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Exploración de estrategias de marketing digital.

Johanna Maryiseth Cardenas Lara

Alonso Rafael Mera Sabalza


Fundación Universitaria Área Andina

Facultad de ciencias administrativas, económicas y financieras

Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales

Febrero 2023
Table of contents

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………… 1

Comparative Chart …………………………………………………………………….2

Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………… 3

Bibliographic References……………………………………………………………....4

In the following document we want to highlight the importance of digital marketing strategies
in the face of trends that are developing over time, this taking into account that society is
increasingly digitized.

As an example to develop this work we have taken two large companies worldwide such as
Amazon and Facebook, both with very different business models as well as their strategic

This is how we see that Amazon focuses on e-commerce and online retail, while facebook is
a social communication platform that allows users to connect and share content, In the same
way the two companies invest significantly in research and development so you have a
culture of innovation and experimentation.

Advantages 1. Variety of Products: Amazon 1. Connecting with friends and

(Pros) offers a wide variety of products family: Facebook is a great way to
ranging from books, electronics, stay in touch with friends and
clothing, food, home and garden, family, regardless of your
to health and beauty items. geographic location. You can share
photos, videos and messages with
2. Competitive prices: Amazon
your loved ones and keep up with
offers competitive prices on most
their lives.
of its products and also offers
discounts and promotions on 2. Marketing platform: Facebook
selected products. is a very effective marketing tool
for businesses. It allows businesses
3. Expedited Delivery: Amazon
to reach large numbers of people
offers expedited delivery options,
through posts, ads, and business
including same-day or next-day
shipping for certain products.
3. Community Groups: Facebook
4. Customer Service: Amazon
has a large number of common
has excellent customer service,
interest groups, which makes it
offering a free return option on
easy to find people with similar
many products, as well as 24-hour
interests and join online
customer support.
5. Third-Party Selling Platform:
4. Access to news and
Amazon offers third-party sellers
information: Facebook may
the opportunity to sell their
provide access to news and
products on Amazon's platform,
information from around the
increasing the variety of products
world, allowing users to keep up
with current events.
Disadvantages 1. Environmental impact: 1. Addictive: Facebook can be
(Cons) Amazon delivery logistics can be addictive and can be time
harmful to the environment, since consuming. Users can lose hours
a large number of plastic browsing the platform, which can
packaging and transport vehicles affect their productivity and social
are used. relationships.

2. Monopoly: Amazon has been 2. Loss of privacy: Facebook

criticized for its size and scope, collects a large amount of
leading to concerns about its personal information from its
potential monopoly on the users, which can affect your
market. privacy. The information may be
shared with third parties, which
3. Labor conditions: Amazon
may be a concern for many users.
workers have denounced
precarious working conditions, 3. Inappropriate Content:
with high pressure to meet Facebook may contain
delivery deadlines and long work inappropriate content, including
hours. violent and pornographic content,
which may not be suitable for all
4. Data Privacy: Amazon has
come under fire for its handling of
data privacy, especially in relation 4. Spread of fake news: Facebook
to its customer data. has been criticized for allowing the
spread of fake news and
5. Lack of transparency:
misinformation on its platform,
Amazon has been criticized for its
which can have serious
lack of transparency regarding its
consequences for society and
business and tax practices, as well
as regarding its product
recommendation algorithms.
Major 1. Competition: Amazon has 1. Protection of personal data:
challenges faced increasing competition in Facebook has had to deal with
faced by the the online retail market from several controversies surrounding
companies in companies like Walmart, Alibaba, the protection of personal data of
the past 10 and other online retailers. its users, including the Cambridge
years Analytica scandal in 2018.
2. Regulation: Amazon has come
under increasing scrutiny from 2. Disinformation and
government regulators, who are propaganda: Facebook has been
looking into issues like its tax criticized for allowing fake news
practices and treatment of and propaganda to spread on its
workers. platform, especially during the
2016 US presidential election.
3. Company culture: The work
culture at Amazon has been 3. Hate Speech and Harassment:
criticized for being grueling and The platform has also been
for pushing employees to work criticized for allowing hate speech
long hours in difficult conditions. and harassment to spread on its
platform, which has led to an
4. Cybersecurity: With the
increase in online violence and
increase in online activity,
Amazon has faced greater risks of
cyberattacks and has had to invest 4. Competition from other social
in security to protect its customers networks: In recent years,
and its own infrastructure. Facebook has faced increasing
competition from other social
5. Infrastructure and logistics:
networks such as Instagram,
Amazon's supply chain
TikTok and Snapchat, which has
management has been challenged
led to its declining popularity
by the company's rapid growth
among young people.
and the need to meet customer
demand quickly and efficiently. 5. Government Regulation:
Facebook has faced increased
government regulation around the
world, especially in Europe,
6. Sustainability: Amazon has
regarding data privacy and other
been criticized for its carbon
related issues.
footprint and its impact on the
environment, and has had to take 6. Social media addiction:
steps to address these concerns. Facebook has also been criticized
for contributing to social media
7. Brand reputation: Amazon
addiction and declining mental
has faced criticism for the
health, especially among young
treatment of its workers, lack of
corporate social responsibility and
the sale of counterfeit products on 7. Political influence: Facebook
its platform, which has affected its has been accused of allowing
brand reputation. political groups to use the platform
to influence elections and
manipulate public opinion.
How each 1. Customer Focus: Amazon is 1. Facebook Marketplace:
company focused on meeting the needs of Facebook launched its
develops its customers and constantly Marketplace in 2016, which allows
improving the user experience. users to buy and sell products
The company has developed within the platform. The
innovative technologies and Marketplace section is located on
services to improve the efficiency the Facebook home page, and
and convenience of online users can browse products by
shopping, such as fast and free category or by location.
delivery, one-click shipping and
2. Instagram Shopping: In 2018,
hassle-free returns.
Instagram (owned by Facebook)
2. Wide selection of products: launched the "Shopping" feature
Amazon offers a wide variety of that allows businesses to tag
products on its platform, from products in their Instagram posts.
books and electronics to clothing Users can click on the tags to see
and food. The company has also more information about the
developed its own line of product and buy it directly through
products, including electronic the platform.
devices like the Kindle and Echo,
3. Facebook Shops: In May 2020,
and services like Amazon Prime.
Facebook launched Facebook
3. Advanced technology: Shops, a feature that allows
Amazon has invested heavily in businesses to create an online store
technology to improve the on the platform. Businesses can
efficiency of its operations and customize their store with their
offer a seamless shopping brand and products, and users can
experience. The company has purchase products directly on the
developed sophisticated platform.
algorithms for product
4. WhatsApp Business: In 2018,
recommendation personalization
Facebook launched WhatsApp
and data analysis, as well as
Business, which allows businesses
innovative technologies such as to communicate with customers
drones for package delivery. through the messaging platform.
Businesses can send automated
4. Third-Party Platform:
messages and respond to customer
Amazon allows third-party sellers
questions. In some countries,
to use its platform to sell their own
WhatsApp Business also allows
products, increasing the selection
businesses to accept payments
of products available on the
through the platform.
platform and providing sales
opportunities to smaller

5. Customer Loyalty: Amazon

has developed a membership
program called Amazon Prime,
which offers a number of
exclusive benefits, such as free
two-day shipping, access to
streaming video and music
content, and discounts on select
purchases. This program has
helped build customer loyalty and
boost sales on the platform.

After the analysis carried out, we can conclude that Facebook has faced a series of challenges
in the last 10 years, including privacy problems, hate speech and competition from other
social networks, which has led to increased government regulation and criticism around
Facebook. its influence on society, on the other hand, Facebook has developed e-commerce
through various features on its platform, including Marketplace, Instagram Shopping,
Facebook Shops, and WhatsApp Business. These features allow businesses to sell products
directly to platform users and facilitate communication and transaction between businesses
and customers.

Amazon, too, has faced a number of significant challenges over the past 10 years, but has
managed to remain one of the world's largest and most successful companies through a
combination of innovation, adaptation, and effective business strategies. In addition, Amazon
has developed a customer-centric approach, a wide selection of products, advanced
technology, a third-party platform, and a customer loyalty program to develop and expand
Bibliographic References

¿Qué hace Amazon mejor que Google y Facebook en la disputada galaxia de la publicidad
online? | Marketing Zone Icesi. Disponible en:

Amazon ventajas y desventajas: descúbrelas - Comunicare. Disponible en:

Las ventajas y desventajas de Facebook para empresas ( Disponible


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