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Volatile Flavor Components of

Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris)
a a a a
Izumi Yajima , Hidemasa Sakakibara , Junichi Ide , Tetsuya Yanai
& Hayashi Kazuo
Kawasaki Research Laboratories, T. Hasegawa Co., Ltd., 335
Kariyado, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki 211, Japan
Published online: 09 Sep 2014.

To cite this article: Izumi Yajima, Hidemasa Sakakibara, Junichi Ide, Tetsuya Yanai & Hayashi Kazuo
(1985) Volatile Flavor Components of Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris), Agricultural and Biological
Chemistry, 49:11, 3145-3150

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00021369.1985.10867246


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Agric. Bio!. Chern., 49(11),3145",3150,1985 3145

Volatile Flavor Components of Watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris)

Izumi "'YAJIMA, Hidemasa SAKAKIBARA, Junichi IDE,

Tetsuya YANAI and Kazuo HAYASHI
Kawasaki Research Laboratories, T. Hasegawa Co., Ltd.,
335 Kariyado, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki 211, Japan
Received March 14, 1985

Volatile flavor components of watermelon fruit (Citrullus vulgaris) were obtained by distilling
juice under reduced pressure and extracting the resulting distillate with Freon-II. The volatiles were
separated into acidic and neutral fractions and then analyzed by gas chromatography and gas
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 23:27 17 December 2014

chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Fifty-two compounds were found for the first time as flavor components of watermelon.
Among them, the following compounds have not been previously reported as naturally occurring
fl'lvor components: 4-oxononanal and 2-hydroxy-, 2-pentyloxy-, 2-hexyloxy-, 2-octyloxy-, 2-
nonyloxy-, 2-[(Z)-3-noneyloxy]-, 2-[(Z)-2-nonenyloxy]-, 2-[(Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienyloxy]-, 2-benzyl-
oxy-, and 2-phenetyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofurans.

There have been a limited number of reports Methods.

1) Collection and fractionation of volatile flavor com-
concerning volatile flavor compounds of
pounds. Two hundred kilograms of the flesh were pressed,
watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris), although and the resulting juice was immediately mixed with 70 kg
many investigations of the volatile constitu- of McIlvaine buffer solution (pH 6.6) to prevent the
ents of closely related fruits such as melon and development of an off-flavor. The mixture was distilled
cucumber have been published. under reduced pressure (28°C and 10 mm Hg) and 70 kg of
Katayama and Kaneko!) studied water- the distillate was extracted with 21 liters of Freon-II.
The extract, after drying over Na2 S04 , was concen-
melon volatiles, identifying 26 compounds by trated to give a flavor concentrate with a strong pleasant
gas chromatography. Kemp et al?) isolated odor of watermelon.
(Z,Z)-3,6-nonadien-l-ol from watermelon The flavor concentrate was separated into acidic and
flesh and described its odor as reminiscent of neutral fractions by the usual method. After concentrating
watermelon or watermelon rind. K emp 3) iden- to about 0.2 ml, the neutral fraction was further separated
into 10 fractions by column chromatography, using a
tified 18 compounds including 10 aliphatic C g 17 mm i.d. x 240 mm column packed with silica gel
alcohols and aldehydes from watermelon es- (Wacogel C-200) and the following solvent systems (v/v,
sence. However, the combination of these 60 ml each): pentane, pentane-ethyl ether (99 : I), pentane-
compounds was found to be insufficient to ethyl ether (97: 3), pentane-ethyl ether (95: 5), pentane-
reconstruct the fine aroma of watermelon. ethyl ether (90: 10), pentane-ethyl ether (70 : 30), pentane-
ethyl ether (50: 50), pentane-ethyl ether (30: 70), ethyl
This investigation was undertaken to iden- ether and methanol. Each fraction was concentrated to
tify any additional compounds contributing to about 0.2ml.
the characteristic aroma of watermelon. 2) Identification of the volatiles. All fractions were
analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), with the
MATERIALS AND METHODS exception of the acidic fraction which was analyzed after
Materials. Watermelon fruits harvested in Ibaraki Identification was made by comparing and matching the
Prefecture were used. Two hundred and one kilograms of mass spectra and GC· retention times of the unknown
flesh were obtained by removing rinds and seeds from compounds with those of authentic compounds. One of
438 kg of the fresh fruits. The physical properties of the the unknown compounds was isolated by preparative GC
flesh were as follows: Brix, 8.4; pH, 5.5; acid value, 0.74. and then analyzed by GC, GC-MS and infrared (IR)
3146 I. Y AJIMA et al.

spectrometry. tyloxy-, 2-nonyloxy-, 2-[(Z)-3-nonenyloxy]-, 2-[(Z)-2-non-

a) GC and GC-MS. GC was done using a Hitachi Model enyloxy]-, 2-[(Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienyloxy]-, 2-benzyloxy-,
163 gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector and 2-phenethyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofurans were syn-
(FID) and a 0.28mm i.d. x 50m glass SCOT column thesized by the procedures of Iwamoto et al. 5 )
coated with PEG 20 M. The temperature was programmed
from 70 to 190°C at 2°C/min and the flow rate of the
nitrogen carrier gas was 1ml/min. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
GC-MS was done on a glass SCOT column (0.28 mm
i.d. x 50m) coupled to a Hitachi Model RMU-6MG mass In a preliminary experiment concerning the
spectrometer. The column temperature was programmed effects of pH on the flavor stability of fresh
from 60 to 200°C at 2°C/min. The operating conditions for watermelon juice, it was found that the juice at
mass scans were: ionization voltage, 70eV; accelerating
voltage, 3200 V; ion source temperature, 200°C.
pH 5.6 developed an off-flavor when allowed
b) IR spectrometry. The IR spectrum was recorded on a to stand. Such a flavor change was observed
JASCO IRA-2 spectrometer, using an ultra-micro cavacity when adjusting the pH of the juice to 5.0, 4.5,
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 23:27 17 December 2014

cell (2 fll) and a reflecting beam condenser. 4.0, 3.5, and 3.0, or adding NaCl to the juice.
3) Preparative GC. Preparative GC was done using a On the other hand, the flavor of the juice was
Hitachi Model 163 gas chromatograph with an effluent
relatively stabilized by adjusting the pH of the
splitter and a 3 mm i.d. x 4 m glass column packed with
10% PEG 20 M on Celite 545 SK80j100. The effluent was juice between 6.0 and 7.0.
proportioned by the splitter at a ratio of 1 to 100, the first In this study, therefore, the flavor change
portion being passed to an FID circuit and the second to during the collection period of the volatiles
the exit port which was attached to a Teflon tube cooled by was minimized by adjusting the pH of the juice
dry ice, according to the procedure of Teranishi et al. 4 ) The
to about 6.6.
column temperature was programmed from 70 to 190°C at
2°C/min with the nitrogen carrier gas at a flow rate of
The approximate yield of the total flavor
20ml/min. compounds was 350 mg, which was equivalent
4) Sniffing evaluation of the flavor compounds emitted at to about 1.7 ppm of the weight of the water-
each peak on the gas chromatograms. A sensory evaluation melon flesh.
was accomplished by sniffing at the exit port of a Hitachi
Figure 1 shows a gas chromatogram of the
Model 163 gas chromatograph fitted with ail effluent'
splitter, while the samples were being eluted. The effluent
flavor concentrate from the watermelon juice.
was proportioned by the splitter at a ratio of 1 to 10, the The two most· abundant components in the
first portion being passed to an FID circuit and the second flavor concentrate were found to be (Z)-3-
to the exit port which was heated to 180°C by a small nonen-I-ol (Peak 69) and (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadien-
heater to prevent condensation. A 0.5 mm i.d. x 70 m glass 1-01 (Peak 74) in agreement with results pre-
SCOT column coated with PEG 20 M was used. The other
operating conditions were the same as those for the GC
viously reported by Kemp?) A gas chromato-
conditions. gram pattern of the neutral fraction was al-
5) Syntheses of authentic compounds. 4-0xononanal and most the same as that of the flavor concen-
2-hydroxy, 2-ethoxy-, 2-pentyloxy-, 2-hexyloxy-, 2-oc- trate, whereas the acidic fraction showed ·no

67 69 74 83



27 39


7 . (Min)

FIG. 1. Gas Chromatogram of the Flavor Concentrate form Watermelon.

Volatile Flavor Components of Watermelon 3147


Wt% of the neutral

Fraction No. Odors

Original neutral
100 Sweet, pleasant, watermelon-like

Sub-fraction 1 1 Hydrocarbon-like
2 1 Spicy, vegetable-like
3 15 Green, somewhat sweet
4 4 Green, somewhat oily
5 22 Fresh fruit-like, somewhat green, fresh melon-like
6 52 Sweet, watermelon-like, somewhat green
7 3 Sweet, lactone-like
8 1 Sweet
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 23:27 17 December 2014

9 1 Faintly sweet
10 Trace Very weak

peak in a chromatogram because of its compound was somewhat reminiscent of that

trace quantities. of cucumber whereas that of the latter com-
Table I lists the odor characteristics of the pound was reminiscent of that of watermelon
fractions which were obtained from the neutral as they were eluted from the gas chromato-
fraction by column chromatography. Frac- graph. (Z,Z)-3,6-Nonadien-1-01, known to
tions 3, 5, and 6, which together amounted possess an odor reminiscent of that of water-
to 90% of the neutral fraction, were consid- melon or watermelon rind, has been found in
ered to be essential to the aroma of water- watermelon,2) muskmelon,2) and cucumber. 6)
melon judging from their odors. Both Peak 81 and Peak 83 found in Fraction
As a result of an odor evaluation of the 6 had pleasant, fruity and somewhat green
individual compounds in Fractions 3, 5, and 6 odors, and they were thought to contribute to
at the exit port of the gas chromatograph, (Z)- the fresh note in the aroma of watermelon.
3-nonenal (Peak 49), (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienal Peak 81 was isolated by preparative GC and
(Peak 58), (Z)-3-nonen-I-ol, (Z,Z)-3,6- then used for spectral analyses.
nonadien-I-ol and the two unknown com- Figures 2 and 3 show the IR and mass
pounds corresponding to Peak 81 and Peak 83 spectra of this compound. The IR spectrum
were considered to be important to the aroma indicates that this compound is probably an
of watermelon. In Fraction 3, both (Z)-3- aliphatic saturated aldehyde. Its molecular
nonenal and (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienal had green weight is 156 according to the mass spectrum,
and somewhat watermelon-like odors. (Z)-3- suggesting the formula of C 10 H 20 0 or
Nonen-I-ol found inFractions 5 and 6 in large C 9 H 16 0 2. From the IR and mass spectral data
quantities had a pleasant and somewhat fresh this compound is supposed to be a carbonyl
melon-like odor. (Z,Z)-3,6-Nonadien-1-01 was compound having no branched-chain. The
also found in Fractions 5 and 6, and the odor mass peak at m/z 100 may be due to CH 2 ==
+ +
of this compound was sweet and watermelon- C(OH)CH 2CH 2CHO or CH 2 ==C(OH)C4 H g
like. This compound was thought to be the, . yielded from the'molecular ion by McLafferty
most powerful contributor to the characteristic rearrangement. On the other hand, the peaks
aroma of watermelon judging from its odor at m/z 99 and 85 suggest that the ketone oxy-
characteristic. (Z)-3-nonenal and {Z,Z)-3,6-' gen is located on C4 . These observations led
nonadienal have been tentatively identified to the conclusion that this compound is 4-
from cucumber essence by Kemp et al. 6 ) They oxononanal. Further confirmation was made
have reported that the odor of the former
3148 1. Y AJIMA et al.

by comparing the mass and IR spectra of this (25), 70 (22), 69 (50), 58 (24), 57 (26), 55 (57),
compound with those of 4-oxononanal syn- 43 (50), 40 (61). From these data this com-
thesized in our laboratory. Although 4-oxo- pound was considered to be 4-hydroxynonanal
nonanal has been reported as a possible pre- or 2-hydroxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran. These
cursor of 2-pentylfuran,7) this aldehyde has two compounds were synthesized and their
not been previously reported as a naturally GC retention times and mass spectral data
occurring flavor constituent. were compared with those of Peak 83. Thus,
Peak 83 gave the following mass spectral this compound was assigned as 2-hydroxy-
data: m/z(%), 140(M+ -H 2 0, 7), 87 (100), 82 5-pentyltetrahydrofuran.
Furthermore, several compounds giving
similar mass fragment patterns to those of 2-
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 23:27 17 December 2014

2 80 43

-E 60 85
1410 71
~p::; 40 72
1710 20 100

I 138 156 (M+)
11 I
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
4000 2000 1500 _11000 500

FIG. 2. IR Spectrum of Peak 81. FIG. 3. Mass Spectrum of Peak 81.


Peak No. -R m/z (%)

49 a -C2H s 186(M, 1), 141(15), 123(17), 115(24),

87(100), 69(60), 55(52)
70 a -CSH ll 228(M,0.5), 157(67), 141(57), 123(20),
87(100), 81(39), 71(57), 55(54), 43(88),
78 -C6 H 13 171(38), 141(47), 123(18), 87(54), 85(33),
55(33), 43(100), 41(46), 29(33)
93 -CS H 17 199(56), 141(100), 123(41),87(94),81(35),
71(82), 57(88), 55(74), 43(91), 41(62)
98 a -C9 H 19 213(41), 141(75), 123(33),87(100),
71(45), 57(55), 55(50), 43(70), 41(40)
101 -CH2~ 211(3),157(5),141(100),123(45),83(15),
81 (40), 79(33), 77(27), 55(38), 41 (30)
102 -CH2~ 238(0.5), 157(8), 141(59), 123(53), 87(38),
83(53), 81(73), 69(100), 67(50), 57(59)
103 -CH2~ 209(3), 141(58), 123(34),81(76),67(66),
55(68), 41(100)
106 -CH2 {J) 248(M,2), 177(4), 157(10), 141(11), 123(9),
109(9), 92(16), 91(100), 81(10)
110a -CH 2CH 2 -Q 262(M,0.5), 191(6), 184(3), 157(22), 141(70),
123(40), 105(100), 104(52),81(50),67(35),55(38)

Overlapping peaks.
Volatile Flavor Components of Watermelon 3149


Peak No. Compounds Peak No. Compounds

Hydrocarbons 49 a (Z)-3-Nonena1
55 Pentadecane 51 (E, Z)- 2,4-Heptadienal
58 Pentadecene-1 55 a (E,E)- 2,4-Heptadienal
63 Hexadecane 56 Benzaldehyde
70 Heptadecane 58 a (Z,Z)-3,6-Nonadienal
63 a ,b (E,Z)-2,6- N onadienal
79 Octadecane
86 Nonadecane 68 Neral
98 Heneicosane 73 b Geranial
Alcohols 76 (E,Z)-2,4- Decadienal
3 b
Ethanol 79 a (E,E)- 2,4-Decadienal
16 b I-Butanol 81 4-0xononanat
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 23:27 17 December 2014

19 1-Penten-3-o1 Ketones
22 3-Methylbutanol 21 2-Heptanone
27 b
1-Pentanol 36 1-0cten-3-one
34 (Z)-2-Penten.-1-o1 37 a 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one
39 b
1-Hexanol 43 2-Nonanone
40 (E)-3-Hexen-1-o1 67 a Acetophenone
42 b
(Z)-3-Hexen-1-o1 82 Geranyl acetone
49 1-0cten-3-o1 88 b [3-Ionone
60 1-0ctanol 91 a [3-Ionone epoxide
64 (E)-2-0cten-1-o1 110 Farnesyl acetone
67 b
1-Nonanol Lactones
69 b (Z)-3- N onen-1-o1 64 a 4-Butanolide
70 a ,b (Z)-6-Nonen-1-o1 94 4-N onanolide
74 b (Z,Z)-3,6-Nonadien-1-o1 Furans
75 b (E,Z)-2,6- N onadien-1-o1 27 a 2-Pentylfuran
83 a Geraniol 49 a 2-Ethoxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran
83 a ,b Benzyl alcohol 70 a 2-Pentyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran
86 a Phenethyl alcohol 78 2-Hexyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran
91 Dodecanol 83 2-Hydroxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran
104 Cinnamyl alcohol 93 2-0ctyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran
Aldehydes 98 a 2-Nonyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran
7 Pentanal 101 2-[(Z)-3-Nonenyloxy]-5-pentyl
14b Hexanal tetrahydrofuran
17 (E)-2-Pentenal 102 2-[(Z)-2-Nonenyloxy]-5-pentyl-
26 b
(E)- 2-Hexenal tetrahydrofuran
32 Octanal 103 2-[(Z,Z)-3,6- N onadienyloxy]-5-
37 b
(E)-2- Heptenal pentyltetrahydrofuran
44 b Nonanal 106 2-Benzyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran
48 b (E)- 2-0ctenal 110a 2..Phenetyloxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran

a Overlapping peaks.
b Previously identified.

hydroxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran were found oxy]-, 2-benzyloxy-, and 2-phenethyloxy-5-

in Fractions 5 and 6 as minor constituents. pentyltetrahydrofurans, respectively. To our
Their mass spectral data are listed in Table II. knowledge, these compounds including 2-
By comparing these data with those of au- hydroxy-5-pentyltetrahydrofuran have not
thentic compounds synthesized in our labo- been reported previously as naturally occur-
ratory, these compounds were identified as 2- ring flavor constituents.
ethoxy-, 2-pentyloxy-, 2-hexyloxy-, 2-octyl- Table III lists the compounds identified
oxy-, 2-nonyloxy-, 2-[(Z)-3-nonenyloxy]-, 2- from the watermelon juice. Among them, 52
[(Z)-2-nonenyloxy]-, 2-[(Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienyl- compounds were found for the first time as
3150 I. Y AJIMA et al.

flavor components of watermelon. No acids have also been formed enzymatically from
and esters could be found in this study, al- unsaturated C l8 fatty acids. However, it is
though 11 ester compounds have been" iden- uncertain whether 4-oxononanal .has been
tified from watermelon by Katayama and produced through enzymatic oxidation. Chang
Kaneko. l ) et al. 7 ) isolated and identified 2-pentylfuran as
As can be seen "from Table III, 10 aliphatic contributing to the reversion flavor of soy-
Cg alcohols and aldehydes, including 4-oxo- bean oil, and they have shown a possible
nonanal, were found in the juice. These com-' mechanism for the formation of 2-pentyl-
pounds were thought to be important to the furan via 4-oxononanal from linoleic acid
aroma of watermelon. With regard to biosyn- by autoxidation. Further detailed experi-
thesis of C g aldehydes, Grosch and Schwarz8 ) ments are necessary to show a possible path-
have shown that (E)-2-nonenal and (E,Z)-2,6- way for the formation of 4-oxononanal in
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 23:27 17 December 2014

nonadienal were related to linoleic and lino- watermelons.

lenic acid, respectively. Tressel and Drawertg )
have reported that (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal may REFERENCES
possibly be biosynthesized via 9-hydroperoxy
acid from linolenic acid in unripe bananas. 1) O. Katayama and K. Kaneko, Nippon Shokuhin
Hatanaka et al. lO ) have also shown a biosyn- Kogyo Gakkaishi, 16, 474 (1969).
2) T. R. Kemp, D. E. Knavel, L. P. Stoltz and R. E.
thetic pathway for the development of (Z,Z)-
Lundin, Phytochemistry, 13, 1167 (1974).
3,6- and (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienals and the cor- 3) T. R. Kemp, Phytochemistry, 14, 2637 (1975).
responding alcohols in cucumber. They have 4) R. Teranishi; R. A. Flath, T. R. Mon and K. L.
proposed that (Z,Z)-3,6-nonadienal was pro- Stevens, J. Gas Chromatogr., 3, 206 (1965).
duced through the oxidative splitting of lino- 5) M. Iwamoto, Y. Takagi, K. Kogami and H.
lenic acid and subsequently isomerized to Hayashi, Agric. BioI. Chem., 47, 115 (1983).
6) T. R. Kemp, D. E. Knavel and L. P. Stoltz, J. Agric.
(E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal. They have also reported Food Chem., 22, 717 (1974).
that these aldehydes were. further hydrogen- 7) S. S. Chang, T. H. Smouse, R. G. Krishnamurthy, B.
ated to the corresponding alcohols by alcohol D. Mookherjee and R. B. Reddy, Chem. Ind., 1926
dehydrogenase. Kemp et al. 2 ) have mention- (1966).
~d possible C l8 fatty acid" precursors of ali- 8) W. Grosch and J. M. Schwarz, Lipids, 6, 351 (1971).
9) R. Tressl and F. Drawert, J. Agric. Food Chem., 21,
phatic C g aldehydes and alcohols isolated 510 (1973).
from muskmelon essence. These investiga- 10) A. Hatanaka, T. Kajiwara and T. Harada,
tions suggest that the Cg aldehydes and Phytochemistry, 14, 2589 (1975).
alcohols identified from" watermelon juice

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