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Solid State Handwritten Notes for 12th Class CBSE Board Exam are very important exam and it need lot of Hand work and Knowledge to score good marks in these exam. We surely give you best direction for your board exam preparation. Why you study from NDJ Tuition Handwritten Notes: It covers complete syllabus of CBSE Board Exams. 2. Written in very clean , clear and readable handwriting. 3. Our notes come with step by step explanation of each topic 4, It saves your lot of time and money. 5 6 . Focus on those topic which carry more marks in exams. Revised every year as per the updated syllabus of CBSE ~ ' SOLID STATE ' pied A Said ts Aha fore of mallee phic hes definite shee del amit, Volume » So solid 26 0. Well - Afinned. wd. ivcombsurtsitate state of rnathese. ‘ie density of s is geese rane than Liguids -omd que: i? Classification of Sotids j— [2 Custatline Salis - Guyptaibine golids oe Dioke in i which the tonditucdh of solid (ce ostoms, ions Fase molecules) aire Chesehny el vin a definite Geomet ste paiteen WR In the Aalil. UM Aabid themerils $ Combounds enuist Im this fem Guptattine Balids aie fe true soleds| Bf Common sett , sugate , dicwond the, (2. Amesephaues Solids - Me sobid, whid have sseacnidere or dis ~ Uidssed -osscangemenct af, ts constituents (de chose oe dow.) wre cfd -ormesepheit Blihs, « Ge Glow , Subber pluatze , atonch | pguteins ote. fsapudien 2 Toy Weve shat seavye Osedere’ 2 They denst have shatdp mrp B- when heated , armashheur solids become ~gugstatiione ob Some Lembescotutie Hevever Of Osulimay temperatures, sey Hermalin to camaccephaus form (Le okay qtass of, -anreiieut Terns in HUE Wilk us Trough thy have’ Belome srrib by due te tome oStigation « v Uses of Amoxphans Selida i A Mott puidely used armor phous Adlid tb pleas Which fins abpbindlion Min covet sunlion , house wore, Jobssraton ete 2 Rubee is wat in ‘mokiong Lys , bhoe sales ete. ! i | | 2 Pane finds -abbticabion Jim mmahing aviictes of daily whe. 4. Amascphaus Sidico. had been found to be best. found tte be beat mmatesecat fas Gonverilinng Sunle dvds heck sicity . Cin. phatovathnie cells) { we “i GES Iefack. amy mmatesrcial com be made omnsephaus oP Losey cither. ba Kobiady ooking he met On fSeeeging, ibs vabausey, ey SiO, Gu alliges 0% quarty am whieh S204 Hetorabeddsen ace dimhed im 0 Stequbae ‘manner. butt on mething wom then Suhid Lookity , it ques ges cin whieh SiOy Lebshedsea ee Jeacndarby jumed Te cath other» ae Ammeationg - Midles Dppearance of, es: BT Carsity Sctids om she bosib of Stsuucturce ? gdfime Solids femetdhous Salcts 2 Re coustitucut . putiictes | 4. Re Constituent pardictes Oe OS td im Aegqudate ose mak, Seat am pater - whose pattern . LT have Love § Osher. 2. They have Ahort © Onder] 3. Whem tok wih buf , 3. When ot with baife, They © ahetnn cLetuage donst Undeygo throu cheauaze Hy. Rey ake ovisctiabic te 4. Roy WIE iatsubic Le the the bpoaies dike elecksicot) pyoberdties tihe etectsucod Conducts , dhesemal expom-| Conduchiviity , theemal expan pion ard diffeunt im | ston, sufsecetive Imden ane differcevt discection » Some im att directions, 5. ‘They axe tyre Salida. 5. Trey Ose preudosakids- 6. They hove shoth m-pt - 6. They mett overs a seoge . Dinmowd, Quast: ied re us . ge oy ee, z 3 4 Mabbes, plastic , Jbass , Sibico| HK Subsoaked. Liquids ae Those which hove semdemey ek (are Be COasaify ebida om te bnsis of binding oe them | Ose Choxsificatt ov of, Gouptobine Solids ? Tye Constitursd | Binulay ehechsuicat a eRSaaes) BEM | Geemdie | watuace | rope | Godaebiy 4 Dovue sve ant | gtectyuo-| Nace, — Hada but bigh Drsutator, J i - mes | btaue 1S, idhte solid. sborhe Satis ve io “sbehie ay by tne des los mattem _ state petetecutat, Salil Wom-polar Sees sn oy Soft | Low Drsulator Fob.ase Panes pose mabe cules, ae Wa, so, | Soft Low | Prsutator Hydsagen | Heleatos | 1 dregeas | 4,0 (dee) | Lon | Pravtator wale ie dined Shae Ns tt ts fon 3-Covatent | Aton, Covatert | C(iamona) Hored, Highs Ungulata. Solids konds | SiC, (p40103] C(yuphite)| Soft High Conductor, ly. Hetotlic | tue dons | Metaftic Atk metals | paso : cette, | amt | bends | cana | MMO [fatty Conductors of mohite és abbas Space LATTICE UNIT CELL }- The sugubes the amastert ascuamgueneek of parction of Abace am indivite ack Dattice nt : ee whem Gf pebvits (atoms, Ig - Be oe awh ob mabecates) ; | agp potadees in Abort of iw oe =< Bo wormphete: o ot G8 efé- Se Aboee Dathice. Apore Dethice ode Cuyhad. Sattice. < Tyres OF ONT CELL & Me size oma shabe af unet Cook us deteremimed. by ce Lengths of edges (4,b,¢) sand by mal &B,v bw the edges a,b and C. Based upon Sener ions f Unik Cott Cire tens os of of edyes -omd. orogtes) eaten cbyhes af paetwithive vent cette! ( Shatat ‘ [ pak 4g ~ tems hae bear found. } Gusta System front Seal frdat angle Excoombde » Cubic aabaC hapa t ato Nak, RE Ge, Aber, ” tinmionnd. a Tetsemomal Babee aha =F Sm, Sno, TiO, 3. Oadhathembie/ atbec bapat aw RAO3, KyS0q, Basa] Sthomabic Sombie Subphuer He HomoClinie, ALAC — Laz PY Io — Nd,S0q-10H,0, Homsclinic ue 5+ Teictimie, atbEC oh EPATH# — Cusoys SHO KA0y 6 Toeigownl / abs otaPav A 40 — Col03, HaS sty Sthovbah edad. Nanos , b de 7. Hereagovsnl =bAC ofa P=,F=I20 — Gscabhite , Hg, 2m Eves Couystias nystom doeamat have att 4 tape of, uk Ces. 10 o Pa, necenrme postmen ge maceames powcr | | i i asi Te fourdieen Lattices ad to wen om stat sysheny toe Hos Bouvais Boovais Laices- one unit cell. Hence ithe Weoudkseibudiinn af 4 Aw atom ofc ton poeeared al edye Levtsee ih shared by fawse ant Cott . Hence cout sibuttion off tod. ahem | ior pocererdt at eda seerutsce = Ya BE posite porcket ob Codi eintace in shaseed. by ony “| Ar CALCULATION oF NUMBER OF ATOHS PER ONIT CELL - 1 No. of -atows im o unc Ceel af sinble Cubic Debbice = Oxl a4 8 A. No Gtores in La. unt coat of face - ceuiscegt cubse: Orthce = axd + ox4 e Ba Se lt3 a4 3 No: of Mtons ioe a uid come of body —conitsted tubic foltice = gx 4 1x1 & =itta2 get Compound Foberned bl A and B hax Wubie Ab im which "'N chows, ase pocenerat wok Cormens amd Aton ‘8’ warce at foce conde. find formula 2 Bes Nos af atoms | jan unit cote i &X1L_=1 No. of ahoms Bu unit Cole = ces Ratio of Ramd B= |'2 . Hewee Fodcrutn. of Lombaunrl is AB, al Cubic sabid. ux made up of 2 elements X vamol Y. Aton ¥ waxe poured of She Counesn of the cube rol otome x at the body centxe - What is th. otc of the. tomboume ? What see the (o-delinchion no. of X dud y ? |S No- of, toms Yo = xt el Lo ee 1 ERED) * unit Cold Cortana — No. of atona Bo= 1K1 = 1 Relivo of atom X and y = It Houce fateruta of compotns os XY (o-akdination me. of, each of X ant Y = 8 QB Am jouie Compound made up of alors tamd B has a face —conbseed cuble morungerceati im whieh ators tt ose at the Cones and lores asee Ot the face - corilted 3g one of ie alone ay mdiniy perm dhe Corer, What os the Jormute of dhe compound 2 Sh No.of cloms A al the comms =F Crdoibubion of fr towards unt colt = 1 aie oly No ol, atow ‘B= 6X1 = 3 2 Ratio of ALB = Di3 oe 724 & Hemee faerie. of, Compound = As By ot ound mode up of ebemedts A and B Gopstaltises Wo the Usbic At. ftom, A’ ate poured on soso wax Weal a4 fete - Cordsut there as ftom, B are present on dhe edge ceviteen a4 Heth ot body weewdgues . Whol is She foreman of the Covupouned 2 SL fdome tr [unit cert = Bxe + 6xt (esensa) — (-foees) tows B [uni Cob =e iIxt + IX! =4Y 4 Ceage-centsee) (Bel y Ratio ig 4:4 oe 15) Hence farenuton of, storwpouwd is AB. 4 oo 8 Genet b 12 Edges &. foces _ _ =e _ pee CLOSE PACKING TN CRYSTALS» | Dn atedere Lo usrderutanrel Lhe packing af stomrtituerct patebietes dan 0, creystat , fet ur Covridey] levees of equal Aige. The packing of these Abheees accuser ima Auch wa wo. shat mmcinum .duaitable Apace ix clihis ect - as tye of pocling 6 cattecl close poching yihe packing of spheres | Cor be der cribed. as ~ Of cthe spheterr vaste ascurey tol Aude Aide sim a. hedtigowhal Sur, We qt edge of Ayptol ose Sto of Aphesees | | [Tie ~ Damensizonal bociting when these soot of | Abbess ase aun ed Aiele by Aide , a weystol plane is obtained. The sromt com be asctenregeat | dot 2 differcercl ways aA im courtileerct of solid cle he bateel | (a) Of Sowa of Aplescer tee assanyeot Adole b Alle touching cach athete im Auch 0. wily that «plc of | ome stow Lie eractly below as above cthe Aphoees of | ofhet. Stow. It is cdllecl aguatee clase pacbiny + ne thus poclimy Less Apace is aecupicel arr. each Aphete ik im tovlock with faut ithe Apletees of 1t4 on Layer. (b) Sf Sons of Aphesees asec. aiscongeal Aude, by Aucle, um Aud 0 Woy that sphuus of anc sow bie im depsersion of Apherets af, ahr sm tude that each Aphere 14 in tovbock nuth sive othr Abhuces. Thik oddcaryemrernl quiver hercapomat pattems ome the Lay Xo Adenrtol A tatteot hevagoval ehorent fechreol ef “The Dvd mode Gee BY of chose pachuny i miasee efpeiork as the vance pvoikable space 14 dcetupiedl by Aphoes QO¥KAC™ O XE CX 9) ‘Rae - 2 Tunawel, (Choe Packing :- fis hercqqovat pottern ix mate ofpicientt ”. fet ur buitd ub 3-D chore poching hinehisay hex onal Cloted packed patleren fae mye. On the bade/ ay ov, the Shhetces casce masdaed. 24 A amd 2 the of voids bfi she sSphetes asco mashed as fa? Land. When dhe 2nd Sayer Ly placed cn such a thot why spheres find place in the 0 vols of Tat if we, then the ‘b valde Witt be Left umocupied - New dhore Ase 2 tie of voids jam the Ind. Lay re ‘They wosee, rnasdaed a4 ‘Coma a. The voids €' sce wedi- vesdl whieh ie saboue Aphser of fast bye, these in voids 4’ fie om the voids ‘bof ee se amd hence WE -comabimali| Of 2 tanguiese volt (one of, the Pires Layer and tetnd Of Ind Sayer ) “The So anu. ‘b voids af, pact Leger and voids of Awd Layer 088 tomubiwaliin af, tsaanquter Voids - S wept ) — Ottaheddseol Vaiok. A simple inngular Vaid, in 0 erupptal aussroureled by fows sbhercen ie cotted Lebraledseas youd. | A dowbbe [ Beavqutas void ile Jl” is Autcsournded. by | \ | Sine sbheteer camel ga called gchohedseat voids. Now these are 2 Hii So butkd the thse Layete | (2) when thisel Cryer in pilrceol ver Perak AL He Auch | “shat sphesics coer the telrahedsal vaida®e?, a 3- dimensional flare packing is obtainest where The | Aphesees of every shiseel Layee asee verdes cally abigredl (ie the dhised oe LA dite ly above the pout , Te fousdh bove “the second me sad to on) cathe food Boyes. at A 4 Second Moyer 24 B, the atronge- -wnevt 1A called ABAB---- patheren ae hescagonat close bochionn (hie). oy Ho, Hy, Be, sabiol hebitim, Ch, | Co, Aabidd Hy crytabbige tn hcp Abructure » | (di) when the thuel Layer us place wer 2b Laer in| Buch 0. woy at shheseer covet the actahedaal or d-vords , then we get o. paclureg am which Hie spheres were fouuselh Sind wilh be vedi'cas fared: Tur pollen of sallrie spores as called “ABE AR dupe pattern amd. ih scalhert cubic slose pachwy. ¢ Fe Wi, Ge, Ry, AL, ae nobel gases erccept Helium , satiel CHy HU, HS ote Cestallize im cop Structure Viole} an hcp 4 Cop, 247% Of available space 4 Freuhied ba sbheder beth ase epuatly efféccernt. wee yp eye Editable Study Material for Class 6th to 12th also available PPTs (Power Point Slides) DPP (Daily Practice Paper) NEET-JEE Study Material MCQs (Multiple Choice Question)

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