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proceedings of the 10th Microwave Colloquium, MICROCOLL’99, pp.231-234.

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21-24 March 1999, Budapest, Hungary


A.Hilt, L.Forgó, S.Tatár, I.Tóth
TKI Rt, Innovation Company for Telecommunications, H-1142 Ungvár utca 64-66, Budapest, Hungary
hilt@,, tatar@, toth@,

INTRODUCTION called as fixed wireless access (FWA), radio

local loop (RLL) or wireless local loop
Stability of microwave (MW) transmitters is
(WLL) networks. They employ TDMA,
discussed in the paper. Similarly to existing
frequency or code division multiplex access
definitions of frequency and output power
(FDMA or CDMA) techniques. A general
stability [1], we introduce spectral stability.
schematic of these systems is shown in Fig.1.
To characterize spectral stability of radio
transmitters a simple but efficient technique TDM / TDMA

is shown. Presented results confirm that TS1

spectral stability gives an evident measure of
MW transmitter stability under real operation CRS

conditions. Spectral stability can be measured n*2

even in the cases when frequency or output TSn

power stability can not be measured, it is

difficult to measure or it does not represent PSTN
well real operation conditions. A good
example is shown in time domain multiple Figure 1. Point-to-multipoint access system
access (TDMA) point-to-multipoint (PMP) In the above configuration the central radio
systems, where burst mode operation of station (CRS) communicates with terminal
terminal station (TS) transmitters is often stations either directly or through repeater
combined with QAM modulation and station(s) (RS). The CRS has sectorial or
automatic transmitter power control (ATPC). omnidirectional antenna while TSs are
POINT-TO-MULTIPOINT ACCESS SYSTEMS equipped with directional emitters.
Frequency ranges of actual FWA systems are
Traditionally PMP systems connected sub-
in the lower MW bands of 1.5, 2.4 and 3.5
scribers of rarely populated rural areas to the
GHz. Nevertheless, research work and system
public switched telecommunication network
trials are also carried out in millimeter-wave
(PSTN). In Europe nowadays, thanks to a
(MMW) bands as well as in the near MMW
nearly complete GSM coverage, PMP
range of 26-29 GHz [2]. At the instant of
systems have less importance in rural areas.
preparing our paper, the 1.5 GHz band has
On the contrary, PMP access finds promising
been already opened for FWA services in
applications in densely populated urban
Hungary and new frequency bands will be
areas. New demands are arising for private
soon allocated at 3.4-3.8 GHz [3]. Efficient
and secure networks, for office and business
reuse of available frequencies requires stable
communications, for internet access and
radio transmitters. In addition, spectrally
increased capacity data services. In some
efficient modulation modes are preferred to
applications, such as telemedicine or multi-
increase system capacity both in point-to-
media, subscribers may require wider band-
point (PP) and in PMP radio relay networks.
width (BW) than that of supported by copper-
pair telephone lines. In PMP systems data FREQUENCY AND OUTPUT POWER STABILITY
rates even up to 2 Mbit/s can be allocated to Conventional stability tests of MW radios are
subscribers. Compared to direct fiber-optical based on frequency and output power
or coaxial cable access, PMP systems offer measurements of the transmitter under test.
easier installation and flexible European coordination as well as national
reconfiguration possibility. PMP systems are communication authorities require strict
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radio-relay parameters. Output power and Output power is measured at the antenna
frequency values should fall within connection point of the RF unit. In this sense
standardized tolerance limits even at extreme branching filter and cabling losses are also
environmental and power supply conditions. included. Deviation around the nominal value
European telecommunication standards limit is usually given in dB units as :
the maximum deviation of output power and ∆P [dB] = Pmeasured [dBm] − Pnom [dBm] .
transmitter frequency [4-10]. Power stability is defined as the maximum
Frequency deviation is defined as : deviation around the nominal output power
∆f = f measured − f nom , including effects of extreme environmental,
where fnom denotes the center frequency of the power supply conditions and transients.
radio channel allocated for communication. Typically, output power stability should be
Maximum tolerated frequency deviation is better than ±3 dB [4-10]. Exact tolerance
usually given in kHz or in units of ppm values are indicated in Tab.1. Fig.3 plots
relative to the nominal frequency, ∆f/fnom measured output power stability curve of the
(1 part per million = 10-6). Frequency same unmodulated CRS transmitter.
stability is given as the upper and lower output power
Power Stability of Unmodulated CRS Temperature
at +23ºC → -30ºC → +23ºC
values of ∆f including frequency excursion [dBm] [ºC]

due to environmental effects, such as air temperature 25

temperature and humidity dependence. Tab.1 upper limit : +1 dB

shows tolerance values for PMP and PP
systems standardized by ETSI [4, 5, 8, 9, 10]. [GHz] ∆f [kHz or ppm] ∆P [dB] output power -5
of the CRS
1.5 ± 15 ppm ±1 temperature around
ODU container -15
3.4 - 3.8, ± 4 kHz or ± 60 kHz ±1
lower limit : -1 dB
10.5 ± 22 kHz -25
13, 15 and 18 ± 10 ppm ±2
23 ± 20 ppm ± 3, ± 2 0 3 6 9 12 15
time [hours]
38 ± 50 ppm ± 3, ± 2
Table 1. Required frequency and power stability Figure 3. Typical output power stability curve
measured during a cold climatic test
As an example, Fig.2 presents measured
frequency stability of a CRS operating at We notice that the above stability definitions
1.5 GHz. In Fig.2 dashed lines indicate the pose some measurement problems. First, if
tolerance limits. During the measurements the carrier is modulated the frequency test is
the outdoor unit (ODU) was operated inside a influenced by significant measurement error.
climatic chamber. Temperature around the Obviously, measurement errors should be
radio container as well as air temperature kept below an acceptable level during the
were recorded. Modulation was switched off. transmitter tests. In case of QAM signals
Frequency Stability of Unmodulated CRS Temperature
MW frequency counters can not integrate out
at +23ºC → +55 ºC → +23ºC
[kHz] [ºC] fast phase changes due to the modulation.
Therefore the modulation should be switched
upper limit : f nom +4 kHz 50
off to avoid a frequency reading error greater
air temperature 45 than the required stability. Terminal stations
frequency of CRS temperature around
ODU container
40 often combine QAM modulation with TDMA
35 resulting in burst operation mode. In this case
30 exact frequency stability test should be
25 performed with gated counters increasing the
lower limit : f nom- 4 kHz
20 complexity of the measuring setup.
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
time [hours] The BW occupied by a MW signal is defined
Figure 2. Typical frequency stability curve as the frequency band of spectral components
measured during a hot climatic test representing significant power. Power level
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of important spectral components that should SPECTRAL STABILITY OF MW TRANSMITTERS

be taken into account, is usually given in % Neither frequency stability test of the
compared to the total emitted power. A unmodulated transmitter (Fig.2), nor OPBW
commonly used occupied power bandwidth measured at a given instant (Fig.5) does not
(OPBW) definition encounters 99% of the characterize the total band occupation of a
signal power. It is determined by numerical MW radio. Even if a constant modulation
integration from measured power spectral BW is supposed, measured spectra of Fig.4 or
density emitted by the transmitter. Fig.5 can be significantly shifted by
frequency excursion of the oscillator
circuit(s) of the transmitter. The exact value
of the modulation BW slightly depends on
probability statistics of the digital modulation
signal and varies with increased or decreased
traffic load conditions, therefore can not be
treated as a constant. Finally, the modulation
slope itself has also temperature dependence.
Therefore frequency band occupation of a
MW transmitter is defined as an aggregate
Figure 4. Measured 99 % occupied power bandwidth measure of oscillator frequency stability and
of a 26 GHz FSK transmitter OPBW at arbitrary system load. Temperature
State-of-the art spectrum analyzers are able to and power supply dependence of the spectral
display OPBW values by a simple “press of a characteristics should be also included. A
button”. As an example, Fig.4 presents a PP simple test method is shown for the spectral
26 GHz 2FSK modulated carrier. As it is seen stability characterization of digital MW
in the plot, measured 99 % OPBW is transmitters. Typical measurement setup is
7.82 MHz between the two markers. The aim shown in Fig.6. and in the photograph of
is to verify that 99% of the emitted energy is Fig.7. The spectrum analyzer is computer
within the allocated channel. Whenever this controlled and measured traces are stored into
condition is fulfilled, only a negligible part of files. During a complete climatic cycle,
the total emitted power (1% or less) is spread several spectrum plots are stored periodically.
into adjacent channels. directional couplers
Transmitter A1 A2
( under test )
fTX, variable attenuators
climatic PTX A1+A2 ≈ 0...100 dB
Frequency HP-IB Computer kbit/s
Spectrum out
Counter, Analyzer with
Power Meter HP-IB card
in RX
TX Analyzer

Figure 6. Typical measurement setup of transmitter

stability tests
Figure 5. Occupied power bandwidth compared to The radio is said to be spectrally stable if its
16x2 Mbit/s ETSI mask 99% OPBW remains always within the
By this test undesired emissions that disturb allocated channel at all kind of permitted
other users of adjacent channels are power supply, system load and environmental
controlled. A similar test possibility employs conditions. To evaluate the measured results
spectrum masks. As an example, in Fig.5 a stored traces are plotted onto a single figure
PP 23 GHz 4QAM transmitter is compared to as shown in Fig.8. These superimposed traces
its corresponding spectrum mask. were measured during a complete climatic
cycle of +23°C → +55°C → +23°C.
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spectrum analyzer at any kind of permitted

operation conditions (temperature, power
supply, system load). Continuously measured
and stored RF spectra show spectral stability,
a true control of frequency band occupation.
[1] A.Hilt, J.Farkasvölgyi, J.Györösi, I.Csonka :
“Digital Microwave Radio Measurements in the
Frequency Bands of 23 and 26 GHz”, Journal on
Communications, Vol. XLIV, pp. 37-39, (in
Hungarian), Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1993.
[2] A.Hilt, A.Vilcot, T.Berceli, T.Marozsák, B.Cabon :
Figure 7. Photograph of a typical computer controlled “New Carrier Generation Approach for Fiber-Radio
measurement and data acquisition setup Systems to Overcome Chromatic Dispersion
Main advantage of this solution that real Problems”, Digest of the IEEE MTT-S, pp. 1525-
1528, Baltimore, USA, June 1998.
operation condition is measured. Frequency
[3] “National Frequency Sharing and Allocation
stability can be treated as an internal Table, (in Hungarian : Frekvenciasávok Nemzeti
parameter of the radio equipment. Similar test Felosztási Táblázata), Magyar Közlöny, 101. szám,
can be performed in a wider frequency band, II. kötet, Budapest, Hungary, 19th November 1997.
e.g. in the BW of the transmit filter. [4-10] Standards of the European Telecommunications
Power [dBm] Institute, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France :
3.5 MHz [4]“ETS 300 636, Transmission and Multiplexing
-40 raster (TM); Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
-50 point-to-multipoint digital radio systems in the
99% occupied frequency range 1 to 3 GHz”, October 1996.
-60 power BW
[5]“EN 301 021, Transmission and Multiplexing
-70 (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems (DRRS); Time
Division Multiple Access (TDMA); Point-to-
multipoint DRRS in Frequency Division Duplex
(FDD) bands in the range 3 GHz to 11 GHz”, July
-100 out of band, in band, out of band, 1998.
lower adjacent channel occupied channel upper adjacent channel
[6]“EN 301 126-1 V1.1.1, Transmission and
fTX frequency [GHz] Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems
Figure 8. Measured power spectra (DRRS); Conformance Testing for DRRS; Part 1:
of a burst mode MW transmitter (TS) Point-to-point equipment parameters”, December
CONCLUSIONS [7]“DEN/TM 04026-2 V1.1.8, Transmission and
Stability of MW transmitters have essential Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems
importance to ensure efficient use and reuse (DRRS); Conformance Testing for Radio Relay
Systems; Part 2: Additional parameters for P-MP
of available frequencies. Examples have been
Equipment”, April 1998.
shown for conventional frequency and power [8]“Draft EN 301 128 V1.1.1, Transmission and
stability measurements of a CRS. Frequency Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems
and power stability as well as OPBW have (DRRS); Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH);
standardized limits. It was pointed out Low and medium capacity DRRS operating in the 13
however, that in several cases only spectral GHz, 15 GHz and 18 GHz frequency bands”,
December 1997.
stability measurements represent well real
[9]“EN 300 198 V1.2.1, Transmission and
operation conditions of MW transmitters. Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems
QAM modulation, ATPC and burst operation (DRRS); Parameters for DRRS for the transmission
widely used in PMP systems restrict easy of digital signals and analogue video signals
frequency and output power tests. Efficient operating at 23 GHz”, February 1998.
method was shown for characterizing spectral [10] “EN 300 197 V1.2.1, Transmission and
Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio Relay Systems
stability of digital MW radio transmitters (DRRS); Parameters for DRRS for the transmission
based on spectral measurements. OPBW is of digital signals and analogue video signals
easily measured by a computer controlled operating at 38 GHz”, February 1998.

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