about her farly in Russi 7. They would Rave won f ad wan would win the match if their captain icin miss hadn't missed f wouldn't miss that peat! 8 ‘fit didnt start) hadnt started / wouldn't have started raining, we fad fished ! would finish! could have Jinished our game of tenis. 'b Complete the text with the third conditional form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible, {is tes of how met my we Jone. sired when aso ‘owoty ix ond sudden tote don. my Shad broken, {cotta down|°_() ote ttn en ee. 4 (ovat he solon ning |*__ (ro i) my ran.) ne wa, (00th) wo on pourri next one F17___ (poh ‘n)woitforon hou! ____ (cig) ihe xr cae. °__ othe) oc, _ (rane my end Sanna f1"\__ (noes San sve 12_(nonroduce) me fa he frend Jane So Jone ond mel beonuse my tox bok down ol mong © QUE Listen and check. I VOCABULARY Expressions with do, make and take A Match 1-6 with af fo make sentences eye offered me aj in Pris but Im not suf want to take itor say here. | have to make 2 C1 had trained seriously ver the past six months, | would have taken 3 I realise he's nota very sociable person, but please do 4] is sucha lovely day, so why don't we take 5 C1 tiwe can waita week and find the fm onne, it doesnt make 6 [1 His final exams are next month the does ‘your best to persuade him to come tothe party. bb advantage ofthe nice weather and go fora picic by the river? {© a decision by the end of tis wook <.snce for al ve of us to go tothe cinoma to see f badly, he wll have to repeat the whole year. part in last Sunday’s marathon b Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Jose's very ostgoing and sociable boy, s0 im sure ne" do ‘make | taka new tends easly when he starts his rew schoo. 2 You've mage done’ taken a lt of progress with your English over the past six months, Well done! 3. We've been driving fr ver two hours now. Let's stop atthe ‘ext service station and make! do take a break 4 We're doing / making tekiry some research into our family history's amazing what we've ciscovered. 5 I did/ made! took a big mistake and called my fatherin- law Tim instead of Tor, was so embarrassing, 6 Wha would take/ do! make care of your grandmother if she were il? 7 ve been making! taking doing this mats homework all right and | stil don’t uncestand it PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress: would and have a QULNA Listen to the sentences. Underline the stressed words. 1 If hadnt fallen over, | wouldnt have hurt my kre. 2 We woulan't nave missed the bus you nao gat up on tine. 3 Julia would have passed her exams if she had worked harder. 4 If they had saved some money each week, they might have hag enough to buy a car. '5 She would never have bought that dress if she'd known her bestfriend had the same one, 10€ GD USEFUL LANGUAGE Talking about possible problems and reassuring someone Complete the conversation with the words in the box. about feeling think worried nothing happen i'l feet definitely what it ‘A How do you |__feel___about the party tonight, then? B ty lm*____oK A. Good. is everthing ready? B Yes, but m2 that not many people wil come. 1 Youve got to wo You've invited lis of people. B Yes, but any afew people come? A Thats not going t® veryane Ive spoken to aye theyre coming. wellrun out of fod? be fine. You've made a lot fod and most people will probably bring something B_ Oh, OK, that’s nood. b QULIT Listen and check. EVERYDAY ENGLISH You've got nothing to worry about © Put the words in the correct order to make statements and questions, 1 what that start/ ime /the /me, J reminds / match / does ? Th ew 3 ie 2 about / my / was /as /'m anyway, / woried / exam / saying, 1 3. to/ got about / youve /wory / nothing 4 The X Factor! musi, cid / 67 see / speaking I right last /you? 5 it/ think /you /be / wil it/ boring don't/ a? 6 the defintely / she's tke / going ring /to 7 g0/ afraid / something / wal that / wrong / im 8 gtiend / new / way, ‘have / by /you/ the / his met? 4 QUUMA Liston and check. (© PRONUNCIATION Sounding sure and unsure a OLA Listen to the exchanges. Does speaker B sound sure (falling intonation) or unsure (rising intonation)? Write $ (sure) or U (unsure, 1A How much will an engagement ring cost? About £500. Haw long has your sister known her boyfriend? ‘About four yoars What time does the fm star? Athalf past eit Haw often is there train to York? Every 45 minutes. How fast was the car going when the accident happened? ‘About 100 kilometres an hour How much does itcost to fy to New York? ‘round £600. B a e a 8 a 8 a Oo im) im) oO oO | think you should go for it Hi Catios and Tom, [My bankas fered me he chance to go o Br Apparent, we'e going to open anew branch in Pi de Jane and my manager has asked me if tik ogo and work there They woul want me to stay frat ast {two yeas. tink would be an amazing opportunity {olive abroad and to get some experience working ina fereign country seems that hey would provide ‘me with ree accommodation and pay for me to have Portuguese lessons, What do you guys rink? Wout be 0d fr my eaeer i werk in ra oto yrs? ae let me know what you tink Speak son, HiBian, (ats GB READING 2 Read the emails and tick (/) the corect answer. 2 [1 Branisnt sure ithe should accept the ob in Rt b Bran tas aready accepted the ofer of job in raz € [] Brian wants to leave his bank and get new cb. [1] Bran has decced not o accept the ab in Ria 'b Read the emails again. Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)? 1 Brian's bank wants him to be the manager of their branch in Rio de Janeiro, 2. Brian wouldnt have to pay to ent a fat ora house in Ro. ‘3 Carts thinks that Bran moves to Braz Ne! proaaoly feo ony. 4 Carlos thinks it would be good for Brians career to work in Braz. '5 Tom doesn think Brian would enjoy living in Rio. 6 Tom thinks working in Brazil fortwo years would definitely help Brian to get a better job in London, ©IWRITING SKILLS Advising a course of action Complete the sentences with the words inthe box. ‘should better definitely would #4 pretty expect suggesting 1 flere you, ld apply for that new job in marketing 2 I'mnot sure you — enjoy working tor tat company. 3 itwould be good for your career. 4 I'm. sure you'd be a good manager. 5 Maybe it would be {o try and get another job in Baryon? 6 |___ you's fing that trlning course extremely interesting 7 think you ofiitoly discuss it wth your menage. 8 Timiust that you think about it very carefully belore you decide. SKILLS FOR WRITING No wonder you scund so excited! Evenjone says iis antes place ove ata the Brasfona or out ena poop think you shoud defintely coop the of. prety sure you'd enjoy ving and working in Bea and that you'd make alot of ne rnd, at wou ook aod on your CV i you worked abroad fra couple of years. Adm sure it woul be useful you lard another language. So i were you," ga for. Lote know wha you decide to do PS. defintely come to visit you fo aha HiBien, ‘mot sur what think about the ‘opportunity youve been give to spend ‘wo yar in Braz can se hat it ‘Would be extn toe in lo, but At] were you, fa HNk abot very carefully before making a decision eect yout havea great time in lo, ‘ot you also need to think about your ‘carer wth the bank. You've worked for ‘your bank for oer ve years now so maybe it oul be bette to apply for ‘amanagerent ob ether with them oF ‘wi aa atk in Ue UR? Fn nt suteetperience working ata bank in Bra woud help when you come back ‘ook fora beter ob in London. think you shoul sess with your manager ‘what kindof your bank woud ge your you came back ater two years, Letme inow if you want to met up 10 ‘tk sbut in more deta, Best, Tom WRITING Read the email trom Lara and write a reply. It can be positive and enthusiastic (in favour of her accepting the job) or more careful (advising her to consider Boing to university instead), Hi ve got some gooo ws but aso need sme ave ve ust received my exam esis and fortunately passed all my ‘ajc and oven gota dstncton in mats and. As a rest. ve been fered apace at univers to doa degree in Business Stuties. However, ‘he problem is that my parents don't nk I shoul go to university, ‘hough my dad didnt oo to university es become a very suocesstl usinessman with chin of sma hotel around the country. Anyway, he ants me o start working a rainoe manager in one ofthese hots. word there uring the summer st year a a eceplonst end | rely enjoyed it Som thinking of accepting his feof a permanent od now instead of going to univers Apparent, coud beccme a hte! manager vin ve yeas. Pagel me know wa You Tink Thanks, la 62 GD READING Read the email. Complete the sentences with the rnames in the box. You need to use some names more than once and there are two names you do not need to use. ‘lex Dean Luis Jack Pilar Robin Anthony 1 Dean wrote the ema 2 received the email 3 ___and ate managers of local ‘octal teams, 4 —___ana are football trainers, 5 the wife of one of the peope in the ema HiLust | How are things in Maid these days? How are Par andthe ids? ‘Thanks or you lst emai and for your excelent atvice about goalkeepers. Your krovdadgo of otis jut fant. Speaking of | wt, need to ask your adice about something. So now that tho team 'stakng a break rom paying fora coupe of mont, hough that his ‘woul be a goo time to think about next year. ‘eerily, las rely pu of he layers thik we were besten oo ‘many ties. mcominesd that we woud have won more games if we had attacked better The defences song but our tacking is just nat ‘hat goo. Atiugh is th sumer hola, ready tod he team ‘hat they canna tke easy. Fist of al, they just na ft enough o they all gong tobe doing ‘or training. AS explained to them, fou pong to ake prin this beaubtl game, then you are going to have to work mut harder. don't wart you to do you best =I wan yout win, win and then win again’ So from now on thy are going to do good workout tre mesa Wook. ack and Anthony (do you remember those guys) ar lng me do the training, sno hat they have to work realy har, [also want to ty changing the team. don think Alex or Robin shoud be Imgefence anynore. tink both of em wil be good at plying up ron because thy are he only two who arent scared ofthe bal you should se the rest of thm), ‘Any, that’s what thought afer watching the videos ot his years ares. For instance, nt game we played agate Al tars n Mach — | think we'o had those two a thefont, then we would have won easy. Can | ask yout take a look atte video the Ink’s below? Tell me vat you think. That reminds me I saw the video of your team’s last game sn thin you wero right th rferee had geen wat number 7 had ‘done to your goalkeeper, there vould have been a penalty for sure. ‘Well, | won't write any more, As you know, there's no time to relax when you'e the manager of the local mary school's ten-year-old gis’ ‘eatball team Best, | bean 1 Read the email again, re the sentences tue (7) or false (F)? 1 on respects Luis knowlege of foal 2 Dean was most csappointd inthe resis of his eam, 3. Dean thinks his taam wos most succesful when they were attacking 4. Dean has ot ares. 5 Dean wants a reorganise his team, 5 Dean tows tht mos his players ty to avi the ball duringa game 2 Daan geo wilt Lis te Un iferee imprint pat of recent game. 8 In general, Osan’ emai has been vrten in 2 formal fe of Engish layers that they are not allowed to have © Read the end of an email from Leanne, your friend from Australia. Write a positive and enthusiastic reply to Leanne's email, Think about the following ‘+ how to begin your email ‘© how to advise her onthe best course of action ‘+ ways of encouraging Leanne to become the manager. othe local primary schoo islookng fora new manager forthe its fothl ean. ‘The is are ton year d,s ey ecu smal. ¥e been thinking about doing i Tm fitand love football Plus, til haven't cided what to do ater inh university et yes Maye fo ths, wl be good ‘experience i want to become a teacher late ts voluntary, ofcourse and i's about 1010 12 hours of my time evry week. ‘What co you tik? Does t sound worth cong? Leane LISTENING a QHIMIA Listen to 2 conversation between two students, Wendy and Phil, and tick (7) the correct answers. Wendy Phil ml oo 0 00 Who seems to be unaor? \Who had an interview recenty? a 3. Who wishes tat they had got better marks at schoo? a 4 Who deserives@ time when thy felt ‘very worried? QO 5 Who encourages the other? a 6 Who needs some aciice fora future interview? oad bi Listen to the conversation again. Tick (7) the correct answers, 41 According to Wendy, fr every person accepted to medical school, how many people appy? aQ2 » Ow eH 2 Philreminds Wendy that she had excellent marks in 2 C1 every subject ] more subjets than Pi ¢ E most subjects 3. When she descrites her interview o Phil what does Wendy compare hese to? a Dananimal b Dy her mother ¢ Ci the Sahara Desert 4 itis sure thatthe people who interviewed Wendy . ‘2 LJ have all ha a similar experience to Wendy's > [1] musthave understood how inteligent Wendy Is © [i] were al experienced and profesional people 5 Wendy says that all doctors should be a LJeonfident » Di trienaw © CD) patient 66 Which of these things does Phil suggest might help Wendy improve? 1 L taking up 2 sport bE finding a job in theatre © Cl acting © Choose a jab from the box below. Write a conversation between two people. Person A has an interview for this job next week. Person B gives advice for the interview to Person A. ‘ctor engineer astronaut Teacher salesperson ga Review and extension GB GRAMMAR Correct the sentences. 1 If would speak talan, | would apply fo that jb in Bologna if epoke tzllan, | would apply for that job In Bologna 2 there wasnt an accident, we didn't miss our fight. 3 If were you, {wil wat und the shop has a sae to buy @ jacket. 4 Sne didnt fall her exam she stuced harder 5 Hf she weal ne nicer, she wll make more friends 6 We had caught the rain on time if we lft the house earl. 7 wll buy a new car iF would have more monoy 8 fit did ran yesterday, we would play tennis, @ VOCABULARY Correct the sentences. 1 Ine match hnished 41 anc Mbappé took three goes, including one penalty. The match finished 4~1 and Mbappé scored three als, Including one ponatty. thing sie research into how chiklen spend their pocket money. 23. Inthe final set, Dominic Thiem won Alexander 2verey 7-6, 4m tery sorry, sr, for doing a mistake with your bl 5 My cousins really good in Ionguagos.- she speaks Spanish, ‘bic and Russie. 6 Samir’s very worry about her exams. 7. He did @ lot of money when he worked abroad but now he's a teacher in Istanbul {8 We've been working for two hours naw, so let's do a short break and have a cote, ©) WORDPOWER Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Can you bring/ fake these flowers to your grandmother's house, please? ‘That man stale sobbed my mabile pone! Hfwe don't gett the station soon, well ase miss our rin. Inthe summer, the sun raises rises at 4.30 in the morning £5 Can you lend barrow me ten dolars, please? 6 He's currenty/ actually writen three novels, REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS Look again at Review your progress on p. 126 ofthe ‘Students Book. How well can you do these things now? 3=verywell 2=well = notso veel talk about imagined past events talk about possible problems and reassure someone write an email with advice. Gi WH Have you ever experienced culture shock? © Watch video 6b. Match 1-8 with a-h to make sentences. 1 Le] Martina worked 2s a volunteer in (Martina was surprised Cy Mart spent two years in Dy Minit was surprised Matt taught English in Ey Matt was surprised Z] Anna nad a job as 2 teaching assistant in Ty Anna was surrised Japan, ‘by how diferent twas from Great Bian, Russia bythe role of women, that people cnt use ‘sat Germany, by how people spoke to each other Hay d Watch video 6b again and tick (7) the correct 1 Martin spent ivf a Dlamontn b YY] halt a year cL] sixyears 2. Malet mentors that she ha problems wih aa a [eating new things b B finding her way around cc D] working a Cheney UNIT 6: Different cultures 2h eae Germany base aD) she cid speak the language © LE] se was extreme shy around mew people ¢ D7 there was an age difference between her and them £2} woo you like visiting foreign countries? a Watch video 6a. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Martina likes going to foreign counties because the ee (23 WH What advice would you give someone visting Mapes omen ccreovek Tory rhe st me? ‘3 Malt thinks Ws excting interesting! expensive to travelto ee eee ee @ Watch video 6c. Match 1-4 with a-d to make 4 Anna thinks is interesting to see what the houses fook tke / ie bli ranspert ook ke shops look ike acd ~ 2 Ey Maitrt says tat b Watch video 6a again, Match 1-4 with a-d to make 3 Matt says that sentences. 4 Anna says that 1 [E] Marina tats about 2. tourists should try English food and go toa football match. L] maton ats aoout © stan rin ot ony tne in the UK Matt talks about © tourists should explore the British countryside. the weather inthe UK changes all the ime the architecture in ather countries, the fruit in other countries, the trains in other counties, 2 3 4 Ty Anna tas about the weather in other counts. UNIT 7: House and home Did you grow up ina big city ora small town? a Watch video /a, Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Deborah liked the parks / geople/ weathor in Manchester 2 Tony les would ke to lve doesnt ve nthe vilage where he was bor. 3 Andrew liked living in Cadi bocause of the culture / weather! people. 4 Arian tked Cambridge because there were lots of renal people parks tor chiloren good schools, Watch video 7a again and tick (7) the corect, answers. 1 Deborah complains about the in Manchester 2 D prices + pubic vansport © EZ] woamer 2 Tonys __the place where he ies, 2 D1 fedup with Cr trustate with © Ey bape with 3. Andrew describes Cardi as god for aL] stoping tC outdoor activities © Cl tater 4. ian tink that Cambrge is a [J erermous bE notiarge © Chatynica ety Vox pop video abig city? © Watch video 7b, Match 1-4 with a-d to make sentences, Deborah thinks thatin big ity [L] Margaret thinks that ina big ety [Ey Andrew thinks that in a big city C7] Avan thinks that in 2 bi ty there ae ts of people to meet there are alnays plenty of interesting things o do, is easy to see aflm oan exibition everything you need is near to where you ive. (3 We What are the disadvantages of living in a big city? Watch video 7c and tick (Y) the correct answers. 1 Deborah ving ina ig ity 2 LF loves b E doesnt enjoy 19 GH What are the advantages of livin 2 Tony thinks that you lve in a big city, you might miss 2 Ey yourirends b Ly the countryside © L1 yourvlege 3. Andeu thinks that cites are than vilages. 2 C1 cleaner b E] mor potted © Di tienaie 4 Avian says that people ___ina big ety. 2 C1] cont know al their neighbours [1] eon’ have many frends © Dare aiays very busy 70 UNIT 8: Information (E23) We When did you last read a newspaper? a Watch video 8a and tick (V) the correct answers. 1 Ayssia read the / newspaper because it 2 [] waste only one on sale b C1 was given to her tree ¢ IZ] wasnt expensive 2 Tom_____a cony ofthe Metro newspapes. a C1 bought b Fl was given © Dy eat find 3 Lotie__ newspapers. 2 Cy] coesiit usualy buy b D) doesn't ike reading ¢ C1) cant atiora to buy 4 Tim ead the Independent newspaper a C] estweekend b ED yesterday © Di todey 5 Bizabeth read The Times because 2 Cis her favourite newspaper Ey her father ot it ¢ Dy twas cheap to buy bb Watch video 82 again. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Alyssia says she last read @ newspaner the day before esterday yesterday that morning 2 Tom read the newspaper af home /1m a café onthe train. 3. Lote looks atthe papers when she's at home! shepping! waiting forthe bus. 4 Tim read the Guardian he Independent the Metro. 5 Blzabeth ainays/ occasionaly/ usualy reads The Times. GW Where do you get most of your news from? 1 Watch video 8b. Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences. Assia gts her news T1 Tam sometimes reads the news Loti gets ber news Tim normaly es is cows {Ty elzavetn eads about the wees news from 8802. onthe Interne. fom television aus chants ins magazine ftom newspapers. (I mB winat kinds of news are you most interested in? d Watch video 8c. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Alyssa Is mast interested in enferainment news local rows | wood affairs. 2 Tom kes sports/ entertainment’ business news. 3 Latie is mest interested in celebrity / entertainment intemationa news, 4 Tim tikes local! business /colebriy news. 5 Elzabeth is inferested in news about fashian word affairs people. © Watch video 8c again and tick (/) the correct answers. 1 Alyssa says she is interested in nous: a LJ cuiture b Z| poitics cc LD) technology 2 Toms studying a CJ economies b C1 film studies © Eo] history of art 3 Lottie thinks that reading gossip about stars is a [1 boring > Otin ¢ Dy torte 4 Tim vin form a D Canada b ] tetana ¢ F] the usa '5 Elizabeth et inlorosted in rows about 2 CJenierainment » C1 finance © Cl other cutures UNIT 9: Entertainment 2} BH How much TV do you watch? 4 Watch video 9a and tick (7) the correct answers. 1 Colintches a day. 2 Z| thou b L 2hours ¢ O) 3hous 2 Jessie watches. aD half an hour b Ey thour © Ey 2hours 3 caroline watches 2] 30minutes a day »b Ey thoura cay ¢ CJonlyat weekends watches Tv day. 5 Garywatcnes a ET houra day » Ft hour week © i) thoura month (G1) HH What Kind of TV programmes do you like Ib Watch video 9b. Match 1-4 with a-d to make sentences. 1 le] Coin tkes watching a sports programmes. 2 Cy Jesse thes watching b really TV programmes 3 Cy carlin ties watching © documenta 4D] dave thes watching ¢ crime dramas, 15 MH Can you recommend a great film? © Watch video 9c. Underline the correct words to complete tie sentences, 1 The film Galin recommends isa comedy drama | horror fm, 2 Jessie saw a great fm lst week last month severat years ago, 13. The fm Coraline recommends sa good film for chien ( adits the whole fami 4 When you watch Dave's fm, you wl fee! happy/ excited? ss. 4 Watch video 9e again. Match 1-8 with a-d to make sentences 1B Coin recommenss nis tim because 2 [Jessie recommends her fim because 3 Coraline recommends ne ln because 4 dave recommends is im because a. aves people nope b itstors great actos «its ery fury 6 ithasan interesting centldes UNIT 10: Opportunities GEN HK How often do you play sport? {Watch video 10a and tick (¥) the correct answers. 1 Chive pays sport 2 C]onceawock [Z| several times a week © Ll oncea month 2 Alyn pays got 2 Llence aweek b El everyday © Fy atleast once.a month 3. Steph goes skin. 2 [once ayesr bE] twice a year ¢ [1] several times a year 4 Trews lays spot. o L ofen b [] sometimes c CO never 5 Clare goes tothe eym @ Cl ewry day b El twice a week ©] oncea week Vox pop video (Would you l!ke to run a marathon? b Wetch video 100, Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences, Chloe movin He to an a marathon because 2] Alwn would’ ie torn 2 marathon because 3] stooh woud keto un a marathon because 4D Trevis woven tke torun a maraton becouse {Zl Gare wouent tke trun a mararion pesause itwould be to tring she fost uncomfortable to un. she’s afraid of pain its nota gpd te tor ano person, she has got enoueh energy. © Watch video 10b again. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1. Chloe would never run a maration J run a fll marathon ! un hall marathon 2 Alwyn says his best friend daughter! wife has run a ‘marathon. 3 Steph cniises respects wants tobe Fite people who ‘un marathons. 4 Tres isnot interested in/ has stopped got injured running marathons. 5 Chie only runs forthe bus when she's on holiday t In the ey, {153 MK If you could try one new sport, what would it be? fd Watch video 10c. Match 1-5 with a-e to make sentences. 1 Gi i Chlce hada ot of money, 2 CI myn were fit enough, 3 1 Steph tikes doing cary things, so 4 Li ties cout ty 9 new sport, 5 C1 I clare could try a new sport, she would choose beach volleyball she would try baseumping ‘ne wouta choose padle boarding. he would try snowooarcing. she would try parasking

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