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Berachah Prophetic Ministries

National- Blessing Fasting Prayer

January 14 – 16, 2021

Day – 3


 Pray that the welfare schemes planned by the State and Central governments will be executed
with diligence and honesty so that benefits may reach the people in full measure
 We have about 5000 IAS and IPS officers in our nation. Pray that they may be saved and that they
will function with divine wisdom and fear of the Lord
 Pray that our political leaders will not be overcome by evil acts but will function with honesty;
with bold and fearless courage.

Decadence in society

 Divorce is on the increase, particularly in Christian marriages. Pray that family bonds will be
strengthened and that the devil’s schemes to separate the family will be destroyed
 Men and women in the bondage of gambling will be saved and know the Lord. The spirit of
covetousness will become inoperative
 We have approximately 26 crore people in our country below the poverty line, who are
suffering without even one meal a day. Pray that poverty will come to an end, and they will
experience prosperity through the salvation offered by the Lord

Medical & Educational needs

 Pray that the medical profession will not become a money making racket; instead doctors and
paramedics will offer medical care with a pure conscience and the fear of God
 The pharma-companies will manufacture medicines and drugs with a sincere conscience and in
fairness to the consumer
 Unnecessary or inappropriate surgery has caused great harm and many deaths. The trend is
increasing. Pray that the situation will be reversed and there may be awareness among the
 Pray that efforts to adulterate education with ideologies of radical religion will stop. Pray for
protection and security for Christian educational institutions
 Pray that professional Christian faculty will function with wisdom and excellence

Assembly Elections in 2021

Assembly elections are to be held in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Pondicherry and Assam. Pray

 That these elections will be held only by the plan of God

 Election commission, officials at all levels and police will function with utmost fairness and
 Voting for money and voting through dubious means must be stopped
 Pray for the protection and safety of all people during elections; Political leaders, voting public,
volunteers and people involved in election campaigning. Pray that they will all function within
the lawful boundaries
 Pray for a peaceful election without violence and agitation
 Pray that good leaders with integrity will be elected
 Pray that we will have a government that will embrace all sections of society and address their


 Pray that the churches will be complete with all teaching and knowledge; churches that will display gifts
and revelations; waiting for the return of the Lord as a bride without blemish
 Like the church of Ephesus, may the churches be effective bases for evangelism that even magicians will
be converted by the power of God
 Like Joseph feeding the nation in times of famine ; Like Esther and Mordeccai, may they be churches
that are reigning in authority
 Pray that the churches will grow like it did in the days of the early apostles! May the churches grow in
fellowship, in anointing and supernatural signs and wonders, in visions, angelic ministry, Holy Spirit

Berachah Ministries

 Pray for the 21-day “School of Apostles” that is to commence in February. Pray that thirsty and high
caliber delegates with a longing to shine for the Lord will be identified and brought for the school
 Pray for divine wisdom, guidance of the Holy Spirit and manifestation of the power of God in executing
the ministry-plans of God for 2021
 Pray that the God-given-revelations of Ezekiah anna and Benita Anni will come out as books, and in
audio, video formats. May all the existing publications be translated into the main languages of the
world and distributed to all key stores and outlets for sale
 May Berachah messages be transmitted on-line for millions to be blessed
 Pray for branch offices for the Berachah ministry all over India and the world
 Pray that the social work done by Berachah be blessed and multiplied many times over
 Pray that Berachah ministries will extend the blessings to CSI. CNI, Catholics and the evangelical world

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