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Inglese II – Tesina accademica

When i Choose a topic:

1) REFLECTING on what you know about the topic (brainstorming activity)

2) OPEN READING (skimming) you hihlight important sections, circle key-words, write comments in
the margins…
3) PARAPHRASE (some meaning as the original but different grammar and vacubulary (no more than 4
words in a row from the original)
4) RESPONSE TO WRITING (agree/disagree, you shoul connect the topic to your personal experience
5) SUMMARIZING (you cite author and source, you wirte just the most important portions of text
objectively in the third person)

RESEARCH QUESTIONS. It contains:Topic (a nounc that represents the topic), focus (specific aspect,
what you will say about the topic).
There are 8 kinds of focus:
1) CAUSE (you explain the causes or reasons for something) es: cultural valued influence expectations
of marriage in three ways
2) EFFECT ( you explain the consequences or effects of an event like advantages, disadvantages) ex:
inadequate trasportation planning can habe several negative consequences)
3) COMPARISON (you can compare two composers(authors/music pieces/historical periods. Ex:
attitudes towards marriage in the United States and Iran differ in four ways.
4) DEFINITIONS (yoy define a topic like features, components, qualities…) Ex: Two qualities of successful
city are strong schools and diverse economic opportunities.
5) CLASSIFICATION (ways of classifying a topic like types, categories) Ex: Heroes can be divides into
categories: personal and public.
6) PROBLEM AND SOLUTIONS (you present a problem and find the solution. Ex: one solutions for
eliminatig pollution is more attention in education.
7) PROCESS (how something is done or happens like steps, phases…) ex: the change in men’s role in the
family during the past 50 years has occurred in four distinct phases.
8) ARGUMENT (the questioni s in yes/no format) Ex: two reasons why standardized testing is a good
idea are to increase student motivation and to measure school performance.

Scelgo il punto 7 (process) research question: what are the most important phases in whic black singers
playes a fundamental role?

THESIS STATEMENT (it should contain both topic and focus). It must be written in third person. It is the
aswer to the research question. It gives an overview of the main points of your paper. Ex: three reasons
why people become vegetarians are health, ethics and ecology.

The most importan phases in which (female) black singers played a fundamenta role are:

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