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DEMO NOTES oH PULYMERS » Tree my efintal as he Darge mate |B Cobobymnese sf polymer olckaimesl from stise de make UNIT = 1S ——— Ss SOUNERS ~ Cuber of high Mahecuter, marr fatumed ye Cotubin action Ff Large mo. of Limple molecules Covatent bond wim 2 seep ulare fashion . the aeehte rruleculer Which ombiite to foe a palyrnes are COlLeck monomer. The psccers which Alinpte mat Hecuker Axe commercted. rhe balyrmneses ds tatteol as! balyrnesia atti e & Folytieme | Nylon -66 , Teflon, Paley wim Abboricle efe| CLASS ICATION OF POLYMERS a L Depending spew the oh the seeheakivy sbsuc | - tusul unit, polymers ati licked. ive stud ate - ~ god — > . 4 Homme balymerus > a fase eck Ape one shape of aeons ds e/a homap alge . og. Palytkeme. Song thlaside (Puc) he, TN CHy = CHy Rymenisation S poy, — che ethene Polithene 4 Nydou - 66 n(n, = CHI aH) +m (hooe — (ctts), ~ Coon) Hercomethytene didmine bdtpte adiol. Nyon — 6,6 —> + WH -Cehyy, -wH — co- CoH), ¢0 J, | Rr D Chaawifieaction babel upon Savae of swaitobility ;- Depermling upon the im fom Which hey are desea , polymers ane ashi into 3 Cokes sites. $ Nokusat polimnesa '- Te polymrens tuhich ase abstained fiom eta te plots ancl amimal Oe cabled matioert patymes - 84 Staneh, cellulose , natusal rubber , proteins Storch is a pal mere 4 {tucese. Prateind ase fosumtel ftom amine dents, ruclece acids Nuckeic ocids ore the poly yes af mee hestid eh. * Spe, gm - ag which .asce psepared! on are called - These ase the macli- ~ fied. of the matusat polymers. i Vulcans eo i \jubber (eee . , wT Classifiie ohion based upon atsuctusce fies On the basis of Atsureture , polymers ake of, three types _ 2 Veneare polymers i= he palymesis in which ‘monomers aH joined “we to fowm tory Linear Chaimh he collet Linear poly wm eses « oy Pabgtone , napions 2 Becamehtd chain holymeses + These palymerd im which CBRE monomers are Linked to feb bgomehes aleng the main chain ake od bgamehed o* (Reactive apectes be fpce suddenl , 0 Cation / emton) r*sm CHenemsess) 2, Chas, Pacapag action Ate TM* +H —— > tHn* Tua’ + 4 ———> cum* cu* CHM + 4 © (Mya (polymere) 3. Chain teeminetion atep LDH) HY + T ——s LCM), MT (mon -seackive) @ FREE RADICAL POLYMERISATION I~ C4 Polymerization of cthene at 372- $23 K And 100-3000 “him “abe bengeyf peronide « 9 Lnwatuer pollen Ate D Chain - inihtodbion ° Celts 60-0 40 —CO~ Gye 8 4 gy 6-6 (Rad) wiare eve! vb % ——>_ Rag — Cy — tH, a Gi) Chain preapagation steb i The suadieat farmest tales te mathe, ethene monomer to forum argo Aree sadicat Vamol, Thin process Aonbines un LiL The palymer chain Js formed. “Rack — chy — chy + Hy = CHy ——> Rak ~ Cy —Chy — CH, — eH, Reposted Raa = CCHy Cy 3 Hy cH Boon (i) chain Seemindtion teh 2 Rash -€-CHy - CHa J CH, — CH, —> Raul € thy Oh, ch CHG, ym £0, -nj. bad. © cationic matrir ation : when the imdtiatar is Cokion , it xx calle Cationic palymerisa— ~Hon «The amihioton tolds te the double bond fun cétionic imtermediate which propegate The chatn Sex . Colonic palymeis atin Jb imdiatent by pric Geids Auch as Hy SOY, HF eke, oh Lewis -acids Auch as Bes ALULg de. ipo Amale -amount of Hy. oa Rgrction oh “ake at 148 K by Hy Soy CH, Pees + w — oye hy ——F Cy Cy -ce CHg cH; Cy fas hs ig Hs CHy_= C-CHe wcee + Soe es mG sty ~¢ 04-6 chy - ed. oH, CHy CH; © Anionic talgrenines t- Athemea with eLectsun wamionie bah sera. ta Seas Set by atoms shih may be bases ob wureleabhiter: £4 talemerts alton of Abysoeme ee cu - las Ce je ke d and f - Block Handwritten Notes p- Block Elements Handwritten Notes oeeeeeveveaneveseevoesevers * . . . 2 ° ° . . : . . . N 20H = GAs” Why + ch, Xn HN - ch, - cH orth \ 1 hs Sells Gls Supeatect “> ed cH, — CH chy = cH La Sl “els Chatgrnass © Condenséttion | step Gseuth palymesasdhion :- On ahi tape of palymesicg alin, i nor of Condemadtion suxma takes place rand the palymese 6 AyResised im akebs with the elimindtion of simple Molecules Dike 1,0 NH3, HUL ete. Lc ws explain aie prneess of Ateh gocniti poly merization Malton 2 mowomens, — A+ 8 ——s pn-B Dimer A-B + R-B ___ pp ak wn (A-8), tetscam er (6-8), + WB), _, (na, (0-8, 2 22> @-8, Polymer, 4 Guby pal. 38 formed by ondewrat'on pabymnenia: fon of thafeme ey wud Phthalic acid. @ Difference bw chain soionitk bobemers amd At Piso palymera 2 _ “ * Cioain Seth flame | Sth gent batymors Atthey ose fasumed by chain | 4, Rey ose formed fom polymerization Condens otion bale meses’ = tu Hore is ro Doss of -tiom ama © prakucls Like! molecule. HO, Hh ete. formed. 2. The polymer sthain Gor’ [2 Te Polymer hain qsara fiom uther o& bath he ends. Class 11 Physics Handwritten Notes Class 12 Physics Handwritten Notes r=5. COPOLYMERISATION - Palymess obtained fnom 2 ok more differerck monomers tHe -¢/d Cabahymess ond the paocess is catted tapalymerigation | ey SBR Cstyseme = bubodione subber) uo a Copaty wee Yy Atynene amd 1,3 - Butadiene. m CH, = Ch tm CHy=cH—ch = cH, ————> Shs: cH, -CH-CH,— HE HOP, . (Stason (1,3 - Butadiene a r e , 4 Gis (SBR) her eccompler sie Satan, nitsibe sucbber Tyber of Cobelymera 1 4. Romdom Copal Wek i Om this type The monomer unite ase sandy dint seibut eo hout -chaim . ey “A + 1B ——> -A-A-B-A-B-B- 2. Ab erating Sealernere 1 Of tke two monomer write Occur alternate Boroughous Dre polymer Choim, it is cathed mts opolymer. “ : oy mA+ mB —_y _f_g.a-p-A-B- 3 Bdsele ababymess i Co chy rmeses ain whith different bodes of monomer units altesenate with Coch other ase. 4fd bhook balymer, 4 mA + mB ____, _B_p_p-a-a-A-@-B-B-8-A-# NATURAL RUBBER :~ ot ia rans Oak usceah, pom Suabber Later whith iA a Laltoidal totution of Suber im water and ir abtaimed feom subber Drees} Dt is o polymer of itobseene, M CHa = ¢ — CH=CH, ———s en -¢ = HOD CHa Che Lbapaume Pilyinopsene hens HHO: coe eoeoeoereo een eoee een eoer eae eee mre ow ew ee ee ew Woe ew aoe eoe ees eCeaee aes eeeaeeeKeCeeeereoes i Vukcanisel suber: Nokukal subbor 14 soft ancl chachy ame becomes even ‘mare to tn hat weothes 9a temaile stse: amd Sesistance te Ahiearion is Olde Dow oral’ ehostiocd, is maintaimest Wet Lon Sampe of temp, (283-335 K), dU hare proper Pion com be Vinpsrovesl by a pitecéte nenttest Yudsorr - gation. SAREE Tn DRA preocers pubes is heated uple 357 Autphur, During valeanigation sushhut Chass ~Lirker wane formed b[h the mesa chairs “These Crost—Lirrks| make the subber hart Waving hyh tensive AtsengD . Meee ET OE eT Syrith che paelie subber Sythe subber wey be definreot up: a Vukcomised Seurbber tie polymer which is

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