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Spiritual Gifts

Prophecy: spoken or written communication from God, often but not always of
predictive nature
Serving: to work for or be in subjection to another
Teaching: to impart knowledge or skill
Encourage: to strengthen or stimulate
Giving: to grant, bestow, or provide; to yield or produce
Lead: to guide by direction or example; to go first
Mercy: forgiving; compassionate
Wisdom: ability to make good use of knowledge; ability to recognize right from
wrong; good judgement

Knowledge: the state or fact of knowing; learning; awareness; sum of what has
been learned or                                           

Faith: reliance, loyalty or complete trust in God or someone else

Healing: to mend, cure, make whole; return to original state of health
Miraculous Powers: divine act unexplainable by the laws of nature
Distinguishing Between Spirits: the ability to discover or recognize the
difference between               
nonmaterial part of humans

Speaking in Tongues: special language given to Christians by the Holy Spirit

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