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2ª Avaliação do 2º Bimestre

Data: __24_ / __07_/ 2020 Série: 6º ANO Turma: E

Nome do Aluno: ____Gabriel Santiago do Nascimento n. _________

1)Complete os espaços com a matéria correspondente a descrição(em inglês)

a)The study of Earth´s physical features and the people, plants, and animals that live in different regions of
the world. ( Geography)

b)The study and knowledge on the physical world and its behavior ( Science)

c)The main language that people speak in USA, Canada,Australia and some other coutries (English)

d)The language of Spain and most contries in south and central Americ (Spanich )

e)The study or use of numbers and shapes to calculate represent or describe things (Math)

f)Paints, drawing and sculptures thathas are created to be beautiful or to express ideas (Art)

g)Sounds made by voice or instruments arranged in a way that is pleasant to listen to (Music )

h)The study of how computers work and what they can be used for (Computer science)

i)The study of the events of the past ( History)

j)sport and Physical exercise ( Physical education)

2)Escreva os dias da semana (em Inglês)

Segunda feira: Monday;

Terça feira: Tuesday;
Quarta feira: Wednesday;
Quinta feira: Thursday;
Sexta feira: Friday;
Sábado: Saturday;
Domingo: Sunday.

3)Escreva os horários em Inglês.


1:35 =it’s one thirty-five

4:10 = it’s four ten
8:20= it’s eight twenty
2:00 =it’s two o’clock
10:30 =it’s ten thirty
4:55 = it’s four fifty-five
3:45= it’s three forty-five
9:05 =it’s nine oh five
11:25 = it’s eleven twenty-five
7:50 =it’s seven fifty
5:40 = it’s five fourty
6:15 = it’s six fifteen

4)Escreva em Inglês os materiais escolares

Lápis: pencil
Borracha: eraser
Caderno: notebook
Estojo:pencil case
Régua: ruler

5)Faça a tradução das palavras a seguir

Binder: agenda
Scissors: tesoura
Book: livro

6)Use as preposições corretamente (AT ou ON)

a)I have language classes on Tuesday at nine o´clock

b) on Wednesday and Fridays,I study physics.

c) My classes finish at a quarter past twelve.

d)Art classes always start at eleven fifteen on Mondays

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