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Christine Jade DG.

STEM 12 – Ampere
USCP - Social Groups in the Society
Activity 1. Using the semantic web, identify your primary group and secondary group.


Friends Primary Classmates


Artists club

My Online
Students in socialization
classroom Secondary app/game
Groups group

Anime fan
Activity 2. Write your own haiku (Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in 3 lines of 5- 7-5) on
how can you contribute positively to the different social groups you belong.

Working together?
It is what connects people.
Which we cannot change.

Activity 3. Complete the table below.

Your Group Type of Group Roles they play in your life

Example: Primary Group Emotional and Financial

Family Support System

Friends Primary Group Emotional Support System

Artists group Secondary group Skills improvement and
inspiration from their works.
Online socialization Secondary group Self-improvement, learning
app/game group new things from interacting
and polishing of
communication skills.
Classmates Primary Group Improvement of coordination
with others and learning new
knowledge from them.
Anime fans group Secondary Group Shares the same interests that
gives positive feelings.

Activity 4. Using the acronyms in the box, describe dyad and coalition’s function in your life
during this COVID-19 Pandemic. Use separate sheet of paper in this activity.

D- Duo in ups and downs of life.

Y- Yoke that sticks with each other.
A- Ally that’s always there.
D- Double which makes everything much easier.
C- Connection,
O- Organization,
A- Alliance, and
L- League,
I- Igniting
T- Ties of
I- Interrelation
O- Ordering
N- Network from a large group of people.

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