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IEP Data Review Meeting

Izzy Clark-
Math- right around aimline.
Writing- rubric- doing well, above aimline
Reading- great progress, near aimline
Writing- recently dipped. He is not motivated by writing.
● Spelling is difficult.
● He writes kind of like he talks.
● He has a word bank as he writes
● 5-star sentence writing.
● have him self assess.
● find 5 star writing sentences.

Adaptive behavior
● Doing well in small group (with Sara)
● He can always name the steps.
● We had talked about adding in additional peers to the group.
● Sara has pulled in peers several different times.
Math- doing well
Max Heinkel-
Reading- right around his aimline.
● Comprehension- pretty strong.
● What does gen ed teacher think about trial exit this year?
● He had a mastery test- he didn’t do well.
● On the fence- is he ready or not?
Writing- doing well
Reading- doing very well
● Possibly look at comprehension?
Reading- made a ton of growth!
Writing- paragraph rubric- looks good.
Reading comprehension- growing. Collaborative time with SLP is benecifical.
Writing- doing very well.
Math- right above her aimline
Adaptive behavior- conversation rubric. Doing well
● Look at changing the setting.
Adaptive behavior – appropriate behaviors- doing pretty good
Reading- doing very well
● Reducing time
● What does comprehension look like?
● Switch to comprehension??
Behavior- inconsistent behavior- either rough or really good
● Has more choice in the matter than we originally believed
Reading- nearing aimline
Math- doing well
Reading only- doing ok, overall right on his aimline
● give grade level probe this week.
James Gauf – attendance is a concern
Reading- comprehension- doing ok
Writing- CWS- doesn't do well in writing
● has a lot of shut downs/refusals.
● Argues a lot during writing
● Have we tried reinforcement????
Keira Kelly
Reading- fluency right now- doing well. Switching to comprehension goal.
Math- inconsistent. 2 minutes is very challenging. Doesn't remember to borrow. she makes careless errors.

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