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Apr-25 Menu

v2 Dashboard
Fleet Management

Map View

Truck Management

Driver Management
Spectrometer Management
Device Management


Carbon Footprint Analysis
Per company
Per spectrometer
Per spectrometer
Per driver
Top Drivers
Most efficient Trucks
Transaction Management

Real Time activity

Top Up
Account Management

Program Setting
Carbon Criteria
Baseline Formulas
Carbon footprint package
Account Program
Daily Transaction activity
Daily Non settled routes
Inactive Spectrometer Accounts
Daily Account Balance
Suspicious transactions (Transaction not yet settled, reconciliation..)
Spectrometer Stock
Daily/Monthly/Yearly Company performance
Manage your network
Top Up
Company Dashboard

Map View showing all company trucks/spectrometers,

click on a truck will redirect to spectrometer account
The company can add truck info that are not part o
telematic, search truck, add/update
The company can add drivers to the company list and
assign them to potential truck drivers

Get list of company spectrometer stock and its status

Link spectrometer: tbc with Hicham, can the company

unlink? Thinking about the insallation process

Spectrometer status

Get list of company telemetic devices stock and their


see chart list

see chart list
see chart list
see chart list
List and ranking with search option?
List and ranking with search option?

To get all routes that are currently opened and not yet
setled, click on one record will redirect to spectrometer
account screen with multiple search options

Transaction List with multiple search option: redirection

if the record is a route??
Ajustment List with multiple search option
Top Up List with multiple search option

including multiple search option screen and Comp

including multiple search option screen and AM
Spectrometer screen

yet settled, reconciliation..)

On the web menu when cliking on Account Management/Spectrometer, we should have a criteria to search the spectrome
The First API to use to display the majority of the data is GetSpectromterScreen where you will specify the spectrometer ID

Use inboundResponseData Node on the GetSpectrome

Sample: inboundResponseData.spectroSummaryObject.totalRealCo2eCurr

LOGO Account Id, Spectrometer Id, Spectrometer Name?


MENU Account Balance

Program SET Up



Account Balance chart ICU/CO2e chart

to be added by Hicham (1)

Chart Type: Line chart

Abs= Period
Ord= CO2e/ICU

Recent Acitivity: ROUTE List


routeId totalBasel totalRealC

Last Transaction (settled or pending)
Trip Summary

Total Real CO2e


Trip Details

Route Start Date
Route End Date
Address Start
Address End
Route Id
All Collection List Drop down list: Default is ALL
Trip Duration
Driving Duration
Idling Duration
Total Distance
Total Fuel Consumption
Speed average

Get All info with payloadRouteList for a specific RouteId t

Other info will be added in Green by Hicham
eria to search the spectrometer. The API should return a list of spectrometer
specify the spectrometer ID from the criteria result

etSpectrometerScreen JSON API Add Actions on the account


pectrometer Name?

Total CO2e CO2e Saving Total CO2e Baseline

spectroSummaryObject spectroSummaryObject spectroSummaryObject.totalCalculat
current year current year

Select period Text: Total CO2e Select period

Last 30 days Default Last 30 da W

Real CO2e, Baseline and Saving chart Emission per green house gas in CO2

co2eStatisticsByPerid to be added by Hicham(2)

Chart Type: Line chart Chart Type = Bar

Abs= Period Abs= Period
print Ord= CO2e/ICU print Ord= CO2e/ICU
Extract Extract

Route Transaction
MAP view
Default: Current Position of the tuck/
for the last transaction and its route e
…. …. the truck is still moving
ttled or pending)
Attributes to get the start and the en
Route to be provided with Collection
Then, to get the coordinates for each

CO2e Saving Total CO2e Baseline Total Consumed fuel

payloadRouteList.totalRealCo2e payloadRouteList.totalBaseline payloadRouteList.totalRealCo2e

Emission per green house gas in CO2

to be added by Hicham (1)

Gaz Data Mass CO2e

op down list: Default is ALL COLLECTION Id CO2
For Gas Data I remind that by defautlt we should have totals for all collection
payloadRouteList.aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent Quantity is grams
and CO2equivalent is CO2e

Emission percentage per green hous

eList for a specific RouteId that is selected in the recent activity screen Display also the gas mass in the chart
een by Hicham to be added by Hicham (1)
ns on the account

Total Consumed fuel Total Distance

current year current year current year

Select period Select period

Default Last 30 days Default Last 30 days

per green house gas in CO2e chart Total emission percentage per green house in CO2e

ed by Hicham(2) to be added by Hicham(3)

You should also display the gas mass when selected
Chart Type = Pie
Abs= Period
print Ord= CO2e/ICU print
Extract Extract

Current Position of the tuck/spectro

st transaction and its route even if
is still moving

s to get the start and the end of the route
be provided with Collection Ids of payloadRouteList.RouteId, the list in payloadRouteList.collectionListIds
get the coordinates for each collection you should call getSDatatcollectionsListByIds for payloadRouteList.collectionListIds
sumed fuel Total Distance Objective: Percentage
outeList.totalRealCo2e payloadRouteList.totalRealCo2e payloadRouteList.routeObjective

Route Id
Default: AllCollection

per green house gas in CO2e chart

ed by Hicham (1)

Route Id
Default: AllCollection

percentage per green house in CO2e

so the gas mass in the chart if possible
ed by Hicham (1)
Objective: Percentage Truck Info Driver List info
spectroSummaryObject Truck Active Driver
current year Other Drivers

Select period
Last 30 days

If logged as Spectaire or 3rdGP or Yabdev then we should propose a criteria searcg screen to get the company list and com
The First API to use to display the majority of the data is getCompanyView where you will specify the spectrom

Company Information to be displayed

The company can have multiple account, please
MENU Account Balance
Program SET Up account Id, account status
… POSSIBILITY to Click on the

Real Time MAP view (Latest activity)

Possibility to select multiple truck/spectrometer and activa

Truck Info
Route opened


Account Balance chart ICU/CO2e chart

Chart Type: Line chart

Abs= Period
Ord= CO2e/ICU


By default Display only 'ALL COMPANY'

And Display Spectrometer List when selected


By default Display only 'ALL COMPANY'

And Display Truck List when selected

By default Display only 'ALL COMPANY'

And Display Driver List when selected
et the company list and compamy we would like to see
you will specify the spectrometer ID from the criteria result

Add Actions on the account


ave multiple account, please take it in consideration

accountsArray companySummaryObject companySummaryObject

Account Balance Total CO2e CO2e Saving
account Id, account scurrent year current year

POSSIBILITY to Click on the map and get the correspondant activity, vice versa REFRESH Buton?

realTimemapArray Recent Acitivity: ROUTE List

uck/spectrometer and activate tracking or supervision mode And Recent Transaction?

routeId totalBasel
Last Transaction (settled or pending)

Route Transaction

Select period Text: Total CO2e Select period

Last 30 days Default Last 30 da W

dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected period dailyEmissionPerGreenHouse

Same object name with weekly, monthly and yearly Same object name with week
Real CO2e, Baseline and Saving chart Emission per green house gas
Use only volume for this chart
comment comment

Chart Type: Line chart Chart Type = Bar

Abs= Period Abs= Period
print Ord= CO2e/ICU print Ord= CO2e/ICU
Extract Extract

Select period
default: Last 30 days
default: All Spectrometer
dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSa
Same object name with week
Same object name with weekly, monthly and yearly yearly
Total CO2e emission by company by spectrometer (only
Total total
CO2eCO2e emission)
emission by spectr
Total Baseline emission by Spectrometer
Total Saving emission by spectrometer

Comment Comment

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart


Select period

dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSa

Same object name with week
Same object name with weekly, monthly and yearly yearly
Total CO2e emission by truck (only
Total total
CO2eCO2e emission)
emission by spectr
Total Baseline emission by truck
Total Saving emission by truck

comment comment

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

Select period

dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSa

Same object name with week
Same object name with weekly, monthly and yearly yearly
Total CO2e emission by driver (only
Total total
by driver
Total Baseline emission by driver
Total Saving emission by driver

comment comment

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

Add Actions on the account

companySummaryObject companySummaryObject companySummaryObject

CO2e Saving Total CO2e Baseline Total Consumed fuel

current year current year current year

Route recentActivity recentActivity will provide you first page of route and transaction
To get other pages, use then service “GetRoutesListByCompanyByPagination” for routes &
for transactions. If ‘spectrometersList’ in the request is empty, it will get back all spectrom
totalRealC…. …. It will get back routes & transactions of only selected spectrometers with requested pagina
(settled or pending)

Possibility to open the correspondant Spectrometer Account screen


Select period
Default Last 30 days Default

dailyEmissionPerGreenHouseGasInVolume dailyEmissionPerGreenHouseGasInVolume
Same object name with weekly, monthly and yearly Same object name with weekly, monthly and yearly
Emission per green house gas in CO2e chart Total emission percentage per green house in CO2e
Use only volume for this chart Use only percentage for this chart
comment comment

You should also display the gas mass when selected

Chart Type = Bar Chart Type = Pie
Abs= Period Abs= Period
Ord= CO2e/ICU print Ord= CO2e/ICU

Select period
default: Last 30 days
default: All Spectrometer
Same with selected
object name with weekly, monthly and period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving
Same with selected
object name with weekly, monthly and period
yearly yearly
Total total
CO2eCO2e emission)
emission by spectrometer (only
Total total Baseline
Baseline emission)
emission by Spectrometer

Comment comment

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart


Select period

dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected

Same object name with weekly, monthly and period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected
Same object name with weekly, monthly and period
yearly yearly
Total total
CO2eCO2e emission)
emission by spectrometer (only
Total total Baseline
Baseline emission)
emission by truck

comment comment

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

Select period

Same with selected
object name with weekly, monthly and period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving
Same with selected
object name with weekly, monthly and period
yearly yearly
Total total
by driver (only
Total total Baseline
Baseline emission)
emission by driver

comment comment

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

companySummaryObject companySummaryObject
Total Distance Objective: Percentage

current year current year

nyByPagination” for routes & “GetTransactionsListByCompanyByPagination”

it will get back all spectrometers routes & transactions with requested pagination, else
meters with requested pagination.

Select period Select period

Last 30 days Default Last 30 days
Select ranging number
GasInVolume By default top 10
y, monthly and yearly Top10Spectrometers
green house in CO2e Top Spectrometer
Based on Saving (CO2e volume)

List 1 to X where X=10

print print

Select period Select period

default: Last 30 days
default: All Spectrometer
ving with selected
y, monthly and period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected
Same object name with weekly, monthly and period
Total total
SavingSaving emission)
emission by spectrometer


Chart Type: Bar Chart

print print

Select period Select period

ving with selected

y, monthly and period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving with selected
Same object name with weekly, monthly and period
Total total
SavingSaving emission)
emission by truck


Chart Type: Bar Chart

print print
Select period Select period

ving with selected

y, monthly and period dailyRealCO2eBaselineAndSaving
Same with selected
object name with weekly, monthly and period
Total total
SavingSaving emission)
emission by driver


Chart Type: Bar Chart

print print
companySummaryObject companySummaryObject companySummaryObject
Total Spectrometer by Status Total Truck by Status Total Drivers by Status

Select period
Default Last 30 days
nging number Select ranging number
By default top 10
top10ChartsLast30Days top10ChartsLast30Days
Top10Trucks Top10Drivers
Top Trucks Top drivers
Based on Saving Based on Saving
comment comment

List 1 to X where X=10 List 1 to X where X=10

vers by Status

current year

Select period
Default Last 30 days
Select ranging number
By default top 10

where X=10
If logged as Spectaire or 3rdGP or Yabdev then we should propose a criteria searcg screen to get the company list and com
The First API to use to display the majority of the data is GetSpectromterScreen where you will specify the spectrometer ID


LOGO Account Id, Spectrometer Id, Spectrometer Name?


MENU Account Balance

Program SET Up
… POSSIBILITY to Click on the

Real Time MAP view (Latest activity)

Possibility to select multiple truck/spectrometer and activa

Truck Info
Route opened

Recent Acitivity: ROUTE List

routeId totalBasel totalRealC

Last Transaction (settled or pending)

Possibility to open the correspondant Spectrometer Accou


Company Charts


Account Balance chart ICU/CO2e chart

Chart Type: Line chart

Abs= Period
Ord= CO2e/ICU


By default Display only 'ALL COMPANY'

And Display Spectrometer List when selected

By default Display only 'ALL COMPANY'

And Display Truck List when selected


By default Display only 'ALL COMPANY'

And Display Driver List when selected
et the company list and compamy we would like to see
specify the spectrometer ID from the criteria result

Add Actions on the account

pectrometer Name?

Total CO2e CO2e Saving Total CO2e Baseline

current year current year

POSSIBILITY to Click on the map and get the correspondant activity, vice versa REFRESH Buton?

uck/spectrometer and activate tracking or supervision mode to see the latest/current route

Search Recent Transctions

…. …. routeId totalBasel totalRealC

ttled or pending) Last Transaction (settled or pending)

ondant Spectrometer Account screen to see the detial


Select period Text: Total CO2e Select period

Last 30 days Default Last 30 da W

Real CO2e, Baseline and Saving chart Emission per green house gas in

Chart Type: Line chart Chart Type = Bar

Abs= Period Abs= Period
print Ord= CO2e/ICU print Ord= CO2e/ICU
Extract Extract

Select period

Total CO2e emission by spectrometer Total CO2e emission by spectrom

Total Baseline emission by Spectrometer
Total Saving emission by spectrometer

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

Select period

Total CO2e emission by truck Total CO2e emission by spectrom

Total Baseline emission by truck
Total Saving emission by truck

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart


Select period

Total CO2e emission by driver Total CO2e emission by driver

Total Baseline emission by driver
Total Saving emission by driver

Chart Type: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

ns on the account

Total Consumed fuel Total Distance

current year current year current year


…. ….
or pending)

Select period Select period

Default Last 30 days Default Last 30 days

per green house gas in CO2e chart Total emission percentage per green house in CO2e

You should also display the gas mass when selected

Chart Type = Pie
Abs= Period
print Ord= CO2e/ICU print
Extract Extract

Select period Select period

2e emission by spectrometer Total Baseline emission by Spectrometer

e: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

print print
Select period Select period

2e emission by spectrometer Total Baseline emission by truck

e: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

print print

Select period Select period

2e emission by driver Total Baseline emission by driver

e: Bar Chart Chart Type: Bar Chart

print print
Objective: Percentage

current year
Select period Select period
Last 30 days Default Last 30 days

Top 10 Spectrometer Top 10 trucks

Chart Type = Pie Chart Type = Pie

Abs= Period Abs= Period
Ord= CO2e/ICU print Ord= CO2e/ICU

Select period Select period

Total Saving emission by spectrometer

Chart Type: Bar Chart

Select period Select period

Total Saving emission by truck

Chart Type: Bar Chart


Select period Select period

Total Saving emission by driver

Chart Type: Bar Chart

Select period
Default Last 30 days Default

Top 10 trucks Top 10 drivers

Chart Type = Pie Chart Type = Pie

Abs= Period Abs= Period
Ord= CO2e/ICU print Ord= CO2e/ICU
Select period
Last 30 days

"inboundId": "695bd800a98d436f8e407f1ba36b34b4",
"inboundMethod": "getSpectometerScreen",
"resourceType": "API",
"resourceId": "1",
"initiatorId": "SpectApi",
"processingStatus": "000",
"processingStatusLabel": "Spectrometer successfully retrieved",
"inboundResponseData": {
"spectroSummaryObject": {
"totalRealCo2eCurrentYear": 23360.16,
"totalCalculatedCo2eCurrentYear": 2403087.81,
"totalSavingCo2eCurrentYear": 2390930.07,
"totalDistanceCurrentYear": 91247486.85346329,
"totalConsumedFuelCurrentYear": 679877,
"ObjectiveCurrentYear": 0.67
"co2eStatisticsByPerid": [
"frequency": "D",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-04-11",
"totalRealCO2e": 316,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 2392240.06,
"totalSavingCO2e": 2387323.46,
"totalDistance": 899338.0232880196
"frequency": "D",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-04-10",
"totalRealCO2e": 7241.14,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 10847.75,
"totalSavingCO2e": 3606.61,
"totalDistance": 1476516.96698286
"frequency": "D",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-03-10",
"totalRealCO2e": 0,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0
"frequency": "D",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-03-08",
"totalRealCO2e": 0,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0
"frequency": "D",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-04-06",
"totalRealCO2e": 0,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 88871631.86319241
"frequency": "D",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-03-20",
"totalRealCO2e": 15803.02,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0
"frequency": "W",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-04-10",
"totalRealCO2e": 7557.14,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 2403087.81,
"totalSavingCO2e": 2390930.07,
"totalDistance": 2375854.9902708796
"frequency": "W",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-03-06",
"totalRealCO2e": 0,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0
"frequency": "W",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-03-20",
"totalRealCO2e": 15803.02,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0
"frequency": "W",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-04-03",
"totalRealCO2e": 0,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 88871631.86319241
"frequency": "M",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-04-01",
"totalRealCO2e": 7557.14,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 2403087.81,
"totalSavingCO2e": 2390930.07,
"totalDistance": 91247486.85346329
"frequency": "M",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-03-01",
"totalRealCO2e": 15803.02,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 0,
"totalSavingCO2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0
"frequency": "Y",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-01-01",
"totalRealCO2e": 23360.16,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 2403087.81,
"totalSavingCO2e": 2390930.07,
"totalDistance": 91247486.85346329
"frequency": "L30D",
"frequencyOccurrence": "2023-03-13",
"totalRealCO2e": 23360.16,
"totalCalculatedCO2e": 2403087.81,
"totalSavingCO2e": 2390930.07,
"totalDistance": 91247486.85346329
"payloadRouteList": [
"routeId": "bedc654f-c7a4-447a-bf2b-19628c64c547",
"firstLatitude": 84.93680606153823,
"firstLongitude": -68.9034292722457,
"endLatitude": 84.90013081198394,
"endLongitude": -53.83758257974689,
"totalBaseline": 10847.75,
"totalRealCo2e": 7241.14,
"totalSavingCo2e": 3606.61,
"totalDistance": 4078.1015,
"totalConsumedFuel": 409879,
"routeObjective": 0.6,
"collectionListIds": [
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[{\"gasCode\":\"carbon_dioxide\",\"quantity\":40.0,\"co2Equivalent\":1180.0},{
"routeId": "89df3a9c-0991-41a1-b947-aeead1bb61f6",
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "27d4fd83-b98e-4f39-a786-897cb3276cc2",
"firstLatitude": -9.219461908668492,
"firstLongitude": -21.51800336489924,
"totalBaseline": 663782.02,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 663782.02,
"totalDistance": 249542.1134090878,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "28661995-4e4c-419a-bdc4-87b73ed8ed3e",
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "cd6ae3ce-370a-4ef8-a76a-535de4482eef",
"firstLatitude": 22.767561280470588,
"firstLongitude": -37.386710036974975,
"totalBaseline": 480448.66,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 480448.66,
"totalDistance": 180619.797862022,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "7551c0c8-4144-492b-8f17-4737ef1a4d69",
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "86b27ef9-1b9f-4743-8afe-b117ac6e9855",
"firstLatitude": -89.59184734865063,
"firstLongitude": -154.8729166432921,
"totalBaseline": 538222.8,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 538222.8,
"totalDistance": 202339.39689948273,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "7695d099-de82-48a1-9ea5-4ee97119491b",
"firstLatitude": -89.35169654759406,
"firstLongitude": -45.406820781248065,
"totalBaseline": 160285.21,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 160285.21,
"totalDistance": 60257.59712658987,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "35d5f672-aec1-4e02-992d-b8fb4b6f1c47",
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 4191759.9022151134,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "dfaf4ca6-904b-47ef-a328-7fd388b805f5",
"firstLatitude": 56.313392147651086,
"firstLongitude": 44.6311057059324,
"endLatitude": 58.344032561947294,
"endLongitude": 43.99290719083794,
"totalBaseline": 6091.92,
"totalRealCo2e": 316,
"totalSavingCo2e": 1175.32,
"totalDistance": 2289.84962,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[{\"gasCode\":\"carbon_dioxide\",\"quantity\":70.0,\"co2Equivalent\":2065.0},{
"routeId": "8efd0c8b-009a-4c32-a6c4-ef1443e7b015",
"firstLatitude": -29.32555436998607,
"firstLongitude": -113.43963617955468,
"totalBaseline": 543409.45,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 543409.45,
"totalDistance": 204289.26837083724,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "1c1c431c-7d5c-4ec5-bf26-7318aa77d785",
"totalRealCo2e": 15803.02,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[{\"gasCode\":\"carbon_dioxide\",\"quantity\":254.0,\"co2Equivalent\":7493.0},
"routeId": "03dd5c15-7ba7-4359-b15f-16f62880a955",
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "eaee5e60-556f-417f-bff7-cb35050c5ee6",
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "159e02e6-2b6d-4760-ba2e-3fec7fb085ca",
"firstLatitude": 86.39839804244919,
"firstLongitude": -150.5874546357995,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 287060.03168005013,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "bb97609c-b6f9-4169-8f35-8e3a9a844cd1",
"firstLatitude": -79.11571168538174,
"firstLongitude": -14.715608378201475,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 179728.28261495783,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "399980c6-feff-4f2d-a34a-eb5c277c6fc5",
"firstLatitude": -41.33757478123555,
"firstLongitude": -103.9929895075929,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 156231.54619076557,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "0d32815f-3627-4796-9934-28274dadff8d",
"firstLatitude": -72.23695906964568,
"firstLongitude": -26.08030746192282,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 275389.36242474173,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "895cf000-7ab0-4aea-a80a-bc22c178baf4",
"firstLatitude": -71.9570441246938,
"firstLongitude": 83.45540517453279,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 99772.57983314877,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "27084a9a-8068-4954-92f4-e71ed58b8b4f",
"firstLatitude": -87.15683846295472,
"firstLongitude": -119.38008976750288,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "e6d33cde-ae70-48ea-9fc3-51fd6ff59078",
"firstLatitude": -75.71812592173104,
"firstLongitude": 19.91871901975479,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 0,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "5ef940a8-6d9c-4645-ae91-fa19285b7a66",
"firstLatitude": -72.22806258028918,
"firstLongitude": -53.39498126111215,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 38271.06106891688,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "68fc096e-ba68-4333-ac76-a876c45bfef2",
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 84679871.9609773,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "09d3926b-9c9c-4717-a4e1-726109ef17cb",
"firstLatitude": -82.37022455665905,
"firstLongitude": -153.1940864504724,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 167856.9153132589,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"routeId": "39ceeac2-268b-49a0-bb6d-8494b2056923",
"firstLatitude": -83.9382935514909,
"firstLongitude": 172.48375293189085,
"totalBaseline": 0,
"totalRealCo2e": 0,
"totalSavingCo2e": 0,
"totalDistance": 268129.08635702,
"aggregateQuantityCo2Equivalent": "[]"
"account": {
"id": 999,
"code": "AccountCode",
"createdOn": "2023-03-09T14:21:30.898+00:00",
"modifiedOn": "2023-03-11T16:09:30.990+00:00",
"balance": 25042.46,
"statusCode": "A",
"statusDate": "2023-03-09T14:21:30.889+00:00"
"spectrometer": {
"id": 7,
"code": "kHYAHAIC",
"createdOn": "2023-03-09T14:21:30.898+00:00",
"modifiedOn": "2023-03-11T16:09:30.990+00:00",
"serialNumber": "YOw6dqqexKPPf2z",
"category": "vehicle",
"model": "Model_1",
"kernelVersionNumber": "2UjCsI",
"manufacturationDate": "2023-03-09T01:00:00.000+00:00",
"statusCode": "A",
"statusDate": "2023-03-09T14:21:30.889+00:00",
"companyCode": "6QpDDu9F",
"telematicDeviceCode": "TELEMATICDE",
"externalSpectrometerId": "CIAHAYHk"
"truck": {
"id": 5,
"code": "ukCD9tZk",
"createdOn": "2023-04-06T14:41:57.953+00:00",
"label": "truck test",
"shortLabel": "truck test",
"manufacturer": "Volvo",
"energyType": "Fuel",
"enginePower": "110",
"genericGrossCombinationWeight": "100",
"manufacturingDate": "2020-03-24T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"odometer": 15,
"lastMaintenanceDate": "2023-01-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"companyCode": "1JjLAslx",
"telamaticDeviceCode": "TELEMATICDE",
"issuerAccountProgram": "3GPBASICISSPRGMICU"
"driverSignOnAuditList": [
"driverCode": "1234",
"nickName": "ThenickName",
"status": "ON",
"signOnDate": "2023-03-09T14:21:30.889+00:00",
"signOffDate": ""
"driverCode": "1297",
"nickName": "MyName",
"status": "OFF",
"signOnDate": "2023-04-09T14:21:30.889+00:00",
"signOffDate": "2023-04-09T14:22:30.889+00:00"
Updates Adding Account object
Adding in SPectromerSummary: totalConsumedFuelCurrentYear and ObjectiveCurrentYear
Updating driverSignOnAuditList adding the driver list with attributes.
Include Null attributes on JSON for all objects in the function
Adding collectionListIds in the payloadRouteList
Add the API getSDatatcollectionsListByIds that is returning the full collection data including latitude longitute. In
Add the attribute TotalConsumedFuel in the payloadRouteList
Add the attribute RouteObjective in the payloadRouteList
Add routeEmissionCo2eValuesChart
Add routeEmissionCo2eValuesChart

Add totalSpectrometerByStatus in the companySummaryObject
Add totalTruckByStatus in the companySummaryObject
Add totalDriverByStatus in the companySummaryObject
Add recentActivity Object in GetCompanyView Response, containing last 10 transactions & routes
Develop API GetRoutesListByCompanyByPagination
Develop API GetTransactionsListByCompanyByPagination
Develop API GetCompanyCO2StatisticsChartByPeriod
Develop API GetCompanyEmissionPerGreenHouseGasInVolume
Develop API GetCompanyEmissionPerGreenHouseGasInPercentage
Add top10ChartsLast30Days in the charts object, containing top10Spectrometers, top10Trucks & top10Drivers r
Develop API GetTopSpectrometersByCriterias
Develop API GetTopTrucksByCriterias
Develop API GetTopDriversByCriterias
Develop API GetSpectrometersInfosListByCompanyCodeAndSpectrometersList
Develop API GetTrucksInfosListByCompanyCodeAndTrucksList
Develop API GetDriversInfosListByCompanyCodeAndDriversList
ding latitude longitute. Input is CollectionListIds

0Trucks & top10Drivers respective objects

gallons = liters * 0.2641720524
liters = gallons / 0.2641720524

ounces = tons * 2,000 * 16 Pounds = tons * 2000
tons = onces / 2000 / 16 tons = Pounds / 2000


24h format
AM/PM format

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