FM Assignment No-3

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Assignment No-3

CO2:- Will be able to analyse the pipe flow problems and pipe networks; using the principles of
fluid dynamics.

1. Explain : (i) Steady flow and unsteady flow (ii) Laminar and turbulent
2. The diameter of pipe at section 1 & 2 are 10 cm and 15 cm respectively.
The discharge through the pipe if the velocity of water flowing through
the pipe at section 1 is 5 m/s . Determine also the velocity at section 2.
3. Differentiate between streamline and exponential line. Explain Flow-net
and state the importance of flow net.
4. If for two dimensional potential flow, the velocity potential is given by φ
= x(2y-1) . Determine the velocity component at point (4,5).Determine
the value of stream function ψ at point P.
5. Distinguish between: 1. Rotational and Irrotational flow 2. Laminar and
Turbulent flow.
6. Derive an equation for continuity equation for 3D flow and reduce it for
steady, incompressible 2D flow.
7. Derive Euler’s equation of motion for flow along a stream line. Obtain
Bernoulli’s from it. State assumptions clearly.
8. A stream function is given by ψ = 5x – 6y. Calculate magnitude and
direction of resultant velocity.
9. The velocity potential function is given by Ø = 4(x2-y2). Calculate the
velocity components at the point (2,3).
10.What is the Irrotational velocity field associated with the potential ɸ =
3𝑥 2 -3x +3𝑦 2 +16𝑡 2 +12zt. Does the flow field satisfy the incompressible
continuity equation?

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