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Student’s name: Schuemer Malena

Lesson #: 2 Sustainability
Homework Assignment #: 1
Due date: 18/04/2022
Activity: Describing Sustainable and Unsustainable Contexts

1) Description of an Unsustainable Context

This is not a picture of a luxurious place. This is the picture of a city in a poor country. I
believe it is a country marginalized by the developed world.
In the foreground of the photo, there is a precarious boat in a polluted stream. I think that
the boat is used for work and the water from the stream is sewage from the houses.
In the center of the scene, I can see people. There is a young man in a yellow t-shirt talking
with a girl in a brown t-shirt. Behind them, there is a little girl in a pink t-shirt and blue shorts.
There is a lot of trash under them.
On the right of the photo, I can see some men. There is an old man in a black t-shirt talking
with another man in blue shorts. I believe there is a little boy playing with toys.
In the background, there are precarious houses. I feel that the houses don’t have good
dwelling conditions. There are rocks under them for foundations.
In conclusion, I believe that this is not a sustainable context. There is too much plastic waste
in the water so this place is contaminated. As well as this, there is no economic wealth and there
are few job opportunities in this area. Probably, there are few education opportunities for
children as well. There isn´t any social stability unfortunately.
2) Description of a Sustainable Context

This is the photo of a city in a rich country. It is a picture of Abu Dahbi, the capital of the
Arab Emirates. I believe it is a country with economic and infrastructural development.
In the foreground of the photo, there are people. I think that it is a family. There is a man
in a withe Kandura playing with five children. I believe, they are his sons.
In the center, I can see a boat with people. I think that they are tourists. There is a metal
pier and a rock retaining wall with grass and palm trees on top.
In the background, there are buildings. I can see expensive and avant-garde constructions.
I feel that it is the center of city.
In my opinion, I believe that this is a sustainable context. There is economic wealth and
there are lots of job opportunities in this area. Probably, there are a lot of education
opportunities for children as well. There is social stability most probably.

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