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Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson:

In the previous lesson, we discussed the basics of flower arrangement, including the importance of color
coordination, balance, and height variation. Today, we will delve deeper into the nuances of flower arrangement
and focus on improving the actual performance of Grade 10 students.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson:

The purpose of this lesson is to help Grade 10 students improve their skills in flower arrangement by discussing
new concepts and practicing new skills.

C. Presenting Examples/instances of new lesson:

To begin, we will look at some examples of well-arranged flower arrangements and analyze what makes them
successful. We will also examine examples of poorly arranged flower arrangements and identify the areas that
need improvement.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1:

One new concept we will discuss is the use of focal points in a flower arrangement. A focal point is a prominent
element in the arrangement that draws the viewer's eye. We will discuss how to create a focal point and practice
incorporating one into our flower arrangements.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2:

Another new concept we will discuss is the use of repetition in a flower arrangement. Repetition refers to the
repeated use of certain flowers or colors throughout the arrangement. We will discuss how repetition can create
unity and harmony in the arrangement, and we will practice incorporating repetition into our flower

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment):

To develop mastery, we will have a hands-on activity where students will work in pairs to create their own flower
arrangements using the concepts and skills discussed in class. The teacher will provide feedback to each pair to
help them improve their technique and achieve mastery.

G. Finding Practical applications of concepts and skills:

To find practical applications, we will discuss how these concepts and skills can be applied in real-world settings
such as weddings, parties, and other events where flower arrangements are used. We will also discuss how the
skills learned in this lesson can be applied to other areas of design and aesthetics.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson:

From this lesson, we can generalize that flower arrangement is a skill that can be learned and improved with
practice. We can also abstract the concepts and skills learned in this lesson to other areas of design and aesthetics,
such as interior decorating and fashion design.
I. Evaluating Learning:

To evaluate learning, the teacher will assess each student's ability to apply the concepts and skills learned in class
to their own flower arrangement creation. The teacher will provide feedback to each student to help them
improve their technique.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation:

Additional activities for application or remediation can include having students create more complex flower
arrangements using a wider range of flowers or having students analyze and critique professional flower
arrangements to further improve their skills. Remediation activities can include additional practice with the
concepts and skills learned in class.

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