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NCM 114

Care of the older


Margie T. Molina, RN, MAN

Definition of Terms
- pertaining to persons in later life.
- is the progressive loss of physiological functions that
increases the probability of death.
- the study of all aspects of the aging process,
including biologic, psychologic and sociologic
Ageism – can be seen as a process of stereotyping and
descrimination against people because they are old
Definition of Terms
- the process of becoming old which includes all the
physical and mental deterioration that comes along with age
from geras, the Greek word for “old age”

is the branch of medicine that focuses on health

promotion and the prevention and treatment of
disease in older adults.

Aging is a normal, dynamic process and not a disease.
Birth Years
1. Greatest Generation or G.I. Joes/Janes
Born between 1901 – 1924
This group came of age during World War I and the Great

2. Silent Generation
is generally defined as people born from 1925 to 1945.
they experienced a changing nation, with more women
entering the workforce and, eventually, more people working
Birth Years
3. Baby Boomer part I
born between 1946 to 1954

4. Baby Boomer part II

born between 1955 to 1964
Birth Years
Gen X 1965 – 1980 42 - 57

Millennials 1981 – 1996 26 - 41

Gen Z 1997 – 2012 10 - 25

Importance of Decades of Life
1st Birthday = orientation to family
10th Birthday = orientation to ecology
20th Birthday = lived a teen – age life
30th Birthday = orientation to employment
40th Birthday = the height of maturity
50th Birthday = enter into a midlife
60th Birthday = marked the beginning of seniority in many cultures.
70th Birthday = be creative, travel, discover the world
80th Birthday = you have reached the 3 legacy
90th Birthday = forgive everybody
100th Birthday = words of kindness, gratitude and appreciation
Filipino Elderly
65 years and over: 4.86% (male 2,155,840/female 3,154,166)

Caring for the Filipino Elderly

Persons living with the older persons are mostly
the grandchild (61%)
Most common cause of morbidity in people >50 years old-Influenza.
Most common cause of mortality in people >60 years old Diseases of
the heart followed by asthma then kidney disease
Most common complaint: joint and body aches and pain followed by
cough and fever
Most common fractures hand or wrist,
Characteristics of the Filipino Elderly:
Most stay in the home due to the physical and sensory impairments
that are developing because of old age

They tend to underreport their illness

Vulnerability to the drug's adverse reaction due to the aging process

itself and change in the immune system
Drinking the magic potion from the fountain of youth restores
Eating young sprouts of ginger, garlic and onions will retard aging.
Washing one's face with the first drop of a mother's milk takes away
Drinking raw eggs every first 7 days of the month will keep youthful
Eating the spleen, liver, and hearts of young animals will retard aging.
Smiling and laughing cause wrinkles.
Raising rabbits and quails in the backyard will prolong life
Drinking young cogon stems and roots will retard aging.
Realities of Aging
1. Positive Realities
Old age makes a person reflective and sober
Wisdom, good decision-making and problem-solving
skills are refined as one grows older
Respectful and polite greetings are given when one is
Older people are associated with traditional values of
family closeness
Aging lessens the worry on trivial matters
Realities of Aging
II. Negative Realities
Decreased sharpness of the senses
Wrinkling of the skin
Hair turns grey and scalp line thins
Change in eating pattern and digestion
Shortness of memory for recent events
Weakening of physical capabilities and tendency to be

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