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Q1- Write true(T) or false(f)

1- In Africa people used to use lighthouses ( )

2- pilot work's in work shop or garage ( )
3- Lesson board class teacher ( )
4- In Arab world, Men used to drums to send Massages ( )
5- Trapped Mean not able get out ( )
6- people used to use pigeons to carry Massages from Egypt to china ( )
7- In 1902 Marconi sent a Massages to America ( )
8-Lose to opposite of beat ( )
9. Equipment Mean things needed for a job ( )
10- pass opposite fail ( )
Q2- choose the correct answer
1- Who repairs Cars? a-horse b- Mechanic c- editor,
2- Things you learn at school. a- to study b- subject c- university college
3- I wear uniform, I work out side. a-doctor b- teacher c- policeman
4- The opposite of Lazy: a- hard -working. B- clever c- subject
5- Large boat is a- van b- ship c-car
6- quick to Learn and understand. a-Subject b- clever c-h hard working
7- who correct Mistakes in article? a-editor b- doctor c- waiter
8- who takes care of sick people? a- nurse b- Mechanic c- subject
9- Not able to get out. a- trapped b- doctor c- waiter
10. who takes care of sick people? a-Nurse b-Mechanic. c- engineer
Q3- change the sentences from active to passive.
1-he take the books. (Present passive)
2-she sends the article to Libya (past passives).
3-Marconi invented the radio.
4-Reporter writes an article in Egypt.
5- Ahmed break the window )present passive(
6- Baird showed pictures on a television screen )past passive)
7- The editor reads the article (present passives)
8- Sami road a book (past passive)
Q4- a) write these words in the correct places in the table.
Across- or - She - me - and - under -Above -him- but - them.
Conjunction Preposition Pronoun

b)- what part of speech is each word ?

1- Rasha works at home on Fridays.
1 2 3 4 5 6
2- I was tired. so I home slowly.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3- Sami's new Motorbike goes fast.
1 2 3 4 5
Q5- which jobs connect these words?
1- car - repair – workshop. ……………………………
2- fire- danger – water. ……………………………
3- building - plan - draw. ……………………………
4- letter telephone – computer. ……………………………
5- newspaper - Story -article. ……………………………
6- teeth – take care- chair. ……………………………
7- Lesson - board - Class. ……………………………

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