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Tron’s Practical Home Security

Tell ‘em What They Won!

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Tron’s Practical Home Security

Introduction: A challenge issued by an eccentric collector to test his security measures draws increased interest when he
suddenly raises the stakes. It seems a recent case of blunt force amnesia has made his security measures too difficult for
even him to crack. But with increased risk, comes increased reward.

Lvl 1 - 10 3-5 6 Hours (1 - 2 Sessions)

Table of Contents

Tron’s Practical Home Security 2

Summary 2
Primer 2

Act 1: Bragging Rights 3

Tron’s Last End 3
Culture Happens at the Bar 3
Optional: On the Job Training 7

Act 2: Bragging Rights 8

The Art Lounge 10
Resistant Golems 11
Golden Tiles 12

Act 3: Some Fabulous Prizes 14

Quiz Bowl 14
Security Measures 16
Outcomes 17

Appendix I: Maps 18

Appendix II: Items 20

Appendix III: Stat Blocks 21

Appendix IV: Last Man Standing Menu 22

Appendix V: Adjusting Puzzle Difficulty 23

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Tron’s Practical Home Security Setting
North Woods, Patronal
Adventurers and non adventurers alike have long been aware of
Summary Professor Tron and his personally encouraged challenge to rob his
home. While he is away on excursions, as he often is, he invites novice
“Tron’s Practical Home Security is a tier 1 & 2 (levels 1-10) explorers to break into his manor and take what they can. He does this
adventure for 3-5 players requiring roughly one 6 hour to test the efficacy of his private security system, so that in the event of

session or two 4 hour sessions. Combat has been made a true burglary he is prepared with unbeatable safety features. As his
offers of rewards are usually limited to potions or a handful of gold, your
adjustable to level, and game time can be shortened or
party has long since moved on to more dignified work
lengthened by reducing the number of puzzle rooms or
adding your own. It takes place in the highly magical Recent rumors among fellow adventurers indicate the Professor is
offering increasingly valuable rewards as the long string of failed break
setting of the Aquatic Territories in the world of the Defiled
in attempts add up. In the past few days in particular, respected fellow
Domain. As this location does not provide specific adventurers have begun quitting unfinished contracts to visit Tron’s
importance for the story, it is designed to be inserted into Practical Home Security for reward, and more importantly, bragging

an existing downtime campaign or start a new campaign, rights. As your party is on hiatus already, you’ve made the sensible
decision to join in on the fun. It has been reported that the last
and can be played as a standalone game.
successful break in was 19 days ago. The party finds themselves
currently just a 3 hours walk from the Manor grounds.
The adventure begins when the party arrives at the home
of a security expert who has issued a challenge to rob his
home. They begin by mingling with opposing adventuring
parties and learning the rules of the challenge. Inside the
manor, the party faces silly and bizarre game-show style
puzzles for prizes and advancement in the home. After all
that effort, Tron reveals he has forgotten the pass-code to
bypass security! Will the party flee with their lives, or
double down for a chance at a greater reward?

All core classes, races and backgrounds are welcome and

the use of homebrew player types is encouraged (at the
GM’s discretion). The PCs can all know each other ahead
of time, be total strangers, or some mix of the two. We
have included more information than necessary to allow
players to fully explore what they find interesting. Do not
feel you need to reveal every detail. Additionally, if players
seem interested in a specific encounter, feel free to add to
it as you see fit. As with any written game, these are
purely guidelines to help you tell a better story. Good luck!”
- GM Puppy Pound

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Act 1: Bragging Rights

Tron’s Last End Location

The path ends in a wide courtyard surrounded by several canvas tents

of various quality and size. Whoever labeled this ‘Tron’s Last End’ on
the map was fairly loose with their definition of the word town. The
larger and more well-maintained encampments sit closer to the path,
while tents further from the center look more threadbare and littered
with damaged equipment. Muddy paths weave through the sprawl,
telling the routines of the temporary residents.

A large pole tent in the center dwarfs its neighbors, clearly the heart of
this nomadic city. Two flaps are tied open on the side facing the path. A
faint wisp of smoke and the smell of roasting meat spills from its mouth.
A signpost next to the opening reads ‘Last Man Standing Bar and Grill’
and a jovial murmur can be heard in the otherwise quiet woods. From
this distance the banter seems excited, but friendly.

Atop a hill not far in the distance, a manor looms over the improvised
camp. It is well maintained and brightly colored, as though smiling down
on the campers, as the setting sun reflects off its windows making it
Tron’s Last End wink joyfully.

The party completes its trek through a heavily wooded

● Road widens until it’s a full circle, ending at the large tent
area north of the Patronal Sea, along the coast where ● Ground is mostly dirt and occasional patches of grass
Tron lives. If the party already knows each other they will ● House is one story tall and each outward facing wall is a different
color. Windows are at normal intervals but each appears fitted
have been on the trail together. If any of them are
with fogged glass so that you cannot see inside.
strangers this is when they come on a choke point where
the trees force them to walk together. The path gets wider
as they get closer to their destination, contrary to the The encampment is largely a ghost town at this point,
expectation in such seclusion. composed of week old fire pits and tents in such bad
condition they weren’t worth bringing along. The party can
Everyone, including the PCs, have heard rumors of Tron’s readily explore but finds nothing of real value: broken
Practical Home Security growing up. These rumors, weapons and armor, tents destroyed by weather and time,
however, vary from town to town and are often and lots of dog food.
contradictory. Common rumors of what’s inside the house
include a strange game show, a massive hedge maze, a The party is free to take anything they find with them and
brutal battle royal, etc. no one will object. Ultimately they will need to find
somewhere to sleep for the night, so if they don’t have
Give the players a moment to introduce their characters equipment of their own they can cobble a camp together.
(name, appearance, background etc.). Additionally, ask
each player to describe what their hometown rumor was of If the party attempts to bypass the central tent and go to
Tron’s house. Depending on the type of table you run, the manor, the doors are locked and the windows are
consider letting the players know this prompt ahead of actually a stone facade. This building is protected by
time. It will not have a mechanical effect, it is just a way to powerful magic, the result of years of preparation.
initially loosen up the players.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Culture Happens at the Bar Rocket will not explain the rules of the challenge or the
manor’s current predicament, but is happy to point the

Location PCs towards his master, Tron, as well as provide a brief

Last Man Standing
explanation of who the other parties are in the room.
Through the center of the tent runs a 30-foot rectangular fire pit fitted
with grates and spits. Smoke from the fire collects at the top of the tent,
staining the ceiling with soot before exiting a small opening. Several
Associate Prof. Rocket Awakened Dog
barstools are spread throughout, cluttered around three tall, circular
tables. Along the back of the tent is an oak bar resting atop tapped
Description and Mannerisms
barrels promising water, wine, whiskey, and beer. A wide chalkboard
● Golden retriever standing on his hind legs with head fur styled to
sits to one side on an easel displaying the food offered and a banner
look like a shoulder length human haircut
above displays “Welcome to the Last Man Standing Bar and Grill’. An
● Wears a black tuxedo that has been patched and mended
enormous ‘Party Tracker’ sits behind the alcohol, with the names of at
dozens of times, and black shoes in the same condition
20 different adventuring groups, and the number of days before they
● Speaks in quick, choppy statements while unsuccessfully taking
can try again ranging from 12-30.
care of two or three other tasks simultaneously
● Speaks in the third person, calling himself Rocket. This is
Three groups you do not recognize are sitting apart at the three
important as it helps them solve a riddle later.
respective tables in deep discussion, but the tenor of the room is light.
Welcome to Tron’s Last End. Nice to see new faces.
Animated broomsticks with arms carry food and drinks between the
Rocket recommends the works. It’s all going to the same place anyway!
patrons and an awakened dog stands on his hind legs behind the bar,
obsessively cleaning a glass and scanning for needy customers.
Motivation and Goals
● As Tron’s dog, he wants to protect the mission of creating the
● The tent is constantly filled with the repeated light hearted jingle
safest possible home while ensuring contestants are safe.
known as ‘We’re in the Money’
● Extremely offended if he is treated like a dog
● Music is generating from a spinning disk on a needle that has
● Working towards his doctorate studying Pirate Diplomacy, at
been labeled ‘Pre Recorded Music Playback Machine’
which time he will become a full Professor
● Tent is a simple canvas. The poor ventilation and lack of seating
● Uneasy about his new staff of animated brooms
indicate a hasty design
● One very tall gentleman (Tron) is bouncing around from table to
Roleplaying the NPC
table checking in on the the other adventuring groups
What they will say
● Primary task is tending bar, and using powerful medicinal skill to
heal or revive adventurers who fail the challenge
Associate Professor Rocket is the bartender standing ● In the past only one party is invited to visit while Tron is gone
near the drinks and menu. The bar menu can be found in What they might say
● Who the other parties are (see explanations below)
Appendix II. Consider printing out the full page
● Some of the other parties have begun pooling knowledge to
supplements and giving them to your players for an solve the puzzles. Others are acting out of selfish greed.
immersive feel. What they won’t say
● Has no confidence anyone will ever crack these puzzles, and
that he and his master should just find a new home
If approached, he will take food and drink orders and
● Does not want to delve into why Tron does what he does. Tron’s
make enquiries to the PCs background. No money business is for Tron to reveal.
changes hands at this bar. Everything at the bar is free to ● Doesn’t believe the PCs have the skills to succeed

participants in the competition, otherwise Rocket refuses

service. If they are here to attempt a break in like the
others can add their names to the schedule.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

The other groups are eating and drinking, each at one of Brontley beckons the PCs to join him in conversation
the three large circular tables. There are three other when ready. He explains that he and his associates work
groups in total, each with a leader that is doing most of the for Adventurers Magazine as reporters and have been
talking while others listen. here 9 days tracking the ‘Story of the Forgetful Wizard’
and his unbeatable puzzles. They are seated at the
Bronx and the Knuckle Busters ‘Golden Tiles’ puzzle table.
● Orc brawlers in revealing hide clothing
● Led by Bronx, the only one under 7 feet at 5’2” When an adventuring party loses, Brontley interviews
with a commanding presence and posture them and adds new information to the tables around the
● The group is in extremely high spirits and bar. His job has proved difficult, as some parties can’t be
welcome interaction from adventuring peers trusted and provide intentionally bad information. He
warns that the Chañtios don’t seem too friendly, but it
The Knuckle Busters' turn at the challenge is tonight in a never hurts to say hello. He withholds further information
few hours. Bronx and his crew are closely inspecting the because he ‘doesn’t want to be part of the story’ and
top of the table they are seated at. Upon investigation the suggests speaking with Tron if they want more context.
PCs see that the table is etched with the words 'Resistant
Golem’s’ and covered with papers describing past The Chañtios
adventurers' experience with the puzzle (See Table Leads ● Young elves with bows and daggers, wearing
further on in this chapter). brand new camo style light armor
● Led by Cazuela, a tall female elf with little
The Orcs are friendly to the PCs and happy to share any interest in speaking to the PCs
insights they have gleaned (although they are not ● Members of this party are rude, aggressive, and
particularly bright), but focus mostly on giving each other impatient with others
morale boosts. They restate time and again that trying
your best is the mark of a warrior, not winning. As long as They are having an argument with Tron, who is kindly
they all try their best, they can be proud. asking them not to destroy bar property. As Tron walks
away, they shout loudly for the whole tent to hear that
Commit to letting the PCs know anything they learn in the when they win, they are changing the password to
morning (they are subsequently defeated in the first room something only they know, and the old man can find a new
they enter, unable to solve the Resistant Golems puzzle). place to live. The Chañtios make their leave and camp
closer to the manor. Their turn is tomorrow evening.
Karma Chameleons
● A mixed party of humans, elves and dwarves with On investigation, the Chañtios have destroyed the
equally diverse equipment ranging from plate information on the table regarding ‘The Art Lounge’
armor to elegant ball gowns challenge to sabotage their opponents. The only group
● Led by Brontley, a knight wearing a steel helmet that remembers the notes are the Karma Chameleons,
with its face mask raised who refuse to help restore the information out of
● Reserved but polite, attempting to maintain journalistic integrity.
journalistic neutrality

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Tron There are three challenges, with the following clues written
Tron does his best to de-escalate arguments, reminding on the three tables based on interviews and insights from
the groups that fighting on his property will result in previous adventuring parties.
disqualification from the challenge. He moves with the
PCs to the bar Rocket is tending. Tron explains what Resistant Golems: By far the deadliest puzzle, best left
happened in the last few weeks: On his most recent for last. Only two groups claim to have succeeded but
adventure he awoke at the bottom of a tall cave, having refuse to explain how. Three different golems, stone, wood
suffered a fall. He was able to make his way home, but his and iron, are immune to seemingly all types of damage.
short term memory has been affected and he can’t figure
out how to get past his own home's security measures. Golden Tiles: You jump across a series of colored pillars
to the opposite side of the room, but only gold pillars are
He called for all available adventurers to help him get back safe. Stepping on other colors causes an adverse reaction
in. The reward is their pick from his collection, although ranging from localized earthquakes to explosions. You can
he’s not sure what that includes. He has the password to press a button in the start to make more pillars gold, but it
reset the security system but can't solve the puzzles, comes with a damage penalty. Successful parties agree
which is where the party comes in. Had a cancellation, so you are best off hitting the button and taking the penalty at
if the party wants, they can try tomorrow morning. least before beginning the puzzle.

The Art Lounge: The solution to this puzzle was resolved

Tron Dragonborn
some time in the early days of the attempts. It requires the
Description and Mannerisms: party to pose in a specific pattern, but the answer has just
● Tall and thin with jade black scales, dressed in a white tuxedo been destroyed by the Chañtios. The journalists might be
● A chain attaches his nose ring to a monocle he is constantly
talked into giving a hint. If so, they say the answer to the
switching between his left eye, and dangling down uselessly
● Welcoming, but easily distracted and confused puzzle is something Tron holds dear.
● Speaks in a high pitched staccato, regularly mispronouncing
words or using incorrect parts of speech
The party has time to mingle with each group at the Last
‘I’m so happy to meet you… unless we’ve met?’
‘I’d likely lose my monocle if it weren’t attached to my face!’
Man Standing. If they are reticent to act, Rocket will waive
them over for introductions. Should they continue to keep
Motivation and Goals:
their distance, either Tron or Rocket will warn them that
● Inspired by adventuring for the sake of adventure
the manor is difficult and it never hurts to make friends.
● Studies puzzles and defensive measures of dungeons
● Decided to make a home security company out of it. Now he
searches tombs for the best traps and puzzles Although the Chañtios will not antagonize the party further
● Honestly wants to regain control of his home
after their initial run in, it is possible your PCs find it hard
Roleplaying the NPC: to forgive and forget. Try to avoid this with Tron
What they will say threatening to disqualify them for violence. If combat
● Eat, drink, and learn everything you can from the other
cannot be prevented, use statistics for one Bandit
adventurers and the information they’ve learned
What they might say
Captain and as many Bandits as needed to match the
● Claims to know the password to disable security, but he can’t party size. If this starts to go poorly for the party, the
remember how to beat the challenges to reach the reset Bandits will knock them out and rob them of their
What they won’t say
equipment, leaving the party to cobble together left behind
● He is not totally confident he knows the security password
broken equipment.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Optional: On the Job Training Roll initiative!

This encounter is for flavor and does not impact the overall
Players take turns describing actions they take to resolve
plot. It is designed to provide the party with something to
the problems of their choosing. Each action requires an
do if they are unsure or the encounters are feeling stale.
applicable skill check. For example, to mitigate the burning
brooms, a player might attempt to use the mud from the
Unexpectedly, Rocket begins shouting in frustration and
mop to put it out, requiring that they roll nature. Skill
asking if anyone has a water based spell. When the party
checks are DC 13 for success. Failures result in the
looks, they see the animated brooms who were working as
problems continuing, or getting worse, at the GM’s
waiters are malfunctioning.
discretion. This should go for 3 or 4 rounds.

Tron implores the PCs to help, as he’s not sure if these

Try to integrate the reactions of any groups the party has
brooms actually belong to him due to his recent head
not interacted with yet to introduce their attitudes and
trauma. The brooms are causing havoc as follows:
encourage the party to speak with them after. Ultimately
● Two brooms are attempting to sweep up a
the only person they must talk to for the plot is Tron.
campfire, and have caught fire themselves
● One broom has begun sweeping the top of a
If they successfully save all brooms, Tron offers them
table, including all the previously gathered
three potions of healing. If they fail, he is disappointed
information about the golem puzzle (this will not
but introduces himself, even if they have already met, and
affect the information available to the party unless
begins explaining the current situation of the manor.
the notes are destroyed somehow)
● One broom is spilling water onto the ground and
Once the party has explored everything they want at, allow
magically changed it’s head into a mop, creating
them to take a long rest to wait until the next day. They
difficult muddy terrain throughout the tent
can make their own camp or find accommodations in one
● Four brooms have become frightened by the
of the many abandoned tents in the camp.
mayhem and are trying to return to the forest

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Act 2: Bragging Rights Main Chamber Location

Tron meets with the party in the morning and is The foyer is a tall, round room that peaks up to the domed roof. The
room embodies extravagance, from the corinthian columns to the plush
enthusiastic about their attempt at the challenge. He
velvet lounging furniture and mosaic tile floors. Eight heavy wooden
informs them that the Orcs lost on the first puzzle they doors lead out from the room to the wings of the manor while a single
attempted last night and the PCs may begin whenever massive door stands opposite the entrance in the back of the chamber.

they’d like, with his accompaniment.

Three of the small doors have a colorfully styled sign above labeling the
room within. One depicts a piece of gold, another a paintbrush, and the
last a stick figure man. At current, only those three doorways seem
Approaching the Manor Location intended for use, as the other five do not have door knobs or symbols.
The grand door in back is made of a rich, dark wood, and carved to
Tron’s Manor looms ahead. The manor sprawls wide with two wings
resemble a rainfall of coins. Sealing that door are three crisscrossing
jutting off on either side of the main body. The flat roof is adorned with a
sets of chains, bound with three separate locks.
large dome in the center and at each corner intersection stands a small
spire. The front is decorated with pilasters and trim carved with ornate
● The chains on the door are symbolic, removing the locks or
swirls. Rows of colorful, heavily fogged windows hint that the building is
chains without solving the rooms does not unseal the door
single story with impressively high ceilings.
● Attempting to access the doors without knobs results in finding a
brick wall behind them
The front face is lit from below by several limelights of alternating hues,
providing an air of dramatic playfulness. Mounted above the main
entrance is a sign rimmed by magical lights that flash around the edges
The party feels a rush of cool, refreshing air as they enter
clockwise that reads, “Welcome to Fabulous Tron’s Manor!”
the house and hear a pre-recorded greeting in Tron’s
● Styled like a baroque manor house voice emanating from the walls.
● Main door is 12 feet tall and iron but swings easily on its hinges
● There are no other doors around the outside that can be found
and the windows are impenetrable “Welcome to the Fabulous Tron’s Manor! Your goal is to
● If the party continues to try to find alternate entrances or be navigate the security measures behind each door
obtuse in other ways, don’t hesitate to confront them with the fact
designed by me, Tron. Remember to take souvenirs along
that going through the front door is how the adventures begins
the way, as some of the items come in handy later. Once
you have completed all marked rooms you can move onto
As the party approaches, Tron rushes forward to stand the final bonus round for increasingly fabulous prizes! Only
before the party, giddy with excitement, and welcomes eight people may participate at a time and contestants can
them to his home. He reminds them that he must join them only try once every 30 days, so explore wisely. You have
in this task, and if (or when) they defeat the security three hours, and the time starts… now!’’
measures he will input his password and set a new one.
A magical projection of Tron floats directly through the real
Once they’re safe, the party can select one item from his Tron’s body, much to his surprise. The projection is
personal collection plus any loot they win throughout the dressed in a clean, blue suit, only distinguishable from real
manor with them. If pressed on what kind of loot he has in Tron by his ethereal appearance, and that he is floating.
his personal collection, he is foggy but thinks he He can repeat any of the prompts, but cannot engage in
remembers something about a wish spell. conversation as he is entirely recorded.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Real Tron stays in the main chamber while the party

attempts the challenges, claiming to have a weak
Scaling Adventures GMNote
constitution for solving challenges and preferring the
designing aspect of security. He is actually embarrassed Tron’s Manor is accessible for a wide range of character levels. In order

about not remembering any of the solutions. to keep the adventure appropriately challenging, GMs need to adjust
the damage of enemy attacks and the amount of damage required to
defeat an enemy.In this adventure, room trap damage refers to the
Once the party has entered, the front door seals and the amount of damage traps should do based on player level.
only way out is to all fall unconscious and be recovered by
Adjusting Damage to PCs: Damage taken is easily scalable to PC
Rocket, successfully complete the puzzles, or run out of
level because players receive one additional hit die of HP for each level
time. Although there are very few rules, if the party they gain. The average hit die is a d8, with the lowest d6 and highest
attempts to subvert the normal progression and break d12. On average, a character will increase between 3 and 6 HP per

directly into the final chamber before beating the other level with the most likely increase being 4. Damage that makes death
seem possible but not inevitable can be calculated by multiplying PC
puzzles, they all suffer room trap damage (see right).
level by a constant relative to how dangerous the GM wants that
moment to be.
Each time the party returns to the main chamber after
Danger Low: Level x 1 Medium: Level x 2 High: Level x 3
completing a challenge, a lock on the door will be
removed, and the same jingle ‘We’re in the Money’ from Due to the high number of traps in this adventure, GMs should use a
the bar plays. Once all challenges are complete the final low danger level to calculate room trap damage. At a low danger level,

lock is removed and the grand door opens. trap damage is Level x 1, meaning a level 2 party takes 2 x 1 = 2
damage per triggered trap, while a level 9 party takes 9 x 1 = 9 damage
per trap. As PCs get higher in level the math becomes disproportionate
The three hour time limit is strictly enforced and if they for PCs with a high CON modifier. That's a good thing! Players that
take more time the puzzles automatically shut down and invest in being a tank should feel like a tank.

the front door will open for them to leave. In effect, this
Adjusting Enemy HP: Assigning HP to enemies is more complicated.
means they will have time for only one short rest. Let the PC Class damage potential does not increase at a consistent rate by
players know that the timing of this short rest and healing level. At certain levels, a caster might learn fireball and suddenly

is extremely important for their success. Do not worry become far more powerful than the rest of the party. Fighting style
characters get extra attacks at certain levels, effectively doubling their
about tracking time while in each puzzle, as ‘in game time’
damage potential immediately.
goes very slowly compared to time at the table.
For this reason, it is best to keep direct combat to a minimum when
scaling a game to a wide range of levels. Alternatively, you can make
combat more puzzle based (like the Resistens Golems) so that winning
an encounter relies more on the creativity and smarts of the players
than their character sheets.

However, if you must fight a monster (like the Tech Dragon), it is

possible. The easiest way is to find an existing monster that is
appropriate for your party level and simply use that stat block. Even if
the sample monster doesn’t look like the one you are portraying, that’s
just fine. There is no mechanical difference between a monster having
fire breath and a laser gun as long as they have the same range and
damage. This technique is called reskinning, and it is used in this
adventure to stat the Tech Dragon.

Scaling puzzle difficulty to meet the skill level and game experience of
your players is far more complicated, and covered in Appendix V.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

The Art Lounge If they get a letter correct, a flash brightens the room and
an exact picture of the PC at the moment appears on one

Location of the blank canvases in front of them. Once they have

The Art Lounge
completed all 6 canvases, the game is over.
You enter a standard squared room with ten paintings, all portraits,
lining the walls. The paintings are in a myriad artistic styles and each
subject stands in a unique pose. In addition to the paintings are ten If a player poses as a letter that is not in the word ‘rocket’,
statues of equally differing styles. Composed of various materials and the picture or statue of Tron posed as the incorrect letter
ranging in size from garden gnomes to a dozen feet high, the statues
explodes and that character takes room trap damage.
are all humanoid subjects in different stances. At the center of the room
is a raised, circular platform one foot tall and a spotlight above shines
down, illuminating the platform. In front of the platform facing it are six Successful investigation reveals there are only a total of
blank canvases resting on painters easels. 20 pictures and statues in the room, while there are 26
letters in English. There are no statues depicting the
● The artwork makes viewers feel uneasy, as if the eyes of the
paintings are following them though they aren’t letters R-O-C-K-E-T. They will likely realize at that point
that the letters missing are the letters of the word rocket.

When they enter, a projection of Tron dressed in a smock

When the challenge is complete, Tron’s projection returns
and holding a painting pallet appears on one of the blank
to congratulate them: “Taking a picture of yourself to
canvases in front of the podium. “They say the quickest
remember a moment is fun… we’ll call it a ‘selfie-portrait’!
way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I’ve
Remember to bring a souvenir with you!”
always been much more drawn to physical attraction!
Strike a pose!”
The party is locked in the room until they each retrieve a
selfie portrait. These are the reward for the challenge, so
The statues and paintings on the wall are all of Tron
let them know the magical properties listed in Appendix II.
posing his body to look like a letter in the English alphabet,
while standing near or holding an object that begins with
When the party returns to the Main Chamber a lock on the
that letter. For example the A painting of Tron depicts him
grand door gives off a bright golden glow, then opens with
balancing on one apple per foot, with legs apart and his
an audible click and falls from the chain. The chain and
arms clasped above his head. The letter Y is a statue of
lock disappear in a shower of glitter while the jingle “we’re
Tron holding his arms outspread above his head while
in the money” once again plays.
holding a yo-yo in each hand and his legs together, etc.

The solution to the puzzle is for the PCs to take turns Adjusting Difficulty
standing on the podium and mime the letters with their
body to the spell word R-O-C-K-E-T. The PCs take turns As this encounter is a password puzzle, it should be
guessing so that no one can try twice before anyone has balanced by the GM based on the players experience
tried once. If you are playing in person or over video, more so than the levels of their characters. Here are some
encourage your players to physically demonstrate the suggestions for adjusting the difficulty of the puzzle.
pose in real life.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Increased Challenge: The party must defeat the three Resistant Golems to exit
● Make the answer a longer word, like ‘security’ or the room. Each golems is resistant to all damage types
‘gameshow’. Avoid words with two or more of the except one, depending on the golem type. This is a game
same letter in it. of rock, paper, scissors. The black golem is made of
● Have PCs spell an entire word before providing obsidian rock and will only take damage from wooden
feedback in the form of shocks and correct letters weapons, the silver golem is made of sharp steel and will
only take damage from stone weapons, and the wooden
Decreased Challenge: golem is made of a wood paper and will only take damage
● Include the dog, rocket, in all of the paintings to from metal weapons.
remind the party of the character
● Allow PCs to make saving throws when taking If for example a player already has a steel sword, it will
damage to reduce damage deal normal damage to the wooden golem. However, to
dispatch all three they will likely need to pick up one or

Resistant Golems more of the weapons provided on the ground, the


Resistant Golems Location

Per Appendix IV, the golems are fast and not susceptible
The battlefield before you is a 90 foot diameter pentagon with a
to opportunity attacks. Even once the party figures out the
compacted dirt floor. The bottom half of the walls are made of rough cut
wood like a gladiator pit. The area is well lit, and opposite the entrance trick, they may need to get creative in throwing weapons
looms three mechanized golems of distinct designs. The first is bulky around the room to each other, or carrying multiple at the
and made of smooth, shiny black stone. The next is thin and angular,
same time. This is an opportunity to apply the ‘rule of cool’
made of some silvery metal, with arms that come to fine points. The last
and give PCs a break while they navigate the difficult
is perhaps strangest, a tall collection of thinly sliced wood shavings
stacked together tightly with arms that hang off its shoulders relaxed encounter. Downed golems that are searched have a
and unphased. On the ground in line are five weapons: a wooden club, potion of healing on them.
a leather whip, a steel sword, a stone mace, and a glass knife.

Once they have completed the challenge Tron’s Projection

A gate falls, sealing the exit behind them. A microphone interjects: “Fun fact, as an ethereal demi robot I can adjust
lowers from the ceiling, and the holographic projection of to your rock paper scissors throw imperceptibly fast to win
Tron descends to the center of the room dressed as a without you being able to tell. Be sure to bring a weapon
boxing referee. He grabs hold of the mic and recites: with you, they’ll come in handy somewhere.”
“Sticks and stones will break your bones, and knives will
surely cut you!. Leeeeet’s get ready to rumbllllllle!” The party is allowed to each leave with one and only one
of the specialty weapons each. If they attempt to take
Roll Initiative! more, the door locks again sealing them inside until they
obey the prompt.

When the party returns to the Main Chamber the jingle

plays, and a lock on the door falls off the large door.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Adjusting Difficulty The button changes a random color of the remaining

non-gold pillars, indicating which color will also turn gold if

This encounter is combat focused, so difficulty can be pressed again. PCs can use this as many times as they

adjusted by altering the enemy stat blocks. However, there like, taking room trap damage each time.

are a few additional things that can make it easier to deal

with the unique challenge of the rock-paper-scissor The trick of this game is to avoid all but the gold colored

gimmick that is the focus of the fight. pillars as the party traverses to the other side. PCs that fall
into the abyss are caught by a magical, floating white

Increased Challenge: glove and carried back to the balcony by the entrance,

● Reflect damage back at players for incorrect receiving room trap damage in the process. If a PC

damage against golems i.e. metal weapons on attempts to fly or otherwise subvert the spirit of the puzzle,

rock golem it automatically triggers a wind trap the same as the silver
platform shown below.

Decreased Challenge:
● Allow normal damage to golems with incorrect Each time a player touches a platform that is not colored

weapon types, only making the monsters gold, apply the following trap:

increasingly susceptible to their weakness ● Red: The platform spins rapidly. PCs must make
a DEX save 12 to avoid being bucked off.
● Blue: The pillar disappears permanently
Golden Tiles
● Silver: A powerful gust of wind blows through the
room, everyone must make a STR save 10 to
Golden Tiles Location
hold on or fall from their platforms
Standing high on a wide balcony, a cavernous room stretches ahead. ● Bronze: The room shakes as if struck by an
The balcony has no railing and the walls descend downward into
earthquake, everyone must make a DEX save 8
darkness without any hint of a bottom. Across the room on the far wall
is an identical balcony. The only path between the two is a series of to avoid falling off their pillar
pillars jutting up from the blackness painted a mixture of red, blue, ● Green: The platform emits an electrical shock
green, bronze, silver, and gold. The room is dimly lit, while the platforms
dealing room trap damage to anyone touching
give off a faint glow. The effect is reminiscent of a cave studded with
A DC 18 arcana reveals the nature of each colored pillar
sparkling gemstones.
and its associated type of trap.

Projection Tron welcomes the party dressed as a PCs should pass various skill checks to jump from pillar to
spelunker. “This one’s pretty straightforward - find your pillar. For example, acrobatics checks when jumping over
way to the other side but be careful of the pitfalls! Eth path non-gold pillars to clear them, and athletics checks when
ilv riches jr paved e glang!” This last portion is spoken in clearing large gaps. Creative parties are encouraged to
Dwarvish and means ‘The path to riches is paved in gold’. come up with alternative methods of traversing the pillars.

Columns are all the same size and height, but differ in The easiest way to beat this challenge is to simply use the
color as shown on the map in Appendix I. Off to one side ‘Need More Gold’ button 3 or 4 times and make almost all
of the balcony is a small pulpit with a red button labeled the pillars gold. This puzzle is a test of hubris!
‘Need More Gold?’ If a PC pushes the button, they take
room trap damage, and all red pillars turn gold.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Once the entire party has reached the other side, the
projection of Tron appears again and congratulates them,
Rewarding the Party GM Note
‘As my Grand Daddy always said “gold is not afraid of the
melting pot.” But he hated elves too, so best not to believe For a one-off, feel free to give rare, powerful or strange rewards. This is

everything he thought.’ an opportunity to mess around, as the time to use them is limited. If it’s
a full campaign, swap out the items for more common and practical
items so that you do not overwhelm them with options or overpower the
The door on this balcony unlocks, opening back to the party. This adventure is about gathering loot, so give them loot!
main chamber of the manor. This is an unexplained
In this adventure, a wish spell is the reward. This is an incredibly
curiosity as it is impossible that two doors on opposite
powerful game altering spell. If you are running a broader campaign it is
sides of a room open to the same place, but the door best to reduce the spell to something less powerful, or use the spell as
behaves like this nonetheless. a monkey paw with unexpected consequences.

As a general rule when handing out published magical items or

When the party returns to the main chamber the jingle
generating your own is that while players like getting new stuff, never
plays and Oinkers the Piggy Bank sits in the center of expect them to remember what they have. If you build an encounter or
the room as the party’s prize. 400 gp rain down directly puzzle that requires them to use a specific item, they will invariably
forget it and get stuck.
into its mouth after they enter, as one of the locks on the
enormous door breaks.

Adjusting Difficulty

This is a skill challenge more than a puzzle. There are

some aspects of how the pillars behave that are hidden
from the party, but adjusting the difficulty of this encounter
can be accomplished by increasing or decreasing the DC
of skill checks involved in traversing the room. In addition
to these adjustments, consider the following ways to
change the difficulty of the challenge, noting that some of
them may require you make your own map:

Increased Challenge:
● Reduce the number of platforms
● Replace gold platforms with other colors
● Add obstacles between pillars

Decreased Challenge:
● Tell them the affect each colored pillar triggers
● Increase the number of gold platforms

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Tron will do anything in his power to convince the party to

Act 3: Some Fabulous Prizes
continue, including upping their reward to a pick of two
items from his collection. If they decide to push forward to
Quiz Bowl the final challenge move ahead below:

When the party has opened all the locks on the large door,
a projection of Tron appears in the main chamber: Location
Quiz Room
“Congratulations on your perseverance and
The room behind the grand door is cloaked in darkness. As you step in,
resourcefulness. You’re welcome to leave with your prizes
bright lights flash on, and music begins to play. Before you are a wide
now, or you can come with me for one final challenge, and set of short steps down to a handful of podiums, each one labeled with
double down on your winnings!” He gestures towards the a different party member's name. A recording of Tron booms in your
ears, “Come on down!” Opposite the podiums, angled to allow an
largest door.
unseen audience to watch a game board with ten levels, each painted
with a question mark. A microphone-wielding hologram of Tron jogs out
and waves to no one in particular, dancing to a beat that is entirely
Unchained Event different from the song you hear, ‘We’re in the Money.’

Standing before the grand door, a golden knob appears. Confetti

When the music quiets down he says ‘Welcome to the bonus round of
cannons boom above, showering the chamber with colorful petals as
Tron’s Practical Home Security. You've gotten this far so you surely
celebratory air horns blast. With excessive fanfare, the door swings
know the rules, but let’s recap for everyone at home. You’ll be asked a
open, revealing pitch black darkness beyond. A recording of Tron’s
series of adventuring questions. For each one you get right, you’ll win
voice bids you enter for the final event. A draft alerts you that the front
an additional prize. We ready to play?’
door of the manor has also opened offering you the option of leaving

In this chamber, Projection Tron will quiz the party in true

Real Tron is visibly excited at getting this far, but was
game show fashion. Unfortunately, many of these
unaware of a ‘final challenge’. Still, he insists once they
questions are unfair, outrageously difficult, or completely
complete the bonus round they will get to change his
subjective. They are designed to frustrate players, so lean
password and back to living as before.
into it until you feel PCs starting to break. The game
continues until they’ve attempted all ten questions, then
He doesn’t remember what the prizes are specifically, but
receive as many prizes as they’ve got correct answers.
believes the prizes in the next room are way better than
what they’ve won so far. Furthermore, even if they don’t
It is up to the GM to decide if they should answer
win anything good he reminds them of their option to pick
individually or as a group. Be sure to know the questions
from his personal stash.
beforehand, as they vary widely in levels of difficulty and
silliness. Feel free to create your own questions as well,
The party is welcome to simply walk out of the door they
employing inside jokes or subject matters important to
first entered, and the adventure is over. Tron will be
your players.
disappointed, but races to tell the journalists he now
knows the answers to all the puzzles and begins to relay
Take stock of your players health. If they are relatively
them, presumably giving the next party, the Chañtios, a
healthy, assign room trap damage for wrong answers. If
cake walk to the ending.
they are in rough shape, make this bonus round harmless,
keeping in mind they need to fight the tech dragon after.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Game Show Questions Rewards

Question For each question they answer correctly, another level of

the game board flips over from a question mark, to reveal
Who’s a good boy?
the prize they’ve won.
Associate Professor Rocket

What is my favorite color? Total Score Reward

Gold 1 Outdoor grill

Which room had the highest square footage? 2 Wagon

Golem Room. 3 Above ground pool

What material can kill a werewolf? 4 +1 weapons of their choosing each

Silver 5 3 live cows

How many heads on a newborn hydra? 6 1 year supply of ‘Adventurers Magazine’

7 Blackmail for Sir Charles Whittlebarry


8 3 years free rent in Tron’s spare room

What word in Common has 3 consecutive double letters?
9 Map to the hidden city of Kabrakan
bookkeeper. If the party comes up with another correct answer, that
is also acceptable and projection Tron makes a note of it 10 1 Wish Spell

You are simultaneously faced with one one demon of each

realm, while you and your party are naked with your hands tied.
When the quiz is complete, the rewards fall from the
What power is most important for your survival?
ceiling and land with a thud, free for the taking. The
friendship, teamwork, etc.
projection of Tron then steps back in and thanks the party
Jacoby and Route play Devils Poker against each other. They for playing: “Tron appreciates you. If you are an
bet 1 gold on each game they play. Jacoby won three games,
and Roland won 5 gold. How many games did they play? adventuring party, please proceed to the exit with your
winnings! If you are Tron, please provide your personal
password to unlock administrative access.”
What room is best?

Restroom Real Tron confidently announces “Salsa”. He is told that is

A composite number is a positive integer that can be formed by incorrect, you have two more attempts. He looks
multiplying two smaller positive integers. It was proposed by
confused, and pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and
Christian Goldbach that every odd composite number can be
written as the sum of a prime and twice a square. It turns out says “Oh, of course! Tomato.” Wrong again. The projection
that the conjecture was false. What is the smallest odd
composite that cannot be written as the sum of a prime and announces “You have one remaining attempt before
twice a square?
security protocol Tech Dragon will be released. In the
5777 event you forgot your password but really are Tron, you
should have no problem remembering how to defeat it.”

If the party grabs the paper out of Tron’s hand, they’ll see
the following salsa recipe that Tron has mistaken for a
note of his password.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Salsa Security Measures

○ Tomato (1 can)
○ Onion (1 diced) Event
Tron’s Tech Dragon
○ Cilantro (2 Tbs. chopped)
The back wall of the room, previously a rock wall shrouded in
○ Jalapeno (to taste)
darkness, groans momentarily and collapses downward,
disappearing into the floor. Beyond is a laboratory equal in size to the
The party can try to guess the password themselves main chamber in the front of the house, covered with white tiles on
the floor, walls and ceiling. On the right side of the room sits the
(which is ‘Rocket123’) with their final attempt. If they don’t
remaining prizes the group did not win inside an iron barred cage. To
venture a guess, Tron jumps in and blurts out ‘Cilantro!’ the left is a large metal and glass console with a digital display
The third failed password attempt triggers Tron’s Tech covered with buttons, flashing lights, and thick cords. The flashing

Dragon, the ultimate security feature. letters on the screen read ‘input new password’.

An unfamiliar female robotic voice announces, ‘Intruder detected.

If the party somehow manages to wildly guess the correct Fatal security system activated. Have a nice day.’ The floor tiles
password, the security system is disengaged and they shudder and begin stacking upwards together. Initially, it appears a
statue is being constructed, but as more tiles fly upwards to join the
may set a new password and remaining prizes. Also,
growing mass, the interconnected monster takes a clumsy step
please email us as to tell us towards you. The last tile breaks apart into a few dozen shards and
the story, and if your party has a good feeling about future fashion themselves in the mouth of what could be described as a tile

lottery numbers. dragon. Steam jets from its joints, and it greets you with a great roar
as thick, black smoke spills forward from his mouth.

Practical Home Security LLC Lore

Roll Initiative!
Tron has always been fascinated by adventuring and collecting relics.
He did not initially have a practical purpose for either activity but
The dragon’s combat capability is in Appendix IV. The
enjoyed it as a way to improve academic understanding of magical
items and the clout that came with his collection. party has access to the prizes they won, but cannot reach
any of the remaining prizes unless they find a way through
Over time, he grew to respect the defenses used in dungeons to
the iron cage. If they investigate behind the cage, they find
dissuade robbers like himself. The hobby grew into an obsession,
eventually leading to him exploring previously pilfered or empty
an on/off switch labeled ‘dragon’, which is how Tron would
dungeons just to learn about its defenses. normally bypass the system if he had his memory.
Switching it off immediately deactivates the dragon and
One day when his good friend and adventuring rival Druid Kamine was
raises the cage over the prizes.
over for tea, they got to discussing how much private collectors would
pay for his extensive knowledge on effective dungeon defenses for their
personal use. Which got him thinking… The computer’s function is as simple as it seems, and
inputting a new password will set the new password. This
Tron's Practical Home Security was born. He outfitted his home with a
series of customizable defensive measures, up to eight, that he
does not, however, deactivate the dragon, which must be
challenges adventurers to bypass. He uses that information to market killed in combat or turned off with the switch. Once the
his best puzzles and designs to private collectors, ensuring the security party has dispatched the Tech dragon, Tron will move to
of their valuables.
reset the password.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

If the party resets the password themselves, Tron will ask Outcomes
them what the new password is and offer them a single
If the players are enjoying this world and want to continue
prize of their choice from the iron cage. Tron is effectively
playing, here are some potential hooks to explore:
at the party's mercy, as the party has no obligation to let
● Tron is getting too old for adventuring, but he is
him set a password himself or tell him the password
happy to provide the party with leads. He doesn’t
they’ve chosen. Further, all the prizes are now unguarded.
know what it means, but he found a map to the
hidden city of Kabrakan.
If the party gives Tron the new password and takes only
● Rocket wants to finish his dissertation and
one gift, he thanks them for their help and mentions that
become a full Professor. His masters is in
they should continue to work together (see potential future
Political Sciences with a focus on Pirate
game hooks right). If they take control of the house for
Diplomacy, but he’s never actually met a pirate.
themselves or take more than the offered prizes, Tron
Can the party help him?
responds with disappointment, but regardless of outcome
● When the party exits, the Last Man Standing is a
will not turn to violence. If the party manages to get all ten
grizzly scene. The journalists have been beaten,
questions correct he gives them an additional wish spell
saying the Chañtios went crazy when the music
scroll. As before, please email us if that happens, as that
played to indicate you had won. They tied up
would be amazing.
Rocket and kidnapped him!
● If the party wins the blackmail on Sir Charles
Whittlebarry, they discover he is not truly from the
Whittlebarry family at all, but has been falsely
claiming their name for 30 years. How scandalas!
● If the PCs take over the house they need to
decide what to do with it. Is it purely a home
base? Will they continue running security
challenges? Something different entirely?

Thanks for Playing!

If you liked this game, want to play more, or tell others
about us, we are GM Puppy Pound - two nerds who want
to help people tell great stories.

Email us at

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Appendix I: Maps
Trons Last End

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Golden Tiles

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Appendix II: Items

Above Ground Pool Outdoor Grill

Can be packed into the size of a deck of cards. When the Instantaneously cooks meat and vegetables with the flavor
command word is spoken, it spreads to the size of a 16 of the chefs choosing regardless of ingredients on hand.
feet diameter, 4 feet deep pool filled with fresh water. The Takes 3 hours to set up and the party has -10 stealth and
pool can only expand if it has room without hitting -10 perception while using.
anything. The pool can only be retracted if nothing except
water is inside. Has a small slide, but no diving is allowed. Wagon

Oinkers the Piggy Bank Classic wagon. Seats 5 humanoids with a normal amount
of provisions. Must be pulled by at least 4 large trained
This sentient pig will bond with a PC of the GM’s choosing. animals (cows, horses etc.). Serves as an automatic
It acts as a familiar and will move where the player shelter when camping and allows the party to move at a
commands. It has 5 hp and cannot attack. When you feed fast pace without any adverse effects.
the pig gold coins, it will hold it inside its belly until
commanded to regurgitate as much as it has stored. Non Roshambeaux
party members will have no idea money is stored inside.
All weapons found in the Golem room deal 1d4 damage
Selfie Portrait regardless of proficiency. The exception is when a stone
weapon hits steel, a steel weapon hits wood, or a wood
The individually posed art of the PC is unwieldy - 2 feet by weapon hits stone, the item deals 3d10 + proficiency
3 feet, which requires one hand to carry and cannot be damage.
stored in a magical container, such as a bag of holding.
Propped up on the ground, the portrait appears to anyone Adventurers Magazine
that passes over 10 feet away as though the character is
standing there. A fairly dry explanation of techniques and past conquests
from fellow adventurers. Takes 3 hours to read each one.
reading all 12 issues grants the reader one feat of their
choosing. Disappears after it has been read once.

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Appendix III: Stat Blocks

Both monster blocks have different attack values based on
the average level of the adventuring party. Tech Dragon
Use the following monster blocks based on the level of your PCs,

The 3 different Golems have identical statistics with the except for actions and fighting style shown separately
Level 1 - 3: Black Dragon Wyrmling
exception of their specific damage resistance.
Level 4 - 6: Young White Dragon
Level 7 - 10: Young Green Dragon

Resistant Golem Construct Actions

AC 2 SP 45 ft Multiattack: can make 2 attacks on its turn, one with its claws and one
HP 45 with its bite

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite: +4, melee, one target
(+5) (+1) (+3) (-2) (-1) (-3) Level 1 - 3: 3 piercing
Level 4 - 6: 7 piecing
Saves: CON +6, CHA -2
Level 7 - 10: 9 piercing
Damage Resistance: Everything except below
Rock: Susceptible to wooden weapons only
Claw: +6, one target
Wood: Susceptible to steel weapons only
Level 1 - 3: 2 slashing
Steel: Susceptible to stone weapons only
Level 4 - 6: 4 slashing
Slip: does not take or give attacks of opportunity
Level 7 - 10: 6 slashing
Languages: None

Actions Laser Gun (1 per long rest): 30 ft. cone, each creature hit must make
a DEX save, taking damage below on failure or half on success

Material (wood, stone or steel) Sword: +3, melee, one target Level 1 - 3: 8 fire, DC 10 DEX save

Level 1 - 3: 2 bludgeoning Level 4 - 6: 15 fire, DC 12 DEX save

Level 4 - 6: 3 bludgeoning Level 7 - 10: 22 fire, DC 14 DEX save

Level 7 - 10: 5 bludgeoning

Fighting Style

Fighting Style ● Programed to only use Laser Gun if it can hit two enemies in

● Each turn it finds a new target, attacks, and then tries to one shot

move away out of range ● Automatically attacks anyone focusing on the computer

● avoids any PC holding a weapon that the Golem is not ● Fights to the death, cannot be reasoned with

resistant to ● If the party attempts to flee the encounter the tech dragon

● Fights to the death, cannot be reasoned with will not pursue feather than the room he’s born in

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Appendix IV: Last Man Standing Menu

The Last Man Standing

Dog Food Free

Tasty bits of dried leftover animal product, shaped into small pellets and baked until crispy,
served in a bowl. Can be soaked in water at customer request. Additionally, it can be served
with a topping of gravy for an additional 2 silver.

Chicken Broth Free

Delicious broth from boiled chicken just like mom used to make. Seasoned with salt and
pepper as well as a signature blend of Elven herbs and spices. Served with your choice of a
roll or crackers.

Steak Free

Juicy, succulent beef grilled to perfection over an open fire. Pre-cut into convenient, bit-sized
pieces. Cooked to order**.

Marshmallows Free

Fluffy, sugary goodness. Served in a set of 4 large-sized ‘mallows. Can be ordered toasted or
fresh. At customer’s request, a roasting spit can be provided for the true ‘mallow experience,
allowing the customer to roast their own ‘mallows over the fire pit.

Nut Butter Sampler Free

A 3-spoon sampling of our award-winning nut butters. Your choice of 3 from our top quality
varieties: Smooth peanut butter, chunky peanut butter, cashew butter, cinnamon delight
peanut butter, or banana blast peanut butter. Can be served “on-the-spoon” or in three
playfully plated dollops.

The Works Free

A completed collection of our tastiest offerings mixed together in a single, glorious dish.


Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Appendix V: Adjusting Puzzle


Tron’s Manor consists of a series of puzzle challenges.

Some puzzles are challenging, so you may need to adjust
the difficulty to match your players skill by dropping hints
to keep the pace up. Each challenge includes suggestions
for adjusting difficulty that GMs should consider. Puzzles,
riddles, and skill challenges are more difficult to adjust
than combat or traps, requiring some creativity by the GM
to keep players challenged and engaged.

Some parallels still work when balancing non-combat

challenges such as reducing the cost of failure (damage),
but GMs face a unique problem with puzzle encounters
because regardless how good the character’s stats are,
the player’s are the ones who must solve the problems.
Simply having PCs perform a skill check for the GM to
provide the answer is unsatisfying. Instead, careful hints
can be provided that allow parties to make progress while
still feeling like they were the ones to figure out the
solution. The goal is to find the sweet spot where the
players feel the threat of failure is real, but not inevitable.

As a final resort, you can ask a player proficient in

investigation or history to roll to receive more blatant hints,
but be careful not to overuse this. Our job is to ensure the
players are having fun, and sometimes that means tricking
them into thinking they tricked us!

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

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means any work covered by this License, including translations
and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT

excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the

and product line names, logos and identifying marks including COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are

trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the

plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the

symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you

concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or Distribute.

audio representations; names and descriptions of characters,

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures,
expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos,
owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or
registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the
Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open

Tron’s Practical Home Security GM Puppy Pound

Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson
Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership Identification of this adventure:
of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in
Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and ● Races, such as dragonborn

to that Product Identity. ● Ability checks, such as skills and saves

● Items, such as potions of healing and +1 weapons
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must ● Mechanics, such as hit dice, short rests, damage
clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing resistance, damage types, proficiency and initiative
are Open Game Content. ● Spells, such as fireball and wish
● Class features, such as extra attack
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may ● Stat blocks, such as bandits, bandit captains, wyrmlings
publish updated versions of this License. You may use any and dragons
authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute
any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version
of this License.

10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this

License with every copy of the Open Game Content You

11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise

the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor
unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.

12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with

any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the
Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or
governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game
Material so affected.

13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You

fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
shall survive the termination of this License.

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be

unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.

15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright

2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.

System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the

Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.


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